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Ecosystems - When a water reservoir is created, the pre-existing soils and vegetation are flooded. Here, we took advantage of the complete emptying of the Sarrans Reservoir, which was flooded...  相似文献   
dlPA105 is a spontaneous variant of Rous sarcoma virus, subgroup E, which carries a deletion in the N-terminal portion of the v-src gene coding sequence. This virus was isolated on the basis of its ability to induce proliferation of quiescent quail neuroretina cells. The altered v-src gene encodes a phosphoprotein of 45,000 daltons which possesses tyrosine kinase activity. DNA sequencing of the mutant v-src gene has shown that deletion extends from amino acid 33 to 126 of wild-type p60v-src. We investigated the tumorigenic and transforming properties of this mutant virus. dlPA105 induced fibrosarcomas in quails with an incidence identical to that induced by wild-type virus. Quail neuroretina cells infected with the mutant virus were morphologically transformed and formed colonies in soft agar. In contrast, dlPA105 induced only limited morphological alterations in quail fibroblasts and was defective in promoting anchorage-independent growth of these cells. Synthesis and tyrosine kinase activity of the mutant p45v-src were similar in both cell types. These data indicate that the portion of the v-src protein deleted in p45v-src is dispensable for the mitogenic and tumorigenic properties of wild-type p60v-src, whereas it is required for in vitro transformation of fibroblasts. The ability of dlPA105 to induce different transformation phenotypes in quail fibroblasts and quail neuroretina cells is a property unique to this Rous sarcoma virus mutant and provides evidence for the existence of cell-type-specific response to v-src proteins.  相似文献   
Since the middle of the 19th century, the area covered by forests in France has doubled. These new forests grow on previous agricultural lands. We have studied the influence of this agricultural history on the 15N abundance of present-day forests planted on farmlands in the Vosges mountains (north-eastern France) between 1898 and 1930. Different types of land use were identified from old cadastres (1814–1836) of 16 farms. Ancient forests adjacent to farmlands were used as controls. Former pastures, meadows, croplands, gardens and ancient forests were compared for soil δ15N (fraction <50 μm and total soil), C/N, P and N content and fern (Dryopteris carthusiana) δ15N. The mean δ15N of soil increased in the order ancient forests (+0.0‰)<pastures (+1.4‰)<croplands (+1.6‰)<meadows (+2.5‰)<gardens (+3.8‰). This increase in soil δ15N with the intensity of former land use was related to the former input of 15N-enriched manure, and to an activation of soil nitrification leading to 15N-depleted nitrate export on previously manured parcels. Fern δ15N increased in the same order as soil δ15N in relation to past land use. The mean δ15N of fern in ancient forests (–4.4‰) and former pastures (–3.4‰) was 5‰ lower than soil δ15N and the two variables were strongly correlated. The δ15N of fern in formerly manured parcels varied little (cropland: –2.7‰, meadows: –2.6‰ and gardens: –2.2‰) and independently of soil δ15N, suggesting that the soil sources of fern N differed between unmanured and manured parcels. Understorey plant δ15N and soil δ15N appear to be excellent tracers of previous land use in forests, and could be used in historical studies. The persistence of high isotopic ratios in previously manured parcels, almost a century after afforestation, suggests a long-term influence of former land use on the N cycle in forest soils. Received: 22 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   
Myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1 (MAV1) derived from a molecular clone of infectious proviral DNA (B. Perbal, J. S. Lipsick, J. Svoboda, R. F. Silva, and M. A. Baluda, J. Virol. 56:240-244, 1985) was shown to specifically induce nephroblastoma in chickens and therefore belongs to the MAV-N class. We show that nephroblastomas are polyclonal tumors containing rearranged proviral genomes. Rearrangements occur preferentially in the gag-pol region of the MAV1 proviral genome, and similar rearrangements can be detected in well-developed independent tumors.  相似文献   
The use of chimeric viruses allowed us to establish that myeloblastosis-associated virus long terminal repeat sequences are necessary and sufficient for induction of nephroblastoma in chickens and that the blastemal hyperplasia induced by env SU is not a prerequisite for tumor development but rather constitutes a predisposing stage.  相似文献   

Background and aims

The sustainability of forest ecosystems may be at stake especially in forests on base-poor soils due to reduced nutrient deposition and intensified silvicultural practices. Understanding nutrient availability and cycling is therefore essential to manage forest soil fertility. This study aims to assess in a beech plot Mg and Ca vertical transfer in soil and root uptake using an isotopic tracing experiment.


A simulated rainfall containing a small amount (960 g?Mg.ha?1; 530 g Ca.ha?1) of highly enriched 26Mg and 44Ca was sprayed on the forest floor of a 35-yr-old beech plot. The isotopic composition of fine roots and of the soil exchangeable Mg and Ca pool was monitored during 1 year. A pool and flux model (IsoMod) was developed to predict the labeling of the soil and vertical transfer of tracers.


Tracers (44Ca and 26Mg) were immediately retained in the thin litter layer. During the following year, Mg and to a lesser extent Ca were progressively released. After 1 year, the exchangeable Mg and Ca pools of the upper mineral layer (0–5 cm) were strongly labeled (~660?‰, representing ~55 % of the tracer input and ~370?‰, ~41 % of the tracer input respectively). A significant proportion (~8 % 26Mg, ~2 % 44Ca) of tracer was leached through the soil, below 10 cm. This amount was much larger than what was predicted using a simple mixing model. The Ca and Mg isotopic composition of fine roots at all depths was close or lower than that of exchangeable Ca and Mg respectively.


An in situ ecosystem-scale 26Mg and 44Ca isotopic tracing experiment was successfully carried out. Tracers were at first strongly retained in the litter layer, then progressively transferred to soil horizons below. Nutrient cycling of Mg and Ca were proven to be very different. Mg had a higher mobility in the soil than Ca, and nutrient uptake sources were proven to be different.  相似文献   
The mean depth of Sr and water uptake in mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands was investigated, using natural variations of 87Sr/86Sr and 18O/16O in soils in relation to depth. Three spruce-pine pairs were studied on a podzol and a peat site in Northern Sweden. Tree leaf and wood, as well as soils, soil solutions and roots below each tree were analysed for Sr and Ca concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratio. The 18O/16O ratio was also determined in xylem sap and soil solutions in relation to depth. Soil solution 18O/16O decreased in relation to depth. Comparing with xylem sap 18O/16O data indicated a deeper uptake of soil water by pine than spruce on the podzol site and a superficial uptake by both species on the peat. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of bioavailable Sr generally increased in soils in relation to depth. Contrastingly, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in spruce wood was generally higher than in pine wood suggesting a deeper uptake of Sr by spruce. But the 87Sr/86Sr ratio and concentrations of bioavailable Sr were systematically higher below spruce than below pine. In order to explain these unexpected results, we built a simple flux model to investigate the possible effects of interspecific variations in Sr cycling, soil mineral weathering and depth of Sr uptake on soil and tree 87Sr/86Sr ratio. At the study sites, spruce cycled in litterfall up to 12 times more strontium than pine. The use of the model showed that this difference in Sr cycling could alone explain higher isotopic signatures of trees and topsoils below spruce. Besides, high isotopic signatures of roots in the A/E horizons below spruce led us to hypothesise a species-specific weathering process. Finally, the comparison between the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in wood and root or soil solutions below each species suggested that the average depth of Sr and water uptake were close, but irregular variations of the Sr isotopic ratio with depth reduce the accuracy of the results. Tree species strongly influence Sr isotopic ratios in boreal forest soils through differences in Sr cycling, and possibly through specific mineral weathering.  相似文献   
In order to test the effects of drought on the occurrence of spruce yellowing, in the Vosges Mountains (northeastern France), the soil of a plot of a 30-year-old spruce stand was protected from throughfall input by a roof for two months during the summer. The degree of yellowing of the trees from the dry and control plots was measured before and after the experiment. Sap flow and sap concentrations were measured in the control plot during the whole of the growing season, and in the dry plot during the drought period. Drought brought about an increase of needle yellowing linked to a reduction in Mg uptake. A decrease in sap concentration of concentration of Ca, Mg and K occurred in the dry plot as compared with the control plot at the end of the drought period. It is concluded that climatic stress could have been the triggering factor of spruce yellowing in the Vosges during the eighties.  相似文献   
Xylem sap composition of spruce is influenced by several factors, such as the sampled organ, the sampling period, the availability of soil nutrients, and the soil water potential. Based on literature data and ongoing investigations carried out with adult trees, we present an overview on the main factors influencing xylem sap concentrations of Norway spruce. Direct measurements of nutrient fluxes in the xylem sap are then used to suggest a general scheme of mineral element cycling within adult trees. In Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), nutrient concentration in the xylem sap was higher in twigs and fine roots compared to the bottom of the trunk, the highest concentrations beeing observed in spring during the shoot elongation. Xylem sap concentrations were higher in spruce growing at nutrient rich sites than at poor sites. The combination of twig and trunk xylem sap analysis, together with xylem flow measurements in the trunk during the course of a vegetation period allowed the quantification of mineral fluxes via xylem sap flow in the trunk and twigs. These results were compared to gross mineral uptake measurements at the same site. Ca flux in the trunk xylem sap was lower than the gross uptake of Ca. Mg flux in trunk sap was approximately equivalent to Mg gross uptake whereas P and K fluxes in trunk sap were much higher than the gross uptake. Fluxes of Ca, Mg, K and P in the twig sap were much higher than that in trunk sap. Data suggest that internal cycling is responsible for a large part of the nutrient fluxes in the xylem sap of the crown. Xylem sap composition thus appears to be a tool which can complement other sources of information on mineral uptake and cycling in adult spruce  相似文献   
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