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Glucose is central to many biological processes, serving as an energy source and a building block for biosynthesis. After glucose enters the cell, hexokinases convert it to glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6P) for use in anaerobic fermentation, aerobic oxidative phosphorylation, and the pentose-phosphate pathway. We here describe a genetic screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that generated a novel spontaneous mutation in hexokinase-2, hxk2G238V, that confers resistance to the toxic glucose analog 2-deoxyglucose (2DG). Wild-type hexokinases convert 2DG to 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate (2DG-6P), but 2DG-6P cannot support downstream glycolysis, resulting in a cellular starvation-like response. Curiously, though the hxk2G238V mutation encodes a loss-of-function allele, the affected amino acid does not interact directly with bound glucose, 2DG, or ATP. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that Hxk2G238V impedes sugar binding by altering the protein dynamics of the glucose-binding cleft, as well as the large-scale domain-closure motions required for catalysis. These findings shed new light on Hxk2 dynamics and highlight how allosteric changes can influence catalysis, providing new structural insights into this critical regulator of carbohydrate metabolism. Given that hexokinases are upregulated in some cancers and that 2DG and its derivatives have been studied in anti-cancer trials, the present work also provides insights that may apply to cancer biology and drug resistance.  相似文献   
Members of the AMP-activated protein kinase family, including the Snf1 kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are activated under conditions of nutrient stress. AMP-activated protein kinases are heterotrimeric complexes composed of a catalytic α subunit and regulatory β and γ subunits. In this study, the role of the β subunits in the regulation of Snf1 activity was examined. Yeasts express three isoforms of the AMP-activated protein kinase consisting of Snf1 (α), Snf4 (γ), and one of three alternative β subunits, either Sip1, Sip2, or Gal83. The Gal83 isoform of the Snf1 complex is the most abundant and was analyzed in the greatest detail. All three β subunits contain a conserved domain referred to as the glycogen-binding domain. The deletion of this domain from Gal83 results in a deregulation of the Snf1 kinase, as judged by a constitutive activity independent of glucose availability. In contrast, the deletion of this homologous domain from the Sip1 and Sip2 subunits had little effect on Snf1 kinase regulation. Therefore, the different Snf1 kinase isoforms are regulated through distinct mechanisms, which may contribute to their specialized roles in different stress response pathways. In addition, the β subunits are subjected to phosphorylation. The responsible kinases were identified as being Snf1 and casein kinase II. The significance of the phosphorylation is unclear since the deletion of the region containing the phosphorylation sites in Gal83 had little effect on the regulation of Snf1 in response to glucose limitation.The Snf1 protein kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the yeast ortholog of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) found in mammals and other eukaryotes. AMPK acts as a nutrient and energy sensor, becoming activated under conditions of nutrient and energy depletion (6). In mammals, AMPK plays a key role in glucose homeostasis and is a target for drugs used to treat metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes (34). In yeast, the Snf1 kinase plays an essential role during aerobic growth and fermentative growth on alternative carbon sources. Cells lacking Snf1 kinase activity are viable but display numerous phenotypes including poor or no growth on alternative carbon sources, defects in meiosis and sporulation, defects in response to ion stress, and defects in pseudohyphal growth (7).The Snf1 kinase and all members of the AMPK family function as heterotrimers composed of a catalytic α subunit complexed with regulatory β and γ subunits (2). The γ subunit in mammalian enzymes directly binds three molecules of AMP (26, 33), which stimulates enzyme activity by inhibiting the dephosphorylation of the conserved threonine residue in the kinase activation loop (23). In yeast, there is no evidence that the γ subunit binds AMP; however, similar to mammals, the key glucose-regulated step is the dephosphorylation of the kinase activation loop (22).In this study, we examine the role of the β subunits in the regulation of the Snf1 kinase activity. Yeasts express three isoforms of the Snf1 kinase that differ depending on which of the three distinct β subunits, Sip1, Sip2, and Gal83, is incorporated into the enzyme. Previous studies have shown that the Snf1 isoforms have distinct substrate preferences (24), subcellular localizations (32), and stress response capacities (9). Only the Snf1 isoform containing Gal83 as the β subunit is able to localize to the cell nucleus in a process that requires Sak1, one of the three Snf1-activating protein kinases. Since all three of the Snf1-activating kinases (SAKs) are capable of phosphorylating Snf1 on its activation loop (3), it has remained a mystery as to why the Sak1 kinase is specifically required for Snf1 nuclear localization.The β subunits of Snf1 as well as mammalian AMPK contain a domain that is referred to as either a carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) (11) or a glycogen-binding domain (GBD) (19). The structure of this domain has been solved (20), and it was previously shown that this domain binds most tightly to branched oligosaccharides like glycogen that contain α1→6 branches (12). The binding of glycogen to the β subunit causes an allosteric inhibition of AMPK activity and inhibits phosphorylation by the upstream activating kinase. The β subunits of yeast contain the GBDs, but the importance of binding glycogen is questionable since cells that lack the ability to make glycogen show a normal regulation of Snf1 kinase in response to glucose limitation (15). Nonetheless, the deletion of the GBD from the Gal83 protein caused an increased activity of the Snf1 enzyme and release from glucose repression. Therefore, the GBD acts as a negative regulator of kinase activity in both mammalian and fungal cells.In this study we examine the role of the GBD present in the Sip2 and Sip1 proteins. We also extend the characterization of the Gal83 GBD by determining what connection this domain has with the regulated dephosphorylation of the Snf1 kinase. Finally, we have characterized other N-terminal domains in the β subunits that control accumulation and phosphorylation.  相似文献   
The phosphorylation status of the Snf1 activation loop threonine is determined by changes in the rate of its dephosphorylation, catalyzed by the yeast PP1 phosphatase Glc7 in complex with the Reg1 protein. Previous studies have shown that Reg1 can associate with both Snf1 and Glc7, suggesting substrate binding as a mechanism for Reg1-mediated targeting of Glc7. In this study, the association of Reg1 with the three Snf1 isoforms was measured by two-hybrid analysis and coimmunoprecipitation. We found that Reg1 association with Snf1 occurred almost exclusively with the Gal83 isoform of the Snf1 complex. Nonetheless, Reg1 plays an important role in determining the phosphorylation status of all three Snf1 isoforms. We found that the rate of dephosphorylation for isoforms of Snf1 did not correlate with the amount of associated Reg1 protein. Functional chimeric β subunits containing residues from Gal83 and Sip2 were used to map the residues needed to promote Reg1 association with the N-terminal 150 residues of Gal83. The Gal83 isoform of Snf1 is the only isoform capable of nuclear localization. A Gal83-Sip2 chimera containing the first 150 residues of Gal83 was able to associate with the Reg1 protein but did not localize to the nucleus. Therefore, nuclear localization is not required for Reg1 association. Taken together, these data indicate that the ability of Reg1 to promote the dephosphorylation of Snf1 is not directly related to the strength of its association with the Snf1 complex.  相似文献   
The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a conserved signaling molecule in a pathway that maintains adenosine triphosphate homeostasis. Recent studies have suggested that low energy adenylate ligands bound to one or more sites in the γ subunit of AMPK promote the formation of an active, phosphatase-resistant conformation. We propose an alternative model in which the kinase domain association with the heterotrimer core results in activation of the kinase catalytic activity, whereas low energy adenylate ligands bound in the kinase active site promote phosphatase resistance. Purified Snf1 α subunit with a conservative, single amino acid substitution in the kinase domain is protected from dephosphorylation by adenosine diphosphate in the complete absence of the β and γ subunits. Staurosporine, a compound known to bind to the active site of many protein kinases, mediates strong protection from dephosphorylation to yeast and mammalian AMPK enzymes. The analog-sensitive Snf1-I132G protein but not wild type Snf1 exhibits protection from dephosphorylation when bound by the adenosine analog 2NM-PP1 in vitro and in vivo. These data demonstrate that ligand binding to the Snf1 active site can mediate phosphatase resistance. Finally, Snf1 kinase with an amino acid substitution at the interface of the kinase domain and the heterotrimer core exhibits normal regulation of phosphorylation in vivo but greatly reduced Snf1 kinase activity, supporting a model in which kinase domain association with the heterotrimer core is needed for kinase activation.  相似文献   
The early signaling events in T cell activation through CD3 receptor include a rapid change in intra cellular free calcium concentration and reorganization of actin cytoskeleton. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PtdIns 4-kinases) are implicated as key components in these early signaling events. The role of type II PtdIns 4-kinase β in CD3 receptor signaling was investigated with the help of short hairpin RNA sequences. Cross-linking of CD3 receptors on Jurkat T Cells with monoclonal antibodies showed an early increase in type II PtdIns 4-kinase activity and co-localization of type II PtdIns 4-kinase β with CD3 ζ. Transfection of Jurkat T Cells with shRNAs inhibited CD3 receptor mediated type II PtdIns 4-kinase activation with a concomitant reduction in intra cellular calcium release, suggesting a role for type II PtdIns 4-kinase β in CD3 receptor signal transduction. Knock-down of type II PtdIns 4-kinase β with shRNAs also correlated with a decrease in PtdIns 4-kinase activity in cytoskeleton fractions and reduced adhesion to matrigel surfaces. These results indicate that type II PtdIns 4-kinase β is a key component in early T cell activation signaling cascades.  相似文献   
Aerobic glycolysis is a metabolic pathway utilized by human cancer cells and also by yeast cells when they ferment glucose to ethanol. Both cancer cells and yeast cells are inhibited by the presence of low concentrations of 2-deoxyglucose (2DG). Genetic screens in yeast used resistance to 2-deoxyglucose to identify a small set of genes that function in regulating glucose metabolism. A recent high throughput screen for 2-deoxyglucose resistance identified a much larger set of seemingly unrelated genes. Here, we demonstrate that these newly identified genes do not in fact confer significant resistance to 2-deoxyglucose. Further, we show that the relative toxicity of 2-deoxyglucose is carbon source dependent, as is the resistance conferred by gene deletions. Snf1 kinase, the AMP-activated protein kinase of yeast, is required for 2-deoxyglucose resistance in cells growing on glucose. Mutations in the SNF1 gene that reduce kinase activity render cells hypersensitive to 2-deoxyglucose, while an activating mutation in SNF1 confers 2-deoxyglucose resistance. Snf1 kinase activated by 2-deoxyglucose does not phosphorylate the Mig1 protein, a known Snf1 substrate during glucose limitation. Thus, different stimuli elicit distinct responses from the Snf1 kinase.  相似文献   
Members of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family are activated by phosphorylation at a conserved threonine residue in the activation loop of the kinase domain. Mammalian AMPK adopts a phosphatase-resistant conformation that is stabilized by binding low energy adenylate molecules. Similarly, binding of ADP to the Snf1 complex, yeast AMPK, protects the kinase from dephosphorylation. Here, we determined the nucleotide specificity of the ligand-mediated protection from dephosphorylation and demonstrate the subunit and domain requirements for this reaction. Protection from dephosphorylation was highly specific for adenine nucleotides, with ADP being the most effective ligand for mediating protection. The full-length α subunit (Snf1) was not competent for ADP-mediated protection, confirming the requirement for the regulatory β and γ subunits. However, Snf1 heterotrimeric complexes that lacked either the glycogen-binding domain of Gal83 or the linker region of the α subunit were competent for ADP-mediated protection. In contrast, adenylate-mediated protection of recombinant human AMPK was abolished when a portion of the linker region containing the α-hook domain was deleted. Therefore, the exact means by which the different adenylate nucleotides are distinguished by the Snf1 enzyme may differ compared with its mammalian ortholog.  相似文献   
Previous studies of adaptation to the glucose analog, 2-deoxyglucose, by Saccharomyces cerevisiae have utilized haploid cells. In this study, diploid cells were used in the hope of identifying the distinct genetic mechanisms used by diploid cells to acquire drug resistance. While haploid cells acquire resistance to 2-deoxyglucose primarily through recessive alleles in specific genes, diploid cells acquire resistance through dominant alleles, haploinsufficiency, gene duplication and aneuploidy. Dominant-acting, missense alleles in all three subunits of yeast AMP-activated protein kinase confer resistance to 2-deoxyglucose. Dominant-acting, nonsense alleles in the REG1 gene, which encodes a negative regulator of AMP-activated protein kinase, confer 2-deoxyglucose resistance through haploinsufficiency. Most of the resistant strains isolated in this study achieved resistance through aneuploidy. Cells with a monosomy of chromosome 4 are resistant to 2-deoxyglucose. While this genetic strategy comes with a severe fitness cost, it has the advantage of being readily reversible when 2-deoxyglucose selection is lifted. Increased expression of the two DOG phosphatase genes on chromosome 8 confers resistance and was achieved through trisomies and tetrasomies of that chromosome. Finally, resistance was also mediated by increased expression of hexose transporters, achieved by duplication of a 117 kb region of chromosome 4 that included the HXT3, HXT6 and HXT7 genes. The frequent use of aneuploidy as a genetic strategy for drug resistance in diploid yeast and human tumors may be in part due to its potential for reversibility when selection pressure shifts.  相似文献   
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