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Interacting Factors in the Control of the Crustacean Molt Cycle   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to account for the known phenomena of the crustaceanmolt cycle, at least six factors must be postulated: a moltinghormone (20-OH-ecdysone), a molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH), ananecdysial limb autotomy factor, a proecdysial limb-autotomyfactor, a limb growth-inhibiting factor and an exuviation factor.Only the molting hormone and its derivatives have been chemicallywell defined. The various factors interact in complex ways tomaintain not only a coordinated proecdysial period in preparationfor exuviation but also a proecdysial period with the flexibilityto respond to such interim hazards as the loss of partiallyregenerated limbs.  相似文献   
In studies on Didymella stem-rot of outdoor tomatoes several possible modes of introduction of the disease were investigated, together with methods of avoiding them. The pathogen was found to invest and penetrate the seeds in diseased fruit without destroying their viability and methods were devised of ridding the seeds of infection. It was not, however, possible to demonstrate the infection of mature plants from infected seed. It was found that the disease could be introduced on contaminated canes, in potting soil and from plant debris from the previous season's crop. The spread of the disease was encouraged by overhead irrigation.
Tests of strains of various species of Lycopersicon showed that one line of L. hirsutum was highly resistant to stem and root infection although another line was highly susceptible.  相似文献   
Gecarcinus lateralis can take moisture from a clamp substratumin amounts adequate for the needs of the entire intermolt cycle.It can also rehydrate in this way, even after severe dehydration. This crab is able to survive for many months when free waterof a wide range of salinities (0.30; = parts per thousand)is made available in a shallow dish. The crab dies within sevenweeks when the salinity of this water is 35. During proecdysisthe pericardial sacs of eyestalkless crabs become most swollenwhen the salinity of the available water is 15 or 23, and survivalduring and after ecdysis is greatest with water of 15. A crab in proecdysis shows no increase in the rate at whichwater enters following dehydration. Yet large amounts of waterare retained, particularly at the intermediate salinities. Maximalswelling of the pericardial sacs just prior to ecdysis is essentiallyequivalent in crabs with eyestalks, in eyestalkless crabs, andin eyestalkless crabs that have received an implant of centralnervous tissue. Hence, we conclude that a hormone causing theretention of water exists, but not in the eyestalks, in thebrain, or in the thoracic ganglionic mass. At ecdysis eyestalkless crabs show large increases in the dimensionsof the carapace, while crabs with eyestalks and eyestalklesscrabs that have received an implant of certain central nervoustissues show much less increase and may even show a decrease.Thus, we conclude that a hormone causing a release of waterat ecdysis is produced in the central nervous system. The advantages to the crab of a dual hormonal control of itswater balance are discussed.  相似文献   
Formulation in non-evaporative diluents such as oils is required to exploit the advantages of controlled droplet application methods for biopesticides based on conidial suspensions of entomopathogenic fungi. In laboratory assays on desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria), formulations of Metarhizium flauoviride conidia in cotton seed oil showed superior performance to water-based suspensions and this was especially pronounced at low humidities (35% r.h.). The LD50s for oil and water suspensions at 5 days were 8900 and > 106 conidia/insect respectively. The dose-mortality regression line for oil was more than four times steeper and median lethal times were typically 76% of those for aqueous suspensions. Formulation in oil improves the efficacy of this fungus and may extend the application of species with lipophilic conidia into less humid agricultural environments.  相似文献   
We compared the length of time parasitic and nonparasitic female birds spent on nests while laying eggs (laying bouts) to evaluate the hypothesis that rapid laving by parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirds Molothrus ater and other parasitic birds is a specialization for brood parasitism. Brown-headed Cowbirds typically spent less than 1 min on host nests while laying (41.0 ± 4.58 [mean ± s.e.] s, n = 21). In contrast, mean laving bouts of six nonparasitic icterine species ranged from 21.5 min to 53.4 min, and laying bouts of 13 other passerine species ranged from 20.7 min to 103.7 min. By spending only a few seconds on the nest while laying, brood parasites probably increase their chances of parasitizing nests unnoticed by hosts or, if noticed, are harassed by hosts for less time. Rapid laying may be adaptive if aggression by hosts can thwart attempted parasitism by chasing away the parasite, preventing the parasite from entering the nest or injuring the parasite. Rapid laying may increase the likelihood that the parasitic egg will be accepted. We tested some of these hypotheses by recording the responses of three frequently parasitized species to a stuffed female cowbird placed on their nests for 1 min. All species attacked the model vigorously; however, the mean time for discovery of the model ranged from 3 min to 17 min, ample time for female cowbirds to parasitize the nests. We concluded that rapid laying by parasitic birds is an adaptation for parasitism and, in Brown-headed Cowbirds, reduces the chances that the parasite will be attacked by hosts.  相似文献   
Proteins of the Crustacean Exoskeleton   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We describe here some of the components of the exoskeleton ofthe decapod crustacean with emphasis on the constituent proteins,including both structural and enzymatic. All four layers, butparticularly the inner three, of the exoskeletons of four brachyuranscontain high concentrations of proteins 31 kDa; the innermostmembranous layer is especially rich in such proteins. A numberof crab exoskeletal proteins resemble insect cuticle proteinsin size (Mr) and isoelectric point (pI). A further similarityis the cross reactivity of crab exoskeletal proteins with fourdifferent antibodies against cuticular proteins of two speciesof insects. One of the small Mr exoskeletal proteins in theBermuda land crab Gecarcinus lateralis has a similar distributionas a protein of similar size in the cuticle of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. The partial dissolution of an old exoskeletonand formation of the two outer layers of a new exoskeleton aremajor events in readying a crustacean for the increase in sizethat occurs at each molt. Expressing both parallel and sequentialactivation of a number of genes, a single layer of epidermalcells that bounds a crustacean such as G. lateralis synthesizesspecific proteins at different stages of the intermolt cycleas the outermost epicuticle and exocuticle are formed duringproecdysis and as the endocuticle and membranous layer are formedduring metecdysis. Finally, two sets of proteinases isolatedfrom integumentary tissues of land crabs degrade the same exoskeletalproteins in vitro as are degraded in vivo during proecdysis.  相似文献   
Adaptation of the Avian Egg to High Altitude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretical predictions and experiments on eggs of domesticatedbirds indicate that the diffusion coefficient of gases is inverselyproportional to barometric pressure. Therefore potentially lethallosses of CO2 and water vapor from eggs laid at high altitudemight result if the increased tendency of gases to diffuse atreduced barometric pressure were not counteracted in some manner.Limited data from two wild populations indicate that water lossfrom eggs is independent of altitude over a 3000 m elevationalgradient. Four different possibilities are discussed by whichcompensation for increased diffusion of water vapor might beachieved at high elevations 1) a reduction in eggshell conductance(GH2O) 2) an increase in the initial water content of the eggs3) an increase in shell thickness, and 4) alteration of watervapor pressure in the nest microenvironment or incubation temperatureby variation in parental behavior. Mean GH2O of eggs of twoprecocial and four altricial species breeding above 2800 m issignificantly reduced below values of related birds breedingat lower elevations, but no change in initial water contentor shell thickness has been observed in such eggs. Observationsof parental behavior in species breeding over wide elevationalgradients have not yet been made. Identification of the mechanismsby which eggshell structure is modified to achieve a reducedGH2O the environmental cues used by females to determine theelevation of the breeding location and the rapidity with whichshell structuie can be modified awaits further research.  相似文献   
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