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New prosauropod material from a cave filling of Upper Triassic/Lower Jurassic age in Pant-y-ffynnon Quarry, South Wales, is described. The Panl-y-ffynnon fauna also includes thecodont, coelurosaur, crocodile and lepidosaur material.
Most of the prosauropod skeleton is represented. An almost complete but disarticulated skull is preserved. The skull and whole skeleton of the prosauropod are reconstructed. Evidence from the size and relative proportions of the bones, also the state of ossification, indicates that the prosauropod remains represent juveniles.
The level of the jaw articulation combined with the form of the teeth would suggest that the Pant-y-ffynnon prosauropod was omnivorous.
The Pant-y-ffynnon prosauropod resembles closely the much less complete Durdham Down (Bristol) remains of Thecodonlosaurus antiquus Morris; the Welsh material could well be juveniles of that species. Here the Pant-y-ffynnon material is ascribed to Thecodonlosaurus sp.
The mode of deposition of the fossil material is discussed, to account for the deposit containing only juveniles of the prosauropod.  相似文献   
Organisms of Escherichia coli attached to glass beads in a model attachment system were more resistant to acid than were unattached organisms and this applied to cultures exposed to either pH 2·5 or 3·5. Attached organisms of both Col- and Col V, I-K94+ strains showed the effect but with prolonged exposure to pH 2·5, the attached Col V+ organisms appeared more resistant than the attached Col- ones, possibly because they formed a thicker surface layer. It is proposed that the increased resistance of attached organisms to pH 2·5 might allow the survival, in gastric acid, of organisms attached to food particles. This would be more significant for the Col V+ strains because the plasmid enhances enterobacterial attachment properties. The increased resistance of attached organisms to pH 3·5 might be significant for survival of particle- or surface-bound organisms in the acidic environment of the phagocyte especially since lactate (which occurs in phagocytes) enhanced the effect of exposure to pH 3·5.  相似文献   
We compared the length of time parasitic and nonparasitic female birds spent on nests while laying eggs (laying bouts) to evaluate the hypothesis that rapid laving by parasitic Brown-headed Cowbirds Molothrus ater and other parasitic birds is a specialization for brood parasitism. Brown-headed Cowbirds typically spent less than 1 min on host nests while laying (41.0 ± 4.58 [mean ± s.e.] s, n = 21). In contrast, mean laving bouts of six nonparasitic icterine species ranged from 21.5 min to 53.4 min, and laying bouts of 13 other passerine species ranged from 20.7 min to 103.7 min. By spending only a few seconds on the nest while laying, brood parasites probably increase their chances of parasitizing nests unnoticed by hosts or, if noticed, are harassed by hosts for less time. Rapid laying may be adaptive if aggression by hosts can thwart attempted parasitism by chasing away the parasite, preventing the parasite from entering the nest or injuring the parasite. Rapid laying may increase the likelihood that the parasitic egg will be accepted. We tested some of these hypotheses by recording the responses of three frequently parasitized species to a stuffed female cowbird placed on their nests for 1 min. All species attacked the model vigorously; however, the mean time for discovery of the model ranged from 3 min to 17 min, ample time for female cowbirds to parasitize the nests. We concluded that rapid laying by parasitic birds is an adaptation for parasitism and, in Brown-headed Cowbirds, reduces the chances that the parasite will be attacked by hosts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Phosphatase activity in Trypanosoma rhodesiense has been examined histochemically by light and electron microscopy and by enzymatic assay in homogenate fractions. Using a method with lead as capture ion, acid phosphatase was found in lysosome-like vesicles and in the flagellar pocket. No alkaline adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) was detectable by this method. Direct assay of p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity in homogenate fractions showed that acid phosphatase activity was strongly membrane-bound, but that activity at pH 9 was minimal in both soluble and particulate fractions. “Endogenous” ATPase activity was localized specifically and reproducibly in the mitochondrial membranes and under the plasma membrane of the flagellum. This nonenzymic reaction product could not be eradicated by glycerol extraction or glucose depletion. Unlike the membrane staining, which was manifest only after lead treatment, heat-resistant electron-dense material was found in the matrix of lysosomal vesicles in trypanosomes fixed in glutaraldehyde only and not subjected to further treatment with heavy metal reagents. X-ray emission analysis showed the presence of calcium and phosphorus, indicating that the matrix might have a phosphate storage function.  相似文献   
The discovery that arrestins can function as ligand-regulated signaling scaffolds has revealed a previously unappreciated level of complexity in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signal transduction. Because arrestin-bound GPCRs are uncoupled from G proteins, arrestin binding can be viewed as switching receptors between two temporally and spatially distinct signaling modes. Recent work has established two factors that underscore this duality of GPCR signaling and suggest it may ultimately have therapeutic significance. The first is that signaling by receptor-arrestin “signalsomes” does not require heterotrimeric G protein activation. The second is that arrestin-dependent signals can be initiated by pathway-specific “biased agonists,” creating the potential for drugs that selectively modulate different aspects of GPCR function. Currently, however, little is known about the physiological relevance of G protein-independent signals at the cellular or whole animal levels, and additional work is needed to determine whether arrestin pathway-selective drugs will find clinical application.  相似文献   
Abstract: After roughly a 60-year absence, wolves (Canis lupus) immigrated (1979) and were reintroduced (1995-1996) into the northern Rocky Mountains (NRM), USA, where wolves are protected under the Endangered Species Act. The wolf recovery goal is to restore an equitably distributed metapopulation of ≥30 breeding pairs and 300 wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, while minimizing damage to livestock; ultimately, the objective is to establish state-managed conservation programs for wolf populations in NRM. Previously, wolves were eradicated from the NRM because of excessive human killing. We used Andersen–Gill hazard models to assess biological, habitat, and anthropogenic factors contributing to current wolf mortality risk and whether federal protection was adequate to provide acceptably low hazards. We radiocollared 711 wolves in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming (e.g., NRM region of the United States) from 1982 to 2004 and recorded 363 mortalities. Overall, annual survival rate of wolves in the recovery areas was 0.750 (95% CI = 0.728-0.772), which is generally considered adequate for wolf population sustainability and thereby allowed the NRM wolf population to increase. Contrary to our prediction, wolf mortality risk was higher in the northwest Montana (NWMT) recovery area, likely due to less abundant public land being secure wolf habitat compared to other recovery areas. In contrast, lower hazards in the Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) and central Idaho (CID) likely were due to larger core areas that offered stronger wolf protection. We also found that wolves collared for damage management purposes (targeted sample) had substantially lower survival than those collared for monitoring purposes (representative sample) because most mortality was due to human factors (e.g., illegal take, control). This difference in survival underscores the importance of human-caused mortality in this recovering NRM population. Other factors contributing to increased mortality risk were pup and yearling age class, or dispersing status, which was related to younger age cohorts. When we included habitat variables in our analysis, we found that wolves having abundant agricultural and private land as well as livestock in their territory had higher mortality risk. Wolf survival was higher in areas with increased wolf density, implying that secure core habitat, particularly in GYA and CID, is important for wolf protection. We failed to detect changes in wolf hazards according to either gender or season. Maintaining wolves in NWMT will require greater attention to human harvest, conflict resolution, and illegal mortality than in either CID or GYA; however, if human access increases in the future in either of the latter 2 areas hazards to wolves also may increase. Indeed, because overall suitable habitat is more fragmented and the NRM has higher human access than many places where wolves roam freely and are subject to harvest (e.g., Canada and AK), monitoring of wolf vital rates, along with concomitant conservation and management strategies directed at wolves, their habitat, and humans, will be important for ensuring long-term viability of wolves in the region.  相似文献   
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