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Hypoglycemic rats bearing insulin-secreting islet-cell adenomas produced by the combined action of streptozotocin and nicotinamide were treated with streptozotocin. Antitumor response was demonstrated by elevation of blood glucose, reduction in plasma and tumor IRI, and histopathologic changes in the beta-cell neoplasm. The rodent tumor model may serve as a predictive system for selection and investigation of mechanisms of action of future antitumor agents to be used in the treatment of malignant insulinoma in man.  相似文献   
Diaphragmatic function during hypoxemia: neonatal and developmental aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of acute hypoxemia on diaphragmatic force output was studied in five young (age 4-8 days, wt 1.3-2.2 kg) and five older (age 16-19 days, wt 2.8-3.3 kg), anesthetized, spontaneously breathing piglets. Diaphragmatic force output was assessed by analysis of the transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) generated during an occluded inspiratory effort, at end-expiratory lung volume, triggered by supramaximal transvenous stimulation of both phrenic nerves at frequencies of 20, 30, 50, and 100 Hz. During pressure measurements, the piglets were fitted with a rigid plaster cast covering the abdomen and lower third of the chest to ensure a consistency in diaphragmatic shortening during phrenic nerve stimulation. Pdi was measured under base-line conditions [inspired O2 fractional concentration (FIO2) = 0.50] and after 10 min of hypoxemia induced by breathing 12-14% FIO2. Pdi was significantly less than base line during acute hypoxemia at all frequencies of stimulation in both young and older piglets. The decline in the older piglets' Pdi during hypoxemia was significantly greater than that seen in younger piglets. We conclude that acute hypoxemia impairs the capacity of the developing piglet diaphragm to generate force. Furthermore, our data suggest that the young piglet is more resistant to the depressant effects of hypoxemia when compared to its older counterpart.  相似文献   
Total lung capacity (TLC), inspiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, and deflation stability of prematurely delivered Macaca nemestrina primates were measured serially during development of, and recovery from, hyaline membrane disease (HMD) to relate changes in lung volumes to changes in deflation stability. Gestational age-matched primates that did not develop HMD served as controls. TLC, measured by N2 washout, fell at 2-12 h of age (P less than 0.0001) in animals with HMD and remained lower than controls for at least 48 h (P less than 0.005). However, deflation stability, defined as the fraction of TLC remaining upon deflation to 10 cm H2O, improved from 2 to 12 h of age (P less than 0.001). Postmortem studies confirm the measurements of TLC and deflation stability and provide evidence that interstitial thickening and obstruction of air spaces with debris may be partially responsible for the observed changes in TLC in primates that develop HMD. It has been assumed that TLC is reduced in HMD because of atelectasis from elevated alveolar surface tension, but the sequential measurements in these animals suggest that other mechanisms also contribute.  相似文献   
Summary In previous papers it was shown that the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis might be an interesting alternative for industrial alcohol production from sugar, compared to Saccharomyces bayanus. Factors that might increase the glucose to ethanol conversion efficiency and which are in favour of the bacterium, are the production of less biomass and less by-products such as glycerol, succinic acid, butanediol, acetoin, and acetic acid. In order to reduce the synthesis of biomass three metabolic inhibitors were now studied: dinitrophenol, azide and arsenate. Their effects on the alcoholic fermentation in batch and in immobilized cell system were investigated, using three yeasts: Saccharomyces bayanus, Schizosacharomyces pombe, and Saccharomyces diastaticus. It was found that dinitrophenol in 0.1 mM concentration was effective in increasing the conversion of glucose to ethanol especially with Saccharomyces bayanus while azide in 0.1 mM concentration was better with Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In immobilized systems high steady state ethanol production from 15% glucose media was obtained by inclusion into the media of dinitrophenol or azide. Arsenate had less effect at the concentration used. Arsenate had less effect at the concentrations used. As a result ethanol productivity in g·l-1·h-1 was increased from around 70 in the absence of inhibitor to around 74 in the presence of dinitrophenol with Saccharomyces bayanus. With Schizosaccharomyces pombe the productivity was increased from around 65 in the absence of inhibitor to around 74 in the presence of azide. The specific ethanol productivity expressed as g ethanol formed per hour and per g viable cells was increased from 0.87 to 1.37 for Schizosaccharomyces pombe and from 1.02 to 1.66 for Saccharomyces bayanus.  相似文献   
Microsomal fractions prepared from mouse lymphoma L5178Y grown in culture incorporated choline into cellular phospholipids when either choline or CDP-choline was used as the labeled precursor. Incorporation of label from CDP-choline was stimulated by Mg2+ and inhibited by Ca2+. In contrast, incorporation of label from choline required Ca2+ and was inhibited by EGTA. The characteristics of incorporation indicated that L5178Y cells have the capacity to utilize choline for phospholipid synthesis through both the Kennedy pathway and Ca2+-stimulated choline exchange.  相似文献   


The timing of the origin of introns is of crucial importance for an understanding of early genome architecture. The Exon theory of genes proposed a role for introns in the formation of multi-exon proteins by exon shuffling and predicts the presence of conserved splice sites in ancient genes. In this study, large-scale analysis of potential conserved splice sites was performed using an intron-exon database (ExInt) derived from GenBank.  相似文献   
Insulin receptor substrates (IRSs) 1 and 2 are postulated to control the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent signaling factors, namely, atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) and protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, which mediate metabolic effects of insulin. However, it is uncertain whether aPKC and PKB are activated together or differentially in response to IRS-1 and IRS-2 activation in insulin-sensitive tissues. Presently, we examined insulin activation of aPKC and PKB in vastus lateralis muscle, adipocytes, and liver in wild-type and IRS-1 knockout mice, and observed striking tissue-specific differences. In muscle of IRS-1 knockout mice, the activation of both aPKC and PKB was markedly diminished. In marked contrast, only aPKC activation was diminished in adipocytes, and only PKB activation was diminished in liver. These results suggest that IRS-1 is required for: 1) activation of both aPKC and PKB in muscle; 2) aPKC, but not PKB, activation in adipocytes; and 3) PKB, but not aPKC, activation in liver. Presumably, IRS-2 or other PI3K activators account for the normal activation of aPKC in liver and PKB in adipocytes of IRS-1 knockout mice. These complexities in aPKC and PKB activation may be relevant to metabolic abnormalities seen in tissues in which IRS-1 or IRS-2 is specifically or predominantly down-regulated.  相似文献   
Atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) isoforms have been suggested to mediate insulin effects on glucose transport in adipocytes and other cells. To more rigorously test this hypothesis, we generated mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and ES-derived adipocytes in which both aPKC-lambda alleles were knocked out by recombinant methods. Insulin activated PKC-lambda and stimulated glucose transport in wild-type (WT) PKC-lambda(+/+), but not in knockout PKC-lambda(-/-), ES cells. However, insulin-stimulated glucose transport was rescued by expression of WT PKC-lambda in PKC-lambda(-/-) ES cells. Surprisingly, insulin-induced increases in both PKC-lambda activity and glucose transport were dependent on activation of proline-rich tyrosine protein kinase 2, the ERK pathway, and phospholipase D (PLD) but were independent of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) in PKC-lambda(+/+) ES cells. Interestingly, this dependency was completely reversed after differentiation of ES cells to adipocytes, i.e. insulin effects on PKC-lambda and glucose transport were dependent on PI3K, rather than proline-rich tyrosine protein kinase 2/ERK/PLD. As in ES cells, insulin effects on glucose transport were absent in PKC-lambda(-/-) adipocytes but were rescued by expression of WT PKC-lambda in these adipocytes. Our findings suggest that insulin activates aPKCs and glucose transport in ES cells by a newly recognized PI3K-independent ERK/PLD-dependent pathway and provide a compelling line of evidence suggesting that aPKCs are required for insulin-stimulated glucose transport, regardless of whether aPKCs are activated by PI3K-dependent or PI3K-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   
Several transgenic mouse lines with altered alpha-synuclein expression have been developed that show a variety of Parkinson's disease-like symptoms without specific loss of dopaminergic neurons. Targeted over-expression of human alpha-synuclein using viral-vector mediated gene delivery into the substantia nigra of rats and non-human primates leads to dopaminergic cell loss and the formation of alpha-synuclein aggregates reminiscent of Lewy bodies. In the context of these recent findings, we used adeno-associated virus (AAV) to over-express wild type human alpha-synuclein in the substantia nigra of mice. We hypothesized that this over-expression would recapitulate pathological hallmarks of Parkinson's disease, creating a mouse model to further characterize the disease pathogenesis. Recombinant AAV expressing alpha-synuclein was stereotaxically injected into the substantia nigra of mice, leading to a 25% reduction of dopaminergic neurons after 24 weeks of transduction. Furthermore, examination of mRNA levels of stress-related proteins using laser capture microdissection and quantitative PCR revealed a positive correlation of Hsp27 expression with the extent of viral transduction at 4 weeks and a positive correlation of Hsp40, Hsp70 and caspase 9 with the extent of viral transduction at 24 weeks. Taken together, our findings suggest that targeted over-expression of alpha-synuclein can induce pathology at the gross anatomical and molecular level in the substantia nigra, providing a mouse model in which upstream changes in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis can be further elucidated.  相似文献   
Nanoscale materials have been envisioned as carriers for various therapeutic drugs, including radioisotopes. Inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) are particularly appealing vehicles for targeted radiotherapy because they can package several radioactive atoms into a single carrier and can potentially retain daughter radioisotopes produced by in vivo generators such as actinium-225 ((225)Ac, t(1/2) = 10 d). Decay of this radioisotope to stable bismuth-209 proceeds through a chain of short-lived daughters accompanied by the emission of four α-particles that release >27 MeV of energy. The challenge in realizing the enhanced cytotoxic potential of in vivo generators lies in retaining the daughter nuclei at the therapy site. When (225)Ac is attached to targeting agents via standard chelate conjugation methods, all of the daughter radionuclides are released after the initial α-decay occurs. In this work, (225)Ac was incorporated into lanthanum phosphate NPs to determine whether the radioisotope and its daughters would be retained within the dense mineral lattice. Further, the (225)Ac-doped NPs were conjugated to the monoclonal antibody mAb 201B, which targets mouse lung endothelium through the vasculature, to ascertain the targeting efficacy and in vivo retention of radioisotopes. Standard biodistribution techniques and microSPECT/CT imaging of (225)Ac as well as the daughter radioisotopes showed that the NPs accumulated rapidly in mouse lung after intravenous injection. By showing that excess, competing, uncoupled antibodies or NPs coupled to control mAbs are deposited primarily in the liver and spleen, specific targeting of NP-mAb 201B conjugates was demonstrated. Biodistribution analysis showed that ~30% of the total injected dose of La((225)Ac)PO(4) NPs accumulated in mouse lungs 1 h postinjection, yielding a value of % ID/g >200. Furthermore, after 24 h, 80% of the (213)Bi daughter produced from (225)Ac decay was retained within the target organ and (213)Bi retention increased to ~87% at 120 h. In vitro analyses, conducted over a 1 month interval, demonstrated that ~50% of the daughters were retained within the La((225)Ac)PO(4) NPs at any point over that time frame. Although most of the γ-rays from radionuclides in the (225)Ac decay chain are too energetic to be captured efficiently by SPECT detectors, appropriate energy windows were found that provided dramatic microSPECT images of the NP distribution in vivo. We conclude that La((225)Ac)PO(4)-mAb 201B conjugates can be targeted efficiently to mouse lung while partially retaining daughter products and that targeting can be monitored by biodistribution techniques and microSPECT imaging.  相似文献   
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