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ABSTRACT. The nuclear apparatus of H. vermiculare consists of a single moniliform macronucleus and about 25 micronuclei. the micronuclei are about 3 μm in diameter and characterized by a meshwork of thick condensed chromatin. Mitosis is intranuclear and acentric as in all other ciliates. In metaphase, interpolar and chromosomal microtubules are abundant and the length of the micronuclei increases to about 5 μm. In late anaphase, interzonal microtubules become prominent and the spindle elongates to about 50 μ. In meta- and anaphase, the microtubules of the spindle are attached to the polar vesicles, and in anaphase, chromosomes become attached to it. In contrast to most other eukaryotes, micronuclear mitosis is not strictly bound to cell division in H. vermiculare. While most of the micronuclei divide prior to cytokinesis, others retain their interphasic shape or degenerate. In addition, some micronuclei divide in the interdivision period, i.e. between two successive divisions of the cell and macronucleus. Mating cells of H. vermiculare become joined to each other in the cilia-free region covering the cytostome. In the course of conjugation, the cell membranes and the underlying oral filamentous sheaths of both cells fuse, thus uniting the endoplasm of both cells in the mouth region. Synaptonemal complexes in the meiotic chromosomes are more distinct in H. vermiculare than in most other dilates. the micrographs presented here depict dearly the central filament, transverse elements, and other substructures.  相似文献   
In this study, we analyze the impact of fertilizer‐ and manure‐induced N2O emissions due to energy crop production on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when conventional transportation fuels are replaced by first‐generation biofuels (also taking account of other GHG emissions during the entire life cycle). We calculate the nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions by applying a statistical model that uses spatial data on climate and soil. For the land use that is assumed to be replaced by energy crop production (the ‘reference land‐use system’), we explore a variety of options, the most important of which are cropland for food production, grassland, and natural vegetation. Calculations are also done in the case that emissions due to energy crop production are fully additional and thus no reference is considered. The results are combined with data on other emissions due to biofuels production that are derived from existing studies, resulting in total GHG emission reduction potentials for major biofuels compared with conventional fuels. The results show that N2O emissions can have an important impact on the overall GHG balance of biofuels, though there are large uncertainties. The most important ones are those in the statistical model and the GHG emissions not related to land use. Ethanol produced from sugar cane and sugar beet are relatively robust GHG savers: these biofuels change the GHG emissions by −103% to −60% (sugar cane) and −58% to −17% (sugar beet), compared with conventional transportation fuels and depending on the reference land‐use system that is considered. The use of diesel from palm fruit also results in a relatively constant and substantial change of the GHG emissions by −75% to −39%. For corn and wheat ethanol, the figures are −38% to 11% and −107% to 53%, respectively. Rapeseed diesel changes the GHG emissions by −81% to 72% and soybean diesel by −111% to 44%. Optimized crop management, which involves the use of state‐of‐the‐art agricultural technologies combined with an optimized fertilization regime and the use of nitrification inhibitors, can reduce N2O emissions substantially and change the GHG emissions by up to −135 percent points (pp) compared with conventional management. However, the uncertainties in the statistical N2O emission model and in the data on non‐land‐use GHG emissions due to biofuels production are large; they can change the GHG emission reduction by between −152 and 87 pp.  相似文献   
The small subunit rRNA gene sequences of the karyorelictean ciliates, Loxodes striatus and Protocruzia sp., and the heterotrichian ciliates, Climacostomum virens and Eufolliculina uhligi , were used to test the evolution of nuclear dualism in the Phylum Ciliophora. Phylogenies derived using a least squares distance method, neighbour joining, and maximum parsimony demonstrate that the karyorelictean ciliates sensu Small and Lynn, 1985 do not form a monophyletic group. However, Loxodes and the heterotrich ciliates form the first branch in the ciliate lineage, and Protocruzia branches, in distance methods, basal to the spirotrich lineage. It is proposed that Protocruzia be removed from the Class Karyorelictea, and placed in closer taxonomic association with the spirotrich lineage. The distribution of nuclear division types along the phylogenetic tree is consistent with the notion that macronuclei incapable of division represent a derived rather than a primitive or "karyorelictid" character trait.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Using comparisons of complete small subunit rRNA sequences from the ciliated protozoans Furgasonia blochmanni, Obertrumia georgiana , and Pseudomicrothorax dubius we inferred the phylogenetic position of the Nassulida (Class Nassophorea) within the Ciliophora. In distance matrix analyses the Nassulida share a common ancestry with the colpodean ciliate Colpoda inflata. Distance matrix and parsimony methods convincingly demonstrate that the Nassulida plus Colpodida are members of a complex ciliate assemblage that also includes the oligohymenophorans and phyllopharyngeans. These phylogenetic inferences are largely congruent with recent analyses of 23S-like rRNA gene sequences and morphogenetic features. Groups traditionally thought to represent ancestral lineages now appear as highly derived ciliates. In contrast, heterotrichs which were considered to represent a highly evolved group, diverge at the base of the ciliates.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The nuclear apparatus of Homalozoon vermiculare consists of a single moniliform macronucleus and about 25 micronuclei. The number of macronuclear segments depends (i) on the number of divisions of individual segments during the interphase and (ii) on the number of segments that arise prior to cytokinesis from the (temporary) filiform macronucleus. Precytokinetic changes of the macronucleus involve the fusion of individual segments followed by contraction and subsequent elongation of the entire macronucleus. The chromatin bodies uncoil into fine fibrils during macronuclear contraction. At the time when the division furrow appears, the macronucleus starts to renodulate. The interphase segment contains a more or less reticulated chromatin body partly attached to the nuclear envelope and about 30 polymorphous nucleoli. The latter consist of the pars granulosa, the pars fibrosa, and an additional fibrillar component. The nucleoli undergo drastic changes prior to division and the granular component disappears completely during macronuclear condensation. On the average, the macronucleus contains a 3,400-fold amount of DNA compared with a haploid micronucleus, but the intraspecific differences in the DNA content of the entire macronucleus are extremely large. In contrast, DNA content and size of an individual segment of the macronucleus are precisely regulated during interphase.  相似文献   
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