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The phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulated nutrophil respiratory burst has been considered to simply involve the activation of protein kinase C (PKC). However, the PLD activity was also increased by 10‐fold in human neutrophils stimulated with 100 nM PMA. Unexpectedly, U73122, an inhibitor of phospholipase C, was found to significantly inhibit PMA‐stimulated respiratory burst in human neutrophils. U73122 at the concentrations, which were sufficient to inhibit the respiratory burst completely, caused partial inhibition of the PLD activity but no inhibition on PKC translocation and activation, suggesting that PLD activity is also required in PMA‐stimulated respiratory burst. Using 1‐butanol, a PLD substrate, to block phosphatidic acid (PA) generation, the PMA‐stimulated neutrophil respiratory burst was also partially inhibited, further indicating that PLD activation, possibly its hydrolytic product PA and diacylglycerol (DAG), is involved in PMA‐stimulated respiratory burst. Since GF109203X, an inhibitor of PKC that could completely inhibit the respiratory burst in PMA‐stimulated neutrophils, also caused certain suppression of PLD activation, it may suggest that PLD activation in PMA‐stimulated neutrophils might be, to some extent, PKC dependent. To further study whether PLD contributes to the PMA stimulated respiratory burst through itself or its hydrolytic product, 1,2‐dioctanoyl‐sn‐glycerol, an analogue of DAG , was used to prime cells at low concentration, and it reversed the inhibition of PMA‐stimulated respiratory burst by U73122. The results indicate that U73122 may act as an inhibitor of PLD, and PLD activation is required in PMA‐stimulated respiratory burst.  相似文献   
P物质在家兔延髓腹侧面加压区的升压作用及其机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
符史干  黄承钧 《生理学报》1997,49(3):273-280
在乌拉坦麻醉,三碘季铵酚制动,人工呼吸的家兔上观察到,延髓腹侧面加压区给予P物质使血压呈剂量依赖性升高,但对心率无明显影响。VSMp给予SP受体阻断使BP明显降低并可阻断SP升压效应,VSMp给予酚妥拉明或哌唑嗪预处理使SP升压效应减弱或消失,而给予育亨宾或心得安对SP升压效应无明显影响。VSMp给予SP可使肾交感神经放电显著增加,并伴有BP显著升高;VSMp给予DSP使RSND和BP明显降低并可  相似文献   
贵州苏铁的核型分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文报道了贵州苏铁(Cycas guizhouensis)的染色体数目及核型,并与攀枝花苏铁(C.panzhihuaensis)、苏铁(C.revoluta)、华南苏铁(C.rumphii),拳叶苏铁(C.circinalis)和C.media等的核型进行了比较,讨论了苏铁属植物不同核型的进化趋势,提出了苏铁属植物的两种地理分布核型,即1.北回归线以北为K(2n)=22=2m+4sm+4st+12T包括贵州苏铁和攀枝花苏铁;2.北回归线及其以南为K(2n)=22=4m+8st+10T,包括苏铁、华南苏铁、拳叶苏铁和C.media。  相似文献   
无瓣海桑是广西从自治区外引进的外来红树林树种,采用定量化算法精确估算无瓣海桑地上生物量对红树林生态修复以及海洋蓝碳监测提供经验和方法。论文以广西茅尾海自然保护区无瓣海桑红树林为研究对象,以野外实测无瓣海桑红树林地上生物量数据和Sentinel-1/2卫星提取的后向散射数据、波段数据、植被指数数据和纹理指数数据为数据源,通过分析各遥感因子与实测红树林地上生物量之间的重要性关系,采用极端梯度提升(XGBoost)机器学习算法对比了不同的变量组合对模型精度的影响,最后基于优选的变量组合反演了无瓣海桑红树林的地上生物量。结果表明:(1)研究区无瓣海桑红树林实测树高范围为1.55—13.58m,平均值为8.37m,胸径范围为0.7—41cm,平均值为15.62cm;(2)通过XGBoost算法优选的21个特征变量组合模型拟合效果较好,其模型在测试阶段R2=0.7237,RMSE=21.70Mg/hm2。XGBoost算法反演研究区无瓣海桑地上生物量介于19.14—138.46Mg/hm2之间,平均值为51.92Mg/hm...  相似文献   
脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury, SCI)目前尚无有效的治疗手段。脊髓损伤后,患者常伴有严重的胃肠功能障碍,严重影响患者的生活质量。研究发现,脊髓损伤后肠道菌群的紊乱和脊髓损伤后的胃肠道功能障碍密切相关。因此,本文围绕脊髓损伤后肠道菌群的变化,探讨肠道菌群在迷走神经、下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺和肠道菌群代谢物3个途径中发挥的作用,及与胃肠道炎症反应相关的研究进展。  相似文献   
The size distributions of deletions, insertions, and indels (i.e., insertions or deletions) were studied, using 78 human processed pseudogenes and other published data sets. The following results were obtained: (1) Deletions occur more frequently than do insertions in sequence evolution; none of the pseudogenes studied shows significantly more insertions than deletions. (2) Empirically, the size distributions of deletions, insertions, and indels can be described well by a power law, i.e., f k = Ck b , where f k is the frequency of deletion, insertion, or indel with gap length k, b is the power parameter, and C is the normalization factor. (3) The estimates of b for deletions and insertions from the same data set are approximately equal to each other, indicating that the size distributions for deletions and insertions are approximately identical. (4) The variation in the estimates of b among various data sets is small, indicating that the effect of local structure exists but only plays a secondary role in the size distribution of deletions and insertions. (5) The linear gap penalty, which is most commonly used in sequence alignment, is not supported by our analysis; rather, the power law for the size distribution of indels suggests that an appropriate gap penalty is w k = a + b ln k, where a is the gap creation cost and blnk is the gap extension cost. (6) The higher frequency of deletion over insertion suggests that the gap creation cost of insertion (a i ) should be larger than that of deletion (a d ); that is, a i a d = In R, where R is the frequency ratio of deletions to insertions. Correspondence to: W.-H. Li  相似文献   
本文记述四川省松潘县和茂汶县地区花蝇科泉种蝇属4新种,即蝶肛泉肿蝇Pegohylemia papiliocerca sp.nov。巨板泉种蝇Pegohylemyia alcaecerca sp.nov。角泉种蝇Pegohylemyia cornuta sp.nov.四尖泉种蝇Pegohylemyia tetracrula sp.nov。  相似文献   
记述了在宁夏六盘山盆地侏罗系中发现的古背鳕(Palaeoniscinotus)一新种─—宁夏古背鳕(P.ningxiaensis)。其一般形态特征如体形、鳍的位置和结构、悬挂骨的倾斜程度、鳃盖骨系统及鳞片等结构,与俄罗斯伊尔库茨克中侏罗世的切卡诺夫斯基氏古背鳕(P.czekanowskii)很相似,但新种的背鳍和臀鳍的鳍条均较少、鳞片条纹倾斜分布以及侧线鳞较少等特征显然有别于后者。最后讨论了这个属的系统位置和含鱼化石地层的时代,认为属中侏罗世的可能性较大。  相似文献   
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