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The awareness of the importance of plant biodiversity has been considerably raised in both developed and developing countries over the last decade. Some of the debate has not been helpful in fostering collaboration or progress towards a more rational support network. The paper attempts to identify and categorize existing efforts in operation in a wide range of institutions and bodies ranging from essentially environmentally orientated to crop-based organizations. Current funding and training initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   
Leaf-pack dynamics in a southern African mountain stream   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SUMMARY 1. The occurrence, composition and invertebrate fauna of naturally-occurring leaf packs were studied over 24 months in Langrivier, a second-order mountain stream in the south-western Cape, South Africa. Langrivier is shallow and fast-flowing and stores very low levels of allochthonous detritus, although natural leaf packs form an obvious part of the energy base in the stream throughout the year. 2. The occurrence and size of the packs were influenced mainly by stream discharge and by the timing and character of leaf fall from riparian trees. Packs were smallest (minimum dry mass 17 g, minimum volume 1.7–10?5 m3) in winter when discharge was high, and largest (maximum dry mass 191 g, maximum volume 4.2–10?3 m3) in spring when discharge decreased and leaf fall from the evergreen riparian trees began. Through the year the packs covered a mean 0.41 % of the stream bed and had a mean abundance of 0.46 packs m?2 of stream bed. They were ephemeral, lasting on average <1.7 months and yet accounted for 29% of the stored detritus in the system. Wood was the dominant component of packs, and leaves at ali stages of decomposition were present throughout the year. 3. The ratio of numbers of invertebrates in packs: numbers of individuals in the benthos was very low (0.002–0.030), presumably because of the rarity and small size of the packs. Nevertheless, the density of invertebrates per unit area covered by leaf packs was consistently much higher than the density in an equivalent area of the benthos, except during peak leaf fall (October to December). 4. Experiments were undertaken with artificial leaf packs in order to determine the extent to which these simulated natural packs. Although both natural and artificial leaf packs contained a high proportion of Plecoptera (46% and 29% respectively), the natural packs contained high numbers of simuliid larvae (33% of total), whereas artificial packs had a high percentage of chironomid larvae (62%), Several other taxa regularly occurred in both types of pack but in very low numbers. In addition,  相似文献   
Field-grown potatoes were subjected to N deficiency (no appliedN) or received high levels of N (240 kg N ha–1) at planting.The effects of these treatments were monitored at five stagesduring growth in terms of the allocation of photosynthate withinthe leaf, and the export and partitioning of carbon to differentsinks. N deficiency significantly raised the starch concentrationin all organs of the plants, particularly in leaves and stems,and as a consequence the total amount of starch in the canopyof the low N plants remained greater than that of the high Nplants until approx. 100 days after planting (DAP). The totalamounts of carbohydrates, protein and amino acids were calculatedfor each treatment and these values were used to derive a balancesheet for major reserves. Net losses of reserves occurred fromthe canopy in both treatments in the period 97–133 DAP,although these were shown to represent < 3 per cent of thetotal gain in tuber dry weight for the season. Partitioning of 14C assimilates was examined in whole plantsand also in single leaves. Reduced partitioning to the tubers,seen in high N plants throughout their growth, was shown tobe due to decreased percentage export by the leaf and accumulationof exported 14C by the stems. Partitioning to the tubers inlow N plants increased prior to senescence when 87 per centof the fixed 14C was exported within 24 h, 80 per cent of thisto the tubers. The equivalent values for the high N plants were77 and 60 per cent respectively. Increased percentage exportcoincided with decreased allocation to starch in the leaf, anda link between these processes is suggested. N also significantlyaltered the allocation of 14C within the leaf and may have influencedthe degradation of starch in the dark to a greater degree thanits synthesis in the light. The enzymes sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), and starch synthasewere measured concurrently with partitioning. High N plantsshowed higher rates of activities of each of the enzymes althoughboth enzymes showed a similar pattern of development over theseason, irrespective of N treatment. The data are discussed in the light of conflicting reports concerningthe influence of N on translocation and partitioning. 14C assimilates, carbohydrates, nitrogen, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), protein  相似文献   
Abstract. Silver ions effectively inhibited both the initiation and the continuation of tomato ( Lyeopersicon esculentum Mill) ripening. Studies of protein synthesis in vivo showed that application of 2 mol m−3 silver thiosulphate to mature green fruit prevented the appearance of several novel proteins associated with ripening, including the softening enzyme polygalacturonase. However, total protein synthesis, as judged by the incorporation of [35S] methionine into proteins, continued unabated after silver treatment. Ripening was also arrested when silver was supplied after ripening had begun. The accumulation of several ripening-related mRNAs, including that for polygalacturonase, was studied by translation in vitro and using cDNA clones as hybridization probes. Silver was shown to prevent the appearance of polygalaturonase mRNA when supplied to mature green fruit and to cause a rapid reduction in the concentration of mRNA for polygalacturonase and other ripening-related proteins when supplied after ripening had begun. It is proposed that silver exerts its effects due to interaction with the ethylene perception mechanism. The results suggest that perception of ethylene is vital not only for the initiation of ripening but also for the continued expression of genes required for ripening.  相似文献   
Successive sets of cuttings of three white clover genotypeswere raised in a 15 °C growth room and transferred to thefield at 14 d intervals over the course of a year. Rates ofleaf appearance (leaves per stolon growing point per unit time)were found to be closely correlated with 10 cm soil temperatures.Petiole lengths, and weights of the lamina+petiole increasedin May and decreased towards the end of August, but also exhibiteda marked response to a mid-season water deficit. In the conditionsof the experiment (i.e. in the absence of competition from neighbouringplants) the vast majority of axillary buds developed into visiblebranches at all times of the year. There was, however, an increasein the nodal age at which bud development was first observedin winter. Deferred bud development was also observed, particularlyin one genotype, during periods characterized by dry soil surfaceconditions. The results are discussed in relation to observedpatterns of stolon branching in sward conditions. White clover, Trifolium repens, axillary bud development, branching, growing points, leaf appearance rate, petiole length, soil moisture, soil temperature  相似文献   
The uptake and translocation of fluazifop-butyl was investigated in Setaria viridis. Young plants (three to four leaves) with a portion of the second, third or fourth leaf covered, were sprayed with a dose equivalent to 0.25 kg a.i. ha-1. 14C-fluazifop-butyl was subsequently applied to the unsprayed area and the treatment resulted in plant death within 2 wk. Uptake by leaf 3 was rapid, with less than 5% of the applied dose remaining on the leaf surface after 24 h. The highest proportion of 14C-activity was retained in the treated portion of the leaf. Only 2% of the applied dose was translocated from leaf 3 and 0. 76% accumulated in the apical meristem. Uptake by the younger leaf 4 was more rapid and the pattern of translocation differed in that more 14--activity accumulated in apical meristematic tissue. 6–30% of the applied dose was undetected and this was greatest when foliar uptake was slow. Artificial leaf surface experiments indicated that this undetected activity may have been due to volatility of fluazifop-butyl or degradation to volatile products. 14C-activity extracted from treated leaves was identified as fluazifop-butyl, fluazifop acid and polar conjugates. The major 14C-activity extracted from the apical meristem was fluazifop acid and no fluazifop-butyl was detected in this extract.  相似文献   
Kirk, W W., Davies, H. V. and Marshall, B. 1985. The effectof temperature on the initiation of leaf primordia in developingpotato sprouts.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1634–1643. Initiation of leaf primordia in potato sprouted out of soilin light was an asymptotic function of thermal time and thebase temperature for the process was 3.6 °C. The parametervalues of the asymptotic function were universal for cv. MarisPiper. The estimated rate of leaf primordium initiation decreasedlinearly from 0.033 leaf pnmordia (K day)–1 when abouteight leaf primordia were present to zero after a maximum numberof 24 leaf primordia had been initiated. The decrease in rateof development with increasing number of primordia may be dueto depletion of mother tuber resources. The transition of theapex from a vegetative to a reproductive state was not the factorlimiting the initiation of additional leaf primordia. Key words: Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., leaf primordia initiation, temperature, thermal time, development  相似文献   
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