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There was a range of severity of parasitism of stem-borer larvae by Hymenoptera and Nematoda and much premature death of the larvae. A nematode, Panagrolaimus rigidus, normally considered to be saprophytic, was implicated in some mortality of stem-borer larvae.  相似文献   
MOORE  RANDY 《Annals of botany》1987,59(6):661-666
Starch occupies 4.2 per cent of the volume of plastids in calyptrogencells in primary roots of Zea mays L. cv. vp-7 wild type. Plastidsin calyptrogen cells are distributed randomly around large,centrally located nuclei. The differentiation of calyptrogencells into columella cells is characterized by cellular enlargementand the sedimentation of plastids to the bottom of the cells.Although sedimented plastids in columella cells do not containsignificantly more starch than those in calyptrogen cells, primaryroots are graviresponsive. The onset of root gravicurvatureis not associated with a significant change in the distributionof plastids in columella cells. These results indicate thatin this cultivar of Z. mays (1) the sedimentation of plastidsin columella cells is not based upon their increased densityresulting from increased starch content alone, (2) starch-ladenamyloplasts need not be present in columella cells for rootsto be graviresponsive, and (3) the onset of root gravicurvaturedoes not require a major redistribution of plastids in columellacells. Columella cell, gravitropism (root), plastids, root cap, Zea mays  相似文献   
Age-specific Chaoborus predation on rotifer prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. 1. This is the first study to examine predator-prey interactions between Chaoborm instars and rotifer prey. The predatory behaviour of instars I–III of Chaoborus pimctipennis and the diet selectivity of instars I—IV feeding on rotifers were examined in the laboratory. Prey used in direct observations of predatory behaviour included a variety of rotifers (Symhacta pectlnata, S. ohUmga, Polyarthra remata, Asplanchna girodi, Keratella crassa, spined and unspined forms of Keratella cochlearis) and two crustaceans (Bosmitia longirostris, Mesocyclops edax nauplii. 2. In general, strike efficiencies (percentage of strikes resulting in inges- tion) increased in successive instars I—III. Early instar (I and II) strike efficiencies were low when compared with other invertebrate predators. For a given instar. mean prey handling times varied among prey species more than strike efficiencies. Mean handling times for small, soft-bodied rotifers were lowest and those for wide, hard-bodied prey were highest. 3. Instar I exhibited significantly greater selectivity for the small, soft- bodied S. obUmga than for the larger S. pectinata, hard-bodied K. crassa, and spined and unspined forms of K. cochlearis. Instars II—IV positively selected both the large and small Symhaeta species over all Keratella species. The relationship between Chaobortts selectivity and prey value (weight of prey per unit handling time) can be described by a power function. Ingestion rates of rotifers by older instars (III and IV) are among the highest reported for invertebrate predators. 4. Rotifer vulnerability to Chaoborus predation probably depended on rotifer cuticle texture, body width, and hydrodynamic disturbances. Spined rotifers were not necessarily protected from Chaoborus predation because Chaohorus can manipulate and swallow them. Giguere et al.'s 1982) encounter rate model must be modified to predict encounter rates of slow-moving rotifer prey with Chaohorus.  相似文献   
Moore, R. 1985. A morphometric analysis of the redistributionof organellcs in columella cells in primary roots of normalseedlings and agravitropic mutants of Hordeum vulgare.—J.exp. Bot. 36:1275–1286. The redistribution of organeUes m columella cells of horizontally-orientedroots of Hordeum vulgare was quantified in order to determinewhat structural changes in graviperceptive (i.e, columella)cells are associated with the onset of root gravicurvature.The sedimentation of amyloplasts is the only major change incellular structure that correlates positively with the onsetof root gravicurvature, which begins within 15 min after re-orientation.There is no consistent contact between sedimented amyloplastsand any other organelles. Nuclei are restricted to the proximalends of columella cells in vertically-oriented roots, and remainthere throughout gravicurvature after roots are oriented horizontally.Root gravicurvature does not involve significant changes in(1) the volume of columella cells, (2) the relative or absolutevolumes of organelles in columella cells, or (3) the distributionof endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The size, number and sedimentationrates of amyloplasts in columella cells of non-graviresponsiveroots of mutant seedlings are not significantly different fromthose of graviresponsive roots of normal seedlings. Similarly,there is no significant difference in (1) cellular volume, (2)distribution or surface area of ER, (3) patterns or rates oforganelle redistribution in horizontally-oriented roots, or(4) relative or absolute volumes of organelles in columellacells of graviresponsive and non-graviresponsive roots. Theseresults suggest that the lack of gravi-responsiveness by rootsof mutant seedlings is probably not due to either (1) structuraldifferences in columella cells, or (2) differences in patternsor rates of organelle redistribution as compared to that characteristicof graviresponsive roots. Thus, the basis of non-graviresponsivenessin this mutant is probably different from other agravitropicmutants so far studied. Key words: Agravitropic mutant, barley, columella cell, gravitropism (root), Hordeum vulgare, ultrastructure  相似文献   
Daily routine 3 p.m. meteorological data for Melbourne, Victoria, were processed to provide estimates of maximum forest fire danger index (including soil-water deficit), potential number of days for failure of fire suppression for given quantities of fuel, and potential number of days for optimal prescribed fuel reduction burning in eucalypt forests given the same quantities of fuel. Although two models for estimating soil dryness gave widely different results, the effect of these differences on the value of the McArthur forest fire danger index (FFDI) was relatively small overall. However, over the 28 years of record, the number of ‘extreme’ days given using the Mount dryness index was 50% greater than that given by the Keetch-Byram index. The number of forest fires in Victoria (as a whole) was found to be related to 3 p.m. FFDI (for Melbourne) and to the incidence of weekends or public holidays. Potentially, bushfires near Melbourne would be ‘uncontrollable’; that is, with an intensity greater than 4000 kW m-1 on level ground, on an average of about 100 days per year (at 3 p.m.) if ignition were to occur where litter fuel weights were about 301 ha-1. However, if fuel weights were less than 81 ha-1, the potential number of ‘uncontrollable’ fires would be near zero. Using equations to predict conditions ideally suited to safe fuel reduction burning at 3 p.m. the average number of appropriate days per year increased from zero at a fuel weight of near 71 ha-1 to a maximum of 14 at 15 t ha-1. The extent to which the models used in this study are accurate is arguable so further work is needed.  相似文献   
Plasmodesmata linking the root cap and root in primary rootsZea mays are restricted to approx. 400 protodermal cells borderingapprox. 110000 µm2 of the calyptrogen of the root cap.This area is less than 10% of the cross-sectional area of theroot-tip at the cap junction. Therefore, gravitropic effectorsmoving from the root cap to the root can move symplasticallyonly through a relatively small area in the centre of the root.Decapped roots are non-responsive to gravity. However, decappedroots whose caps are replaced immediately after decapping arestrongly graviresponsive. Thus, gravicurvature occurs only whenthe root cap contacts the root, and symplastic continuity betweenthe cap and root is not required for gravicurvature. Completelyremoving mucilage from the root tip renders the root non-responsiveto gravity. Taken together, these data suggest that gravitropiceffectors move apoplastically through mucilage from the capto the root. Calyptrogen, open meristem, protoderm, root cap, root gravitropism, Zea mays  相似文献   
Abstract The study assessed the survival, during bushfires, of seedbanks of six serotinous Hakea species found in the Sydney region of southeastern Australia. The survival of seeds was examined when fruits were heated in a muffle furnace at ambient temperatures ranging from 200–800°C for 1 min. For each species, fruit weight and dimensions of fruit walls were measured to characterize insulation. A field experiment was performed to examine the survival of the serotinous seedbank of Hakea dactyloides in a bushfire. Ambient and internal fruit temperatures were recorded during the fire. The viability of seeds from fruits exposed to the fire was tested and compared with an unburnt sample. Viability of seeds within fruits exposed in the furnace varied according to species. Seeds of large fruited species such as Hakea constablei and Hakea propinqua survived, whereas those of the small fruited species Hakea teretifolia and H. dactyloides suffered significant mortality. The threshold temperature for death in four species was linearly related to the thickness of lower and lateral fruit walls, and to dry weight of fruits. Internal and external temperatures of fruits decreased with increasing height on experimental H. dactyloides plants in the field. High levels of mortality (relative to the unburnt control) corresponded with fire temperature maxima greater than 400°C (external) and greater than 60°C (internal). In general, these temperatures occur when shrub crowns burn. A high risk of death for H. dactyloides, H. teretifolia and H. sericea seeds will result because fruits of these species have thin walls.  相似文献   
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