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Preillumination of leaves of spinach, soybean and maize in theabsence of CO2 greatly enhanced the capacity for fixing CO2in an immediately following dark period. Lightenhanced darkCO2-fixation was further observed in isolated chloroplasts ofspinach and soybean. When isolated chloroplasts were illuminated,CO2-fixing capacity in the subsequent dark period increasedrapidly at first and later more slowly attaining a stationaryvalue in about 20 min. When the light was turned off at thisstage, the capacity decreased very rapidly becoming zero inabout 10 min. The magnitude of the enhanced dark fixation andits decay in the dark were not influenced by the presence orabsence of atmospheric oxygen. In both leaves and isolated chloroplasts,no significant change in oxygen (21%) occurred in distributionpatterns of radioactivity in products fixed by photosynthetic,or light-enhanced, dark, 14CO2-fixation. In preilluminated leaves14C was incorporated into sucrose in the subsequent dark period,indicating that the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle isoperating in light-enhanced dark fixation in higher plants. 1Present address: Noda Institute for Scientific Research, Noda,Chiba Prefecture (Received August 10, 1970; )  相似文献   
15N-labeled nicotine was degraded in tobacco plant when it wasinjected into leaf at the vegetative stage. Topping of inflorescencedepressed the degradation, and no degradation was found whennico tine was injected 10 days after the topping. These resultsmay partly explain the known fact that the content of nicotinein tobacco plant is low in their younger stages and increasesafter the topping. 15N-labeled nicotine supplied to leaf was transported to otherparts of the plant without degradation. (Received September 1, 1962; )  相似文献   
放线共生放线杆菌粗糙型与光滑型菌落的主要外膜蛋白   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察放线共生放线杆菌粗糙型与光滑型菌株菌体蛋白表达上的差异。方法:聚丙稀酶胺凝胶电泳观察两型细菌全细胞蛋白及超高速离心提取的细菌主要外膜蛋白差异。结果:全细胞蛋白电泳两型细菌蛋白带无明显差异;提取的主要外膜蛋白电泳粗糙型存在18、29、45kDa蛋白带,实验室参考菌株不存在,临床光滑型菌株存在少量,光滑型实验室参考菌株存在的蛋白带在所有实验菌株中均存在。结论:18、29、45kDa蛋白带可能与放线共生放线杆菌粗糙型菌株相关。  相似文献   
Agmatine-G-3H and N-carbamylputrescine-l,4-14C were effectivelyincorporated into the nicotine of tobacco plants. This resultmay indicate a route that the pyrrolidine ring of nicotine isformed from putrescine by the following pathway: arginineagmatineN-carbamylputrescineputrescinepyrrolidinering. (Received February 7, 1966; )  相似文献   
The photoperiodic response of diapause induction is studied in females of five subtropical and warm‐temperate zone populations of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Japan (26.4–34.7°N; 127.4–135.7°E). Laboratory tests at 25 °C demonstrate that both warm‐temperate and subtropical populations have pronounced photoperiodic responses of adult diapause induction. Under short‐day conditions (LD 10 : 14 h), 73–100% of females enter diapause, whereas, under long‐day conditions (LD 15 : 9 h), 87–100% of females are nondiapause and reproduce. When the critical photoperiod for diapause induction is plotted against the latitude of origin of each population, the data points do not show the expected tendency of increasing critical photoperiod northwards but, instead, vary between 12 h 15 min and 13 h 30 min. It is suggested that adults from different populations of such a highly migratory species move often among subtropical islands (by themselves or being assisted by typhoons), thus constantly destabilizing the photoperiodic responses. Although important for general synchronization of seasonal development in the tropics and subtropics, winter diapause might not be so critical for survival in mild winters in these zones. Such circumstances might make the selective pressure over the photoperiodic response less severe in the tropics and subtropics than in the temperate zone. It is suggested that the current climate warming might contribute to this situation as well by promoting polewards migrations and lessening the selective pressure of overwintering conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Intrinsic, inter-specific competition between parasitoid wasp species is a key factor in ecological community dynamics and is particularly important for application in biological control. Here three parasitoid wasp species with overlapping host ranges and differing life history strategies were chosen to examine parasitoid–parasitoid interactions: the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum, the egg–larval, polyembryonic parasitoid wasp Copidosoma floridanum, and the gregarious larval parasitoid Glyptapanteles pallipes , with the plusiine loopers Acanthoplusia agnata and Trichoplusia ni as hosts.
2.  Copidosoma floridanum has been shown to be an intrinsically superior competitor against larval parasitoids because of their production and increased investment in a soldier larval caste during development, but little is known of their interactions with egg parasitoid species. Trichogramma pretiosum completely dominated intrinsic competition with C. floridanum regardless of oviposition order or sex of the C. floridanum egg.
3. Competition between C. floridanum and G. pallipes , however, depended on the host stage at which parasitism occurred, the sex of the C. floridanum egg, and parasitoid development time. Copidosoma floridanum outcompeted G. pallipes overall, despite the fact that G. pallipes injects a polyDNA virus into the host.
4. The sex of the C. floridanum egg was a significant factor in its ability to shift caste ratios to produce more soldiers in response to G. pallipes competition.
5. Only developing female C. floridanum responded to competition with G. pallipes by increasing the ratio of soldier to reproductive larvae, and this happened only when multiparasitism occurred in the host's 1st and 2nd instar.  相似文献   
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