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  • 1 Biomass, production and life history of Mysis relicta were studied in the large Lake Mjøsa during the years 1976–80. Biomass fluctuations were large, but biomass averaged about 1 g wet wt m?2 or 200 ind. m?2. Cumulative net production during summer ranged from 1.6 to 2.1 g wet wt m?2. Mean population P/B-ratio was close to 2.
  • 2 Neither production or biomass of Mysis were correlated with the biomass of phytoplankton or the main Zooplankton prey species (Daphnia and Bosmina), suggesting a predominant ‘top down’ control of Mysis in this lake.
  • 3 The life cycle was well synchronized with development of food items, but predation pressure also affected life-history patterns. The proportion of juveniles apparently increased in years with strong fish predation pressure, producing a predominantly 1-year life-cycle pattern the following year.
  • 4 Mysis had a predominant 2-year life history, but a traction of the population may reproduce after 1 or 3 years. Reproduction occurred exclusively during winter. Even in such a large and stable system, where Mysis has coexisted with its main food items and predators for 8–10 000 years, a flexible life history is maintained and is probably an important buffer against year-to-year fluctuations in food and predator abundance.
1. Invasive species can transform aquatic ecosystems, and the nuisance growth of the freshwater macrophyte Juncus bulbosus has become a problem in many lakes and rivers in northern Europe. It affects biodiversity strongly and conflicts with human uses, not least compromising the generation of hydroelectricity. The causes of the proliferation of these massive stands of J. bulbosus are not finally resolved, however. 2. In this study, a wide range of catchment, lake and sediment parameters (n = 34) were assessed for 139 lakes in Southern Norway, with the aim of explaining the presence or absence of J. bulbosus and to assess potential drivers behind its prolific growth. 3. Juncus bulbosus was more often present in lakes with lower pH and phosphate concentrations, and a higher element ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (DIN : TotP). 4. Despite the many parameters measured across substantial environmental gradients, none explained nuisance growth. Genetic screening (amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting) of plants from a subset of lakes and additional river sites also showed no genetic differences between the various growth forms. A macrophyte trophic index, however, suggested that the most problematic growth occurred in the most oligotrophic lakes. 5. The lack of consistent patterns may reflect either factors not assessed in our survey, or that the current extension of stands represents a gradual cumulative response over time, not characterised effectively in our snapshot survey. Nevertheless, we can now exclude some putative causes of nuisance growth, including in particular genetics and N‐deposition.  相似文献   
1. A comparative study of fatty acid (FA) profiles in particulate matter (seston) and the key grazer Daphnia was performed in six high Arctic ponds (79°N, Svalbard). The ponds were all small and shallow, but followed a strong gradient with respect to nutrient content and optical properties. 2. A distinct locality‐specific pattern was detected by principal component analysis of FA profiles, where samples from each locality clustered both with regard to seston and Daphnia. Linear discriminant analysis using nine sestonic fatty acids as discriminant functions gave on average a correct prediction of the Daphnia lake membership in 47% of cases, with very high predictability in some lakes but poor predictability in others. 3. No significant correlation was detected between FA and nutrient concentration or levels of dissolved organic carbon. The major determinant of FA profiles as judged from a redundancy analysis was the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities, notably the biomass of Chlorophyceae. 4. The FA profiles of Daphnia were for some FAs strongly enriched relative to the seston, while diluted for others. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), a pronounced magnification of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5 n‐3), and to some extent 18 : 3 n‐3 and 20 : 4 n‐6 was found, while docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 : 6 n‐3) contributed in general less to FAs in Daphnia than in seston and was hardly detectable in Daphnia from most localities. 5. The overall content of PUFAs in Daphnia was consistently high, close to 40% of total FA in all investigated localities, despite major differences in seston PUFA content. Daphnia thus acts as a regulator with regard to overall PUFAs, reflecting its physiological constraints and relatively fixed demands for PUFAs in general. The distinct locality‐specific profiles in Daphnia strongly suggest a kind of FA‐fingerprint, but our data do not allow strict statements on the use of specific FAs as trophic markers.  相似文献   
The melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (MC1-R) is a central regulator of mammalian coat colour, encoded by the extension locus. In cattle, the dominant extension allele ED is associated with the production of black pigment in coloured areas. Genotyping of the MC1-R gene in a bull with mosaic expression of red vs. black pigment verified the existence of the ED allele, in spite of the fact that the majority of the animal is red coloured. No further mutations were found within the ED variant of the MC1-R gene, which was inherited from a completely red mother (genotype ED/e).  相似文献   
Genome size varies tremendously both within and among taxa, and strong correlations between genome size and various physiological and ecological attributes suggest that genome size is a key trait of organisms, yet the causalities remains vague. In the present study, we tested how genome size is related to key physiological and ecological properties in five large orders of crustaceans: Decapoda, Cladocera, Amphipoda, Calanoida, and Cyclopoida. These span a wide range in sizes, habitats and life-history traits. To some extent, genome size reflected phylogenetic footprints but, generally, a very wide range in genome size was found within all orders. Genome size was positively correlated with body size in Amphipoda, Cladocera, and Copepoda, but not for Decapoda in general. This could indicate that the evolution of body size occurs mainly by changing cell size for the three first orders, whereas it is more attributed to cell numbers for Decapoda. Cladocera, with direct development and a high growth rate, have minute genomes compared to copepods that possess a more complex life history, whereas, within Decapoda and Amphipoda, developmental complexity is not related to genome size. The present study suggests that, within the crustaceans, selection for a wide variety of life-history strategies has led to widely different genome sizes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 393–399.  相似文献   
UV-induced changes in phytoplankton cells and its effects on grazers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. This review addresses the effects of UV-radiation on the morphology and biochemistry of phytoplankton and the potential effects on grazers.
2. UVA and UVB radiation inhibit the uptake of inorganic nutrients in phytoplankton. Reduced rates of ammonium and nitrate uptake in marine diatoms, and reduced uptake of phosphorus in freshwater flagellates are reported. The effects on cell stoichiometry are not settled.
3. UVA and UVB radiation promote increased cell volumes owing to a decoupling between the photosynthetic processes and cell division. Loss or inactivation of flagellae and loss of motility are also reported for a number of phytoplankton species.
4. UVA and UVB radiation may affect major biochemical constituents. Accumulation of intracellular, photosynthetic products (lipids or carbohydrates) is a common, although not unique, property of UV-stressed algae. Fatty acid (FA) profiles seem susceptible to UV radiation. A relative increase of short-chained, and a decrease in polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) are reported. The important membrane FA like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5ω3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 : 6ω3) seem particularly susceptible, owing to lipid peroxidation or reduced biosynthesis.
5. UV-related responses are highly dependent on taxonomy, cell-cycle stage, nutrient-limitation and the UV : PAR (photosynthetic active radiation)-ratio.
6. Nutrient deficiency, cell size, cell wall properties and FA can all have significant impacts on grazers. Thus the reported effects on cell morphology and biochemical constituents could have profound effects on grazers and energy transfer in aquatic foodwebs.  相似文献   
1. The effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation (280–400 nm) on fatty acid composition and elemental ratios of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) of a unialgal culture of the chlorophyte Selenastrum capricornutum was investigated. Algae were cultured in the presence or absence of UV radiation and were subsequently fed to Daphnia magna to assess potential effects of UV on zooplankton fatty acid composition, growth and reproduction. 2. Algal growth rate was substantially reduced by UV radiation, probably because of a severe inhibition of photosynthetic efficiency (measured as optimal quantum yield). 3. Algae exposed to UV radiation had a significantly reduced content of 18 : 1 n‐9, while C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were higher under UV radiation. These observations point at an increased demand for and synthesis of PUFAs under UV stress. 4. The C : P and N : P ratios showed a remarkable decrease in UV‐exposed cells primarily owing to an increased uptake of P. The nutritional quality in terms of both fatty acid composition and stoichiometry was therefore higher in the UV treatment relative to the control. 5. Despite the UV‐induced changes in nutritional quality of S. capricornutum, no significant effects on D. magna growth or reproduction were detected. The fatty acid composition of Daphnia fed on UV irradiated algae showed a significantly lower content of 18 : 1 n‐9, but no changes in the essential PUFAs.  相似文献   
1. Herbivorous zooplankton maintain a rather constant elemental composition in their body mass as compared with the variability commonly encountered in their food. Furthermore, their high phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) content means that they often face an excess of carbon (C) in their diet. Regulation of this surplus of energy may occur via modulation of assimilation efficiency, or postassimilation by increased respiration (CO2) and/or excretion dissolved organic carbon, DOC. Whereas several studies have examined the effect of elemental imbalance in the genus Daphnia, few have examined other zooplankton taxa. 2. We investigated whether the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus uses increased respiration as a means of stoichiometrically regulating excess dietary C. Growth rate and respiration were measured under different food qualities (C : N and C : P ratios). 3. Both C : N and C : P ratios in food had strong effects on growth rate, demonstrating strong nutrient limitation of rotifer growth when nutrient elements were depleted in the diet and indicating the need for stoichiometric regulation of excess ingested C. 4. Respiration measurements, supported by a stoichiometric model, indicated that excess C was not released as CO2 in B. calyciflorus and that nutrient balance must therefore be maintained by other means such as excretion of DOC or egestion in faecal material.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of Rhodomonas lacustris was examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and the pigments were scanned in vivo by the opal plate technique. The periplast is composed of hexagonal plates, with trichocysts at the corners. This cryptomonad lacks a gullet but has a deep ventral furrow, in which more than 20 large ejectosomes are located. The chloroplast has mainly three thylakoids per lamella, and it is structurally reminiscent of that of certain haptophycean flagellates. The pigments appear to be as usual within the photosynthetic cryptomonads, with phycoerythrin type PE I (phycocyanin was not detected). Other cellular inclusions (e.g., lysosome-like vesicles and the contractile vacuolar complex) are also discussed.  相似文献   
Bias of some commonly-used time series estimates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
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