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Coral Reefs - Reproduction and recruitment are essential processes for the continued success of coral communities. Islas Marias Archipelago is considered a connectivity node among coral communities...  相似文献   
Mutualisms between reef-building corals and endosymbiotic dinoflagellates are particularly sensitive to environmental stress, yet the ecosystems they construct have endured major oscillations in global climate. During the winter of 2008, an extreme cold-water event occurred in the Gulf of California that bleached corals in the genus Pocillopora harbouring a thermally ‘sensitive’ symbiont, designated Symbiodinium C1b-c, while colonies possessing Symbiodinium D1 were mostly unaffected. Certain bleached colonies recovered quickly while others suffered partial or complete mortality. In most colonies, no appreciable change was observed in the identity of the original symbiont, indicating that these partnerships are stable. During the initial phases of recovery, a third species of symbiont B1Aiptasia, genetically identical to that harboured by the invasive anemone, Aiptasia sp., grew opportunistically and was visible as light-yellow patches on the branch tips of several colonies. However, this symbiont did not persist and was displaced in all cases by C1b-c several months later. Colonies with D1 were abundant at inshore habitats along the continental eastern Pacific, where seasonal turbidity is high relative to offshore islands. Environmental conditions of the central and southern coasts of Mexico were not sufficient to explain the exclusivity of D1 Pocillopora in these regions. It is possible that mass mortalities associated with major thermal disturbances during the 1997–1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation eliminated C1b-c holobionts from these locations. The differential loss of Pocillopora holobionts in response to thermal stress suggests that natural selection on existing variation can cause rapid and significant shifts in the frequency of particular coral–algal partnerships. However, coral populations may take decades to recover following episodes of severe selection, thereby raising considerable uncertainty about the long-term viability of these communities.  相似文献   
Coral Reefs - Isolated coral reef habitats are unique systems to study the natural dynamics of coral traits and their natural acclimatization, adaptation, and recovery from global-scale stressors...  相似文献   
Additive partitioning was applied to variation in reef fish spatial diversity at Isla Isabel National Park, Nayarit state, Mexico, and to identify the environmental and spatial variables that best explains it. Analyses included expected and observed species curves, rare species analysis, additive partitioning of alpha- and beta-diversity, and canonical redundancy analysis. A total of 10,517 individuals were recorded from 75 species and 33 reef fish families, representing 85% of expected richness. Species richness beta-diversity was dependent on the site scale, while the alpha-diversity of the Shannon diversity was most significant at the transect scale. Canonical partitioning showed species richness and Shannon diversity was explained by spatially-structured environmental components. Variation in species composition and abundance was explained by a purely environmental component. Therefore, elements of habitat structure (especially corals), topographic complexity, and refuge availability determine fish species diversity. Our results suggest that greater emphasis is required to conserve sites that promote β-diversity, increasing fish spatial diversity. In Isla Isabel, these sites would be mostly those located at eastern and southern of protected sides, where coral reef patches are well represented. The results of this multi-scale analysis are valuable and useful as an addition and complement to the holistic management strategies implemented at Isla Isabel.  相似文献   
Fourteen species of echinoderms and their relationships to the benthic structure of the coral reefs were assessed at 27 sites—with different levels of human disturbances—along the coast of the Mexican Central Pacific. Diadema mexicanum and Phataria unifascialis were the most abundant species. The spatial variation of the echinoderm assemblages showed that D. mexicanum, Eucidaris thouarsii, P. unifascialis, Centrostephanus coronatus, Toxopneustes roseus, Holothuria fuscocinerea, Cucumaria flamma, and Echinometra vanbrunti accounted for the dissimilarities among the sites. The spatial variation among the sites was mainly explained by the cover of the hard corals (Porites, Pocillopora, Pavona, Psammocora), different macroalgae species (turf, encrusting calcareous algae, articulated calcareous algae, fleshy macroalgae), sponges, bryozoans, rocky, coral rubble, sand, soft corals (hydrocorals and octocorals), Tubastrea coccinea coral, Balanus spp., and water depth. The coverage of Porites, Pavona, and Pocillopora corals, soft coral, rock, and Balanos shows a positive relationship with the sampling sites included within the natural protected area with low human disturbances. Contrary, fleshy macroalgae, sponges, and soft coral show a positive relationship with higher disturbance sites. The results presented here show the importance of protecting the structural heterogeneity of coral reef habitats because it is a significant factor for the distribution of echinoderm species and can contribute to the design of conservation programs for the coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   
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