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Levans produced by four Zymomonas mobilis strains showed antitumour activity against sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich carcinoma in Swiss albino mice. Levans from two strains (ZAP and CP4) had the highest effects. NMR analysis showed that the polymers were composed only of fructose units. The results suggested that the antineoplasic effect is associated to the polysaccharide molecular weight and that a particular molecular weight range may be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   
Primates - The habitats of Galago moholi are suspected to be largely fragmented, while the species is thought to be expanding further into the southernmost fringe of its range, as well as into...  相似文献   
This study reports data on 17 craniodental body mass estimators in a sample (n = 38) of dwarf galagos (Galagoides). Correlation coefficients (r) range from a high of 0.64 for bizygomatic breadth and body mass to a low of 0.10 for M(3) length and body mass. Of the 17 variables studied, 7 exhibit significant (P < 0.05) correlation coefficients, with 5 of the 7 being multitooth (i.e., tooth row) or cranial variables. In contrast to the correlation coefficients of greater than 0.90 (e.g., Martin [1980] Z Morphol Anthropol 71:115-124; Steudel [1981] Int J Primatol 2:81-90; Gingerich et al. [1982] Am J Phys Anthropol 58:81-100; Conroy [1987] Int J Primatol 8:115-137) published for higher taxonomic level analyses (i.e., all-primate or prosimian) for many of the same variables studied here, the current data indicate weaker relationships when analyzed at the generic level. Possible explanations for the contrast in correlation coefficients between the current and many previous studies include the following: 1) individual variation due to a geographically dispersed sample, 2) individual body mass fluctuations due to seasonal food availability, and 3) individual variation within the sample due to variation in life-history parameters. Because the overall size range of the individuals in a specific or generic level analysis is smaller than that in an ordinal or subordinal sample, the individual variation normally masked when using species means represents a larger proportion of the total variation in a more limited sample. This may then be a cause of these weaker correlations.  相似文献   
Data are presented on dental and general health for seven groups of wild ring-tailed lemurs, Lemur catta, from the Beza Mahafaly Reserve, in southern Madagascar. As part of a study of population demography, adults were captured, collared, and tagged, and biometric measurements, dental casts, and analyses of dental and general health were made. Results indicate that patterns of dental health vary by individual, age, sex, and habitat. Prime adults show more dental attrition than young adults. Prime males living in more marginal habitats show greater mean attrition than those living in richer habitats. Dental damage, specifically to the toothcomb, indicates that mechanical stresses to this region may include the initial harvesting of foods, in addition to grooming. Males exhibit more evidence of past trauma, including scars and chipped teeth. These results indicate that environmental as well as social factors, such as female dominance, may lead to sex differences in health patterns among lemurs.  相似文献   
The structural gene determinants of lactocin 705, a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus casei CRL 705, have been amplified from a plasmid of approximately 35 kb and sequenced. Lactocin 705 is a class IIb bacteriocin, whose activity depends upon the complementation of two peptides (705alpha and 705beta) of 33 amino acid residues each. These peptides are synthesized as precursors with signal sequences of the double-glycine type, which exhibited high identities with the leader peptides of plantaricin S and J from Lactobacillus plantarum, brochocin C from Brochotrix campestris, sakacin P from Lactobacillus sake, and the competence stimulating peptides from Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus mitis. However, the two mature bacteriocins 705alpha and 705beta do not show significant similarity to other sequences in the databases.  相似文献   
Fallback foods are often viewed as central in shaping primate morphology, and influencing adaptive shifts in hominin and other primate evolution. Here we argue that fruit of the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica) qualifies as a fallback food of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR), Madagascar. Contrary to predictions that fallback foods may select for dental and masticatory morphologies adapted to processing these foods, consumption of tamarind fruit by these lemurs leaves a distinct pattern of dental pathology among ring-tailed lemurs at BMSR. Specifically, the physical and mechanical properties of tamarind fruit likely result in a high frequency of severe tooth wear, and subsequent antemortem tooth loss, in this lemur population. This pattern of dental pathology is amplified among lemurs living in disturbed areas at Beza Mahafaly, resulting from a disproportionate emphasis on challenging tamarind fruit, due to few other fruits being available. This is in part caused by a reduction in ground cover and other plants due to livestock grazing. As such, tamarind trees remain one of the few food resources in many areas. Dental pathologies are also associated with the use of a nonendemic leaf resource Argemone mexicana, an important food during the latter part of the dry season when overall food availability is reduced. Such dental pathologies at Beza Mahafaly, resulting from the use or overemphasis of fallback foods for which they are not biologically adapted, indicate that anthropogenic factors must be considered when examining fallback foods. Am J Phys Anthropol 140:671–686, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
MAPK phosphorylation of various substrates is mediated by the presence of docking sites, including the D domain and the DEF motif. Depending on the number and sequences of these domains, substrates are phosphorylated by specific subsets of MAPKs. For example, a D domain targets JNK to c-Jun, whereas a DEF motif is required for ERK phosphorylation of c-Fos. JunD, in contrast, contains both D and DEF domains. Here we show that these motifs mediate JunD phosphorylation in response to either ERK or JNK activation. An intact D domain is required for phosphorylation and activation of JunD by both subtypes of MAPK. The DEF motif acts together with the D domain to elicit efficient phosphorylation of JunD in response to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) but has no function on JunD phosphorylation and activation by JNK signaling. Furthermore, we show that conversion of a c-Jun sequence to a canonical DEF domain, as it is present in JunD, elicits c-Jun activation in response to EGF. Our results suggest that evolution of a particular modular system of MAPK targeting sequences has determined a differential response of JunD and c-Jun to ERK activation.  相似文献   
The synthesis and structure-activity studies of a series of quinoline-3-carbonitriles as inhibitors of Tpl2 kinase are described. Potent inhibitors of Tpl2 kinase with selectivity against a panel of selected kinases in enzymatic assays and specificity in cell-based phosphorylation assays in LPS-treated human monocytes were identified. Selected inhibitors with moderate activity in human whole blood assay effectively inhibited LPS/D-Gal induced TNFalpha release when administered intraperitoneally in mice.  相似文献   
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