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In a non-fertilized coffee plantation under shade trees the root biomass was excavated to estimate its distribution in the soil profile. One third of total fine (less than 1 mm) roots was found in the first 10 cm of soil; the cumulative total to 30 cm reached 73%. A highly variable and transient amount of fine roots colonized the litter layer. Root production both in the litter and in the first 7.5 cm of mineral soil was estimated from sequential samplings and was 10 g m–2 yr–1 and 660 g m–2 yr–1 respectively. The decomposition rate of weighed averages of litter fractions in the coffee plantation, calculated as the ratio of litter fall rate to the amount found in the soil was k=4.8. Shade tree leaves, the major component of litter descomposed slower than coffee leaves and these slower than flowers and fruits. Litter bag experiments showed considerable slower rates when mesh was 0.03 mm than 0.5 mm. Nitrogen and phosphorous showed increases in concentrations as decomposition progressed while potassium, calcium and magnesium followed a decrease in concentration that paralleled that of dry weight loss. In comparing the decomposition rate for litter with or without coffee roots growing in the bags, a tendency to show faster decomposition rates was found for the treatment with roots. These differences were however, only significant for one month for shade tree leaves litter. Nitrogen amounts remaining in shade tree leaves litter was lower in the treatment with roots that without roots. Potassium concentration in roots was positively correlated with potassium concentration in decomposing leaf litter where roots were growing. These results suggest that while roots growing attached to decomposing litter had little or no effect in speeding the decomposition process, the superficial roots seem to play an important role in absorbing very efficiently the mineralized nutrients from litter. The anatomical study of roots showed that the plantation is intensely infected with V-A mycorrhiza. External mycorrhizal hyphae did not to play a role in attachment of roots to decomposing litter while root hairs were found to grow in profusion on root surfaces oriented toward litter.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the Drosophila subobscura chromosome regions around the breakpoints of the complex E1 + 2 + 9 + 12 gene arrangement was analyzed. This overlapping inversion is formed by the association of the E1, E2, E9, and E12 simple inversions. Ultrastructure of sections involving 58D/59A, 61C/D, 62D/63A, 64B/C, 67A/B, and 68B/C breakpoints on Est chromosomes were compared with the ultrastructure of sections involving chromosomes were compared with the ultrastructure of sections involving 58D/68B, 62D/64C, 59A/63A, 64B/68C, 67B/61C, and 67A/61B breakpoints on E1 + 2 + 9 + 12 chromosomes. No detectable changes of structural organization on banding patterns induced by the E1 + 2 + 9 + 12 inversion were found. Ultrastructural analysis of the two E12 breakpoints has, however, facilitated the analysis of the left boundary of E12 inversion. Accordingly, we propose 61B/C as a new breakpoint instead of 61C/D.  相似文献   
Organic Lake is a shallow, marine-derived hypersaline lake in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica that has the highest reported concentration of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in a natural body of water. To determine the composition and functional potential of the microbial community and learn about the unusual sulfur chemistry in Organic Lake, shotgun metagenomics was performed on size-fractionated samples collected along a depth profile. Eucaryal phytoflagellates were the main photosynthetic organisms. Bacteria were dominated by the globally distributed heterotrophic taxa Marinobacter, Roseovarius and Psychroflexus. The dominance of heterotrophic degradation, coupled with low fixation potential, indicates possible net carbon loss. However, abundant marker genes for aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy, sulfur oxidation, rhodopsins and CO oxidation were also linked to the dominant heterotrophic bacteria, and indicate the use of photo- and lithoheterotrophy as mechanisms for conserving organic carbon. Similarly, a high genetic potential for the recycling of nitrogen compounds likely functions to retain fixed nitrogen in the lake. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) lyase genes were abundant, indicating that DMSP is a significant carbon and energy source. Unlike marine environments, DMSP demethylases were less abundant, indicating that DMSP cleavage is the likely source of high DMS concentration. DMSP cleavage, carbon mixotrophy (photoheterotrophy and lithoheterotrophy) and nitrogen remineralization by dominant Organic Lake bacteria are potentially important adaptations to nutrient constraints. In particular, carbon mixotrophy relieves the extent of carbon oxidation for energy production, allowing more carbon to be used for biosynthetic processes. The study sheds light on how the microbial community has adapted to this unique Antarctic lake environment.  相似文献   
This study is aimed to clarify the association between MDMA cumulative use and cognitive dysfunction, and the potential role of candidate genetic polymorphisms in explaining individual differences in the cognitive effects of MDMA. Gene polymorphisms related to reduced serotonin function, poor competency of executive control and memory consolidation systems, and high enzymatic activity linked to bioactivation of MDMA to neurotoxic metabolites may contribute to explain variations in the cognitive impact of MDMA across regular users of this drug. Sixty ecstasy polydrug users, 110 cannabis users and 93 non-drug users were assessed using cognitive measures of Verbal Memory (California Verbal Learning Test, CVLT), Visual Memory (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, ROCFT), Semantic Fluency, and Perceptual Attention (Symbol Digit Modalities Test, SDMT). Participants were also genotyped for polymorphisms within the 5HTT, 5HTR2A, COMT, CYP2D6, BDNF, and GRIN2B genes using polymerase chain reaction and TaqMan polymerase assays. Lifetime cumulative MDMA use was significantly associated with poorer performance on visuospatial memory and perceptual attention. Heavy MDMA users (>100 tablets lifetime use) interacted with candidate gene polymorphisms in explaining individual differences in cognitive performance between MDMA users and controls. MDMA users carrying COMT val/val and SERT s/s had poorer performance than paired controls on visuospatial attention and memory, and MDMA users with CYP2D6 ultra-rapid metabolizers performed worse than controls on semantic fluency. Both MDMA lifetime use and gene-related individual differences influence cognitive dysfunction in ecstasy users.  相似文献   
The cabbage whitefly [Aleyrodes proletella L. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)] is becoming a serious pest in Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicaceae) crops. However, almost nothing is known about the interaction of this insect with its host plants. Previous studies have shown differences in the natural occurrence of adults, eggs, and nymphs on the closely related B. oleracea cultivars Christmas Drumhead and Riviera grown in the field. In this study, we aimed to identify the nature of these differences and to gain insight into the resistance mechanisms against A. proletella. We used no‐choice experiments on field‐ and greenhouse‐grown plants to show that the differences between the two cultivars are mainly based on antibiosis (traits that reduce herbivore performance) and not on antixenosis (traits that deter herbivory). This was further supported by laboratory choice experiments that indicated little or no discrimination between the two cultivars based on plant volatiles. We showed that resistance is dependent on plant age, that is, resistance increased during plant development, and is mainly independent of environmental factors. Analysis of probing behaviour revealed that the resistance trait affects A. proletella at the phloem level and that morphological differences between the two cultivars are most likely not involved. We suggest that compounds present in the phloem reduce sap ingestion by the whitefly and that this explains the observed resistance.  相似文献   
Motonic dystrophy and fragile X syndrome are two genetically determined relatively common disabilities. Both are examples of a new type of mutation mechanism called unstable or dynamic mutations, triple repeats expansions or DNA amplification. Fragile X syndrome is recognized as the main cause of hereditary mental retardation and myotonic dystrophy is considered the most common muscular dystrophy of adults. This is a prospective non randomized study of clinically affected people, in order to confirm the diagnosis with molecular techniques (Southern blot and PCR) and to perform cascade screening of the rest of the family to offer them adequate genetic counseling. We were able to corroborate the initial diagnosis in most clinical cases of myotonic dystrophy, but in the cases of mental retardation more than half studies were negative for fragile X syndrome, stressing the difficulties encountered by medical practitioners to diagnose this syndrome. The reasons for this are several; probable the main culprit is the subtle and unspecific clinical picture affected individuals exhibit, particularly children before puberty. Cascade screening, genetic counseling and selective abortion are the only tools available to prevent these disabling diseases for the moment.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes are involved in activation and detoxification of many potential carcinogens. Genetic polymorphisms in those enzymes have been found to influence the interindividual susceptibility to cancer. Some polymorphisms of those enzymes have been associated specifically with susceptibility to gastric cancer. We conducted a study in a Costa Rican population, where gastric cancer incidence and mortality rates are among the highest in the world. We investigated whether such variations affected the risk of developing gastric cancer. Subjects included 31 with gastric cancer, 58 controls with gastric injures others than cancer and 51 normal controls confirmed by X-rays (double-contrast) or endoscopic diagnostic. DNA from peripheral white blood cell was obtained from all subjects. Deletion of GSTT1 and GSTM1 was assessed by multiplex PCR and genotyping of CYP2E1 was performed using a PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism assay with the restriction enzyme PstI and the gene CYP1A1 using the restriction enzyme MspI The prevalence of CYP1A1 Msp1 polymorphism, GSTT1 and GSTM1 null genotype was similar in the three groups of individuals (p = 0.73, p = 0.88 y p = 0.89 respectively). Our findings suggest that the polymorphism CYP2E1 PstI could be associated with a reduced risk of having gastric cancer (OR = 0.09, IC95%:0.01 - 0.83).  相似文献   
Several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in the TNF-alpha gene promoter. The transition G-->A at position -308 generates the TNF-alpha1 (G/G) and TNF-alpha2 (G/A or A/A) alleles, where the polymorphic TNF-alpha2 allele is associated with a high, in vitro TNF-alpha expression and an increased susceptibility to diverse illnesses. Here we study the association of the -308 TNF-alpha SNP with the susceptibility for developing aggressive periodontitis (AP), AP combined with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) and DM. We also explore the TNF-alpha capability expression and the presence of the -308 polymorphism. For this purpose we recruited 27 individuals with AP (AP+ group), 27 individuals with AP combined with DM (AP+/DM+ group), and 27 individuals with DM without signs of periodontitis upon clinical examination (DM+ group). The control group was comprised of 30 subjects. Genotyping for TNF-alpha promoter was performed by PCR-RFLP analysis. For TNF-alpha expression we used a blood culture system.  相似文献   
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