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To determine whether the bicyclic monoterpene olefins (-)-alpha-pinene and (-)-beta-pinene arise biosynthetically from the same monoterpene cyclase by alternate deprotonations of a common carbocationic intermediate, the product distributions arising from the acyclic precursor [10-2H3,1-3H]geranyl pyrophosphate were compared with those resulting from incubation of [1-3H]geranyl pyrophosphate with (-)-pinene cyclase from Salvia officinalis. Alteration in proportions of the olefinic products generated by the partially purified pinene cyclase resulted from the suppression of the formation of (-)-beta-pinene (C10 deprotonation) by a primary deuterium isotope effect with a compensating stimulation of the formation of (-)-alpha-pinene (C4 deprotonation). (-)-Pinene cyclase as well as (+)-pinene cyclase also exhibited a decrease in the proportion of the acyclic olefin myrcene generated from the deuteriated substrate, accompanied by a corresponding increase in the commitment to cyclized products. The observation of isotopically sensitive branching, in conjunction with quantitation of the magnitude of the secondary deuterium isotope effect on the overall rate of product formation by the (+)- and (-)-pinene cyclases as well as two other monoterpene cyclases from the same tissue, supports the biosynthetic origin of (-)-alpha-pinene and (-)-beta-pinene by alternative deprotonations of a common enzymatic intermediate. A biogenetic scheme consistent with these results is presented, and alternate proposals for the origin of the pinenes are addressed.  相似文献   
Humulene cyclase and caryophyllene cyclase, two enzymes which catalyze the cyclization of farnesyl pyrophosphate to the respective sesquiterpene olefins, have been partially purified from the supernatant fraction of a sage (Salvia officinalis) leaf epidermis extract and separated from each other by a combination of hydrophobic interaction, gel filtration, and ion-exchange chromatography. The molecular weight of both cyclases was estimated by gel filtration to be 57,000 and both cyclases exhibited a pH optimum of 6.5 and preferred Mg2+ (Km approximately 1.5 mM) as the required divalent metal cation. Both enzymes possessed a Km of about 1.7 microM for farnesyl pyrophosphate, were strongly inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, and exhibited comparable sensitivities to a variety of other potential inhibitors. The properties of the two sesquiterpene olefin cyclases, which are the first from a higher plant source to be examined in detail, were very similar to each other and to other monoterpene, sesquiterpene, and diterpene cyclases previously described.  相似文献   
Conversion of geranyl pyrophosphate to cyclic monoterpenes is considered to involve the preliminary isomerization of this acyclic precursor to enzyme-bound linalyl pyrophosphate and the cyclization of this tertiary intermediate. 2-Fluorogeranyl pyrophosphate and 2-fluorolinalyl pyrophosphate are effective competitive inhibitors of the cyclization of geranyl pyrophosphate by several different monoterpene cyclases, and the electron withdrawing alpha-fluorine substituent was shown to suppress the rate of cyclic product formation from both tritium-labeled analogs by at least two orders of cyclic These results indicate that both steps of the coupled isomerization-cyclization sequence are initiated by ionization of an allylic pyrophosphate, and they confirm the electrophilic nature of this enzymatic reaction type and its similarity to the prenyltransferase reaction.  相似文献   
Enzymes from Salvia officinalis and Tanacetum vulgare leaf epidermis catalyze the conversion of the acyclic precursor geranyl pyrophosphate to the cyclic monoterpenes (+)- and (-)-bornyl pyrophosphate, respectively. The antipodal cyclizations are considered to proceed by the initial isomerization of the substrate to the respective bound tertiary allylic intermediates (-)-(3R)- and (+)-(3S)-linalyl pyrophosphate. [(3R)-8,9-14C,(3RS)-1E-3H] Linalyl pyrophosphate (3H:14C = 5.22) was tested as a substrate with the cyclases from both sources to determine the configuration of the cyclizing intermediate. This substrate yielded (-)-bornyl pyrophosphate with 3H:14C ratio greater than 31, indicating specific utilization of (+)-(3S)-linalyl pyrophosphate as predicted. With the (+)-bornyl pyrophosphate cyclase, the 3H:14C ratio of the product was about 4.16, indicating a preference for the (-)-(3R)-enantiomer, but the ability also to utilize (+)-(3S)-linalyl pyrophosphate. (3R)- and (3S)-[1Z-3H]Linalyl pyrophosphate were separately compared to the achiral precursors [1-3H] geranyl pyrophosphate and [1-3H]neryl pyrophosphate (cis-isomer) as substrates for the cyclizations. All functional precursors afforded optically pure (-)-(1S,4S)-bornyl pyrophosphate with the T. vulgare-derived cyclase (as determined by chromatographic separation of diastereomeric ketals of the derived ketone camphor), and (+)-(3S)-linalyl pyrophosphate was the preferred substrate. With the (+)-bornyl pyrophosphate cyclase from S. officinalis, geranyl, neryl, and (-)-(3R)-linalyl pyrophosphates gave the expected (+)-(1R,4R)-stereoisomer as the sole product, and (-)-(3R)-linalyl pyrophosphate was the preferred substrate. However, (3S)-linalyl pyrophosphate yielded (-)-(1S,4S)-bornyl pyrophosphate, albeit at lower rates, indicating the ability of this enzyme to catalyze the anomalous enantiomeric cyclization.  相似文献   
l-Menthone of peppermint leaves is reduced to d-neomenthol which is glucosylated and transported to the rhizome, whereupon the β-d-glucoside is hydrolyzed, the aglycone oxidized back to l-menthone, and this ketone converted to l-3,4-menthone lactone. l-[G-3H]-3,4-Menthone lactone and its labeled progenitors, when incubated with excised mint rhizomes, gave rise to nonvolatile lipids as well as polar metabolites. The lipids thus generated consisted of labeled squalene and phytosterols in the nonsaponifiable fraction and C14-C26 fatty acids in the saponifiable fraction. These results imply degradation of the terpenoid to acetylcoenzyme A and reduced pyridine nucleotide, and reincorporation of label via these products. Starch and soluble carbohydrates were also found to be labeled; however, chemical degradation of the [3H]glucose obtained on hydrolysis of starch indicated the presence of tritium only on interior carbons, suggesting that labeling had occurred via reduced pyridine nucleotides. Analysis of the labeled organic acids revealed the presence of several hydroxy methylacyl intermediates suggesting the operation of a modified β-oxidation pathway in the degradation of the acyclic terpenoid skeleton. The results indicate that monoterpenes transported to the rhizome are oxidized to yield acetyl-coenzyme A and reduced pyridine nucleotides, and suggest that metabolic turnover of monoterpenes in mint represents a mechanism for recycling carbon and energy from foliar terpenes into other metabolites of the rhizome.  相似文献   
A soluble enzyme preparation from immature sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves has been shown to catalyze the cation-dependent cyclization of geranyl pyrophosphate to the isomeric monoterpene olefins (+/-)-alpha-pinene and (-)-beta-pinene and to lesser amounts of camphene and limonene (Gambliel, H., and Croteau, R. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 2335-2342). This preparation was fractionated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150 to afford two regions of enzymic activity termed geranyl pyrophosphate:pinene cyclase I (Mr approximately equal to 96,000), which catalyzed the conversion of geranyl pyrophosphate to the bicyclic olefin (+)-alpha-pinene, and to smaller quantities of the rearranged olefin (+)-camphene and the monocyclic olefin (+)-limonene, and geranyl pyrophosphate:pinene cyclase II (Mr approximately equal to 55,000), which transformed the acyclic precursor to (-)-alpha-pinene and (-)-beta-pinene, as well as to (-)-camphene, (-)-limonene, and the acyclic olefin myrcene. The multiple olefin biosynthetic activities co-purified with pinene cyclase I on four subsequent chromatographic and electrophoretic steps, and the ability to cyclize geranyl pyrophosphate and the related allylic pyrophosphates neryl pyrophosphate and linalyl pyrophosphate was likewise coincident throughout purification. Fractionation of pinene cyclase II by an identical sequence showed that the activities for the synthesis of the stereochemically related (-)-olefins co-purified, as did the ability to utilize the three acyclic precursors. The general properties of cyclase I and cyclase II were determined, and a scheme for the biosynthesis of the pinenes and related monoterpene olefins was proposed.  相似文献   
The phenolic (5' position) and tyrosyl (5 position) ring deiodinases which catalyze the peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormones have proven difficult to purify and characterize biochemically. The present studies used Xenopus laevis oocytes as an in vivo translational assay system for detecting and quantitating mRNA for these enzymes. The injection of poly(A)+ RNA prepared from a human term placenta induced 5-deiodinase activity in oocytes. The expressed activity increased for up to 96 h after injection, was proportional to the amount of RNA injected, and manifested a Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for T3 of 1.6 nM. In oocytes injected with poly(A)+ RNA prepared from rat liver, anterior pituitary gland, or brown adipose tissue, 5-deiodinase activity could not be demonstrated. The injection of poly(A)+ RNA from 15-day-old chick embryonic liver induced both 5'- and 5-deiodinase activity, with the 5'-deiodinase activity being sensitive to inhibition by 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil. X. laevis oocytes can thus be induced to express either phenolic or tyrosyl ring deiodinase activity, or both, by the microinjection of poly(A)+ RNA prepared from selected tissues. These findings demonstrate that the types of deiodinase activity present in different organs represent tissue specific patterns of mRNA expression and strongly suggest that the enzymes responsible for types I and III deiodinase activity are encoded by different mRNAs.  相似文献   
The natural products that accumulate in or exude from plant glandular trichomes are biosynthesized by secretory cells located at the apex of the trichome. To investigate the formation of glandular trichome constituents in several species of mints (Lamiaceae), a new procedure was developed for isolating large numbers of highly purified secretory cells. In this method, the leaf surface is gently abraded with glass beads in a way that fragments the glandular trichomes and yields clusters of intact secretory cells. The isolated, intact secretory cells and cell-free preparations derived from them are very active in monoterpene biosynthesis and provide useful starting materials for the purification of several key enzymes of monoterpene metabolism. The procedure described is adaptable to a broad range of plant species and should find wide application in the preparation of whole cell and cell-free systems for biosynthetic studies of plant natural products found in glandular trichomes.  相似文献   
Terpenoid metabolism.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
The stem content of diterpene resin acids (rosin) increases dramatically following wounding of grand fir (Abies grandis) saplings, but the level of monoterpene olefins (turpentine) in the stem decreases following injury, in spite of a significant increase in monoterpene cyclase (synthase) activity. However, this observation was explained when rapid evaporative losses of the volatile monoterpenes from the wound site was demonstrated by trapping experiments, a finding consistent with a role of turpentine as a solvent for the mobilization and deposition of rosin to seal the injury. Mature forest trees responded to stem wounding by the enhancement of monoterpene cyclization capacity in a manner similar to 2-year-old grand fir saplings raised in the greenhouse. Light and water stresses greatly reduced the constitutive level of monoterpene cyclase activity and abolished the wound-induced response. The diminution in monoterpene biosynthetic capacity was correlated with a dramatic decrease in cyclase protein as demonstrated by immunoblotting. Relief of stress conditions resulted in the restoration of cyclase activity (both constitutive and wound induced) to control levels. The results of these experiments indicate that grand fir saplings are a suitable model for studies of the regulation of defensive oleoresinosis in conifers.  相似文献   
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