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Coagulation factor XI (FXI) is the zymogen of a serine protease that, when converted to its active form, contributes to blood coagulation through proteolytic activation of factor IX. FXI deficiency is typically an autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by bleeding symptoms mainly associated with injury or surgery. Of the more than 100 FXI gene mutations reported in FXI-deficient patients, most are associated with a proportional decrease in FXI functional and immunologic levels (type I defects), whereas only a few mutations leading to the presence of dysfunctional molecules in plasma have been molecularly analyzed to date (type II deficiencies). We report the functional and molecular characterization of a missense mutation (Val371Ile) identified, in the heterozygous state, in a 25-year-old Italian male with mild FXI deficiency. Laboratory analysis revealed reduced functional FXI levels (34%), but normal antigen levels (102%), distinctive of a type II defect. Given the proximity of Val371 to the FXI activation site, a possible interference with zymogen activation was postulated. Expression experiments of the FXI-Val371Ile recombinant protein, followed by activation assays, showed both a different time course in FXI activation and a slight delay in factor IX activation by thrombin-activated FXI.  相似文献   
The RNase H activity of HIV-RT is coordinated by a catalytic triad (E478, D443, D498) of acidic residues that bind divalent cations. We examined the effect of RNase H deficient E(478)-->Q and D(549)-->N mutations that do not alter polymerase activity on binding of enzyme to various nucleic acid substrates. Binding of the mutant and wild-type enzymes to various nucleic acid substrates was examined by determining dissociation rate constants (k(off)) by titrating both Mg(2+) and salt concentrations. In agreement with the unaltered polymerase activity of the mutant, the k(off) values for the wild-type and mutant enzymes were essentially identical using DNA-DNA templates in the presence of 6 mM Mg(2+). However, with lower concentrations of Mg(2+) and in the absence of Mg(2+), although both enzymes dissociated more rapidly, the mutant enzymes dissociated several-fold more slowly than the wild type. This was also observed on RNA-DNA templates. These results indicate that alterations in residues essential for Mg(2+) binding have a pronounced positive effect on enzyme-template stability and that the negative residues in the RNase H region of the enzyme have a negative influence on binding in the absence of Mg(2+). In this regard RT is similar to other nucleic acid cleaving enzymes that show enhanced binding upon mutation of active site residues.  相似文献   
The amidase activity of human alpha-thrombin has been studied in the pH range 5.5 to 10, and at four different chloride concentrations from 5 mM to 1 M. The Michaelis-Menten constant, Km, shows a bell-shaped dependence over the pH range studied, with a minimum around pH 8. The pH dependence of the catalytic constant, kcat, shows multiple inflection points especially at low (less than 0.1 M) chloride concentrations, thereby implicating the existence of multiple catalytic forms of the enzyme. A general linkage scheme is proposed for the analysis of the effect of protons on thrombin amidase activity, and experimental data have globally been analysed over the entire pH range in terms of such a scheme. Four proton-linked ionizable groups seem to be involved in the control of thrombin amidase activity. Two of these groups change their pK value upon substrate binding to the enzyme and account for the pH dependence of Km. All four groups control the catalytic activity of the enzyme which decreases with increasing protonation. Chloride has little effect on Km, while kcat changes significantly at pH less than 8. This effect is due to an increased enzymatic activity of the highly protonated intermediates at high chloride concentrations, as well as to the pK shift of two proton-linked ionizable groups.  相似文献   
Open-field tests may be used for the host-specificity determination of insects used in the biological control of weeds. Such tests allow insects to exercise free choice of plants without constraints associated with the use of cages. Therefore, this testing method can generate host data on candidate biocontrol agents under more natural conditions than those obtained via cage tests. The literature contains 24 studies of open-field testing, involving 13 target weed species, more than 34 species of insects and one eriophyid mite. Field-test data were used to support the release of 20 of these candidate agents into new countries. Most field tests have been conducted in concert with laboratory host-specificity tests or in response to the results of laboratory tests. This review also provides information on experimental designs, locations, categories of test plants included and the constraints of open-field testing.  相似文献   
A common feature of CAG-expansion neurodegenerative diseases is the presence of intranuclear aggregates in neuronal cells. We have used a synthetic fusion protein containing at the NH2 terminus the influenza hemoagglutinin epitope (HA), a polyglutamine stretch (polyQ) of various size (17, 36, 43 CAG) and a COOH tail encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP). The fusion proteins were expressed in COS-7 and neuroblastoma SK-N-BE cells. We found that the formation of aggregates largely depends on the length of polyglutamine tracts and on the levels of expression of the fusion protein. Moreover, transglutaminase overexpression caused an increase of insoluble aggregates only in cells expressing the mutant expanded protein. Conversely, treatment of cells with cystamine, a transglutaminase inhibitor, reduced the percentage of aggregates. We found also that the inhibition of the proteasome ubiquitin-dependent degradation increased the formation of intranuclear aggregates. These data suggest that length of polyglutamine tract, its expression, unbalance between cellular transglutaminase activity, and the ubiquitin-degradation pathway are key factors in the formation of intranuclear aggregates.  相似文献   
A-Kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) immobilize and concentrate protein kinase A (PKA) isoforms at specific subcellular compartments. Intracellular targeting of PKA holoenzyme elicits rapid and efficient phosphorylation of target proteins, thereby increasing sensitivity of downstream effectors to cAMP action. AKAP121 targets PKA to the cytoplasmic surface of mitochondria. Here we show that conditional expression of AKAP121 in PC12 cells selectively enhances cAMP.PKA signaling to mitochondria. AKAP121 induction stimulates PKA-dependent phosphorylation of the proapoptotic protein BAD at Ser(155), inhibits release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, and protects cells from apoptosis. An AKAP121 derivative mutant that localizes on mitochondria but does not bind PKA down-regulates PKA signaling to the mitochondria and promotes apoptosis. These findings indicate that PKA anchored by AKAP121 transduces cAMP signals to the mitochondria, and it may play an important role in mitochondrial physiology.  相似文献   
Eriophyoid mites, which are among the smallest plant feeders, are characterized by the intimate relationships they have with their hosts and the restricted range of plants upon which they can reproduce. The knowledge of their true host ranges and mechanisms causing host specificity is fundamental to understanding mite-host interactions, potential mite-host coevolution, and diversity of this group, as well as to apply effective control strategies or to use them as effective biological control agents. The aim of this paper is to review current knowledge on host specificity and specialization in eriophyoid mites, and to point out knowledge gaps and doubts. Using available data on described species and recorded hosts we showed that: (1) 80% of eriophyoids have been reported on only one host species, 95% on one host genus, and 99% on one host family; (2) Diptilomiopidae has the highest proportion of monophagous species and Phytoptidae has the fewest; (3) non-monophagous eriophyoids show the tendency to infest closely related hosts; 4) vagrant eriophyoids have a higher proportion of monophagous species than refuge-seeking and refuge-inducing species; (5) the proportions of monophagous species infesting annual and perennial hosts are similar; however, many species infesting annual hosts have wider host ranges than those infesting perennial hosts; (6) the proportions of species that are monophagous infesting evergreen and deciduous plants are similar; (7) non-monophagous eriophyoid species have wider geographic distribution than monophagous species. Field and laboratory host-specificity tests for several eriophyoid species and their importance for biological control of weeds are described. Testing the actual host range of a given eriophyoid species, searching for ecological data, genetic differentiation analysis, and recognizing factors and mechanisms that contribute to host specificity of eriophyoid mites are suggested as future directions for research.  相似文献   
An enhanced formation of reactive oxygen species and peroxynitrite occurs in several clinical settings including diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke, sepsis, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Peroxynitrite oxidizes methionine and tyrosine residues to methionine sulfoxide (MetSO) and 3-nitrotyrosine (NT), respectively. Notably, ADAMTS-13 cleaves von Willebrand factor (VWF) exclusively at the Tyr1605–Met1606 peptide bond in the A2 domain. We hypothesized that peroxynitrite could oxidize either or both of these amino acid residues, thus potentially affecting ADAMTS-13-mediated cleavage. We tested our hypothesis using synthetic peptide substrates based on: (1) VWF Asp1596–Ala1669 sequence (VWF74) and (2) VWF Asp1596–Ala1669 sequence containing nitrotyrosine (VWF74-NT) or methionine sulfoxide (VWF74-MetSO) at position 1605 or 1606, respectively. The peptides were treated with recombinant ADAMTS-13 and the cleavage products analyzed by RP-HPLC. VWF74 oxidized by peroxynitrite underwent a severe impairment of its hydrolysis. Likewise, VWF74-MetSO was minimally hydrolyzed, whereas VWF74-NT was hydrolyzed slightly more efficiently than VWF74. Oxidation by peroxynitrite of purified VWF multimers inhibited ADAMTS-13 hydrolysis, but did not alter their electrophoretic pattern nor their ability to induce platelet agglutination by ristocetin. Moreover, VWF purified from type 2 diabetic patients showed oxidative damage, as revealed by enhanced carbonyl, NT, and MetSO content and was partially resistant to ADAMTS-13 hydrolysis. In conclusion, peroxynitrite may contribute to prothrombotic effects, hindering the proteolytic processing by ADAMTS-13 of high-molecular-weight VWF multimers, which have the highest ability to bind and activate platelets in the microcirculation.  相似文献   
The degradation of von Willebrand factor (VWF) depends on the activity of a zinc protease (referred to as ADAMTS-13), which cleaves VWF at the Tyr(1605)-Met(1606) peptide bond. Little information is available on the physiological mechanisms involved in regulation of AD-AMTS-13 activity. In this study, the role of ions on the ADAMTS-13/VWF interaction was investigated. In the presence of 1.5 m urea, the protease cleaved multimeric VWF in the absence of NaCl at pH 8.00 and 37 degrees C, with an apparent k(cat)/K(m) congruent with 3.4 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1), but this value decreased by approximately 10-fold in the presence of 0.15 M NaCl. Using several monovalent salts, the inhibitory effect was attributed mostly to anions, whose potency was inversely related to the corresponding Jones-Dole viscosity B coefficients (ClO(4)(-) > Cl(-) > F(-)). The specific inhibitory effect of anions was due to their binding to VWF, which caused a conformational change responsible for quenching the intrinsic fluorescence of the protein and reducing tyrosine exposition to bulk solvent. Ristocetin binding to VWF could reduce the apparent affinity and reverse the inhibitory effect of chloride. We hypothesize that, after secretion into the extracellular compartment, VWF is bound by chloride ions abundantly present in this milieu, becoming unavailable to proteolysis by AD-AMTS-13. Shear forces, which facilitate GpIbalpha binding (this effect being artificially obtained by ristocetin), can reverse the inhibitory effect of chloride, whose concentration gradient across the cell membrane may represent a simple but efficient strategy to regulate the enzymatic activity of ADAMTS-13.  相似文献   
Neem oil is a natural product obtained from the seeds of the tree Azadirachta indica. Its composition is very complex and the oil exhibits a number of biological activities. The most studied component is the terpenoid azadirachtin which is used for its insecticidal and putative antimicrobial properties. In this report we investigate the biological activity of partially purified components of the oil obtained from A. indica. We show that the semi-purified fractions have moderate to strong cytotoxicity. However, this is not attributable to azadirachtin but to other active compounds present in the mixture. Each fraction was further purified by appropriate extraction procedures and we observed a differential cytotoxicity in the various sub-fractions. This led us to investigate the mode of cell death. After treatment with the oil fractions we observed positivity to TUNEL staining and extensive internucleosomal DNA degradation both indicating apoptotic death. The anti-proliferative properties of the neem oil-derived compounds were also assayed by evaluation of the nuclear PCNA levels (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen). PCNA is significantly reduced in cells treated with a specific fraction of neem oil. Finally, our results strongly suggest a possible involvement of the mitochondrial pathway in the apoptotic death.  相似文献   
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