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A monoclonal antibody (2C5) raised against rat liver lysosomal membranes was used to identify a 78-kD glycoprotein that is present in the membranes of both endosomes and lysosomes and, therefore, is designated endolyn-78. In cultures of rat hepatoma (Fu5C8) and kidney cells (NRK), this glycoprotein could not be labeled with [35S]methionine or with [32P]inorganic phosphate but was easily labeled with [35S]cysteine and [3H]mannose. Pulse-chase experiments and determinations of endoglycosidase H (endo H) sensitivity showed that endolyn-78 is derived from a precursor of Mr 58-62 kD that is processed to the mature form with a t1/2 of 15-30 min. The protein has a 22-kD polypeptide backbone that is detected after a brief pulse in tunicamycin-treated cells. During a chase in the presence of the drug, this is converted into an O-glycosylated product of 46 kD that despite the absence of N-linked oligosaccharides is effectively transferred to lysosomes. This demonstrates that the delivery of endolyn-78 to this organelle is not mediated by the mannose-6-phosphate receptor (MPR). Immunocytochemical experiments showed that endolyn-78 is present in the limiting membranes and the interior membranous structures of morphologically identifiable secondary lysosomes that contain the lysosomal hydrolase beta-glucuronidase, lack the MPR, and could not be labeled with alpha-2-macroglobulin at 18.5 degrees C, a temperature which prevents appearance of endocytosed markers in lysosomes. Endolyn-78 was present at low levels in the plasma membrane and in peripheral tubular endosomes, but was prominent in morphologically diverse components of the endosomal compartment (vacuolar endosomes and various types of multivesicular bodies) which acquired alpha-2-macroglobulin at 18.5 degrees C, and frequently contained substantial levels of the MPR and variable levels of beta-glucuronidase. On the other hand, the MPR was very rarely found in endolyn-containing structures that were not labeled with alpha-2-macroglobulin at the low temperature. Thus, the process of lysosomal maturation appears to involve the progressive delivery of lysosomal enzymes to various types of endosomes that may have already received some of the lysosomal membrane proteins. Although endolyn-78 would be one of the proteins added early to endosomes, other lysosomal membrane proteins may be added only to multivesicular endosomes that represent very advanced stages of maturation.  相似文献   
After lentectomy of larval Xenopus laevis , the outer cornea undergoes tissue transformation resulting in formation of a new lens. This lens regeneration is triggered and sustained by neural retina. In the present study, lens-forming transformation of the outer cornea was completed in vitro when the outer cornea was cultured within the lentectomized eye-cup. Well-differentiated lens fiber cells, which showed positive immunofluorescence for total crystallins, were also formed when the outer cornea was cultivated with the retina. No lens tissue was formed when the cornea was cultured alone. Lens-forming transformation, originating from the cornea three and five days after lentectomy, completely regressed when the tissue was isolated in vitro . Fom the present and previous findings, we concluded that, the interaction of corneal cells with the retina plays a decisive role in lens regeneration in situ .  相似文献   
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a systemic inflammatory condition with high mortality that may benefit from personalized medicine and high-precision approaches. COVID-19 patient plasma was analysed with targeted proteomics of 1161 proteins. Patients were monitored from Days 1 to 10 of their intensive care unit (ICU) stay. Age- and gender-matched COVID-19-negative sepsis ICU patients and healthy subjects were examined as controls. Proteomic data were resolved using both cell-specific annotation and deep-analysis for functional enrichment. COVID-19 caused extensive remodelling of the plasma microenvironment associated with a relative immunosuppressive milieu between ICU Days 3–7, and characterized by extensive organ damage. COVID-19 resulted in (1) reduced antigen presentation and B/T-cell function, (2) increased repurposed neutrophils and M1-type macrophages, (3) relatively immature or disrupted endothelia and fibroblasts with a defined secretome, and (4) reactive myeloid lines. Extracellular matrix changes identified in COVID-19 plasma could represent impaired immune cell homing and programmed cell death. The major functional modules disrupted in COVID-19 were exaggerated in patients with fatal outcome. Taken together, these findings provide systems-level insight into the mechanisms of COVID-19 inflammation and identify potential prognostic biomarkers. Therapeutic strategies could be tailored to the immune response of severely ill patients.  相似文献   
M Ricci  A Sabatini 《Parassitologia》1992,34(1-3):53-60
Intestinal helminths from coecum and colon were studied in 93 equidae including 40 horses, 36 donkeys and 17 mules. A total of 38 species, 36 nematodes and 2 cestodes, were identified as follows: 1) Triodontophorus serratus, 2) Triodontophorus brevicauda, 3) Strongylus equinus, 4) Strongylus edentatus, 5) Strongylus vulgaris, 6) Cyathostomum tetracanthum, 7) Cyathostomum coronatum, 8) Cyathostomum labiatum, 9) Cyathostomum labratum, 10) Cyathostomum alveatum, 11) Cyathostomum pateratum, 12) Cyathostomum catinatum, 13) Cyathostomum sagittatum, 14) Cylicodontophorus bicoronatus, 15) Cylicocyclus radiatus, 16) Cylicocyclus auriculatus, 17) Cylicocyclus elongatus, 18) Cylicocyclus nassatus, 19) Cylicocyclus insigne, 20) Cylicocyclus leptostomus, 21) Cylicostephanus calicatus, 22) Cylicostephanus poculatus, 23) Cylicostephanus minutus, 24) Cylicostephanus longibursatus, 25) Cylicostephanus hybridus, 26) Cylicostephanus goldi, 27) Cylicostephanus ornatus, 28) Cylicostephanus skrjabini, 29) Poteriostomum ratzii, 30) Gyalocephalus capitatus, 31) Parascaris equorum*, 32) Probstmayria vivipara, 33) Draschia megastoma*, 34) Habronema muscae*, 35) Habronema majus*, 36) Setaria equina*, 37) Anoplocephala perfoliata, 38) Paranoplocephala mamillana. The asterisked species are those not usually localized in the examined material. The most frequent parasites were found in all three hosts. Species 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 30 and 35 showed significant differences in prevalence between horses and donkeys, the mule generally having intermediate values. Multiple infections and total worm burden appear to decrease in older animals (> 15 years). Parasite associations occur mostly at random as expected from the values of the respective total prevalences. Some significant excesses on expected values were recorded but not significant deficits. The total worm burden increases with the number of parasite species and the increase appears to follow an exponential pattern.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of quinidine on Na and H+ transport by the turtle bladder and water transport by the toad bladder was examined. Quinidine inhibited the short-circuit current and the potential difference in a dose-dependent fashion. The effect of quinidine on the short-circuit was not dependent on extracellular calcium concentration and was not reversible with removal of the drug. Quinidine inhibited H+ secretion in a dose-dependent fashion. The effect of quinidine on H+ secretion also was not dependent on extracellular calcium concentration and was not reversible, either with removal of the drug or with stimulation of H+ secretion with 5% CO2. The effect of quinidine on Na or H+ transport could not be elicited by an equivalent dose of tetracaine, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of quinidine is not dependent on its anesthetic properties. Quinidine also inhibited vasopressin and cyclic AMP stimulated water flow in the toad bladder. Quinidine did not alter calcium uptake by the turtle bladder but increased calcium efflux by the turtle and toad bladders. These observations suggest that a rise in cytosolic calcium is responsible for the inhibitory effect of quinidine on Na, H+, and water transport.  相似文献   
The urinary bladder of the fresh water turtle is capable of acidification and Na transport, in vitro, and it has been extensively used as a model of distal nephron of the kidney. In the course of measuring intracellular pH of stripped turtle bladder mucosa with phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance, we observed the consistent presence of two inorganic phosphorus resonances under aerobic conditions, indicating the existence of a pH gradient possibly between cytosol and mitochondrion. This pH gradient was collapsed by addition of N2 and could be restored by reintroduction of oxygen. These observations demonstrate the existence of a spontaneous pH gradient between cytosol and mitochondria of turtle bladder epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells can sustain double infection with pairs of viruses of opposite budding polarity (simian virus 5 [SV5] and vesicular stomatitis virus [VSV] or influenza and VSV), and we observed that in such cells the envelope glycoproteins of the two viruses are synthesized simultaneously and assembled into virions at their characteristic sites. Influenza and SV5 budded exclusively from the apical plasma membrane of the cells, while VSV emerged only from the basolateral surfaces. Immunoelectron microscopic examination of doubly infected MDCK cells showed that the influenza hemagglutinin (HA) and the VSV G glycoproteins traverse the same Golgi apparatus and even the same Golgi cisternae. This indicates that the pathways of the two proteins towards the plasma membrane do not diverge before passage through the Golgi apparatus and therefore that critical sorting steps must take place during or after passage of the glycoproteins through this organelle. After its passage through the Golgi, the HA accumulated primarily at the apical membrane, where influenza virion assembly occurred. A small fraction of HA did, however, appear on the lateral surface and was incorporated into the envelope of budding VSV virions. Although predominantly found on the basolateral surface, significant amounts of G protein were observed on the apical plasma membrane well before disruption of the tight junctions was detectable. Nevertheless, assembly of VSV virions was restricted to the basolateral domain and in doubly infected cells the G protein was only infrequently incorporated into the envelope of budding influenza virions. These observations indicate that the site of VSV budding is not determined exclusively by the presence of G polypeptides. Therefore, it is likely that, at least for VSV, other cellular or viral components are responsible for the selection of the appropriate budding domain.  相似文献   
Understanding the highly plastic nature of neurons requires the dynamic visualization of their molecular and cellular organization in a native context. However, due to the limited resolution of standard light microscopy, many of the structural specializations of neurons cannot be resolved. A recent revolution in light microscopy has given rise to several super-resolution light microscopy methods yielding 2-10-fold higher resolution than conventional microscopy. We here describe the principles behind these techniques as well as their application to the analysis of the molecular architecture of the synapse. Furthermore, we discuss the potential for continued development of super-resolution microscopy as necessary for live imaging of neuronal structure and function in the brain.  相似文献   
A wealth of evidence supports the broad therapeutic potential of NF‐κB and EZH2 inhibitors as adjuvants for breast cancer treatment. We contribute to this knowledge by elucidating, for the first time, unique regulatory crosstalk between EZH2, NF‐κB and the NF‐κB interacting long non‐coding RNA (NKILA). We define a novel signaling loop encompassing canonical and non‐canonical actions of EZH2 on the regulation of NF‐κB/NKILA homeostasis, with relevance to breast cancer treatment. We applied a respective silencing approach in non‐transformed breast epithelial cells, triple negative MDA‐MB‐231 cells and hormone responsive MCF‐7 cells, and measured changes in EZH2/NF‐κB/NKILA levels to confirm their interdependence. We demonstrate cell line‐specific fluctuations in these factors that functionally contribute to epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition (EMT) remodelling and cell fate response. EZH2 inhibition attenuates MDA‐MB‐231 cell motility and CDK4‐mediated MCF‐7 cell cycle regulation, while inducing global H3K27 methylation and an EMT phenotype in non‐transformed cells. Notably, these events are mediated by a cell‐context dependent gain or loss of NKILA and NF‐κB. Depletion of NF‐κB in non‐transformed cells enhances their sensitivity to growth factor signaling and suggests a role for the host microenvironment milieu in regulating EZH2/NF‐κB/NKILA homeostasis. Taken together, this knowledge critically informs the delivery and assessment of EZH2 inhibitors in breast cancer.  相似文献   
Six nervous system drugs which inhibited vegetative reproduction of S. cerevisiae arrested also mitotic division of C. utilis, C. albicans and C. tropicalis. Chlorpromazine and chlorpheniramine which proved to be the most effective, affected respiration and cytochrome biosynthesis. Electrophoretic bands with MW congruent to 100 K were faint in silver-stained electrophoregrams of proteins from cells grown in the presence of a sub-inhibitory concentration of chlorpromazine.  相似文献   
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