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Very few cultivated microorganisms can degrade lignocellulosic biomass without chemical pretreatment. We show here that “Anaerocellum thermophilum” DSM 6725, an anaerobic bacterium that grows optimally at 75°C, efficiently utilizes various types of untreated plant biomass, as well as crystalline cellulose and xylan. These include hardwoods such as poplar, low-lignin grasses such as napier and Bermuda grasses, and high-lignin grasses such as switchgrass. The organism did not utilize only the soluble fraction of the untreated biomass, since insoluble plant biomass (as well as cellulose and xylan) obtained after washing at 75°C for 18 h also served as a growth substrate. The predominant end products from all growth substrates were hydrogen, acetate, and lactate. Glucose and cellobiose (on crystalline cellulose) and xylose and xylobiose (on xylan) also accumulated in the growth media during growth on the defined substrates but not during growth on the plant biomass. A. thermophilum DSM 6725 grew well on first- and second-spent biomass derived from poplar and switchgrass, where spent biomass is defined as the insoluble growth substrate recovered after the organism has reached late stationary phase. No evidence was found for the direct attachment of A. thermophilum DSM 6725 to the plant biomass. This organism differs from the closely related strain A. thermophilum Z-1320 in its ability to grow on xylose and pectin. Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus DSM 8903 (optimum growth temperature, 70°C), a close relative of A. thermophilum DSM 6725, grew well on switchgrass but not on poplar, indicating a significant difference in the biomass-degrading abilities of these two otherwise very similar organisms.Utilization of lignocellulosic biomass derived from renewable plant material to produce ethanol and other fuels is viewed as a major alternative to petroleum-based energy sources (19). The efficient conversion of plant biomass to fermentable sugars remains a formidable challenge, however, due to the recalcitrance of the insoluble starting materials (13, 21, 36). Thermal and chemical pretreatments must be used to solubilize and release the sugars, but such processes are costly and not very efficient (17, 28). Most pretreatments utilize acids, alkali, or organic solvents (39). Moreover, the plant feedstocks vary considerably in their compositions. The main components of plant biomass and the sources of the fermentable sugars, cellulose and hemicellulose, are combined with lignin, which can occupy 20% (wt/wt) or more of the plant cell wall. The development of technologies to efficiently degrade plant biomass therefore faces considerable obstacles. The discovery or engineering of new microorganisms with the ability to convert the components of lignocellulosic biomass into sugars is therefore of high priority.Not many microorganisms are able to degrade pure crystalline cellulose, and the cellulose in plant biomass has a high order of crystallinity and is even less accessible to microbial or enzymatic attack (1, 12-14). Aerobic cellulolytic microorganisms usually secrete (hemi)cellulolytic enzymes containing carbohydrate-binding modules that serve to bind the catalytic domains to insoluble substrates. On the other hand, some anaerobic bacteria and fungi produce a large extracellular multienzyme complex called the cellulosome. This binds to and efficiently degrades cellulose and other polysaccharides, although it has a limited distribution in nature (3, 7). The rate at which microorganisms degrade cellulose increases dramatically with temperature (20), but the most thermophilic cellulosome-producing bacterium that has been characterized, Clostridium thermocellum, grows optimally near only 60°C (3, 9). A few anaerobic thermophiles are known that are able to grow on crystalline cellulose even though they lack cellulosomes, and in those cases the highest optimum growth temperature is 75°C (4, 32). Biomass conversion by thermophilic anaerobic microorganisms has many potential advantages over fermentation at lower temperatures. In particular, the organisms tend to have high rates of growth and metabolism, and the processes are less prone to contamination (30).The gram-positive bacterium “Anaerocellum thermophilum” strain Z-1320 is among the most thermophilic of the cellulolytic anaerobes (32). It grows optimally at 75°C at neutral pH and utilizes both simple and complex polysaccharides, although it does not grow on xylose or pectin (32). The end products of fermentation are lactate, ethanol, acetate, CO2, and hydrogen. Although A. thermophilum Z-1320 grows very rapidly on crystalline cellulose (4), surprisingly, it has been studied very little since its discovery (32). We report here on the physiology of a very closely related strain, A. thermophilum DSM 6725, the genome of which was recently sequenced (16). The ability of A. thermophilum DSM 6725 to grow on different types of defined and complex substrates was investigated with a focus on switchgrass and poplar. These high-lignin plants have been selected as models for biomass-to-biofuel conversion by the BioEnergy Science Center (funded by the U.S. Department of Energy; http://bioenergycenter.org/). We show that A. thermophilum DSM 6725 is able to grow efficiently on both types of plant substrate without a chemical pretreatment step.  相似文献   
The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels, chemicals, and other commodities has been explored as one possible pathway toward reductions in the use of non-renewable energy sources. In order to identify which plants, out of a diverse pool, have the desired chemical traits for downstream applications, attributes, such as cellulose and lignin content, or monomeric sugar release following an enzymatic saccharification, must be compared. The experimental and data analysis protocols of the standard methods of analysis can be time-consuming, thereby limiting the number of samples that can be measured. High-throughput (HTP) methods alleviate the shortcomings of the standard methods, and permit the rapid screening of available samples to isolate those possessing the desired traits. This study illustrates the HTP sugar release and pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry pipelines employed at the National Renewable Energy Lab. These pipelines have enabled the efficient assessment of thousands of plants while decreasing experimental time and costs through reductions in labor and consumables.  相似文献   
The analysis of structural glucan and xylan in lignocellulose was scaled down from original two-stage sulfuric acid hydrolysis methods (Moore WE and Johnson DB 1967 Procedures for the chemical analysis of wood and wood products. U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture., Madison, WI) and integrated into a recently-developed, high throughput pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification system. Novel 96 × 1.8 ml-well Hastelloy reactor plates (128 × 86 × 51 mm) based on previously described 96-well pretreatment reactor plates were paired with custom aluminum filler plates (128 × 86 × 18 mm) for use in Symyx Powdernium solids dispensing systems. The incorporation of glucose oxidase and xylose dehydrogenase linked assays to speed post-hydrolysis sugar analysis dramatically reduced the time for analysis of large lignocellulosic sample sets. The current system permits the determination of the glucan and xylan content of 96 replicates (per reactor plate) in under 6 h and parallel plate processing increases the analysis throughput substantially.  相似文献   
Large populations of potential cellulosic biomass feedstocks are currently being screened for fuel and chemical applications. The monomeric sugar content, released through hydrolysis, is of particular importance and is currently measured with time‐consuming HPLC methods. A method for sugar detection is presented here that employs 1H NMR spectra regressed against primary HPLC sugar concentration data to build partial least squares (PLS) models. The PLS2 model is able to predict concentrations of both major sugar components, like glucose and xylose, and minor sugars, such as arabinose and mannose, in biomass hydrolysates. The model was built with 65 samples from a variety of different biomass species and covers a wide range of sugar concentrations. Model predictions were validated with a set of 15 samples which were all within error of both HPLC and NMR integration measurements. The data collection time for these NMR measurements is less than 20 min, offering a significant improvement to the 1 h acquisition time that is required for HPLC. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 721–728. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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