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The N-glylycans have been removed by peptide-N-glycosidase F(PNGase F) from purified human non-secretory RNases derivedfrom kidney, liver and spleen. The spleen RNase was purifiedby two procedures, one of which did not include the usual acidtreatment step (0.25 M H2SO4, 45 min, 4C), to determine ifacid treatment alters the carbohydrate moieties. TheN-glycansof the RNases were fractionated by Bio-Gel P-4 chromatographyand analysed by 600 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy and electrospraymass spectrometry. All four non-secretory RNase preparationscontained the following structures: The relative amounts of the trisaccharide, pentasaccharide andhexasaccharide appeared to vary slightly in the different tissueRNases. The overall results indicate: (i) that acid treatmentduring purification does not alter the N-glycans of non-secretoryRNases; (ii) that the N-glycans from kidney, liver and spleennon-secretory RNases are very similar, if not identical, toone another, but different from the N-glycan structures reportedfor secretory RNase. N-glycans non-secretory RNases  相似文献   
The NeIF-4A10 gene belongs to a family of at least ten genes, all of which encode closely related isoforms of translation initiation factor 4A. The promoter region of NeIF-4A10 was sequenced, and four mRNA 5 ends were determined. Deletions containing 2750, 689 and 188 bp of untranscribed upstream DNA were fused to the GUS reporter gene and introduced into transgenic tobacco. The three constructs mediated GUS expression in all cells of the leaf, stem and shoot apical meristem. Control experiments using in situ hybridization and tissue printing indicated that the observed GUS expression matches the expression patterns of NeIF-4A mRNA and protein. This detailed analysis at the level of mRNA, protein and reporter gene expression shows that NeIF-4A10 is an ideal constitutively expressed control gene. We argue that inclusion of such a control gene in experiments dealing with specifically expressed genes is in many cases essential for the correct interpretation of observed expression patterns.  相似文献   
The molecular forces that stabilize membrane protein structure are poorly understood. To investigate these forces we introduced alanine substitutions at 24 positions in the B helix of bacteriorhodopsin and examined their effects on structure and stability. Although most of the results can be rationalized in terms of the folded structure, there are a number of surprises. (1) We find a remarkably high frequency of stabilizing mutations (17%), indicating that membrane proteins are not highly optimized for stability. (2) Helix B is kinked, with the kink centered around Pro50. The P50A mutation has no effect on stability, however, and a crystal structure reveals that the helix remains bent, indicating that tertiary contacts dominate in the distortion of this helix. (3) We find that the protein is stabilized by about 1kcal/mol for every 38A(2) of surface area buried, which is quite similar to soluble proteins in spite of their dramatically different environments. (4) We find little energetic difference, on average, in the burial of apolar surface or polar surface area, implying that van der Waals packing is the dominant force that drives membrane protein folding.  相似文献   
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Regionalized life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) has rapidly developed in the past decade, though its widespread application, robustness, and...  相似文献   
Consumer complaints against the blandness of modern lean meat and the frequent reference to the more strongly flavored meat that was available years ago have prompted reconsideration of high fat-depositing typical pig breeds. Casertana and Large White pig breeds are characterized by a different tendency toward fat accumulation as they exhibit opposite genetic and physiological traits with respect to the energy metabolism. These physiological differences were investigated in longissimus lumborum muscles through proteomics (2-DE, MS/MS) and microarray approaches. Data were analyzed for pathway and network analyses, as well as GO term enrichment of biological functions. As a result, Casertana showed a greater amount of proteins involved in glycolitic metabolism and mainly rely on fast-mobilizable energy sources. Large White overexpressed cell cycle and skeletal muscle growth related genes. Metabolic behavior and other implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Autosomal-dominant adult-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (ANCL) is characterized by accumulation of autofluorescent storage material in neural tissues and neurodegeneration and has an age of onset in the third decade of life or later. The genetic and molecular basis of the disease has remained unknown for many years. We carried out linkage mapping, gene-expression analysis, exome sequencing, and candidate-gene sequencing in affected individuals from 20 families and/or individuals with simplex cases; we identified in five individuals one of two disease-causing mutations, c.346_348delCTC and c.344T>G, in DNAJC5 encoding cysteine-string protein alpha (CSPα). These mutations-causing a deletion, p.Leu116del, and an amino acid exchange, p.Leu115Arg, respectively-are located within the cysteine-string domain of the protein and affect both palmitoylation-dependent sorting and the amount of CSPα in neuronal cells. The resulting depletion of functional CSPα might cause in parallel the presynaptic dysfunction and the progressive neurodegeneration observed in affected individuals and lysosomal accumulation of misfolded and proteolysis-resistant proteins in the form of characteristic ceroid deposits in neurons. Our work represents an important step in the genetic dissection of a genetically heterogeneous group of ANCLs. It also confirms a neuroprotective role for CSPα in humans and demonstrates the need for detailed investigation of CSPα in the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses and other neurodegenerative diseases presenting with neuronal protein aggregation.  相似文献   
Fast two-dimensional confocal microscopy and the Ca(2+) indicator fluo-4 were used to study excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling in cat atrial myocytes which lack transverse tubules and contain both subsarcolemmal junctional (j-SR) and central nonjunctional (nj-SR) sarcoplasmic reticulum. Action potentials elicited by field stimulation induced transient increases of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) that were highly inhomogeneous. Increases started at distinct subsarcolemmal release sites spaced approximately 2 microm apart. The amplitude and the latency of Ca(2+) release from these sites varied from beat to beat. Subsarcolemmal release fused to build a peripheral ring of elevated [Ca(2+)](i), which actively propagated to the center of the cells via Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release. Resting myocytes exhibited spontaneous Ca(2+) release events, including Ca(2+) sparks and local (microscopic) or global (macroscopic) [Ca(2+)](i) waves. The microscopic [Ca(2+)](i) waves propagated in a saltatory fashion along the sarcolemma ("coupled" Ca(2+) sparks) revealing the sequential activation of Ca(2+) release sites of the j-SR. Moreover, during global [Ca(2+)](i) waves, Ca(2+) release was evident from individual nj-SR sites. Ca(2+) release sites were arranged in a regular three-dimensional grid as deduced from the functional data and shown by immunostaining of ryanodine receptor Ca(2+) release channels. The longitudinal and transverse distances between individual Ca(2+) release sites were both approximately 2 microm. Furthermore, electron microscopy revealed a continuous sarcotubular network and one peripheral coupling of j-SR with the sarcolemma per sarcomere. The results demonstrate directly that, in cat atrial myocytes, the action potential-induced whole-cell [Ca(2+)](i) transient is the spatio-temporal summation of Ca(2+) release from subsarcolemmal and central sites. First, j-SR sites are activated in a stochastic fashion by the opening of voltage-dependent sarcolemmal Ca(2+) channels. Subsequently, nj-SR sites are activated by Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release propagating from the periphery.  相似文献   
Differential scanning calorimetry was used to examine the effects of cofilin on the thermal unfolding of actin. Stoichiometric binding increases the thermal stability of both G- and F-actin but at sub-saturating concentrations cofilin destabilizes F-actin. At actin:cofilin molar ratios of 1.5-6 the peaks corresponding to stabilized (66-67 degrees C) and destabilized (56-57 degrees C) F-actin are observed simultaneously in the same thermogram. Destabilizing effects of sub-saturating cofilin are highly cooperative and are observed at actin:cofilin molar ratios as low as 100:1. These effects are abolished by the addition of phalloidin or aluminum fluoride. Conversely, at saturating concentrations, cofilin prevents the stabilizing effects of phalloidin and aluminum fluoride on the F-actin thermal unfolding. These results suggest that cofilin stabilizes those actin subunits to which it directly binds, but destabilizes F-actin with a high cooperativity in neighboring cofilin-free regions.  相似文献   
Abstract: The weaver mutant mouse (wv/wv) has an ~70% loss of nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) neurons, but the fractional DA release evoked by amphetamine (but not a high potassium level) has been shown to be greater from striatal slices of the weaver compared with +/+ mice. In the present work we tested the hypothesis that fractional DA release from weaver striatum would be greater when release was mediated by the DA transporter. Serotonin (5-HT)-stimulated fractional DA release was greater from weaver than from +/+ striatum. The release evoked by 5-HT in the presence of 10 µM nomifensine (an antagonist of the DA transporter) was less than in its absence, but the difference between weaver and +/+ striatum remained. In the presence of nomifensine, 1-(m-chlorophenyl)biguanide, classified as a 5-HT3 agonist, also induced a greater fractional release from weaver compared with +/+ striatum. When veratridine was used at a low concentration (1 µM), the fractional evoked release of DA was higher from the weaver in the presence and absence of nomifensine. These findings suggest that the reason for the difference in the responsiveness of the two genotypes to these release-inducing agents is not related to DA transporter function.  相似文献   
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