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The diversity of a polyclonal anti-idiotypic response (Ab2) to a murine monoclonal anti-A (Ab1) was investigated after purification of two Ab2 populations. One was eluted from human polyclonal anti-A column and the other from Ab1. Analysis of the Ab specificity, as well as screening of the clonotypic distribution, were achieved after splitting Ab by IEF; this was followed by immunoblotting and probing with various anti-ABH mAb. The first population reacted with almost all the murine anti-ABH mAb, as well as with four human anti-A mAb, and consequently consisted of Ab2 beta. The second was composed of "true" Ab2 directed against Ab1. In the first population internal images mimicked either A Ag, or H Ag, or some epitopes common to both. This study demonstrates the plurality of internal images-bearing Ig molecules, some mimicking completely, and some only partially or even unfaithfully the nominal A determinant. The analysis of this idiotypic cascade proves the existence of a degeneracy of the initial restricted antigenic specificity. The consequences of such a process are discussed.  相似文献   
We sequenced a 173-kb region of mouse chromosome 10, telomeric to the Ifng locus, and compared it with the human homologous sequence located on chromosome 12q15 using various sequence analysis programs. This region has a low density of genes: one gene was detected in the mouse and the human sequences and a second gene was detected only in the human sequence. The mouse gene and its human orthologue, which are expressed in the immune system at a low level, produce a noncoding mRNA. Nonexpressed sequences show a higher degree of conservation than exons in this genomic region. At least three of these conserved sequences are also conserved in a third mammalian species (sheep or cow).  相似文献   
Nodular worms (Oesophagostomum spp.) are common intestinal parasites found in cattle, pig, and primates including humans. In human, they are responsible for serious clinical disease called oesophagostomosis resulting from the formation of granulomas, caseous lesions or abscesses in intestinal walls. In wild great apes, the fecal prevalence of this parasite is high, but little information is available concerning the clinical signs and lesions associated. In the present study, we describe six cases of multinodular oesophagostomosis in free-ranging and ex-captive chimpanzees and captive gorillas caused by Oesophagostomum stephanostomum. While severe clinical signs associated with this infection were observed in great apes raised in sanctuaries, nodules found in wild chimpanzees do not seem to affect their health status. One hypothesis to explain this difference would be that in wild chimpanzees, access to natural environment and behavior such as rough leaves swallowing combined with ingestion of plants having pharmacological properties would prevent severe infection and decrease potential symptoms.  相似文献   
Dendrobatid frogs have undergone an extensive systematic reorganization based on recent molecular findings. The present work describes karyotypes of the Brazilian species Adelphobates castaneoticus, A. quinquevittatus, Ameerega picta, A. galactonotus and Dendrobates tinctorius which were compared to each other and with previously described related species. All karyotypes consisted of 2n = 18 chromosomes, except for A. picta which had 2n = 24. The karyotypes of the Adelphobates and D. tinctorius species were highly similar to each other and to the other 2n = 18 previously studied species, revealing conserved karyotypic characteristics in both genera. In recent phylogenetic studies, all Adelphobates species were grouped in a clade separated from the Dendrobates species. Thus, we hypothesized that their common karyotypic traits may have a distinct origin by chromosome rearrangements and mutations. In A. picta, with 2n = 24, chromosome features of pairs from 1 to 8 are shared with other previously karyotyped species within this genus. Hence, the A. picta data reinforced that the C-banding pattern and the NOR location are species-specific traits in the genus Ameerega. Moreover, the Ameerega monophyletism proposed by previous phylogenetic studies indicates that the karyotypic differences among species in this genus result from a long divergence time.  相似文献   
The specialist digger wasp Trachypus boharti Rubio‐Espina preys exclusively on males of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica Latreille 1807, although the hunting attacks involve both male and worker bees of S. postica and members of its own species. To understand the mechanism of prey selection, the cuticular hydrocarbon patterns of workers and males of S. postica are analyzed in detail, and the mandibular secretion of males is examined. The cuticular profiles of males and workers are distinctively different. The major group of cuticular compounds, heptacosene isomers, is twice as abundant in workers as in males. There is no clear distinction between worker and male mandibular secretions. Such a distinct and straightforward caste‐specific difference in cuticular hydrocarbons could function as a recognition cue by which T. boharti distinguishes between workers and males of S. postica.  相似文献   
Due to the importance of young-of-the-year (YOY) perch in the peri-alpine regions where they are consumed, the microcystin (MC) contamination of YOY perch was analysed both in field (Lake Bourget, France) and experimentally using force-feeding protocols with pure MCs. In-situ, schools of YOY perch present in the epilimnion of the lake were never found in direct contact with the P. rubescens blooms that were present in the metalimnion. However, MCs were detected in the muscles and liver of the fish and were thus assumed to reach YOY perch through dietary routes, particularly via the consumption of MC-containing Daphnia. Force-feeding experiment demonstrates the existence of MC detoxification/excretion processes and suggests that in situ, YOY perch could partly detoxify and excrete ingested MCs, thereby limiting the potential negative effects on perch populations under bloom conditions. However, because of chronic exposure these processes could not allow for the complete elimination of MCs. In both experimental and in situ studies, no histological change was observed in YOY perch, indicating that MC concentrations that occurred in Lake Bourget in 2009 were too low to cause histological damage prone to induce mortality. However, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damages were observed for both the high and low experimental MC doses, suggesting that similar effects could occur in situ and potentially result in perch population disturbance during cyanobacterial blooms. Our results indicate the presence of MCs in wild perch, the consumption of this species coming from Lake Bourget is not contested but more analyses are needed to quantify the risk.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION It has been over twenty years since the onset of the AIDS epidemic, and in spite of the tremendous progress made towards the understanding of the disease, the virus that causes the disease and the development of highly ef- fective anti-retrov…  相似文献   
We describe the amino acid substitutions of albumins Sondrio and Paris 2, two slow moving variants of human serum albumin, which show an identical electrophoretic mobility on cellulose acetate at three different pH values. These variants have been found in several instances in a wide geographic area including Northern Italy and France. Both alloalbumins were isolated from the sera of heterozygous subjects. Isoelectric focusing analysis of CNBr fragments from the purified variants allowed us to localize the mutation of albumin Sondrio in fragment CNBr V (residues 330-446) and that of albumin Paris 2 in CNBr VII (residues 549-585). Sequential analysis of the variant CNBr VII established the molecular defect of albumin Paris 2 as 563 Asp----Asn. Fragments CNBr V from normal and Sondrio albumins were isolated on a preparative scale and subjected to tryptic and V8 proteinase digestion. Sequence determination of the abnormal tryptic and V8 peptides revealed that the variant arises from the substitution of glutamic acid 333 by lysine. Thus, a +1 change in the C-terminal region of the albumin molecule produces a variant with the same electrophoretic mobility as an alloalbumin with a +2 substitution in the central domain, suggesting a higher degree of exposure to the solvent of the C-terminal tailpiece. Both amino acid substitutions are consistent with a G----A transition in the first position of the corresponding codon in the structural gene.  相似文献   
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