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The question addressed in this article is how people come to know the foundational axioms of their moral systems as true and correct. Drawing on my fieldwork among the Himba of northwestern Namibia, I argue that the most potent form of intellectual conviction is not generated through the external manipulations of ritual, but through a deeply internal experience in which moral knowledge coalesces with a subjectively perceived experience of timeless universality.  相似文献   
Sodium-dependent lysine flux across bullfrog alveolar epithelium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amino acid transport across the alveolar epithelial barrier was studied by measuring radiolabeled lysine fluxes across bullfrog lungs in an Ussing chamber. In the absence of a transmural electrical gradient, L-[14C]lysine was instilled into the upstream reservoir and the rate of appearance of the radiolabel in the downstream reservoir was determined. Two lungs from the same animal were used simultaneously to determine tracer fluxes both into and out of the alveolar bath. Results showed that the radiolabel flux measured in the alveolar to the pleural direction was greater than that measured in the opposite direction in the presence of sodium in the bathing fluids. The net flux of L-[14C]lysine was saturable with [Na+], with an apparent transport coefficient (Kt) of 28 mM for Na+. Hill analysis of [14C]lysine flux vs. [Na+] indicated a coupling ratio of 1:1 between sodium and radiolabeled L-lysine. Total L-lysine flux as a function of [L-lysine] was also saturable, with Kt of 7.3 mM for L-lysine. Ouabain significantly decreased absorptive (alveolar-to-pleural) radiolabel flux, while slightly increasing the flux observed in the opposite direction. L-leucine completely inhibited absorptive net flux of L-[14C]lysine. alpha-Methylaminoisobutyric acid (MeAIB), on the other hand, only slightly reduced net flux of L-[14C]lysine from the control value. The presence of a net absorptive, Na+-dependent amino acid flux across the alveolar epithelial barrier indicates that the tissue is capable of removing amino acids and sodium from the alveolar fluid by a coupled cotransport mechanism, which may be important for both protein metabolism and fluid balance by alveolar epithelium.  相似文献   
The role of an anion exchange pathway in modulating intracellular pH (pHi) under steady-state and alkaline load conditions was investigated in confluent monolayers of rat type II alveolar epithelial cells using the pH-sensitive fluorescent probe 2'-7'-biscarboxy-ethyl-5,6-carboxylfluorescein. Under steady-state conditions in the presence of 25 mM HCO3-, 5% CO2 at pHo 7.4, pHi was 7.32 in a Na+-replete medium and 7.33 in the absence of Na+. Steady-state pHi was 7.19 in a nominally HCO3(-)-free medium at pHo 7.4, and 7.52 in a Cl(-)-free medium, with both values significantly different from that obtained in the presence of both HCO3- and Cl-. Monolayers in which pHi was rapidly elevated by removal of HCO3-/CO2 from the bathing medium demonstrated an absolute requirement for Cl- to recover toward base-line pHi. The Km of Cl- for the external site of the exchange pathway was 11 +/- 1 mM. Recovery of pHi from the alkaline load in the presence of Cl- was inhibited 60% by the stilbene derivative 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid. Removal of Cl- from the medium of cells bathed in HCO3-/CO2 resulted in a rapid increment in pHi which returned to base line when Cl- was reintroduced into the bathing medium. In contrast, pHi was not perturbed by removal or addition of Cl- to monolayers bathed in a 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid-buffered medium, indicating that HCO3- was the preferred species for transport. Recovery of pHi from an alkaline load was not affected by the presence or absence of Na+. These findings define the transport pathway as Na+-independent Cl-/HCO3- exchange. This pathway contributes importantly to determining resting pHi of pneumocytes and enables the cell to recover from an alkaline load.  相似文献   
Linkage of cystic fibrosis (CF) to DNA and classical markers was studied in 36 families of two or three generations with at least two living affected children. Among the 79 affected children, no recombinants were detected between the disease and the markers MET and pJ3.11, previously shown to be linked to CF. No linkage between the human trypsin gene family (which appears to include at least 10 members) and CF was found, although not all genes of the trypsin family have been screened yet. In one of the CF families, recombination between MET and pJ3.11 was detected in an unaffected sib. Data from our families suggest that the gene order of markers among chromosome 7q is: (7cen;p8.33)collagen(COL1A2);DOCR1-917;paraoxonase+ ++(PON);(MET-cf-J3.11);T-cell receptor beta chain (TCRB);qter. There was no evidence for (or against) either postzygotic selection or meiotic drive to explain the high frequency of CF in Caucasian populations.  相似文献   
Effects of terbutaline on sodium transport in isolated perfused rat lung   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have previously presented evidence that cultured alveolar epithelial cell monolayers actively transport sodium from medium to substratum, and that this process can be stimulated by beta-agonists. In this study the isolated perfused rat lung was utilized to investigate sodium transport across intact mammalian alveolar epithelium. Radioisotopic tracer(s) (22Na and/or [14C]sucrose) were instilled into the airways of isolated Ringer-perfused rat lungs. The appearance of isotope(s) in the recirculated perfusate was measured and a permeability-surface area product was calculated. Pharmacological agent(s) (terbutaline and/or propranolol) were present in the instillate or were added to the perfusate during the experiments. Terbutaline alone, whether in the instillate or perfusate, caused a significant increase in 22Na flux. This increase was prevented by the presence of propranolol. [14C]sucrose fluxes were unaffected by the presence of terbutaline. These data are consistent with the presence of an active component of sodium transport across intact mammalian alveolar epithelium that leads to removal of sodium from the alveolar space.  相似文献   
The effect of fiber type and endurance exercise training on skeletal muscle beta-adrenoceptor properties were assessed using a direct radioligand binding technique. Six separate muscles, composed of a variety of different fiber types, were examined in treadmill trained and sedentary rats. In trained animals, sarcolemmal preparations from heart and slow twitch soleus muscle exhibited a significantly greater receptor concentration than membranes from white fast twitch glycolytic fibers of the vastus lateralis. No significant changes were observed between trained and sedentary rat muscle beta-adrenoceptor density (beta max, fmole/mg protein) or affinity (Kd, nM) within each muscle type, despite significantly increased myocardial/body weight ratios and skeletal muscle enzyme adaptations associated with the exercise program. These results suggest that muscle beta-adrenoceptor properties may be influenced in part by the motor nerve innervation to that muscle, and are further discussed with respect to a possible relationship between exercise intensity and receptor regulation.  相似文献   
A stopped flow rapid reaction apparatus capable of following changes of ±0.02 pH unit in 0.1 ml of solution in less than 0.005 sec has been developed, utilizing a commercially available pH-sensitive glass electrode. Using this instrument, extracellular pH at 37°C was followed from less than 0.025 sec to 300 sec after mixing equal volumes of the following CO2-free solutions: (A) normal human red cells, washed three times and resuspended in 150 mM NaCl at pH 7.2 with a hematocrit of 18%; and, (B) 150 mM NaCl adjusted with HCl or NaOH to pH 2.1 to pH 10.3. A minimum of 2 ml of mixture had to flow through the electrode chamber to ensure complete washout. The mixing process produced a step change in the pH of the extracellular fluid, after which exchanges across the red cell membrane and buffering by intracellular hemoglobin caused it to return toward pH 7.2 with an approximately exponential time course. Under the assumption that pH changes after mixing represent exchanges of hydroxyl for chloride ions across the cell membrane, hydroxyl ion permeabilities (P OH - in cm/sec) were calculated and found to vary from 2 x 10-4 at pH 9 to 4 x 10-1 at pH 4 according to the empirical relationship P OH - = 170 exp (-1.51 pH). The form of the dependence of P OH - on extracellular pH does not appear compatible with a simple fixed charge theory of membrane permselectivity.  相似文献   
We have produced a series of monoclonal antibodies that recognize carbohydrate epitopes on cell surface glycoproteins of developing amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum. The antibodies were found to have differential specificity for amoebae at different stages of development and were classified into types A to E on the basis of their temporal pattern of reactivity with the developing amoebal cell surface. Evidence from Western Blots and digestion of the glycoproteins with alkaline phosphatase were consistent with previous reports that the cell surface glycoproteins are extensively processed during development, leading at 16 h of development to the exposure of a highly antigenic core recognized by antibodies in group E. The nature of this core structure is indicated by the finding that antibodies in group E were found also to bind with high avidity to the plant glycoprotein horse radish peroxidase.  相似文献   
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