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The proliferation of human blood lymphocytes from ageing donors, responding to concanavalin A, showed greater sensitivity to inhibition by X-rays than similar cells from younger donors. This increased sensitivity was associated with deficiency in repair of X-ray-induced damage to nuclear material, as measured by density in sucrose gradients, and with increased incidence of chromosomal damage following exposure of freshly isolated lymphocytes. There was also an increased frequency of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations in ageing subjects whose lymphocytes were deficient in repair of DNA damage.  相似文献   
Radiosensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes in autoimmune disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes, cultured with Con A, can be inhibited by ionizing radiation. Lymphocytes from patients with conditions associated with autoimmunity, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and polymyositis, are more radiosensitive than those from healthy volunteers or patients with conditions not associated with autoimmunity. The nuclear material isolated from the lymphocytes of patients with autoimmune diseases is, on average, lighter in density than the nuclear material from most healthy controls. This difference in density is not related to increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation but the degree of post-irradiation change in density (lightening) is proportional to the initial density, i.e. more dense nuclear material always shows a greater upward shift after radiation. The recovery of preirradiation density of nuclear material, 1 h after radiation exposure, taken as an indication of DNA repair, correlates with the radiosensitivity of lymphocyte proliferation (Con A response); failure to return to pre-irradiation density being associated with increased sensitivity of proliferative response. These results require extension but, taken with previously reported studies of the effects of DNA methylating agents, support the idea that DNA damage and its defective repair could be important in the aetio-pathogenesis of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   
For the first time, a credible prokaryotic phylogenetic tree is being assembled by Woese and others using quantitative sequence analysis of oligonucleotides in the highly conservative rRNA. This provides an evolutionary scale against which the evolutionary steps that led to the arrangement and regulation of contemporary biochemical pathways can be measured. This paper presents an emerging evolutionary picture of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis within a large superfamily assemblage of prokaryotes that is sufficiently developed to illustrate a new perspective that will be applicable to many other biochemical pathways.   相似文献   
DNA-membrane complexes were isolated from lysed E. coli B/r and Bs-1, either by low g forces from a low salt solution, or by high g forces through a discontinuous sucrose gradient. The latter method was more gentle. Irradiation of the intact bacteria had no effect on the membrane macromolecules or on RNA components of these complexes. DNA loss was not significant after irradiation under anoxic conditions but complexes isolated from from Bs-1 irradiated in air showed an appreciable decrease in DNA content. In the presence of the appropriate nucleotide mixture, both 'free' DNA, found in the supernatant fractions, and rapidly sedimented membrane-associated DNA were able to synthesize DNA in the absence of added polymerase. DNA synthesis associated with 'free' DNA was more sensitive to radiation than that associated with DNA bound to the membrane, which appeared to moderate the effects of radiation on new DNA synthesis. It is concluded that the depression of DNA synthesis is primarily a result of irradiation-induced changes on genome-DNA. The interpretation of earlier work from our laboratories that DNA-membrane complexes contained the macromolecular structure which responded to radiation with a high o.e.r. is not supported by the evidence in this work.  相似文献   
The location of major quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to stem and leaf [Na+] and [K+] was previously reported in chromosome 7 using two connected populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of tomato. HKT1;1 and HKT1;2, two tomato Na+‐selective class I‐HKT transporters, were found to be closely linked, where the maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) score for these QTLs located. When a chromosome 7 linkage map based on 278 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used, the maximum LOD score position was only 35 kb from HKT1;1 and HKT1;2. Their expression patterns and phenotypic effects were further investigated in two near‐isogenic lines (NILs): 157‐14 (double homozygote for the cheesmaniae alleles) and 157‐17 (double homozygote for the lycopersicum alleles). The expression pattern for the HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 alleles was complex, possibly because of differences in their promoter sequences. High salinity had very little effect on root dry and fresh weight and consequently on the plant dry weight of NIL 157‐14 in comparison with 157‐17. A significant difference between NILs was also found for [K+] and the [Na+]/[K+] ratio in leaf and stem but not for [Na+] arising a disagreement with the corresponding RIL population. Their association with leaf [Na+] and salt tolerance in tomato is also discussed.  相似文献   
Ecological carryover effects, or delayed effects of the environment on an organism's phenotype, are central predictors of individual fitness and a key issue in conservation biology. Climate change imposes increasingly variable environmental conditions that may be challenging to early life-history stages in animals with complex life histories, leading to detrimental physiological and fitness effects in later life. Yet, the latent nature of carryover effects, combined with the long temporal scales over which they can manifest, means that this phenomenon remains understudied and is often overlooked in short-term studies limited to single life-history stages. Herein, we review evidence for the physiological carryover effects induced by elevated ultraviolet radiation (UVR; 280–400 nm) as a potential contributor to recent amphibian population declines. UVR exposure causes a suite of molecular, cellular and physiological consequences known to underpin carryover effects in other taxa, but there is a lack of research linking embryonic and larval UVR exposures to fitness consequences post-metamorphosis in amphibians. We propose that the key impacts of UVR on disease-related amphibian declines are facilitated through carryover effects that bridge embryonic and larval UVR exposure with potential increased disease susceptibility post-metamorphosis. We conclude by identifying a practical direction for the study of ecological carryover effects in amphibians that could guide future ecological research in the broader field of conservation physiology. Only by addressing carryover effects can many of the mechanistic links between environmental change and population declines be elucidated.  相似文献   
采用静态箱-气相色谱法对晚稻田甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放进行田间原位测定。结果表明,有植株参与的稻田CH4排放通量季节变化与地下5cm温度呈显著正相关关系。稻田CH4和N2O季节平均排放通量在有植株参与时分别为1.16±0.38mgm-2h-1和42.33±20.00μgm-2h-1,而无植株参与的分别为0.15±0.11mgm-2h-1和51.69±15.87μgm-2h-1。水稻种植对CH4的排放影响较大,对N2O的排放影响较小,有植株参与的稻田CH4平均排放量显著高于无植株参与的稻田,N2O的平均排放量无显著差异。  相似文献   
The endosomal LeNHX2 ion transporter exchanges H+ with K+ and, to lesser extent, Na+. Here, we investigated the response to NaCl supply and K+ deprivation in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) overexpressing LeNHX2 and show that transformed tomato plants grew better in saline conditions than untransformed controls, whereas in the absence of K+ the opposite was found. Analysis of mineral composition showed a higher K+ content in roots, shoots and xylem sap of transgenic plants and no differences in Na+ content between transgenic and untransformed plants grown either in the presence or the absence of 120 mm NaCl. Transgenic plants showed higher Na+/H+ and, above all, K+/H+ transport activity in root intracellular membrane vesicles. Under K+ limiting conditions, transgenic plants enhanced root expression of the high‐affinity K+ uptake system HAK5 compared to untransformed controls. Furthermore, tomato overexpressing LeNHX2 showed twofold higher K+ depletion rates and half cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed controls. Under NaCl stress, transgenic plants showed higher uptake velocity for K+ and lower cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed plants. These results indicate the fundamental role of K+ homeostasis in the better performance of LeNHX2 overexpressing tomato under NaCl stress.  相似文献   
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