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We have isolated a cDNA encoding the branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase E1 alpha subunit. A rat liver lambda gt11 expression library was screened with antibody reactive with the 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) component. A positive clone, lambda BZ304, contains a 1.7-kilobase pair cDNA insert with a 1323-base pair open reading frame. Translation of the open reading frame predicts the 24 residues of the previously reported phosphorylation sites 1 and 2 for the bovine kidney and rabbit heart enzymes. The N-terminal sequence of purified E1 alpha was determined, and this sequence was found 40 residues from the beginning of the deduced peptide sequence. Northern blots of rat liver and muscle RNA demonstrate a single mRNA species of approximately 1.8 kilobase pairs in each tissue, suggesting that this cDNA is nearly full length.  相似文献   
Cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) carries 11-cis-retinol and 11-cis-retinaldehyde as endogenous ligands and may be a functional component of the visual cycle. The complete amino acid sequence of CRALBP from bovine retina has been determined by direct microanalysis of the protein. Bovine CRALBP contains 316 residues in a single amino-terminal-blocked chain corresponding to a molecular weight of 36,421, inclusive of the blocking group. Overlapping peptides were generated by cleavage of lysyl, arginyl, methionyl, glutamyl, and one tryptophanyl bond and sequenced by gas-phase Edman degradation. Analysis of amino-terminal arginyl and methionyl peptides by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry identified the N alpha-blocking group as an acetyl moiety, and tandem mass spectrometry provided the sequence of the first 9 residues. Comparison of CRALBP with other known protein sequences reveals no significant structural relatedness. The present results provide a basis for relating CRALBP domains with physiological function and for the future development of a more detailed three-dimensional model of the interaction of 11-cis-retinaldehyde with protein.  相似文献   
Bacteriophage T4 alpha- and beta-glucosyltransferases link glucosyl units to the 5-HMdC residues of its DNA. The monoglucosyl group in alpha-linkage predominates over the one in beta linkage. Having recently reported on the nucleotide sequence of gene alpha gt (1) we now determined the nucleotide sequence of gene beta gt. The genes were each cloned on a high expression vector under the control of the lambda pL promoter. After thermo-induction the proteins were isolated and purified to homogeneity. To verify that the translational starting sites and the proposed reading frames are effective in vivo the sequence of the first 31 amino acid residues from gp alpha gt and the first 30 amino acid residues from gp beta gt were determined by Edman degradation. The primary structures of the two proteins seem to have only limited structural similarities. The results are discussed comparing secondary structure predictions and homologies with other proteins from the protein sequence database of the Protein Identification Resource.  相似文献   
Summary Rat prostate extracts contain an abundant 20–22 kilodalton heparin-binding protein with near identical chromatographic properties, but only 0.2–1% of the mitogenic activity, of bovine brain heparin-binding growth factor-1 (acidic fibroblast growth factor). Amino terminal amino acid sequence (met-met-thr-asp-lys-asn-leu-lys-lys-lys-ile-glu-gly-asn-trp-arg-thr-val-tyr-leu-ala-ala-ser-?-val-glu-lys-ile-asn-glu-gly-ser-pro) and immunochemical analysis revealed that the protein is identical to the androgen-dependent protein “probasin”. This work was supported in part by NCI grant CA37589 (W. L. M., J. W. C.) and the Medical Research Council of Canada (R. J. M.).  相似文献   
When amphibian skin was incubated under conditions in which transepithelial sodium transport was abolished, a conductive transepithelial Cl- flux arose when Cl- was removed from one of the compartments. This flux was matched by short-circuit current and it accounted entirely for transepithelial conductance. Cl- influx was larger than efflux; it was linearly related to the magnitude of transepithelial Cl- concentration difference. When applied to the epithelial surface of the tissue, divalent metal cations such as Co2+, and the ethacrynic acid derivative, indacrinone, reduced rapidly and reversibly both transepithelial Cl- (in)flux and short-circuit current. Frog skin proved to be more sensitive to these inhibitors than toad skin. Further characterization of transepithelial Cl- pathway(s) should benefit from the fact that Cl- across amphibian skin can easily be monitored by the short-circuit current method, and from the availability of agents which inhibit this passive flux rapidly and reversibly.  相似文献   
The inactivation of photolyzed rhodopsin requires phosphorylation of the receptor and binding of a 48-kDa regulatory protein, arrestin. By binding to phosphorylated photolyzed rhodopsin, arrestin inhibits G protein (Gt) activation and blocks premature dephosphorylation, thereby preventing the reentry of photolyzed rhodopsin into the phototransduction pathway. In this study, we isolated a 44-kDa form of arrestin, called p44, from fresh bovine rod outer segments and characterized its structure and function. A partial primary structure of p44 was established by a combination of mass spectrometry and automated Edman degradation of proteolytic peptides. The amino acid sequence was found to be identical with arrestin, except that the C-terminal 35 residues (positions 370-404) are replaced by a single alanine. p44 appeared to be generated by alternative mRNA splicing, because intron 15 interrupts within the nucleotide codon for 369Ser in the arrestin gene. Functionally, p44 binds avidly to photolyzed or phosphorylated and photolyzed rhodopsin. As a consequence of its relatively high affinity for bleached rhodopsin, p44 blocks Gt activation. The binding characteristics of p44 set it apart from tryptic forms of arrestin (truncated at the N- and C-termini), which require phosphorylation of rhodopsin for tight binding. We propose that p44 is a novel splice variant of arrestin that could be involved in the regulation of Gt activation.  相似文献   
Four tyrosine residues have been identified as phosphorylation sites in the tyrosine kinase isoform of the heparin-binding fibroblast growth factor receptor flg (FGF-R1). Baculoviral-insect cell-derived recombinant FGF-R1 was phosphorylated and fragmented with trypsin while immobilized on heparin-agarose beads. Phosphotyrosine peptides were purified by chromatography on immobilized anti-phosphotyrosine antibody and analyzed by Edman degradation and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Tyrosine residue 653, which is in a homologous spatial position to major autophosphorylation sites in the catalytic domain of the src and insulin receptor kinases, is the major intracellular FGF-R1 phosphorylation site. Residue 766 in the COOH-terminus outside the kinase domain is a secondary site. Tyrosine residues 154 and 307, which are in the extracellular domain of transmembrane receptor isoforms and are in an unusual sequence context for tyrosine phosphorylation, were also phosphorylated.  相似文献   
Cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR), a paraneoplastic syndrome, is characterized by the degeneration of retinal photoreceptors under conditions where the tumor and its metastases have not invaded the eye. The retinopathy often is apparent before the diagnosis of cancer and may be associated with autoantibodies that react with specific sites in the retina. We have examined the sera from patients with CAR to further characterize the retinal antigen. Western blot analysis of human retinal proteins reveals a prominent band at 26 kD that is labeled by the CAR antisera. Antibodies to the 26-kD protein were affinity-purified from complex CAR antisera and used for EM-immunocytochemical localization of the protein to the nuclei, inner and outer segments of both rod and cone cells. Other antibodies obtained from the CAR sera did not label photoreceptors. Using the affinity-purified antibodies for detection, the 26-kD protein, designated p26, was purified to homogeneity from the outer segments of bovine rod photoreceptor cells by Phenyl-Sepharose and ion exchange chromatography. Partial amino acid sequence of p26 was determined by gas phase Edman degradation and revealed extensive homology with a cone-specific protein, visinin. Based upon structural relatedness, both the p26 rod protein and visinin are members of the calmodulin family and contain calcium binding domains of the E-F hand structure.  相似文献   
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