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The term athlete's heart refers to an increased left ventricular mass. Few studies have assessed the prevalence and normal upper limit of cardiac hypertrophy in highly trained cyclists and this was the aim of this study. A group of 40 professional road cyclists [mean age 26 (SD 3) years] who had participated in European competitions for 3–10 years, were evaluated at the beginning of the 1992–93 season. Evaluation included a clinical history and physical examination, one and two-dimensional echocardiography, 12-lead resting electrocardiogram and a graded exercise test. Determination of the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was performed using Devereux's formula with correction for the body surface area. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured at rest and at peak exercise. Of the group 23 cyclists (58%) presented a LVMI greater than 130 g · m–2, 21 cyclists presented a diastolic ventricular thickness equal to or greater than 13 mm, with a superior limit of 19 mm; 3 cyclists presented asymmetrical septum hypertrophy; and the relationship between posterior wall and left ventricular diastolic radius was equal to or greater than 0.45 in 14 cases (35%). Electrocardiographic abnormalities of ST-T segment were seen in only 1 subject. No correlation was found between the degree of ventricular hypertrophy and arterial blood pressure. We concluded that these professional cyclists showed a high prevalence of cardiac hypertrophy (58%). The distribution of this hypertrophy was concentric in 20/33 and asymmetric in 3/23 of the subjects with left ventricular hypertrophy. The electrocardiograms were normal in 98% of the subjects.  相似文献   
We studied the seasonality of total soil CO2efflux and labeled C-CO2 released from 14Clabeled straw incubated in the H horizon of asemi-arid Mediterranean forest soil. Fieldmeasurements were carried out over 520 days in aseries of reconstructed soil profiles with and withouta gravel layer below the H horizon. We monitored soilclimate and related this to soil CO2 efflux.Seasonal variations in soil CO2 efflux in asemiarid Mediterranean forest were mainly related tochanges in soil temperature. In spite of drought, highrespiration rates were observed in mid summer. Highsoil CO2 efflux in hot and dry episodes wasattributed to increases in soil biological activity.The minimum soil CO2 efflux occurred in latesummer also under dry conditions, probably related toa decrease in soil biological activity in deephorizons. Biological activity in organic layers waslimited by water potential () in summer and bytemperature in winter. Rewetting a dry soil resultedin large increases in soil CO2 efflux only at hightemperatures. These large increases represented asignificant contribution to the decomposition oforganic matter in the uppermost horizons. Soilbiological activity in the uppermost horizons was moresensitive to changes in soil and hence tosummer rainstorms than the bulk soil microbialactivity. The presence of a layer of gravel improvedboth moisture and temperature conditions for thedecomposition of organic matter. As a result, soilCO2 efflux increased in soils containing rockfragments. These effects were especially large for theorganic layers.  相似文献   
The synthesis and in vitro p38 alpha activity of a novel series of benzimidazolone inhibitors is described. The p38 alpha SAR is consistent with a mode of binding wherein the benzimidazolone carbonyl serves as the H-bond acceptor to Met109 of p38 alpha in a manner analogous to the pyridine nitrogen of prototypical pyridylimidazole p38 inhibitors. Potent p38 alpha activity comparable to that of several previously reported p38 inhibitors is observed for this novel chemotype.  相似文献   
Interspecific triploid hybrid plants between the tetraploid species Coffea arabica L. and the diploid species C. canephora P. were backcrossed to C. arabica. Although characterised by a low production and an important fruit dropping, all attempted crosses (ie, 6) generated BC(1) progenies. Flow cytometric analysis of the nuclear DNA content revealed that most of the BC1 individuals were nearly tetraploid. Among the male gametes produced by the interspecific triploid hybrids, those presenting a high number of chromosomes appeared strongly favoured. Only pollen mother cells having nearly 22 chromosomes were effective, the others leading to deficient endosperm and fruit dropping. Molecular markers (ie, microsatellite and AFLP) combined with evaluations of morphological characteristics and resistance to leaf rust were applied to verify the occurrence of gene transfer from C. canephora into C. arabica, and to estimate the amount of introgression present in BC(1) individuals. The results reveal a strong deficiency in the C. canephroa alleles indicating a severe counter-selection against the introgression of genetic material from C. canephora into C. arabica by way of triploid hybrids. However, introgressants displaying desirable traits such as a high resistance to leaf rust were obtained. The low level of introgression could be an advantage by facilitating the recovery of the recurrent parent and possibly reducing the number of required backcrosses. On the other hand, this could be a limitation when attempting the transfer of a complex trait or several simply inherited traits.  相似文献   
In confirmed late-onset (>65 years) Alzheimer's disease, we found a greater load, both of overall neuritic plaques and of cholinesterase-positive neuritic plaques, in the temporal cortex of carriers of the butyrylcholinesterase K variant (BCHE-K) aged <80 years than of all other patients. The differences were most striking in the case of cholinesterase-positive neuritic plaques. Among BCHE-K carriers, densities of such plaques were over six times higher in patients <80 years at death than in those >80 years (P=0.01). Furthermore, in subjects <80 years, BCHE-K carriers had nearly six-fold greater densities of these plaques than non-carriers (P=0.009). We consider three potential explanations for these findings: that the K variant binds more readily to plaque constituents, that it promotes fibril formation or that it induces aberrant neurite growth.  相似文献   
Pines have been extensively used for land restoration in the Mediterranean basin and in other parts of the world, since the late 19th century. The theoretical basis supporting pine utilisation was its stress-tolerant and pioneer features, and their attributed role of facilitating the development of late-successional hardwoods in the long-term. In the present work, the use of pines and hardwoods in forest restoration is discussed in the frame of the current disturbance regime and social demands for Mediterranean forests. Large pine plantations have recently disappeared because of their sensitivity to fire (e.g., Pinus nigra) or because of the short fire-intervals (e.g., Pinus halepensis). Combined pine and oak plantations are proposed for degraded land restoration on the basis of the complementary features of both groups of species. Seeding and containerised seedling plantation, soil amendments and plantation techniques to reduce transplant shock are evaluated for reforestation under water-stressing conditions, on the basis of several experiments performed in eastern Spain. Both P. halepensis and Quercus ilex are tested.  相似文献   
Many forest soils in the Mediterranean basin areshallow and contain high amounts of gravel in theorganic layers. Recent studies on soil organic matteraccumulation have shown high amounts of organic matteroccurring mainly in soils with high levels ofstoniness at the soil surface. The gravel layer mayaffect the microclimatic conditions of the soilsurface and probably the distribution and activity ofsoil fauna.In order to quantify the combined effects soil fauna(epigeic macrofauna and earthworms) and stoniness onthe release of soil CO2, we performed a threefactor field experiment by using a series ofreconstructed soil profiles. Factors 1 and 2 consistedof the exclusion/presence of soil epigeic macrofaunaand earthworms, and factor 3 of the presence/absenceof a gravel layer intermingled with the H horizon. Weincubated 14C straw in the H horizon and carriedout three 40 mm rainfall simulations.Soil respiration primarily depended on the season. Theeffects of soil fauna were generally small and did notcoincide with periods of high faunal activity. Thelargest effects of both earthworms and soil epigeicfauna were found after wetting the soil in summer. Theeffects of the earthworms were concentrated in themineral soil while the effects of the epigeic faunawere concentrated in the H horizon and mainly arosetowards the end of the experiment. This suggests thatthe effects of epigeic fauna may have beenunderestimated due to the length of the experiment.The gravel layer increased the effect of faunaprobably by creating more favorable microclimaticconditions. The accumulation of organic matter insoils with high levels of stoniness cannot beexplained by the effect of gravel on soil microclimatenor by its effect on the activity of soil fauna.  相似文献   
Microvascular endothelial cells from human neonatal foreskin were grown in vitro until a three-dimensional network of capillary-like structures was formed. All stages of the angiogenic cascade could be observed in this in vitro model, including the formation of an internal lumen. The microscopy focused on morphology, formation of an internal lumen, role of the extracellular matrix, polarity of the cells, and the time-course of the angiogenic cascade. Bright-field microscopy revealed cells arranged circularly side by side and the internal lumen of capillary-like structures was verified by electron microscopy. Immunolabeling revealed a peritubular localization of collagen IV. Reporter gene expression after the formation of capillary-like structures was marginally higher than control expression, but clearly lower than the expression of cells at the stage of proliferation. Highest transfection efficiencies were obtained using vectors with the CMV promoter and the long fragment of the Ets-1 promoter. This is a first study of transfection efficiencies mapped for stages of in vitro angiogenesis. We describe here the morphological features of a long-term in vitro model of angiogenesis of human microvascular endothelial cells that could be used for transfection studies, without the provision of an extracellular matrix substrate. The cells self-create their own extracellular matrix to proliferate and form a three-dimensional network of capillary-like structures with an internal lumen.  相似文献   
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