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Hepatic metabolites and enzymes in the marine fish, scup or porgy (Stenotomus chrysops), were determined in freeze-clamped tissue taken either within a day of removing fish from their natural habitat or after scup were held in captivity for 6-8 months. The same determinations were made for liver from fed or 48 hr-starved rats (Mus norvegicus albinus). Compared with rat liver, both groups of fish had, per gram of liver, higher contents of AMP, inorganic phosphate, glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, malate, glutamate and NH4+. ATP was lower in fish liver, and ADP, lactate and pyruvate contents were similar in rats and fish. Fish held in captivity had significantly lower pyruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate, and cytosolic free NAD+/NADH and higher cytosolic free NADPH/NADP+. These decreases were similar to those seen when starved rats were compared with fed ones. In scup liver, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was 3-8 times, malic enzyme about 2 times, and alanine aminotransferase 2-4 times higher than those activities in rat liver. Those results and a higher cytosolic free NADPH/NADP+ are consistent with the liver being the major site of lipogenesis in fish.  相似文献   
Gramicidin A forms ion-conducting channels which can traverse the hydrocarbon core of lipid bilayer membranes. The structures formed by gramicidin A are among the best characterized of all membrane-bound polypeptides or proteins. In this review a brief summary is given of the occurrence, conformation, and synthesis of gramicidin A, and of its use as a model for ion transport and the interaction of proteins and lipids in biological membranes.  相似文献   
Summary Endophagous folivores, which are concealed inside leaf tissue for much of their life cycle, or which live externally but feed internally, should be more successful on heavily defended plants than ectophagous species. This is because endophages are more facile at feeding selectively and can manipulate tissue development to avoid physical and chemical defenses and to enhance nutrition. As a result, endophage-ectophage ratios should increase on more heavily defended hosts. This pattern will likely be strengthened by negative asymmetrical interactions with ectophages and pathogens, which may displace endophages from lightly defended hosts. The hypothesis predicts that endophages should be particularly abundant in resource-poor habitats which seem to support a preponderance of heavily defended hosts. Although data do not yet exist for a rigorous test, several observed cases where endophage distributions seem biased toward heavily defended hosts are at least consistent with the hypothesis. Plant defense levels may have little influence on the total number of herbivores associated with a host, but I suggest that guild structure can be profoundly altered.  相似文献   
A model is proposed for the effect of gramicidin A on the order and structure of phospholipid dispersions. According to this model, the addition of gramicidin A influences the surrounding lipids via two independent mechanisms. The first arises from a drop in surface pressure for those lipids substantially bounded by gramicidin A. The second mechanism arises from the increase in the phospholipid headgroup spacing due to the small polar region of the polypeptide. The model provides an explanation for the currently available NMR, X-ray diffraction and Langmuir monolayer results. The model also suggests mechanisms for the ability of gramicidin A to trigger a transition of the lipid from the lamellar to hexagonal II phase, the dependence of this transition on the lipid chain length and the formation of a lamellar phase with lysophosphatidylcholine.Abbreviations NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - DMPC dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine - S molecular order parameter - CSA chemical shift anisotropy - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphati-dylcholine - LPC lysophosphatidylcholine  相似文献   
For the first time, a credible prokaryotic phylogenetic tree is being assembled by Woese and others using quantitative sequence analysis of oligonucleotides in the highly conservative rRNA. This provides an evolutionary scale against which the evolutionary steps that led to the arrangement and regulation of contemporary biochemical pathways can be measured. This paper presents an emerging evolutionary picture of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis within a large superfamily assemblage of prokaryotes that is sufficiently developed to illustrate a new perspective that will be applicable to many other biochemical pathways.   相似文献   
The insulin-like growth factors (IGF) or somatomedins (Sm) are a family of low molecular weight circulating growth factors which have a major, but not absolute, dependence on GH, and have been shown to stimulate body growth and skeletal metabolism in vivo. They are thus considered to mediate the effects of GH on skeletal growth. In humans, the family consists of two well-characterized forms--IGF-I or SmC (a basic peptide) and IGF-II (a "neutral" peptide)--as well as perhaps two less well characterized forms--SmA (a neutral peptide) and an acidic insulin-like activity (ILA pI 4.8). Similar IGF/Sm species have been found and well-characterized in rat serum. Some higher mol wt forms also exist in tissues and body fluids and may represent possible precursor forms. On the basis of in vitro, clinical and in vivo evidence it has been postulated that IGF-I is the primary growth factor in the adult, whilst IGF-II is probably a major foetal growth factor. In vitro the IGF/Sms have a variety of effects including (1) acute insulin-like metabolic actions, which are observed primarily in insulin target tissues and are initiated largely at insulin receptors, and (2) longer term effects, associated with cell growth and skeletal tissue metabolism, and which occur in traditionally non-insulin target tissues, primarily via IGF/Sm receptors. These observations, together with the circumstantial clinical evidence favouring a close association between IGF levels and growth status, clearly indicate a role for IGF/Sms in growth regulation. This concept is now fully supported by the demonstration that IGF-I infused into hypophysectomized (GH-deficient) rats results in increased growth and skeletal metabolism. The physiological regulation of the expression of net IGF activity in vivo is complex and is controlled by the following three determinants: the levels of IGFs, the levels of the specific carrier-proteins and the levels of IGF inhibitors. Both IGFs and their carrier-proteins are influenced by the GH status of the animal as well as by other hormones, nutritional status and chronic illness. Little is known yet about the control of the various IGF inhibitors that have been described. Of importance, however, is the general concept that normal growth is dependent on an adequate balance between all three determinants and that some regard must be had for the contribution of each in determining the overall potential for growth under given circumstances.  相似文献   
Proton-enhanced carbon-13 magnetic resonance measurements have been made of the natural abundance carbon-13 carbons in hydrated Lα phase dispersions of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) codispersed with cholesterol or with the polypeptide gramicidin A′. The carbonyl group spectrum consists of a superposition of two peaks derived from the two carbonyl sites within the lipid. In the Lα phase of DMPC both carbonyl sites contribute axially symmetric spectra, one with a chemical shift anisotropy of –29 ppm and the other with a chemical shift anisotropy of less than –5 ppm. The chemical shift anisotropy of the broader carbonyl resonance was found to increase with increasing cholesterol content. However, in DMPC dispersions with gramicidin A′, the chemical shift anisotropy of the broader carbonyl signal initially increased slightly from that of pure DMPC and then decreased with increasing concentrations of gramicidin A′. The width of the narrower spectral component was essentially unaltered by cholesterol or gramicidin A′. The presence of a narrow component at all concentrations of cholesterol or gramicidin A′ suggests that it is unlikely that any significant conformational changes have occurred at the carbonyl level of the bilayer. We propose that the major effect of cholesterol or gramicidin A′ is to alter the molecular order parameter, Smol, which reflects the range of angles through which the local molecular long axis of the phospholipid is tumbling.  相似文献   
Estimation of the probability of release of microbial contamination from the interior of solids upon fracture due to impact is essential to the formulation of planetary quarantine and spacecraft sterilization requirements. A model system was designed in which known concentrations of bacterial spores were incorporated in methyl methacrylate plastic. Pieces of plastic were fractured in a uniform manner exposing interior surface areas of consistent and measurable size. Known surface areas were incubated in sets of 20 culture tubes containing liquid growth medium. The subsequent occurrence of visible growth expressed as percent of tubes positive was interpreted as an estimate of the probability of release of at least one viable micro-organism.From these experiments probability of release as a function of microbial concentration in plastic was estimated for exposed interior surface areas of 30.6, 61.2, 91.8 or 122.4 mm2. Good agreement of the empirical results with a theoretical mathematical model of the probability of release of contamination from solids was demonstrated. Analysis of the data using the maximum likelihood procedure provided a means of calculating a proportionality constant representing the effective thickness of the exposed area and the characteristics of the recovery procedure.  相似文献   
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