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The autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCA) are clinically and genetically heterogeneous. To date, several loci (SCAI-V) have been identified for ADCA type I. We have studied two large families from the northern part of The Netherlands with ADCA type I with a broad intra-familial variation of symptoms. In both families significant linkage is shown of the disease to the markers of the SCA3 locus on chromosome 14. Through recombinations, the candidate region for SCA3 could be refined to a 13-cM range between D14S256 and D14S81. No recombinations were detected with the markers D14S291 and D14S280, which suggests that the SCA3 gene lies close to these loci. This finding will benefit the individuals at risk in these two families who are seeking predictive testing or prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
We used geochemical analyses of groundwater and laboratory-incubated microcosms to investigate the physiological responses of naturally occurring microorganisms to coal-tar-waste constituents in a contaminated aquifer. Waters were sampled from wells along a natural hydrologic gradient extending from uncontaminated (1 well) into contaminated (3 wells) zones. Groundwater analyses determined the concentrations of carbon and energy sources (pollutants or total organic carbon), final electron acceptors (oxygen, nitrate, sulfate), and metabolic byproducts (dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC], alkalinity, methane, ferrous iron, sulfide, Mn2+). In the contaminated zone of the study site, concentrations of methane, hydrogen, alkalinity, and DIC were enhanced, while dissolved oxygen and nitrate were depleted. Field-initiated biodegradation assays using headspace-free serum bottle microcosms filled with groundwater examined metabolism of the ambient organic contaminants (naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, benzothiophene, and indene) by the native microbial communities. Unamended microcosms from the contaminated zone demonstrated the simultaneous degradation of several coal-tar-waste constituents at the in situ temperature (10°C). Lag phases prior to the onset of biodegradation indicated the prevalence of both aerobic and anaerobic conditions in situ. Electron acceptor-amended microcosms from the most contaminated well waters demonstrated only aerobic naphthalene degradation. Collectively, the geochemical and microbial evidence show that biodegradation of coal-tar-waste constituents occurs via both aerobic and anaerobic terminal electron accepting processes at this site.  相似文献   
We report the isolation and properties of several species of bacteria from Siberian permafrost. Half of the isolates were spore-forming bacteria unable to grow or metabolize at subzero temperatures. Other Gram-positive isolates metabolized, but never exhibited any growth at - 10 degrees C. One Gram-negative isolate metabolized and grew at - 10 degrees C, with a measured doubling time of 39 days. Metabolic studies of several isolates suggested that as temperature decreased below + 4 degrees C, the partitioning of energy changes with much more energy being used for cell maintenance as the temperature decreases. In addition, cells grown at - 10 degrees C exhibited major morphological changes at the ultrastructural level.  相似文献   
Psychrobacter arcticus strain 273-4, which grows at temperatures as low as −10°C, is the first cold-adapted bacterium from a terrestrial environment whose genome was sequenced. Analysis of the 2.65-Mb genome suggested that some of the strategies employed by P. arcticus 273-4 for survival under cold and stress conditions are changes in membrane composition, synthesis of cold shock proteins, and the use of acetate as an energy source. Comparative genome analysis indicated that in a significant portion of the P. arcticus proteome there is reduced use of the acidic amino acids and proline and arginine, which is consistent with increased protein flexibility at low temperatures. Differential amino acid usage occurred in all gene categories, but it was more common in gene categories essential for cell growth and reproduction, suggesting that P. arcticus evolved to grow at low temperatures. Amino acid adaptations and the gene content likely evolved in response to the long-term freezing temperatures (−10°C to −12°C) of the Kolyma (Siberia) permafrost soil from which this strain was isolated. Intracellular water likely does not freeze at these in situ temperatures, which allows P. arcticus to live at subzero temperatures.Temperature is one of the most important parameters that determine the distribution and extent of life on earth, and it does this by affecting cell structure and function. High temperatures break covalent bonds and ionic interactions between molecules, inactivating proteins and disrupting cell structures. Low temperatures reduce biochemical reaction rates and substrate transport and induce the formation of ice that damages cell structures. Not surprisingly, an organism''s compatibility with the temperature of its habitat is ultimately determined by its underlying genetic architecture.The strong emphasis in research on mesophile biology (temperatures in the 20°C to 37°C range) has given us a misimpression of the importance of cold on earth. However, 70% of the Earth''s surface is covered by oceans with average temperatures between 1°C and 5°C (11), 20% of the Earth''s terrestrial surface is permafrost (47), and a larger portion of the surface undergoes seasonal freezing, making our planet a predominantly cold environment. Hence, cold adaptation in the microbial world should be expected (55).Permafrost is defined as soils or sediments that are continuously exposed to a temperature of 0°C or less for at least 2 years (44). Permafrost temperatures range from −10°C to −20°C in the Arctic and from −10°C to −65°C in the Antarctic, and permafrost has low water activity, often contains small amounts of carbon (0.85 to 1%), and is subjected to prolonged exposure to damaging gamma radiation from 40K in soil minerals (49). Liquid water occurs as a very thin, salty layer surrounding the soil particles in the frozen layer. Despite the challenges of the permafrost, a variety of microorganisms successfully colonize this environment, and many microorganisms have been isolated from it (54, 70). The bacterial taxa most frequently isolated from the Kolyma permafrost of northeast Siberia include Arthrobacter, Exiguobacterium, Flavobacterium, Sphingomonas, and Psychrobacter (71). Rhode and Price (56) proposed that microorganisms can survive in frozen ice for very long periods due to the very thin film of water surrounding each cell that serves as a reserve of substrates. Permafrost is a more favorable environment than ice as a result of its heterogeneous soil particles and larger reservoirs of nutrients.The genus Psychrobacter comprises a group of Gram-negative, rod-shaped, heterotrophic bacteria, and many Psychrobacter species are capable of growth at low temperatures. Members of this genus can grow at temperatures between −10°C and 42°C, and they have frequently been isolated from various cold environments, including Antarctic sea ice, ornithogenic soil and sediments, the stomach contents of Antarctic krill (Euphausia), deep seawater, and permafrost (9, 36, 57, 70, 71, 76; http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/p/psychrobacter.html). Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4 is a recently described species (4) that was isolated from a 20,000- to 30,000-year-old continuously frozen permafrost horizon in the Kolyma region in Siberia that was not exposed to temperatures higher than 4°C during isolation (70). This strain, the type strain of the species, grows at temperatures ranging from −10°C to 28°C, has a generation time of 3.5 days at −2.5°C, exhibits excellent long-term survival under freezing conditions, and has temperature-dependent physiological modifications in membrane composition and carbon source utilization (50). The fact that Psychrobacter has been found to be an indicator genus for permafrost and other polar environments (66) suggests that many of its members are adapted to low temperatures and increased levels of osmotica and have evolved molecular-level changes that aid survival at low temperatures.Early studies on cold adaptation in microorganisms revealed physiological strategies to deal with low temperatures, such as changes in membrane saturation, accumulation of compatible solutes, and the presence of cold shock proteins (CSPs) and many other proteins with general functions (62). However, many of the studies were conducted with mesophilic microorganisms, which limits the generality of the conclusions. We addressed the question of cold adaptation by studying microorganisms isolated from subzero environments using physiologic and genomic methods. We chose P. arcticus as our model because of its growth at subzero temperatures and widespread prevalence in permafrost. This paper focuses on the more novel potential adaptations.  相似文献   
It is crucial to examine the physiological processes of psychrophiles at temperatures below 4°C, particularly to facilitate extrapolation of laboratory results to in situ activity. Using two dimensional electrophoresis, we examined patterns of protein abundance during growth at 16, 4, and −4°C of the eurypsychrophile Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5 and report the first identification of cold inducible proteins (CIPs) present during growth at subzero temperatures. Growth temperature substantially reprogrammed the proteome; the relative abundance of 303 of the 618 protein spots detected (∼31% of the proteins at each growth temperature) varied significantly with temperature. Five CIPs were detected specifically at −4°C; their identities (AtpF, EF-Ts, TolC, Pcryo_1988, and FecA) suggested specific stress on energy production, protein synthesis, and transport during growth at subzero temperatures. The need for continual relief of low-temperature stress on these cellular processes was confirmed via identification of 22 additional CIPs whose abundance increased during growth at −4°C (relative to higher temperatures). Our data suggested that iron may be limiting during growth at subzero temperatures and that a cold-adapted allele was employed at −4°C for transport of iron. In summary, these data suggest that low-temperature stresses continue to intensify as growth temperatures decrease to −4°C.  相似文献   
Missense mutations in the PRKCG gene have recently been identified in spinocerebellar ataxia 14 (SCA14) patients; these include the Gly118Asp mutation that we found in a large Dutch autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) family. We subsequently screened the current Dutch ataxia cohort (approximately 900 individuals) for SCA14 mutations in the Cys2 region of the PRKCG gene. We identified the Gly118Asp mutation in another eight individuals from five small families. Haplotype analysis identified a shared chromosomal region surrounding the SCA14 gene, and genealogical research was able to link all these ADCA patients to a single common ancestor. We therefore confirmed that the Gly118Asp mutation is a SCA14 founder mutation in the Dutch ADCA population.  相似文献   
Point counts are commonly used to assess changes in bird abundance, including analytical approaches such as distance sampling that estimate density. Point‐count methods have come under increasing scrutiny because effects of detection probability and field error are difficult to quantify. For seven forest songbirds, we compared fixed‐radii counts (50 m and 100 m) and density estimates obtained from distance sampling to known numbers of birds determined by territory mapping. We applied point‐count analytic approaches to a typical forest management question and compared results to those obtained by territory mapping. We used a before–after control impact (BACI) analysis with a data set collected across seven study areas in the central Appalachians from 2006 to 2010. Using a 50‐m fixed radius, variance in error was at least 1.5 times that of the other methods, whereas a 100‐m fixed radius underestimated actual density by >3 territories per 10 ha for the most abundant species. Distance sampling improved accuracy and precision compared to fixed‐radius counts, although estimates were affected by birds counted outside 10‐ha units. In the BACI analysis, territory mapping detected an overall treatment effect for five of the seven species, and effects were generally consistent each year. In contrast, all point‐count methods failed to detect two treatment effects due to variance and error in annual estimates. Overall, our results highlight the need for adequate sample sizes to reduce variance, and skilled observers to reduce the level of error in point‐count data. Ultimately, the advantages and disadvantages of different survey methods should be considered in the context of overall study design and objectives, allowing for trade‐offs among effort, accuracy, and power to detect treatment effects.  相似文献   
Most microorganisms isolated from low-temperature environments (below 4 degrees C) are eury-, not steno-, psychrophiles. While psychrophiles maximize or maintain growth yield at low temperatures to compensate for low growth rate, the mechanisms involved remain unknown, as does the strategy used by eurypsychrophiles to survive wide ranges of temperatures that include subzero temperatures. Our studies involve the eurypsychrophilic bacterium Psychrobacter cryopegella, which was isolated from a briny water lens within Siberian permafrost, where the temperature is -12 degrees C. P. cryopegella is capable of reproducing from -10 to 28 degrees C, with its maximum growth rate at 22 degrees C. We examined the temperature dependence of growth rate, growth yield, and macromolecular (DNA, RNA, and protein) synthesis rates for P. cryopegella. Below 22 degrees C, the growth of P. cryopegella was separated into two domains at the critical temperature (T(critical) = 4 degrees C). RNA, protein, and DNA synthesis rates decreased exponentially with decreasing temperatures. Only the temperature dependence of the DNA synthesis rate changed at T(critical). When normalized to growth rate, RNA and protein synthesis reached a minimum at T(critical), while DNA synthesis remained constant over the entire temperature range. Growth yield peaked at about T(critical) and declined rapidly as temperature decreased further. Similar to some stenopsychrophiles, P. cryopegella maximized growth yield at low temperatures and did so by streamlining growth processes at T(critical). Identifying the specific processes which result in T(critical) will be vital to understanding both low-temperature growth and growth over a wide range of temperatures.  相似文献   
Microbial diversity in four wells along a groundwater flowpath in a coal-tar-waste-contaminated aquifer was examined using RFLP analysis of both 16S rDNA and naphthalene dioxygenase (NDO) genes. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) relied upon eubacteria-specific primers to generate four clone libraries. From each library, 100 clones were randomly picked for analysis. Sixty percent of 400 clones contained unique ARDRA patterns. Diversity indices calculated for each community were high (Shannon-Weaver, H = 3.53 to 3.69). Clones representing ARDRA patterns found in the highest abundance were sequenced (31 total). Sequences related to aerobic bacteria (e.g., Nitrospira, Methylomonas, and Gallionella) predominated among those retrieved from the uncontaminated area of the site, whereas sequences related to facultatively aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (e.g. Azoarcus, Syntrophus, and Desulfotomaculum) predominated among those retrieved from contaminated areas of the site. Using NDO-specific primers and low-stringency PCR conditions, variability in RFLP patterns was only detected in community-derived DNA (3 of 4 wells) and not in 5 newly isolated naphthalene-degrading pure cultures. The ARDRA patterns of the pure culture isolates were not found in the clone libraries. Polymorphisms in community 16S rDNA and NDO genes found in well-water microorganisms reflected distinctive geochemical conditions across the site. Sequences related to sulfate-reducing bacteria were found in groundwater that contained sulfide, while sequences related to Gallionella, Syntrophus, and nitrate-reducing aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria were found in groundwater that contained ferrous iron, methane, and naphthalene, respectively.  相似文献   
This study describes the biodiversity of the indigenous microbial community in the sodium-chloride water brines (cryopegs) derived from ancient marine sediments and sandwiched within permafrost 100-120,000 years ago after the Arctic Ocean regression. Cryopegs remain liquid at the in situ temperature of -9 to -11 degrees C and make up the only habitat on the Earth that is characterized by permanently subzero temperatures, high salinity, and the absence of external influence during geological time. From these cryopegs, anaerobic and aerobic, spore-less and spore-forming, halotolerant and halophilic, psychrophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, mycelial fungi and yeast were isolated and their activity was detected below 0 degrees C.  相似文献   
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