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The functional domains of the regulatory subunit of isozyme II of cAMP-dependent protein kinase were studied. It was shown using Edman degradation that the regulatory subunit contained a phosphorylated residue which was very close in primary sequence to the site most sensitive to hydrolysis by low trypsin concentrations as postulated previously (Corbin, J.D., Sugden, P.H., West, L., Flockhart, D.A., Lincoln, T.M., and McCarthy, D. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 3997-4003). Catalytic subunit incorporated 0.9 mol of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP into a preparation of regulatory subunit that contained 1.1 mol of endogenous phosphate. After phosphorylation by the catalytic subunit, the regulatory subunit contained 2.2 mol of chemical phosphate. The effects of heat denaturation upon the rate and extent of phosphorylation of the regulatory subunit were compared with the effects of these treatments upon the cAMP binding and inhibitory domains. These data suggested that the regulatory subunit required factors in addition to an intact phosphorylatable primary sequence in order for inhibitory activity to be expressed. Such factors might be part of the secondary or tertiary structure of the protein. These studies are discussed with respect to the mechanism of inhibition of catalytic activity, and a model of the regulatory subunit structure is proposed.  相似文献   
Summary Allelic frequencies and genotypic distributions in three polymorphic enzyme systems demonstrated genetic differentiation over extraordinarily short distances in a population of black pineleaf scale insects infesting ponderosa pine trees. A hierarchical analysis of the population genetic structure showed significant differences between demes on different twigs within individual host trees, between demes on neighboring trees, and between demes in pine plots on adjacent city blocks. Allelic frequencies at a malic enzyme locus were associated with deme-to-deme variation in ecological correlates of insect fitness, suggesting adaptive hypotheses about the causes of population subdivision.  相似文献   
Structure of the human neutrophil elastase gene   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The gene for human neutrophil elastase (NE), a powerful serine protease carried by blood neutrophils and capable of destroying most connective tissue proteins, was cloned from a genomic DNA library of a normal individual. The NE gene consists of 5 exons and 4 introns included in a single copy 4-kilobase segment of chromosome 11 at q14. The coding exons of the NE gene predict a primary translation product of 267 residues including a 29-residue N-terminal precursor peptide and a 20-residue C-terminal precursor peptide. Analysis of the N-terminal peptide sequence suggests it contains a 27-residue "pre" signal peptide followed by a "proN" dipeptide, similar to that of other blood cell lysosomal proteases. The sequences for the mature 218-residue NE protein are included in exons II-V. The 5'-flanking region of the gene includes typical TATA, CAAT, and GC sequences within 61 base pairs (bp) of the cap site. The sequence 1.5 kilobases 5' to exon I contains several interesting repetitive sequences including six tandem repeats of unique 52- or 53-bp sequences. The 5'-flanking region also contains a 19-bp segment with 90% homology to a segment of the 5'-flanking region of the human myeloperoxidase (MPO) gene, a gene also expressed in bone marrow precursor cells and a protein stored in the same neutrophil granules as NE. In addition, like the MPO gene, the NE 5'-flanking region has several regions with greater than or equal to 75% homology to sequences 5' to c-myc, but there is no overlap between the NE-c-myc and MPO-c-myc homologous sequences.  相似文献   
By using ethidium bromide fluorescence to measure cellular permeability and the photoaffinity probe, 8-azido-[32P] cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), to label cAMP-dependent protein kinases, washed bovine epididymal spermatozoa were examined for the presence of "ectokinases" on the sperm surface. In washed, intact spermatozoa, three proteins of Mr 49,000, 54,000, and 56,000 specifically bound 8-azido-[32P] cAMP. The Mr 49,000 protein corresponded to the type I regulatory subunit while the Mr 56,000 and 54,000 proteins comigrated with phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms, respectively, of type IIA regulatory subunit of bovine heart. The addition of Nonidet P-40 (0.1%) increased the radioactive labeling of all three proteins and caused the appearance of a cAMP binding protein of Mr 40,000, which was likely a proteolytic fragment of the regulatory subunit. Although these data could support the concept of a surface location for regulatory subunits in spermatozoa, it was necessary to determine if the appearance of cAMP binding sites was correlated with the loss of membrane integrity. A population of washed epididymal spermatozoa appeared to contain 10-20% damaged cells based on ethidium bromide fluorescence. The same population of cells also had 10-20% of the regulatory subunits of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase accessible to labeling with the cyclic AMP photoaffinity probe. When spermatozoa were sonicated for increasing lengths of time, ethidium bromide fluorescence was found to be related directly to the relative amount of regulatory subunit labeling by the probe. It is suggested that the major apparent cAMP-dependent "ectokinases" in sperm represent artifacts resulting from cellular damage.  相似文献   
The protein kinase inhibitor 1-(5'-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H7) has been widely used because of its ability to inhibit cyclic AMP- and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA and PKG) and protein kinase C (PKC) at roughly equal concentrations; it is much less potent on other kinases. Previous studies in other laboratories have found that H7 samples from different commercial sources have different properties in cellular studies and protein kinase C inhibition assays. We now report the results of chemical and biological tests which show that H7 samples also differ in chemical structure, again depending on their commercial source. Chemical synthesis and NMR spectroscopy indicate that H7 from most suppliers has the structure originally proposed for H7, while "H7" from another supplier is in fact its 3-methylpiperazine positional isomer.  相似文献   
The Drosophila compound entire second chromosome, C(2)EN, displays paternal transmission well below Mendelian expectations (NOVITSKI et al. 1981). Because C(2)EN stocks also show higher-than-expected rates of zygotic lethality, it was proposed that this reduced paternal inheritance might be wholly or partially due to postfertilization events. Efforts to investigate this phenomenon have been hampered because the progeny of crosses between C(2)EN-bearing individuals and those with normal karyotypes die during embryogenesis. We have circumvented this obstacle by employing fluorescence in situ hybridization to directly karyotype early embryos from crosses involving C(2)EN-bearing individuals. This analysis reveals that the distortion in paternal transmission is established before fertilization. Moreover, measurement of the sperm ratios within both the male and female reproductive organs demonstrates that C(2)EN-bearing sperm are selectively lost after sperm transfer to the female and before storage of sperm in the seminal receptacles and spermathecae. Our results are consistent with a model of meiotic drive in which aberrations occuring early in meiosis lead ultimately to sperm dysfunction.  相似文献   
Monomeric cAMP-binding fragments of molecular mass 16,000 and 14,000 daltons were obtained by Sephadex G-75 chromatography of partially trypsin-hydrolyzed regulatory subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinase isozymes I and II, respectively. The Stokes radii were 19.1 and 16.4 A, the frictional ratios were 1.15 and 1.03, and the sedimentation coefficients were 1.94 and 1.91 S for the 16,000- and 14,000-dalton fragments, respectively. The 16,000-dalton fragment retained specific cyclic nucleotide binding characteristics of the native protein. The specificity of cyclic nucleotide binding to the 14,000-dalton fragment (cAMP greater than cIMP = 8-bromo-cAMP = 8-oxo-cAMP greater than cUMP = cGMP) differed from that of the native subunit (cAMP = 8-oxo-cAMP greater than 8-bromo-cAMP greater than cIMP greater than cUMP = cGMP). The 14,000-dalton fragment bound nearly 1 mol of cAMP/mol of fragment. The binding exchange rate of cAMP was much faster for the 14,000-dalton fragment than for either of the native regulatory subunits or for the 16,000 dalton fragment. Although hemin inhibited cAMP binding to the native regulatory subunits and to the 16,000 dalton fragment, the molecule did not affect cAMP binding to the 14,000-dalton fragment. Both of the native regulatory subunits and the isolated 16,000- and 14,000-dalton fragments could be covalently labeled with the photoaffinity analog, 8-N3-[32P]cAMP. The 14,000-dalton fragment could not be phosphorylated and neither fragment could recombine with the catalytic subunit to inhibit its activity. The results indicate that the functional entities of the regulatory subunit other than cAMP binding are destroyed by trypsin. The properties of the 16,000-dalton fragment suggest that the intact cAMP-binding site is contained in a small trypsin-resistant "core" of the native regulatory subunit. The properties of the 14,000-dalton fragment imply that part of the binding site of the native regulatory subunit was slighlty modified or lost during preparation of this fragment.  相似文献   
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