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Eight- to ten-year old French hybrid Vidal 256 grapevines in southern Maryland produced berries about one-third normal size but did not express any obvious leaf symptoms. Electron microscopy of negatively stained tissue-dip preparations and sectioned material from such vines showed individual and membrane-associated 28 nm spherical virus-like particles and closteroviruslike particles. The spherical particles were characterized as an isolate of tomato ringspot virus (TomRSV-G) that infected a wide range of herbaceous hosts by mechanical inoculation, but did not infect tomato, bean or petunia plants susceptible to the type strain of TomRSV. The closterovirus-like particles did not react, by immunosorbent electron microscopy, with antisera to grapevine virus A (grapevine stem-pitting associated virus of Conti et al. 1980) or the 2200 nm Swiss grapevine leafroll closterovirus (Gugleri et al. 1984).  相似文献   
Both 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) have conspicuous effects on lipid metabolism in rat liver. Although it is generally accepted that CCl4 administration leads to hepatic lipid peroxidation in vivo, conflicting reports from different laboratories make it unclear whether or not lipid peroxidation is involved in the mechanism of toxicity of TCDD. The present study involved pretreating F344 rats with CCl4 or TCDD, then at predetermined times thereafter, giving [U-14C]linoleic acid. A variety of compound classes were monitored in extracts of liver taken 30 min after the label was given. A previously unreported effect of CCl4 was a conspicuous increase in turnover of 1,2-diglycerides. That CCl4 did cause lipid peroxidation was evident from the presence of allylic hydroxyacids not seen in vehicle-treated controls, greatly increased radioactivity in protein-bound material, and decreased levels of arachidonate without decreased synthesis from linolate. Where effects of TCDD pretreatment could be seen, they were much less than the corresponding effects of CCl4. No allylic hydroxyacids were detected in livers of TCDD-treated rats. The concentration of arachidonate was not reduced, and elongation of linolate was not stimulated, indicating that TCDD did not cause extensive-but-repaired peroxidation. It is concluded that while TCDD may slightly increase hepatic lipid peroxidation in rats in vivo, the extent of such stimulation appears to be too slight to account for the toxicity of TCDD.  相似文献   
Galactosidase activity of lactose-positive Neisseria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The chromogenic substrate o-nitrophenyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside (ONPG) was hydrolyzed by lactose-positive Neisseria. Eight strains of pharyngeal origin were examined. In culture reactions, seven strains resembled Neisseria meningitidis with the exception that they produced acid from 1% (w/v) lactose. An eighth strain (V8) differed in that it did not form acid from maltose or from 1% lactose. However, acid formation was observed in 10% lactose cultures of strain V8, suggesting that entry of lactose occurred by passive diffusion, rather than as a result of permease activity. The enzymes which hydrolyzed ONPG were produced constitutively by the cells of all eight strains. Thus, specific activity in these strains was not increased by prior exposure to lactose, or to two other possible inducers, isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactoside or methyl-beta-d-thiogalactoside. Study of cell-free extracts of one strain showed that the enzyme was heat-labile, having a half-life of 10 min at 45 C. The enzyme was unstable at low protein concentrations, but it was protected completely or partially when albumin or manganous ions were added. The enzyme appeared to be a typical beta-galactosidase: alpha-galactosides (melibiose and p-nitrophenyl-alpha-d-galactopyranoside) were not hydrolyzed, activity against ONPG was not dependent upon inorganic phosphate, and galactose was released by cleavage of ONPG. ONPG hydrolysis provided a simple and rapid method for detecting lactose-positive Neisseria.  相似文献   
Summary Two different3H-saxitoxin-binding proteins, with distinct biochemical and functional properties, were isolated from rat brain using a combination of anion exchange and lectin affinity chromatography as well as high resolution size exclusion and anion exchange HPLC. The alpha subunits of the binding proteins had different apparent molecular weights on SDS-PAGE (Type A: 235,000; Type B: 260,000). When reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers, the two saxitoxin-binding proteins formed sodium channels with different apparent single-channel conductances in the presence of batrachotoxin (Type A: 22 pS; Type B: 12 pS) and veratridine (Type A: 9 pS; Type B: 5 pS). The subtypes were further distinguished by scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus) venom which had different effects on single-channel conductance and gating of veratridine-activated Type A and Type B channels. Scorpion venom caused a 19% increase in single-channel conductance of Type A channels and a 35-mV hyperpolarizing shift in activation. Scropion venom double the single-channel conductance of Type B channels and shifted activation by at least 85 mV.  相似文献   
Band 4.2 is a human erythrocyte membrane protein of incompletely characterized structure and function. Erythrocytes deficient in band 4.2 protein were used to examine the functional role of band 4.2 in intact erythrocyte membranes. Both the lateral and the rotational mobilities of band 3 were increased in band 4.2-deficient erythrocytes compared to control cells. In contrast, the lateral mobility of neither glycophorins nor a fluorescent phospholipid analog was altered in band 4.2-deficient cells. Compared to controls, band 4.2-deficient erythrocytes manifested a decreased ratio of band 3 to spectrin, and band 4.2-deficient membrane skeletons had decreased extractability of band 3 under low-salt conditions. Normal band 4.2 was found to bind to spectrin in solution and to promote the binding of spectrin to ankyrin-stripped inside-out vesicles. We conclude that band 4.2 provides low-affinity binding sites for both band 3 oligomers and spectrin dimers on the human erythrocyte membrane. Band 4.2 may serve as an accessory linking protein between the membrane skeleton and the overlying lipid bilayer.  相似文献   
Abstract: Ischemia-induced changes in 31P NMR relaxation were examined in 16 piglets. NMR spectra were acquired under control conditions and during complete cerebral ischemia induced via cardiac arrest. Changes in T 1 were assessed directly in six animals during control conditions and after 30–45 min of complete ischemia when changes in brain P1 levels had reached a plateau. The T 1 for P1 did not change, i.e., 2.3 ± 0.5 s during control conditions versus 2.4 ± 1.0 s during ischemia. To evaluate phosphocreatine and ATP, two types of spectra, with a long (25-s) or short (1-s) interpulse delay time, were collected during the first 10 min of ischemia (n = 10). Both types of spectra showed the same time course of changes in phosphocreatine and ATP levels, implying that the T 1 relaxation times do not change during ischemia. There were no changes in the linewidths of phosphocreatine, ATP, or P1 during ischemia, implying that the T *2 values remain constant. Our results suggest that the 31P T 1 and T *2 for phosphocreatine, Pi, and ATP do not change during ischemia, and therefore changes in 31P NMR peak intensity accurately reflect changes in metabolite concentrations.  相似文献   
The field metabolic rates (FMR) and rates of water flux were measured in two species of varanid lizards over five periods of the year in tropical Australia. The energetics of these species were further investigated by directly measuring activity (locomotion) and body temperatures of free-ranging animals by radiotelemetry, and by measuring standard metabolic rate (over a range of body temperatures) and activity metabolism in the laboratory. Seasonal differences in the activity and energetics were found in these goannas despite similar, high daytime temperatures throughout the year in tropical Australia. Periods of inactivity were associated with the dry times of the year, but the onset of this period of inactivity differed with respect to habitat even within the same species. Varanus gouldii, which inhabit woodlands only, were inactive during the dry and late dry seasons. V. panoptes that live in the woodland had a similar seasonal pattern of activity, but V. panoptes living near the floodplain of the South Alligator River had their highest levels of activity during the dry season when they walked long distances to forage at the receding edge of the floodplain. However, during the late dry season, after the floodplain had dried completely, they too became inactive. For V. gouldii, the rates of energy expenditure were 196 kJ kg–1 day–1 for active animals and 66 kJ kg–1 day–1 for inactive animals. The rates of water influx for these groups were respectively 50.7 and 19.5 ml kg–1 day–1. For V. panoptes, the rates of energy expenditure were 143 kJ kg–1 day–1 for active animals and 56 kJ kg–1 day–1 for inactive animals. The rates of water influx for these two groups were respectively 41.4 and 21.0 ml kg–1 day–1. We divided the daily energy expenditure into the proportion of energy that lizards used when in burrows, out of burrows but inactive, and in locomotion for the two species during the different seasons. The time spent in locomotion by V. panoptes during the dry season is extremely high for a reptile (mean of 3.5 h/day spent walking), and these results provide an ecological correlate to the high aerobic capacity found in laboratory measurements of some species of varanids.  相似文献   
The reactions of 4-chloronitrosobenzene with pyruvate decarboxylase and transketolase were investigated by use of a new high-pressure liquid chromatography method to determine any differences between these two enzymes with respect to hydroxamic acid production. In addition to the previously established difference in the type of hydroxamic acid produced by the two enzymes, several new and interesting differences in their reaction with nitrosoaromatics were discovered. Most notable was the finding that pyruvate decarboxylase gave 4-chlorophenylhydroxylamine as the major product from 4-chloronitrosobenzene, while transketolase did not produce any detectable hydroxylamine. A redox mechanism was proposed to account for arylhydroxylamine production by pyruvate decarboxylase. This redox mechanism can also explain hydroxamic acid production by pyruvate decarboxylase; however, a previously proposed nucleophilic reaction mechanism occurring simultaneously could not be totally disproven. Either of the two mechanisms is equally likely for transktolase action in view of the present evidence. Another major difference between these enzymes is that the rate of 4-chloronitrosobenzene conversion was found to be much faster for pyruvate decarboxylase than for transketolase when each enzyme was subjected to its own optimal reaction conditions. Transketolase displayed typical enzyme saturation kinetics with 4-chloronitrosobenzene with a Km of 0.31 mM and Vmax of 0.033 μmol ml?1 min?1 unit?1 relative to 5 mMd-fructose 6-phosphate as sugar substrate. On the other hand, the reaction with pyruvate decarboxylase was first order in 4-chloronitrosobenzene with a combined rate constant of 2.0 min?1 unit?1 ml.  相似文献   
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