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We examined whether fibroblasts from subcutaneous, colon or lung tissues of nude mice influence the invasive potential of highly metastatic human colon carcinoma KM12SM cells. Primary cultures of nude mouse fibroblasts from skin, lung and colon were established. Invasive and metastatic KM12SM cells were cultured alone or with fibroblasts. Growth and invasive properties of the KM12SM cells were evaluated as well as their production of gelatinase activity. KM12SM cells were able to grow on monolayers of all three fibroblast cultures but did not invade through skin fibroblasts. The conditioned media of KM12SM cells cocultured with skin, colon or lung fibroblasts were examined for the presence of type IV collagenase (gelatinase). KM12SM growing on plastic and on colon or lung fibroblasts produced significant levels of latent and active forms of 64 kDa type IV collagenase, whereas KM12SM cells cocultivated with nude mouse skin fibroblasts did not. In contrast, human squamous cell carcinoma A431 cells produced significant levels of collagenase type IV when cocultured with nude mouse skin fibroblasts, a tissue they invaded and completely penetrated. Incubation of KM12SM cells in serum-free medium containing recombinant human interferon-beta (fibroblast interferon) was associated with significant reduction in gelatinase activity. Since the production of type IV collagenase by human colon cancer cells is specifically inhibited by mouse skin fibroblasts but not by colon or lung fibroblasts the data suggest that organ-specific fibroblasts can influence the invasive and metastatic properties of KM12SM cells.  相似文献   
Summary The characteristics of the binding of human monocytes to tumor cells were studied by a newly developed microassay. First, we determined the kinetics and optimal conditions of the binding. Monocytes recognized and bound to tumor cells very rapidly within 10–20 min of cellular interaction. Binding was also more efficient at 37°C suggesting that active metabolism of monocytes is required. Second, we determined that selective binding of monocytes to cells with tumorigenic phenotypes occurs. For this purpose, lymphocytic leukemia cell lines versus normal lymphocytes, and tumorigenic versus nontumorigenic hybrids from the same parental lines were compared as the targets of the binding assay. In both cases, neoplastic cells were selectively bound by monocytes. Although tumor cells were bound rapidly and selectively by monocytes, initial recognition and binding did not necessarily lead to subsequent tumor cell lysis. This is based on the observation that some tumorigenic parental and hybrid lines were avidly bound by monocytes yet not subsequently killed in a cytotoxicity assay.This work was supported in part by a grant from the National Institutes of Health CA42992 and a grant from the Kleberg foundation Abbreviations used: [125I]IdUrd [125I]iododeoxyuridine; rIFN-, recombinant human interferon ; IL-1, interleukin 1; rTNF, recombinant human tumor necrosis factor  相似文献   
Rice cultivars of isozyme group V include high-quality, aromatic rices that are difficult to improve by traditional methods because of the loss of quality characters upon sexual hybridization. Their low-tillering plant type predisposes them to economic loss from attack by stem borers, a group of insects to which they are susceptible. We report here the enhancement of stem borer resistance in cv. Tarom Molaii through transformation by microprojectile bombardment. Embryogenic calli derived from mature seeds were bombarded with gold particles coated with plasmid pCIB4421, carrying a synthetic truncated toxin gene based on the cryIA(b) gene from Bacillus thuringiensis, and plasmid pHygII, carrying the hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) selectable marker gene. Inclusion of 50 mg/l hygromycin B in culture media from bombardment through to rooting of plantlets eliminated escapes. The procedure generated three independent hpt transformants of which two also contained the cryIA(b) gene. One such line (No. 827) produced truncated (67 kDa) CryIA(b) protein equivalent to about 0.1% of total soluble protein. The cryIA(b) gene was controlled by the promoter of the maize C4 PEP carboxylase gene and was expressed in leaf blades but was not expressed to a detectable level in dehulled mature grain. Line 827 contained about 3 copies of the cryIA(b) gene which segregated as a single dominant Mendelian locus in the second (T1) and third (T2) generations and co-segregated with enhanced resistance to first-instar larvae of striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis) and yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas). T2 line 827-6 homozygous for the cryIA(b) gene showed no dead hearts or whiteheads after infestation with stem borers, whereas T2 line 827-25 lacking the gene averaged 7 dead hearts per plant and 2.25 whiteheads per plant. These results establish that transformation of high-quality rices of group V is a feasible alternative to sexual hybridization.  相似文献   
Nile tilapia were fed diets supplemented with one of the following lipid sources at 5% level: cod liver oil, corn oil, soybean oil, a coconut oil-based cooking oil or a combination of cod liver oil and corn oil (1 : 1). The control diet had no lipid supplement and tad fish meal as a sole protein source. A diet with soybean meal as a protein source was also tested. The number of females that spawned, spawning frequency, number of fry per spawning, and total fry production were increased at varying degrees by the supplemental lipid sources except for the cod liver oil. Fish fed the soybean oil diet tad the best overall reproductive performance over a 24-week period. Fish fed the cod liver oil diet had the highest weight gain but the poorest reproductive performance. The suplemental lipids significantly increased crude fat levels in the liver and ovaries. Both males and females Ld the cod liver oil diet had the highest levels of fat in the liver and muscle. The ratio of total n-6/n-3 fatty acid in the liver, ovaries and testes was influenced by the supplemental lipid sources. It was highest in fish fed either the soybean oil diet, the corn oil diet, or the soybean meal diet and lowest in fish fed the control diet or the cod liver oil diet.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of tumor cell-derived GM-CSF in recruitment and tumoricidal activation of tissue macrophages. Transfection of the murine GM-CSF gene into KM12SM human colon cancer cells decreased the tumorigenicity of transfected cells and nontransfected bystander colon cancer cells in nude mice. Sequential tissue sections from sites injected with high GM-CSF-producing tumor cells (but not from nontransfected or low GM-CSF-producing cells) demonstrated a dense infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN), followed by infiltration of macrophages, which correlated with expression of the macrophage-inflammatory protein-1alpha and the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in mouse PMN and macrophages. GM-CSF-producing KM12SM cells were highly sensitive to lysis by mouse macrophages and also increased macrophage-mediated lysis of bystander nontransfected KM12SM cells. The incubation of macrophages with GM-CSF induced expression of the CD11b surface adhesion molecule, which was associated with increased attachment to tumor cells. All KM12SM cells were sensitive to macrophage-mediated lysis in the presence of rGM-CSF and recombinant MCP-1. Collectively, the results demonstrate that tumor cell-derived GM-CSF stimulates PMN and macrophages to secrete macrophage-inflammatory protein-1alpha and MCP-1, which triggers recruitment of mononuclear cells, induces expression of adhesion molecules on macrophages, and enhances contact-dependent cytolysis of tumor cells.  相似文献   
CD1d is a receptor on antigen-presenting cells involved in triggering cell populations, particularly natural killer T (NKT) cells, to release high levels of cytokines. NKT cells are implicated in asthma pathology and blockade of the CD1d/NKT cell pathway may have therapeutic potential. We developed a potent anti-human CD1d antibody (NIB.2) that possesses high affinity for human and cynomolgus macaque CD1d (KD ∼100 pM) and strong neutralizing activity in human primary cell-based assays (IC50 typically <100 pM). By epitope mapping experiments, we showed that NIB.2 binds to CD1d in close proximity to the interface of CD1d and the Type 1 NKT cell receptor β-chain. Together with data showing that NIB.2 inhibited stimulation via CD1d loaded with different glycolipids, this supports a mechanism whereby NIB.2 inhibits NKT cell activation by inhibiting Type 1 NKT cell receptor β-chain interactions with CD1d, independent of the lipid antigen in the CD1d antigen-binding cleft. The strong in vitro potency of NIB.2 was reflected in vivo in an Ascaris suum cynomolgus macaque asthma model. Compared with vehicle control, NIB.2 treatment significantly reduced bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) levels of Ascaris-induced cytokines IL-5, IL-8 and IL-1 receptor antagonist, and significantly reduced baseline levels of GM-CSF, IL-6, IL-15, IL-12/23p40, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, and VEGF. At a cellular population level NIB.2 also reduced numbers of BAL lymphocytes and macrophages, and blood eosinophils and basophils. We demonstrate that anti-CD1d antibody blockade of the CD1d/NKT pathway modulates inflammatory parameters in vivo in a primate inflammation model, with therapeutic potential for diseases where the local cytokine milieu is critical.  相似文献   
Summary A microassay was developed to study the rapid binding characteristics of murine macrophages activated by gamma interferon and muramyl dipeptide to adherent neoplastic or nonneoplastic target cells. The binding of tumor cells to both activated and nonactivated macrophages was time- and temperature-dependent, and independent of tumor cell type. Activated macrophages bound more tumor cells than nonactivated macrophages. The initial binding of macrophages to target cells did not necessarily lead to lysis. First, primed macrophages bound tumor cells but did not lyse them, and second, nonactivated macrophages bound nontumorigenic cells without subsequent lysis. The rapid binding assay described here could prove useful in investigating the recognition mechanism(s) between macrophages and tumor cells derived from solid primary and metastatic cancers.  相似文献   
We previously reported that broad band UV radiation or narrow bands of UV (Hbw 3 nm) of wavelengths 250 to 320 nm cause a systemic suppression of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) in mice, observed when the contact sensitizer is applied to a nonirradiated site. To determine if this effect is associated with UV-induced alterations in epidermal Langerhans cell (LC) numbers and morphology, we performed the following study. LC were identified by ATPase staining of EDTA-separated epidermal sheets. Electron microscope studies confirmed that this method was a satisfactory indicator of the presence of LC; we found no evidence for LC which did not stain for ATPase in either irradiated or unirradiated epidermis. Mice were irradiated on the back with narrow band UV of peak wavelength 270, 290, or 320 nm. The irradiated skin was excised 24 hr later and was stained as described. The number of LC with ATPase staining dendrites and the number of nondendritic LC were enumerated. We found that UV radiation of 270 or 290 nm caused 1) an alteration in LC morphology (loss of dendrites) and 2) a decrease in the total number of epidermal LC. Both effects occurred in a dose-dependent fashion. Previously, these same wavelengths of narrow band UV, but at higher doses, had been shown to cause systemic suppression of CHS. In this study, the doses of 270 or 290 nm UV that resulted in the decreased LC numbers and alterations in LC morphology described above were insufficient to cause systemic suppression of CHS. The converse was found if the irradiating waveband of UV had a peak at 320 nm. A dose of 320 nm UV that caused 50% systemic suppression of CHS had no effect on either the number or the morphology of LC at the site of irradiation. In addition, the number and morphology of LC were unaffected in the ventral epidermis (site of contact sensitization) of mice that had been previously irradiated on the back with a systemically suppressive dose of UV. We conclude: (a) UV-induced alterations in the number and morphology of LC at the site of irradiation are not necessary for the generation of systemic suppression of CHS by UV radiation; this indicates that the initial UV-absorbing event triggering systemic suppression is neither a loss of, nor morphologic alterations to, LC at the irradiation site. (b) A systemic effect of UV radiation on the number and morphology of LC at the unirradiated site of contact sensitization does not occur, and thus is not responsible for the UV-induced systemic suppression of CHS by UV radiation.  相似文献   
We evaluated the potential for polyelectrolyte induced precipitation of antibodies to replace traditional chromatography purification. We investigated the impact of solution pH, solution ionic strength and polyelectrolyte molecular weight on the degree of precipitation using the anionic polyelectrolytes polyvinylsulfonic acid (PVS), polyacrylic acid (PAA), and polystyrenesulfonic acid (PSS). As we approached the pI of the antibody, charge neutralization of the antibody reduced the antibody–polyelectrolyte interaction, reducing antibody precipitation. At a given pH, increasing solution ionic strength prevented the ionic interaction between the polyelectrolyte and the antibody, reducing antibody precipitation. With increasing pH of precipitation, there was an increase in impurity clearance. Increasing polyelectrolyte molecular weight allowed the precipitation to be performed under conditions of higher ionic strength. PVS was selected as the preferred polyelectrolyte based on step yield following resolubilization, purification performance, as well as the nature of the precipitate. We evaluated PVS precipitation as a replacement for the initial capture step, as well as an intermediate polishing step in the purification of a humanized monoclonal antibody. PVS precipitation separated the antibody from host cell impurities such as host cell proteins (HCP) and DNA, process impurities such as leached protein A, insulin and gentamicin, as well as antibody fragments and aggregates. PVS was subsequently removed from antibody pools to <1 µg/mg using anion exchange chromatography. PVS precipitation did not impact the biological activity of the resolubilized antibody. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1141–1151. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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