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Filamentous fungi are important cell factories for large-scale enzyme production. However, production levels are often low, and this limitation has stimulated research focusing on the manipulation of genes with predicted function in the protein secretory pathway. This pathway is the major route for the delivery of proteins to the cell exterior, and a positive relationship between the production of recombinant enzymes and the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway has been observed. In this study, Aspergillus nidulans was exposed to UPR-inducing chemicals and differentially expressed genes were identified by RNA-seq. Twelve target genes were deleted in A. nidulans recombinant strains producing homologous and heterologous GH10 xylanases. The knockout of pbnA (glycosyltransferase), ydjA (Hsp40 co-chaperone), trxA (thioredoxin) and cypA (cyclophilin) improved the production of the homologous xylanase by 78, 171, 105 and 125% respectively. Interestingly, these deletions decreased the overall protein secretion, suggesting that the production of the homologous xylanase was specifically altered. However, the production of the heterologous xylanase and the secretion of total proteins were not altered by deleting the same genes. Considering the results, this approach demonstrated the possibility of rationally increase the production of a homologous enzyme, indicating that trxA, cypA, ydjA and pbnA are involved in protein production by A. nidulans.  相似文献   
We analysed the long-term dynamics (1980–2007) of hypolimnetic and epilimnetic bacterial abundances and organic carbon concentrations, both dissolved (DOC) and particulate (POC), in the deep holo-oligomictic Lake Maggiore, included in the Southern Alpine Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site. During the 28 years of investigation, bacterial abundance and POC concentrations did not decrease with declining phosphorus concentrations, while DOC concentrations showed a pronounced decrease in the epi- and hypolimnion. We used the annual mean total lake heat content and total annual precipitation as climate-related variables, and in-lake total phosphorus as a proxy for trophic state. The model (forward stepwise regression, FSR) showed that reduced anthropogenic pressure was more significant than climate change in driving the trend in DOC concentrations. Bacterial dynamics in the hypolimnion mirrored the fluctuations observed in the epilimnion, but average cell abundance was three times lower. The FSR model indicates that bacterial number variability was dependent on POC in the epilimnion and DOC in the hypolimnion. In the hypolimnion, cell biovolumes for rod and coccal morphotypes were significantly larger than in the epilimnion.  相似文献   
Considering the extraordinary microbial diversity and importance of fungi as enzyme producers, the search for new biocatalysts with special characteristics and possible applications in biocatalysis is of great interest. Here, we report the performance in the resolution of racemic ibuprofen of a native enantioselective lipase from Aspergillus niger, free and immobilized in five types of support (Accurel EP-100, Amberlite MB-1, Celite, Montmorillonite K10 and Silica gel). Amberlite MB-1 was found to be the best support, with a conversion of 38.2%, enantiomeric excess of 50.7% and enantiomeric ratio (E value) of 19 in 72 h of reaction. After a thorough optimization of several parameters, the E value of the immobilized Aspergillus niger lipase was increased (E = 23) in a shorter reaction period (48 h) at 35°C. Moreover, the immobilized Aspergillus niger lipase maintained an esterification activity of at least 80% after 8 months of storage at 4°C and could be reused at least six times.  相似文献   
Proteases have a broad range of applications in industrial processes and products and are representative of most worldwide enzyme sales. The genus Bacillus is probably the most important bacterial source of proteases and is capable of producing high yields of neutral and alkaline proteolytic enzymes with remarkable properties, such as high stability towards extreme temperatures, pH, organic solvents, detergents and oxidizing compounds. Therefore, several strategies have been developed for the cost-effective production of Bacillus proteases, including optimization of the fermentation parameters. Moreover, there are many studies on the use of low-cost substrates for submerged and solid state fermentation. Other alternatives include genetic tools such as protein engineering in order to obtain more active and stable proteases and strain engineering to better secrete recombinant proteases from Bacillus through homologous and heterologous protein expression. There has been extensive research on proteases because of the broad number of applications for these enzymes, such as in detergent formulations for the removal of blood stains from fabrics, production of bioactive peptides, food processing, enantioselective reactions, and dehairing of skins. Moreover, many commercial proteases have been characterized and purified from different Bacillus species. Therefore, this review highlights the production, purification, characterization, and application of proteases from a number of Bacillus species.  相似文献   
Filamentous fungi are robust cell factories and have been used for the production of large quantities of industrially relevant enzymes. However, the production levels of heterologous proteins still need to be improved. Therefore, this article aimed to investigate the global proteome profiling of Aspergillus nidulans recombinant strains in order to understand the bottlenecks of heterologous enzymes production. About 250, 441 and 424 intracellular proteins were identified in the control strain Anid_pEXPYR and in the recombinant strains Anid_AbfA and Anid_Cbhl respectively. In this context, the most enriched processes in recombinant strains were energy pathway, amino acid metabolism, ribosome biogenesis, translation, endoplasmic reticulum and oxidative stress, and repression under secretion stress (RESS). The global protein profile of the recombinant strains Anid_AbfA and Anid_Cbhl was similar, although the latter strain secreted more recombinant enzyme than the former. These findings provide insights into the bottlenecks involved in the secretion of recombinant proteins in A. nidulans, as well as in regard to the rational manipulation of target genes for engineering fungal strains as microbial cell factories.  相似文献   
In a deep, subalpine holo-oligomictic lake, the relative abundance of Archaea and Crenarchaeota, but not that of Bacteria, increases significantly with depth and varies seasonally. Cell-specific prokaryotic productivity is homogeneous along the water column. The concept of active Archaea observed in the deep ocean can therefore be extended to a deep oxic lake.The abundance, activity, and community composition of epilimnetic and hypolimnetic prokaryotes have been less thoroughly investigated in deep lakes than in oceans. Strong evidence that the depth gradient plays a role in modulating the balance between the domains of Bacteria and Archaea has been found in various marine systems (8, 12, 13, 20). It has been shown that the percentage of Bacteria in the deep marine hypolimnion decreases (up to 5,000 m) while, conversely, the percentage of Archaea increases. The percentage of Crenarchaeota is also higher in the mesopelagic zone than in surface waters (10).Although Archaea have been found in a variety of freshwater habitats (3), little has thus far been published on differentiating between Bacteria, Archaea, and Crenarchaeota in the hypolimnion of deep lakes. An exception is a study of the high-altitude ultraoligotrophic Crater Lake (21, 22), where group I marine Crenarchaeota were observed in deep-water populations (22). This study and another study of various lakes from three continents (9) are based on summer sampling, making it impossible to ascertain the effects of temporal variability on the vertical distribution of Archaea and Crenarchaeota, as has been done for marine systems and shallow lakes (for examples, see references 8 and 11).Our primary objective was to follow variations in the relative abundance of Bacteria, Archaea, and Crenarchaeota found in the hypolimnetic waters of a deep holo-oligomictic lake with a permanent oxic hypolimnion and compare them with those in the epilimnetic assemblages. We used the catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) technique and compared the data thus obtained with prokaryotic productivity.  相似文献   
Resolution of (R,S)-ibuprofen (2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propionic acid) enantiomers by esterification reaction with 1-propanol in different organic solvents was studied using native Aspergillus niger lipase. The main variables controlling the process (enzyme concentration and 1-propanol:ibuprofen molar ratio) have been optimized using response surface methodology based on a five-level, two-variable central composite rotatable design, in which the selected objective function was enantioselectivity. This enzyme preparation showed preferentially catalyzes the esterification of R(−)-ibuprofen, and under optimum conditions (7% w/v of enzyme and molar ratio of 2.41:1) the enantiomeric excess of active S(+)-ibuprofen and total conversion values were 79.1 and 48.0%, respectively, and the E-value was 32, after 168 h of reaction in isooctane.  相似文献   
Global warming has been shown to strongly influence inland water systems, producing noticeable increases in water temperatures. Rising temperatures, especially when combined with widespread nutrient pollution, directly favour the growth of toxic cyanobacteria. Climate changes have also altered natural water level fluctuations increasing the probability of extreme events as dry periods followed by heavy rains. The massive appearance of Dolichospermum lemmermannii ( = planktonic Anabaena), a toxic species absent from the pelagic zone of the subalpine oligotrophic Lake Maggiore before 2005, could be a consequence of the unusual fluctuations of lake level in recent years. We hypothesized that these fluctuations may favour the cyanobacterium as result of nutrient pulses from the biofilms formed in the littoral zone when the lake level is high. To help verify this, we exposed artificial substrates in the lake, and evaluated their nutrient enrichment and release after desiccation, together with measurements of fluctuations in lake level, precipitation and D.lemmermannii population. The highest percentage of P release and the lowest C∶P molar ratio of released nutrients coincided with the summer appearance of the D.lemmermannii bloom. The P pulse indicates that fluctuations in level counteract nutrient limitation in this lake and it is suggested that this may apply more widely to other oligotrophic lakes. In view of the predicted increase in water level fluctuations due to climate change, it is important to try to minimize such fluctuations in order to mitigate the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   
The lipase produced by the Aspergillus niger strain AC-54 has been widely studied due to its enantioselectivity for racemic mixtures. This study aimed to optimize the production of this enzyme using statistical methodology. Initially a Plackett-Burman (PB) design was used to evaluate the effects of the culture medium components and the culture conditions. Twelve factors were screened: water content, glucose, yeast extract, peptone, olive oil, temperature, NaH2P04, KH2P04, MgS04-7H20, CaCl2, NaCI, and MnS04. The screening showed that the significant factors were water content, glucose, yeast extract, peptone, NaH2P04, and KH2P04, which were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) and a mathematical model obtained to explain the behavioral process. The best lipase activity was attained using the following conditions: water content (20%), glucose (4.8%), yeast extract (4.0%), and NaH2P04 (4.0%). The predicted lipase activity was 33.03 U/ml and the experimental data confirmed the validity of the model. The enzymatic activity was expressed as μmoles of oleic acid released per minute of reaction (μmol/min).  相似文献   
This review aims to present an innovative concept of high value added lipids produced by heterotrophic microorganisms, bacteria and fungi, using carbon sources, such as sugars, acids and alcohols that could come from sugarcane vinasse, which is the main byproduct from ethanol production that is released in the distillation step. Vinasse is a rich carbon source and low-cost feedstock produced in large amounts from ethanol production. In 2019, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply estimates that growth of ethanol domestic consumption will be 58.8 billion liters, more than double the amount in 2008. This represents the annual production of more than 588 billion liters of vinasse, which is currently used as a fertilizer in the sugarcane crop, due to its high concentration of minerals, mainly potassium. However, studies indicate some disadvantages such as the generation of Greenhouse Gas emission during vinasse distribution in the crop, as well as the possibility of contaminating the groundwater and soil. Therefore, the development of programs for sustainable use of vinasse is a priority. One profitable alternative is the fermentation of vinasse, followed by an anaerobic digester, in order to obtain biomaterials such as lipids, other byproducts, and methane. Promising high value added lipids, for instance carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAS), with a predicted market of millions of US$, could be produced using vinasse as carbon source, to guide an innovative concept for sustainable production. Example of lipids obtained from the fermentation of compounds present in vinasse are vitamin D, which comes from yeast sucrose fermentation and Omega 3, which can be obtained by bacteria and fungi fermentation. Additionally, several other compounds present in vinasse can be used for this purpose, including sucrose, ethanol, lactate, pyruvate, acetate and other carbon sources. Finally, this paper illustrates the potential market and microbial processes, using microorganisms, for lipid production.  相似文献   
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