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We have developed a model of the tetrameric ryanodine receptor--the calcium channel of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The model accurately describes published experimental data on channel activity at various concentrations of Ca2+, caffeine and quercetin. The proposed mechanisms involve allosteric regulation of Ca2+ affinity by both caffeine and quercetin, and the existence of two independent, A- and I-gates controlled by Ca2+ binding to an activating and an inhibitory module of the receptor. There are four different configurations of the receptor that affect ligand binding to the activation module, but not to the inhibition module. Consequently, there are four kinetic modes for the A-gate and one mode for the I-gate. At a certain moment, the receptor can be in any of the four possible conformations with equal probability. By fitting the data we are able to derive ligand affinities and Hill coefficients, to describe the observation that quercetin is an activating agent stronger than caffeine, and that caffeine and quercetin activate the channel at very low Ca2+ concentration (approximately 10(-11) M). We predict that the activation regime at saturating caffeine or quercetin should present four distinct regions at increasing Ca2+, corresponding to the four different gating modes. Another interesting prediction is the enlargement of the activity domain toward higher Ca2+ concentrations in the presence of caffeine or quercetin.  相似文献   
Constanta Ganea 《BBA》2009,1787(6):706-23581
A comparative review of the electrophysiological characterization of selected secondary active transporters from Escherichia coli is presented. In melibiose permease MelB and the Na+/proline carrier PutP pre-steady-state charge displacements can be assigned to an electrogenic conformational transition associated with the substrate release process. In both transporters cytoplasmic release of the sugar or the amino acid as well as release of the coupling cation are associated with a charge displacement. This suggests a common transport mechanism for both transporters. In the NhaA Na+/H+ exchanger charge translocation due to its steady-state transport activity is observed. A new model is proposed for pH regulation of NhaA that is based on coupled Na+ and H+ equilibrium binding.  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic loop 4-5 of the melibiose permease from Escherichia coli is essential for the process of Na+-sugar translocation (Abdel-Dayem, M., Basquin, C., Pourcher, T., Cordat, E., and Leblanc, G. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 1518-1524). In the present report, we analyze functional consequences of mutating each of the three acidic amino acids in this loop into cysteines. Among the mutants, only the E142C substitution impairs selectively Na+-sugar translocation. Because R141C has a similar defect, we investigated these two mutants in more detail. Liposomes containing purified mutated melibiose permease were adsorbed onto a solid supported lipid membrane, and transient electrical currents resulting from different substrate concentration jumps were recorded. The currents evoked by a melibiose concentration jump in the presence of Na+, previously assigned to an electrogenic conformational transition (Meyer-Lipp, K., Ganea, C., Pourcher, T., Leblanc, G., and Fendler, K. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 12606-12613), were much smaller for the two mutants than the corresponding signals in cysteineless MelB. Furthermore, in R141C the stimulating effect of melibiose on Na+ affinity was lost. Finally, whereas tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy revealed impaired conformational changes upon melibiose binding in the mutants, fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements indicated that the mutants still show cooperative modification of their sugar binding sites by Na+. These data suggest that: 1) loop 4-5 contributes to the coordinated interactions between the ion and sugar binding sites; 2) it participates in an electrogenic conformational transition after melibiose binding that is essential for the subsequent obligatory coupled translocation of substrates. A two-step mechanism for substrate translocation in the melibiose permease is suggested.  相似文献   
The photocycle of salinarum halorhodopsin was investigated in the presence of azide. The azide binds to the halorhodopsin with 150 mM binding constant in the absence of chloride and with 250 mM binding constant in the presence of 1 M chloride. We demonstrate that the azide-binding site is different from that of chloride, and the influence of chloride on the binding constant is indirect. The analysis of the absorption kinetic signals indicates the existence of two parallel photocycles. One belongs to the 13-cis retinal containing protein and contains a single red shifted intermediate. The other photocycle, of the all-trans retinal containing halorhodopsin, resembles the cycle of bacteriorhodopsin and contains a long-living M intermediate. With time-resolved spectroscopy, the spectra of intermediates were determined. Intermediates L, N, and O were not detected. The multiexponential rise and decay of the M intermediate could be explained by the introduction of the "spectrally silent" intermediates M1, M2, and HR', HR, respectively. The electric signal measurements revealed the existence of a component equivalent with a proton motion toward the extracellular side of the membrane, which appears during the M1 to M2 transition. The differences between the azide-dependent photocycle of salinarum halorhodopsin and pharaonis halorhodopsin are discussed.  相似文献   
Na+/H+ antiporters are integral membrane proteins that are present in almost every cell and in every kingdom of life. They are essential for the regulation of intracellular pH-value, Na+-concentration and cell volume. These secondary active transporters exchange sodium ions against protons via an alternating access mechanism, which is not understood in full detail. Na+/H+ antiporters show distinct species-specific transport characteristics and regulatory properties that correlate with respective physiological functions. Here we present the characterization of the Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA from Salmonella enterica serovar Thyphimurium LT2, the causing agent of food-born human gastroenteritis and typhoid like infections. The recombinant antiporter was functional in vivo and in vitro. Expression of its gene complemented the Na+-sensitive phenotype of an E. coli strain that lacks the main Na+/H+ antiporters. Purified to homogeneity, the antiporter was a dimer in solution as accurately determined by size-exclusion chromatography combined with multi-angle laser-light scattering and refractive index monitoring. The purified antiporter was fully capable of electrogenic Na+(Li+)/H+-antiport when reconstituted in proteoliposomes and assayed by solid-supported membrane-based electrophysiological measurements. Transport activity was inhibited by 2-aminoperimidine. The recorded negative currents were in agreement with a 1Na+(Li+)/2H+ stoichiometry. Transport activity was low at pH 7 and up-regulation above this pH value was accompanied by a nearly 10-fold decrease of Km Na (16 mM at pH 8.5) supporting a competitive substrate binding mechanism. K+ does not affect Na+ affinity or transport of substrate cations, indicating that selectivity of the antiport arises from the substrate binding step. In contrast to homologous E. coli NhaA, transport activity remains high at pH values above 8.5. The antiporter from S. Typhimurium is a promising candidate for combined structural and functional studies to contribute to the elucidation of the mechanism of pH-dependent Na+/H+ antiporters and to provide insights in the molecular basis of species-specific growth and survival strategies.  相似文献   
Electrogenic events associated with the activity of the melibiose permease (MelB), a transporter from Escherichia coli, were investigated. Proteoliposomes containing purified MelB were adsorbed to a solid supported lipid membrane, activated by a substrate concentration jump, and transient currents were measured. When the transporter was preincubated with Na(+) at saturating concentrations, a charge translocation in the protein upon melibiose binding could still be observed. This result demonstrates that binding of the uncharged substrate melibiose triggers a charge displacement in the protein. Further analysis showed that the charge displacement is neither related to extra Na(+) binding to the transporter, nor to the displacement of already bound Na(+) within the transporter. The electrogenic melibiose binding process is explained by a conformational change with concomitant displacement of charged amino acid side chains and/or a reorientation of helix dipoles. A kinetic model is suggested, in which Na(+) and melibiose binding are distinct electrogenic processes associated with approximately the same charge displacement. These binding reactions are fast in the presence of the respective cosubstrate (k > 50 s(-1)).  相似文献   
The photoelectric signals of dried oriented purple membrane samples were studied at various hydration degrees (humidities between 0.036–0.13 gH20/gbR) in water and deuterium oxide. A modified photocycle was found both in water and deuterium oxide at very low humidities, as obtained previously in the case of water. The dependence of the lifetime on temperature and hydration degree, for the LM and MbR transitions, was calculated by using an exponential decomposition of the electric signals. The Eyring parameters were calculated from the temperature dependence, in order to obtain comparative information concerning the isotope effect following deuteration. The activation enthalpies and entropies for the L decay showed an abrupt change at a water content of about 0.06 gH20/gbR, but the isotope effect was present only at humidities below this value. In the case of the M decay, an isotope effect was found at all humidities, the values of Eyring parameters being smaller in deuterium oxide. The activation entropies have negative values in the case of strongly dehydrated samples, both in water and deuterium oxide. Correspondence to: G. Váró  相似文献   
The glutamate transporters GltP(Ec) from Escherichia coli and GltP(Ph) from Pyrococcus horikoshii were overexpressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity with a yield of 1-2 mg/L of culture. Single-particle analysis and electron microscopy indicate that GltP(Ph) is a trimer in detergent solution. Electron microscopy of negatively stained GltP(Ph) two-dimensional crystals shows that the transporter is a trimer also in the membrane. Gel filtration of GltP(Ec) indicates a reversible equilibrium of two oligomeric states in detergent solution that we identified as a trimer and hexamer by blue-native gel electrophoresis and cross-linking. The purified transporters were fully active upon reconstitution into liposomes, as demonstrated by the uptake of radioactively labeled L-aspartate or L-glutamate. L-aspartate/L-glutamate transport of GltP(Ec) involves the cotransport of protons and depends only on pH, whereas GltP(Ph) catalyzes L-glutamate transport with a cotransport of H+ or Na+. L-glutamate induces a fast transient current in GltP(Ph) proteoliposomes coupled to a solid supported membrane (SSM). We show that the electric signal depends on the concentration of Na+ or H+ outside the proteoliposomes and that GltP(Ph) does not require K+ inside the proteoliposomes. In addition, the electrical currents are inhibited by TBOA and HIP-B. The half-saturation concentration for activation of GltP(Ph) glutamate transport (K0.5(glut)) is 194 microM.  相似文献   
Quantitative methods using LC-MS/MS allow achievement of adequate sensitivity for pharmacokinetic studies with clopidogrel; three such methods, with LLOQs as low as 5 pg/mL, were developed and fully validated according to the well established FDA 2001 guidelines. The chromatographic separations were performed on reversed phase columns Ascentis RP-Amide (15 cm x 2.1 mm, 5 μm), Ascentis Express C8 (10 cm x 2.1 mm, 2.7 μm) and Ascentis Express RP Amide (10 cm x 2.1 mm, 2.7 μm), respectively. Positive electrospray ionization in MRM mode was employed for the detection and a deuterated analogue (d3-clopidogrel) was used as internal standard. Linearity, precision, extraction recovery, matrix effects and stability tests on blank plasma spiked with clopidogrel and stored in different conditions met the acceptance criteria. During the analysis of the real samples from the first pharmacokinetic study, a significant increase (>100%) of the measured clopidogrel concentrations in the extracts kept in the autosampler at 10 °C was observed. Investigations led to the conclusion that most probably a back-conversion of one or more of the clopidogrel metabolites is occurring. The next methods were optimized in order to minimize this back-conversion. After a series of experiments, the adjustment of the sample preparation (e.g. processing at low temperature and introducing a clean-up step on Supelco HybridSPE-Precipitation cartridges) has proven to be the most effective in order to improve the stability of the extracts. Incurred samples of real subjects were successfully used in the validation of the last two analytical methods to evaluate the back-conversion, while tests using only the known metabolites could not detect this important problem.  相似文献   
Menadione (MD) is an effective cytotoxic drug able to produce intracellularly large amounts of superoxide anion. Quercetin (QC), a widely distributed bioflavonoid, can exert both antioxidant and pro-oxidant effects and is known to specifically inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in different cancer cell types. We have investigated the relation between delayed luminescence (DL) induced by UV-laser excitation and the effects of MD, hydrogen peroxide, and QC on apoptosis and cell cycle in human leukemia Jurkat T-cells. Treatments with 500 μM H2O2 and 250 μM MD for 20 min produced 66.0 ± 4.9 and 46.4 ± 8.6% apoptotic cell fractions, respectively. Long-term (24 h) pre-exposure to 5 μM, but not 0.5 μM QC enhanced apoptosis induced by MD, whereas short-term (1 h) pre-incubation with 10 μM QC offered 50% protection against H2O2-induced apoptosis, but potentiated apoptosis induced by MD. Since physiological levels of QC in the blood are normally less than 10 μM, these data can provide relevant information regarding the benefits of flavonoid-combined treatments of leukemia. All the three drugs exerted significant effects on DL. Our data are consistent with (1) the involvement of Complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain as an important source of delayed light emission on the 10 μs–10 ms scale, (2) the ability of superoxide anions to quench DL on the 100 μs–10 ms scale, probably via inhibition of reverse electron transfer at the Fe/S centers in Complex I, and (3) the relative insensitivity of DL to intracellular OH? and H2O2 levels.  相似文献   
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