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Igf2 imprinting in development and disease   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Igf2 is one of the first imprinted genes discovered and occupies a centre stage in the study of imprinting. This is because it has dramatic effects on the control of fetal growth, it is involved in growth disorders and in cancer, it interacts with products of other imprinted genes, and its imprinting status is under complex regulation in a cluster of tightly linked imprinted genes. Here we review briefly the key features of Igf2 imprinting in normal development and in disease, and hope to show what a fascinating subject of study this gene and its biology provides.  相似文献   


We estimated HIV-free infant survival and mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) rates in Zimbabwe, some of the first community-based estimates from a UNAIDS priority country.


In 2012 we surveyed mother-infant pairs residing in the catchment areas of 157 health facilities randomly selected from 5 of 10 provinces in Zimbabwe. Enrolled infants were born 9–18 months before the survey. We collected questionnaires, blood samples for HIV testing, and verbal autopsies for deceased mothers/infants. Estimates were assessed among i) all HIV-exposed infants, as part of an impact evaluation of Option A of the 2010 WHO guidelines (rolled out in Zimbabwe in 2011), and ii) the subgroup of infants unexposed to Option A. We compared province-level MTCT rates measured among women in the community with MTCT rates measured using program monitoring data from facilities serving those communities.


Among 8568 women with known HIV serostatus, 1107 (12.9%) were HIV-infected. Among all HIV-exposed infants, HIV-free infant survival was 90.9% (95% confidence interval (CI): 88.7–92.7) and MTCT was 8.8% (95% CI: 6.9–11.1). Sixty-six percent of HIV-exposed infants were still breastfeeding. Among the 762 infants born before Option A was implemented, 90.5% (95% CI: 88.1–92.5) were alive and HIV-uninfected at 9–18 months of age, and 9.1% (95%CI: 7.1–11.7) were HIV-infected. In four provinces, the community-based MTCT rate was higher than the facility-based MTCT rate. In Harare, the community and facility-based rates were 6.0% and 9.1%, respectively.


By 2012 Zimbabwe had made substantial progress towards the elimination of MTCT. Our HIV-free infant survival and MTCT estimates capture HIV transmissions during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding regardless of whether or not mothers accessed health services. These estimates also provide a baseline against which to measure the impact of Option A guidelines (and subsequently Option B+).  相似文献   
The mouse insulin-like growth factor II gene (Igf2) is physicallylinked to the insulin II gene (Ins2) and both are subject totissue-specific genomic imprinting. The paternal-specific expressionof Igf2 has been associated with hypermethylation of some CpGsites in the 5' flanking region and in the body of the gene.As a first step in analyzing the structural features of thisimprinted locus, we here report the complete nucleotide sequenceof Igf2, including all introns and the intergenic region adjacentto Ins2. This 28-kb segment of mouse chromosome 7 exhibits 80%overall identity with the corresponding rat sequence and hasa high GC content of 52%. In addition to the known CpG islandwithin the second Igf2 promoter, another island was identifiedapproximately 2 kb 5' to the first exon. Other features of thislocus include a 35-fold tandem repeat of an 11-bp sequence thatoverlaps Igf2 pseudo-exon 2, and a B2 repeat element in theintergenic region between Ins2 and Igf2. The GC-richness andthe presence of CpG islands associated with tandem repeats arecommon features of imprinted genes and thus may play a rolein the imprinting mechanism.  相似文献   


Prevention of unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV infection is a strategy recommended by the World Health Organization for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT). We assessed pregnancy intentions and contraceptive use among HIV-positive and HIV-negative women with a recent pregnancy in Zimbabwe.


We analyzed baseline data from the evaluation of Zimbabwe’s Accelerated National PMTCT Program. Eligible women were randomly sampled from the catchment areas of 157 health facilities offering PMTCT services in five provinces. Eligible women were ≥16 years old and mothers of infants (alive or deceased) born 9 to 18 months prior to the interview. Participants were interviewed about their HIV status, intendedness of the birth, and contraceptive use.


Of 8,797 women, the mean age was 26.7 years, 92.8% were married or had a regular sexual partner, and they had an average of 2.7 lifetime births. Overall, 3,090 (35.1%) reported that their births were unintended; of these women, 1,477 (47.8%) and 1,613 (52.2%) were and were not using a contraceptive method prior to learning that they were pregnant, respectively. Twelve percent of women reported that they were HIV-positive at the time of the survey; women who reported that they were HIV-infected were significantly more likely to report that their pregnancy was unintended compared to women who reported that they were HIV-uninfected (44.9% vs. 33.8%, p<0.01). After adjustment for covariates, among women with unintended births, there was no association between self-reported HIV status and lack of contraception use prior to pregnancy.


Unmet need for family planning and contraceptive failure contribute to unintended pregnancies among women in Zimbabwe. Both HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women reported unintended pregnancies despite intending to avoid or delay pregnancy, highlighting the need for effective contraceptive methods that align with pregnancy intentions.  相似文献   
Imprinted genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin manner by epigenetic modifications that silence either the paternal or maternal allele. They are widely expressed in fetal and placental tissues and are essential for normal placental development. In general, paternally expressed genes enhance feto-placental growth while maternally expressed genes limit conceptus growth, consistent with the hypothesis that imprinting evolved in response to the conflict between parental genomes in the allocation of maternal resources to fetal growth. Using targeted deletion, uniparental duplication, loss of imprinting and transgenic approaches, imprinted genes have been shown to determine the transport capacity of the definitive mouse placenta by regulating its growth, morphology and transporter abundance. Imprinted genes in the placenta are also responsive to environmental challenges and adapt placental phenotype to the prevailing nutritional conditions, in part, by varying their epigenetic status. In addition, interplay between placental and fetal imprinted genes is important in regulating resource partitioning via the placenta both developmentally and in response to environmental factors. By balancing the opposing parental drives on resource allocation with the environmental signals of nutrient availability, imprinted genes, like the Igf2-H19 locus, may act as nutrient sensors and optimise the fetal acquisition of nutrients for growth. These genes, therefore, have a major role in the epigenetic regulation of placental phenotype with long term consequences for the developmental programming of adult health and disease.  相似文献   
The imprinted Igf2 gene is associated with a small upstream region that is differentially methylated on the active paternal allele. We have identified a repressor element within this sequence and shown that repression is probably mediated through a trans- acting factor, GCF2. DNA methylation of this site abrogates both protein binding and repressor activity. Targeting experiments demonstrate that this element plays a role in the repression of the maternal Igf2 gene in vivo.  相似文献   
In mammals, imprinted genes have an important role in feto-placental development. They affect the growth, morphology and nutrient transfer capacity of the placenta and, thereby, control the nutrient supply for fetal growth. In particular, the reciprocally imprinted Igf2-H19 gene complex has a central role in these processes and matches the placental nutrient supply to the fetal nutrient demands for growth. Comparison of Igf2P0 and complete Igf2 null mice has shown that interplay between placental and fetal Igf2 regulates both placental growth and nutrient transporter abundance. In turn, epigenetic modification of imprinted genes via changes in DNA methylation may provide a mechanism linking environmental cues to placental phenotype, with consequences for development both before and after birth. Changes in expression of imprinted genes, therefore, have major implications for developmental programming and may explain the poor prognosis of the infant born small for gestational age and the wide spectrum of adult-onset diseases that originate in utero.  相似文献   
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