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Glycine betaine (GB) can confer tolerance to several types of stress at low concentrations, either after application to plants or in transgenics engineered to overproduce GB. Based on earlier studies on levels of GB in plants and evidence for effects on gene expression, we hypothesized that at least part of this effect could be ascribed to the activation of the expression of stress tolerance genes. Using a strategy based on high-throughput gene expression analysis with microarrays followed by confirmation with northern blots, we identified Arabidopsis genes upregulated in roots that reinforce intracellular processes protecting cells from oxidative damage and others that appear to be involved in reinforcing a scavenging system for reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cell walls. Upregulated genes in roots include those for the membrane-trafficking RabA4c, the root-specific NADPH-dependent ferric reductase (FRO2) localized to the plasma membrane, mitochondrial catalase 2 and the cell wall peroxidase ATP3a. Comparative studies with wild-type Arabidopsis and knockout mutants for the membrane-trafficking RabA4c gene demonstrated that the mutants respond only slightly to GB, if at all, compared with wild-type in relation to root growth recovery after chilling stress, demonstrating the role of RabA4c in relation to the GB effect. The results point toward links between oxidative stress, gene expression, membrane trafficking and scavenging of ROS such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in relation to GB effects on chilling tolerance in plants.  相似文献   
Integration of membrane proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum requires GTP   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
We have examined the requirement for ribonucleotides and ribonucleotide triphosphate hydrolysis during early events in the membrane integration of two membrane proteins: the G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus and the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein of Newcastle disease virus. Both proteins contain a single transmembrane-spanning segment but are integrated in the membrane with opposite orientations. The G protein has an amino-terminal signal sequence and a stop-transfer sequence located near the carboxy terminus. The HN glycoprotein has a single sequence near the amino terminus that functions as both a signal-sequence and a transmembrane-spanning segment. Membrane insertion was explored using a cell-free system directed by transcribed mRNAs encoding amino-terminal segments of the two proteins. Ribosome-bound nascent polypeptides were assembled, ribonucleotides were removed by gel filtration chromatography, and the ribosomes were incubated with microsomal membranes under conditions of defined ribonucleotide content. Nascent chain insertion into the membrane required the presence of both the signal recognition particle and a functional signal recognition particle receptor. In the absence of ribonucleotides, insertion of nascent membrane proteins was not detected. GTP or nonhydrolyzable GTP analogues promoted efficient insertion, while ATP was comparatively ineffective. Surprisingly, the majority of the HN nascent chain remained ribosome associated after puromycin treatment. Ribosome-associated HN nascent chains remained competent for membrane insertion, while free HN chains were not competent. We conclude that a GTP binding protein performs an essential function during ribosome-dependent insertion of membrane proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum that is unrelated to protein synthesis.  相似文献   
The conformational properties of an analog of atrial naturiuretic factor, [Pro-10] ANF(7-23), were examined in H2O, H2O/DMSO-d6 (2/1), and DMSO-d6 using two-dimensional nmr techniques. The sequence differs from the native peptide by the absence of the exocyclic N- and C-terminal residues, and the substitution of a proline for a glycine at position 10—a modification expected to reduce the conformational flexibility of this analog. The backbone proton nmr resonances were assigned from two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy (2D-COSY), relayed COSY, and 2D nuclear Overhàuser enhancement (NOE) experiments, and the solution conformation was evaluated from vicinal spin–spin coupling constants and NOE data. Despite the substitution of a proline in the sequence, [Pro-10] ANF(7-23) exhibits a considerable amount of flexibility in all of the solvents employed.  相似文献   
Polymeric IgA (pIgA) is transported by liver parenchymal cells (hepatocytes) from blood to bile via a receptor-mediated process. We have studied the intracellular pathway taken by a TEPC15 mouse myeloma pIgA. When from 1 microgram to 1 mg 125I-pIgA was injected into the saphenous vein of a rat, 36% was transported as intact protein into the bile over a 3-h period. The concentration of transported 125I-pIgA was maximal in bile 30-60 min after injection, and approximately 80% of the total 125I-pIgA ultimately transported had been secreted into bile by 90 min. A horseradish peroxidase-pIgA conjugate (125I-pIgA-HRP) was transported to a similar extent and with kinetics similar to that of unconjugated 125I-pIgA and was therefore used to visualize the transport pathway. Peroxidase cytochemistry of livers fixed in situ 2.5 to 10 min after 125I-pIgA-HRP injection demonstrated a progressive redistribution of labeled structures from the sinusoidal area to intermediate and bile canalicular regions of the hepatocyte cytoplasm. Although conjugate-containing structures began accumulating in the bile canalicular region at these early times, no conjugate was present in bile until 20 min. From 7.5 to 45 min after injection approximately 30% of the labeled structures were in regions that contained Golgi complexes and lysosomes; however, we found no evidence that either organelle contained 125I-pIgA-HRP. At least 85% of all positive structures in the hepatocyte were vesicles of 110-160-nm median diameters, with the remaining structures accounted for by tubules and multivesicular bodies. Vesicles in the bile canalicular region tended to be larger than those in the sinusoidal region. Serial sectioning showed that the 125I-pIgA-HRP-containing structures were relatively simple (predominantly vesicular) and that extensive interconnections did not exist between structures in the sinusoidal and bile canalicular regions.  相似文献   
J. G. Connolly 《CMAJ》1965,93(13):704-706
Careful palpation of the gland is a very important examination procedure in the detection of early carcinoma in the prostate. The finding of a suspicious area requires additional investigation, which must include histological examination of tissue from the suspected lesion. Adequate material for histological studies can usually be obtained by needle biopsy. The percutaneous perineal approach has been found satisfactory for this purpose. In those whose life expectancy is 10 years or more, prostatic carcinoma in its early stages should be treated by radical prostatectomy. For more advanced lesions or for patients whose life expectancy is less, hormonal therapy may be used.  相似文献   
Adult male Syrian hamsters of the inbred LSH/Ss Lak strain were maintained under a 14L:10D light cycle until 13 weeks of age. At this point, they were implanted s.c. with elastomer capsules that were either empty or packed with 30-40 mg of 6-methoxybenzoxazolinone (6-MBOA), a compound found naturally in some monocotyledonous plants; half of the animals from each treatment group were then kept in long days (14L:10D) or transferred to short days (9L:15D). Testicular size was measured and blood samples collected from each hamster immediately before capsule implantation and again 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks later. Within just 2 weeks of exposure to short days the mean plasma levels of LH and FSH had significantly declined, in both the control and 6-MBOA-treated animals, and were basal within 4 weeks. Testicular size closely followed these gonadotrophin changes; within 4-6 weeks the testes from all of the short-day hamsters had completely regressed to a prepubertal size. At the end of the experiment, at Week 8, the animals were killed and various components of the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis were compared between the treatment groups. The pituitary content of FSH and LH, testicular weight, mean serum level of testosterone, but not hypothalamic LHRH content or pituitary gland weight, were considerably lower in the short-day than in the long-day hamsters, regardless of whether or not they had been chronically treated with 6-MBOA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
To suffer is to undergo, to bear, to endure. Suffering exists on the underside of agency; it is as important to ethics as agency. The experience of suffering is never entirely captured by the ethical, political, medical and spiritual categories in which it is represented. Perhaps an engagement with suffering can open up hidden connections between these domains. After examining John Caputo and Friedrich Nietzsche comparatively on the relation between suffering and ethics, this essay explores the relation of the politics of becoming to suffering. The politics of becoming is a paradoxical process by which a new cultural identity is drawn into being and yet is irreducible to the energies and motives that spurred its initiators to action. To exemplify and think the politics of becoming is to call into question the sufficiency of existing paradigms of morality. A critical examination of the Rawlsian model of justice brings out, for example, the insufficiency of justice to the politics of becoming. It suggests the need, first, to pursue an ethics of engagement between several parties drawing upon a variety of sources of ethical inspiration and, second, to cultivate ldcritical responsiveness to new social movements that struggle to place new identities onto the cultural register. If the latter movements sometimes modify general understandings of suffering, identity, justice and medical practice they also indicate the role cultural thinkers can play in re-examining periodically established codes of interaction between these domains.A paper presented, with commentaries, as the 1995 Roger Allan Moore Lecture at Harvard Medical School, Center for the Study of Culture and Medicine, May 11, 1995.  相似文献   
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