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The bone marrow is a complex microenvironment made up of multiple cell types which appears to play an important role in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and proliferation. We used murine long-term marrow cultures and a defective recombinant retrovirus vector containing the simian virus 40 large T antigen to immortalize marrow stromal cells which can support hematopoiesis in vitro for up to 5 weeks. Such cloned cell lines differentially supported stem cells which, when transplanted, allowed survival of lethally irradiated mice, formed hematopoietic spleen colonies in vivo, and stimulated lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. Molecular and functional analyses of these cell lines did not demonstrate the production of any growth factors known to support the proliferation of primitive hematopoietic stem cells. All cell lines examined produced macrophage colony-stimulating factor. The use of immortalizing retrovirus vectors may allow determination of unique cellular proteins important in hematopoietic stem cell proliferation by the systematic comparison of stromal cells derived from a variety of murine tissues.  相似文献   
Acute tolerance to the cardiovascular effects of cocaine has been hypothesized from experiments in which the plasma concentrations of cocaine were rapidly changing. We studied the cardiovascular responses of 8 male human subjects for 4 hours following intravenous bolus doses of cocaine, and compared these to responses in the same subjects after intravenous bolus doses of cocaine followed by continuous intravenous infusions of cocaine designed to maintain steady state plasma levels of cocaine. We found little evidence of tolerance to the tachycardia and hypertensive effects of cocaine during a four hour exposure. Lack of tolerance to the cardiovascular effects of cocaine may be a factor in some types of cocaine related toxicity among cocaine abusers.  相似文献   
Electroretinograms were obtained from the all-rod eye of the rat with uniform illumination of the entire retina and stimulus flashes of less than 3 msec. duration. Bloch's law of temporal summation was verified for the b-wave latency by varying the time between two equal intensity flashes and observing that no change occurred in the latency when measured from the midpoint of the two flashes. The results of this and other experiments are described in terms of a simple but general model of the latency-determining mechanism. It is shown that this latency mechanism acts as if it depends on a linear additive process; and also that a hypothetical excitatory substance which triggers activity in the sources of the b-wave must accumulate rapidly in time after the flash, approximately as t8. The rate at which this substance accumulates is accurately represented by the diffusion equation for more than 4 to 6 log units in the flash intensity. This suggests that the rate-determining step in the latency mechanism may be diffusion-limited.  相似文献   
Ia antigenic specificities determined by the I-A subregion of the mouse major histocompatibility complex have been examined in strain B10.D2 (H-2d), C57BL/10 (H-2b), and in a (C57BL/6xDBA/2) hybrid (BDF1; H-2b/d). Detergent solubilized, 3H-leucine-labeled antigen preparations were mixed with appropriate alloantisera and precipitation was induced either by addition of goat anti-mouse gamma-globulin or by addition of protein A-bearing Staphylococci. Sequential precipitation analysis showed that in strain B10.D2, Ia specificities 8 and 11 were co-precipitable, and that in strain C57BL/10, Ia specificities 8 and 9 were co-precipitable. In contrast, precipitation of specificities 9 and 11 from a BDF1 antigen preparation showed that these two Ia specificities were on separate molecules. The genetic implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   
The electric dipole moment of solubilized rhodopsin was determined with dielectric dispersion measurements. Rhodopsin was extracted from disc membranes of cattle rod outer segments with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100. The dipole moment of rhodopsin at its isoionic point in the detergent micelle is 720 D (150 charge-A). This value is comparable to dipole moments of nonmembrane proteins, especially those which tend to aggregate or polymerize. Flash irradiation of the rhodopsin results in an increase in the dipole moment of about 25 D (5 charge-A). The light-induced increase in dipole moment appears to be composed of two parts--a faster component related to a change in the number of protons bound by rhodopsin and a slower component apparently independent of the change in proton binding.  相似文献   
Environmental stimuli that signal food availability hold powerful sway over motivated behavior and promote feeding, in part, by activating the mesolimbic system. These food‐predictive cues evoke brief (phasic) changes in nucleus accumbens (NAc) dopamine concentration and in the activity of individual NAc neurons. Phasic fluctuations in mesolimbic signaling have been directly linked to goal‐directed behaviors, including behaviors elicited by food‐predictive cues. Food‐seeking behavior is also strongly influenced by physiological state (i.e., hunger vs. satiety). Ghrelin, a stomach hormone that crosses the blood‐brain barrier, is linked to the perception of hunger and drives food intake, including intake potentiated by environmental cues. Notwithstanding, whether ghrelin regulates phasic mesolimbic signaling evoked by food‐predictive stimuli is unknown. Here, rats underwent Pavlovian conditioning in which one cue predicted the delivery of rewarding food (CS+) and a second cue predicted nothing (CS?). After training, we measured the effect of ghrelin infused into the lateral ventricle (LV) on sub‐second fluctuations in NAc dopamine using fast‐scan cyclic voltammetry and individual NAc neuron activity using in vivo electrophysiology in separate groups of rats. LV ghrelin augmented both phasic dopamine and phasic increases in the activity of NAc neurons evoked by the CS+. Importantly, ghrelin did not affect the dopamine nor NAc neuron response to the CS?, suggesting that ghrelin selectively modulated mesolimbic signaling evoked by motivationally significant stimuli. These data demonstrate that ghrelin, a hunger signal linked to physiological state, can regulate cue‐evoked mesolimbic signals that underlie food‐directed behaviors.


The facile preparation of amphiphilic network coatings having a hydrophobic dimethacryloxy-functionalized perfluoropolyether (PFPE-DMA; M(w) = 1500 g mol(-1)) crosslinked with hydrophilic monomethacryloxy functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) macromonomers (PEG-MA; M(w) = 300, 475, 1100 g mol(-1)), intended as non-toxic high-performance marine coatings exhibiting antifouling characteristics is demonstrated. The PFPE-DMA was found to be miscible with the PEG-MA. Photo-cured blends of these materials containing 10 wt% of PEG-MA oligomers did not swell significantly in water. PFPE-DMA crosslinked with the highest molecular weight PEG oligomer (ie PEG1100) deterred settlement (attachment) of algal cells and cypris larvae of barnacles compared to a PFPE control coating. Dynamic mechanical analysis of these networks revealed a flexible material. Preferential segregation of the PEG segments at the polymer/air interface resulted in enhanced antifouling performance. The cured amphiphilic PFPE/PEG films showed decreased advancing and receding contact angles with increasing PEG chain length. In particular, the PFPE/PEG1100 network had a much lower advancing contact angle than static contact angle, suggesting that the PEG1100 segments diffuse to the polymer/water interface quickly. The preferential interfacial aggregation of the larger PEG segments enables the coating surface to have a substantially enhanced resistance to settlement of spores of the green seaweed Ulva, cells of the diatom Navicula and cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite as well as low adhesion of sporelings (young plants) of Ulva, adhesion being lower than to a polydimethyl elastomer, Silastic T2.  相似文献   
The distribution of Na+ pump sites (Na+-K+-ATPase) in the secretory epithelium of the avian salt gland was demonstrated by freeze-dry autoradiographic analysis of [(3)H] ouabain binding sites. Kinetic studies indicated that near saturation of tissue binding sites occurred when slices of salt glands from salt-stressed ducks were exposed to 2.2 μM ouabain (containing 5 μCi/ml [(3)H]ouabain) for 90 min. Washing with label-free Ringer's solution for 90 min extracted only 10% of the inhibitor, an amount which corresponded to ouabain present in the tissue spaces labeled by [(14)C]insulin. Increasing the KCl concentration of the incubation medium reduced the rate of ouabain binding but not the maximal amount bound. In contrast to the low level of ouabain binding to salt glands of ducks maintained on a freshwater regimen, exposure to a salt water diet led to a more than threefold increase in binding within 9-11 days. This increase paralleled the similar increment in Na+-K+-ATPase activity described previously. [(3)H]ouabain binding sites were localized autoradiographically to the folded basolateral plasma membrane of the principal secretory cells. The luminal surfaces of these cells were unlabeled. Mitotically active peripheral cells were also unlabeled. The cell-specific pattern of [(3)H]ouabain binding to principal secretory cells and the membrane-specific localization of binding sites to the nonluminal surfaces of these cells were identical to the distribution of Na+-K+-ATPase as reflected by the cytochemical localization of ouabain-sensitive and K+-dependent nitrophenyl phosphatase activity. The relationship between the nonluminal localization of Na+-K+-ATPase and the possible role of the enzyme n NaCl secretion is considered in the light of physiological data on electrolyte transport in salt glands and other secretory epithelia.  相似文献   
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