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Glucosidase I is an important enzyme in N-linked glycoprotein processing, removing specifically distal alpha-1,2-linked glucose from the Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 precursor after its en bloc transfer from dolichyl diphosphate to a nascent polypeptide chain in the endoplasmic reticulum. We have identified a glucosidase I defect in a neonate with severe generalized hypotonia and dysmorphic features. The clinical course was progressive and was characterized by the occurrence of hepatomegaly, hypoventilation, feeding problems, seizures, and fatal outcome at age 74 d. The accumulation of the tetrasaccharide Glc(alpha1-2)Glc(alpha1-3)Glc(alpha1-3)Man in the patient's urine indicated a glycosylation disorder. Enzymological studies on liver tissue and cultured skin fibroblasts revealed a severe glucosidase I deficiency. The residual activity was <3% of that of controls. Glucosidase I activities in cultured skin fibroblasts from both parents were found to be 50% of those of controls. Tissues from the patient subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting revealed strongly decreased amounts of glucosidase I protein in the homogenate of the liver, and a less-severe decrease in cultured skin fibroblasts. Molecular studies showed that the patient was a compound heterozygote for two missense mutations in the glucosidase I gene: (1) one allele harbored a G-->C transition at nucleotide (nt) 1587, resulting in the substitution of Arg at position 486 by Thr (R486T), and (2) on the other allele a T-->C transition at nt 2085 resulted in the substitution of Phe at position 652 by Leu (F652L). The mother was heterozygous for the G-->C transition, whereas the father was heterozygous for the T-->C transition. These base changes were not seen in 100 control DNA samples. A causal relationship between the alpha-glucosidase I deficiency and the disease is postulated.  相似文献   
Abstract The Mediterranean species complex of Senecio serves to illustrate evolutionary processes that are likely to confound phylogenetic inference, including rapid diversification, gene tree‐species tree discordance, reticulation, interlocus concerted evolution, and lack of complete lineage sorting. Phylogeographic patterns of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) haplotype variation were studied by sampling 156 populations (502 individuals) across 18 species of the complex, and a species phylogeny was reconstructed based on sequences from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. For a subset of species, randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) provided reference points for comparison with the cpDNA and ITS datasets. Two classes of cpDNA haplotypes were identified, with each predominating in certain parts of the Mediterranean region. However, with the exception of S. gallicus, intraspecific phylogeographic structure is limited, and only a few haplotypes detected were species‐specific. Nuclear sequence divergence is low, and several unresolved phylogenetic groupings are suggestive of near simultaneous diversification. Two well‐supported ITS clades contain the majority of species, amongst which there is a pronounced sharing of cpDNA haplotypes. Our data are not capable of diagnosing the relative impact of reticulation versus insufficient lineage sorting for the entire complex. However, there is firm evidence that S. flavus subsp. breviflorus and S. rupestris have acquired cpDNA haplotypes and ITS sequences from co‐occurring species by reticulation. In contrast, insufficient lineage sorting is a viable hypothesis for cpDNA haplotypes shared between S. gallicus and its close relatives. We estimated the minimum coalescent times for these haplotypes by utilizing the inferred species phylogeny and associated divergence times. Our data suggest that ancestral cpDNA polymorphisms may have survived for ca. 0.4–1.0 million years, depending on molecular clock calibrations.  相似文献   


The rostellum, a projecting part of the gynostemium in orchid flowers, separates the anther(s) from the stigma and thus commonly prevents auto-pollination. Nonetheless, as a modified (usually distal) portion of the median stigma lobe, the rostellum has been frequently invoked of having re-gained a stigmatic function in rare cases of orchid auto-pollination. Here it is shown that a newly discovered selfing variant of Madagascan Bulbophyllum bicoloratum has evolved a modified rostellum allowing the penetration of pollen tubes from in situ pollinia.


Gynostemium micro-morphology and anatomy of selfing and outcrossing variants of B . bicoloratum was studied by using light and scanning electron microscopy and histological sections. Pollen tube growth in the selfing variant was further observed via X-ray computed microtomography (micro-CT), providing 3D reconstructions of floral tissues at a micron scale.


Selfing variants possess a suberect (‘displaced’) rostellum rather than the conventional, erect type. Very early in anthesis, the pollinia of selfers are released from the anther and slide down onto the suberect rostellum, where pollen tube growth preferentially occurs through the non-vascularized, i.e. rear (adaxial) and (semi-) lateral parts. This penetrated tissue is comprised of a thin layer of elongate and loosely arranged cells, embedded in stigmatic exudates, as also observed in the stigmatic cavity of both selfing and outcrossing variants.


Our results provide the first solid evidence of a stigmatic function for the rostellum in orchid flowers, thereby demonstrating for the first time the feasibility of the micro-CT technique for accurately visualizing pollen tube growth in flowering plants. Rostellum receptivity in B . bicoloratum probably uniquely evolved as an adaptation for reproductive assurance from an outcrossing ancestor possessing an erect (non-receptive) rostellum. These findings open up new avenues in the investigation of an organ that apparently re-gained its ‘primordial function’ of being penetrated by pollen tubes.  相似文献   
Metamorphosis in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis is a very complex process which converts a swimming tadpole to an adult. The process involves reorganisation of the body plan and a remarkable regression of the tail, which is controlled by caspase-dependent apoptosis. However, the endogenous signals triggering apoptosis and metamorphosis are little explored. Herein, we report evidence that nitric oxide (NO) regulates tail regression in a dose-dependent manner, acting on caspase-dependent apoptosis. An increase or decrease of NO levels resulted in a delay or acceleration of tail resorption, without affecting subsequent juvenile development. A similar hastening effect was induced by suppression of cGMP-dependent NO signalling. Inhibition of NO production resulted in an increase in caspase-3-like activity with respect to untreated larvae. Detection of endogenously activated caspase-3 and NO revealed the existence of a spatial correlation between the diminution of the NO signal and caspase-3 activation during the last phases of tail regression. Real-time PCR during development, from early larva to early juveniles, showed that during all stages examined, NO synthase (NOS) is always more expressed than arginase and it reaches the maximum value at late larva, the stage immediately preceding tail resorption. The spatial expression pattern of NOS is very dynamic, moving rapidly along the body in very few hours, from the anterior part of the trunk to central nervous system (CNS), tail and new forming juvenile digestive organs. NO detection revealed free diffusion from the production sites to other cellular districts. Overall, the results of this study provide a new important link between NO signalling and apoptosis during metamorphosis in C. intestinalis and hint at novel roles for the NO signalling system in other developmental and metamorphosis-related events preceding and following tail resorption.  相似文献   


A major concern in conservation genetics is to maintain the genetic diversity of populations. Genetic variation in livestock species is threatened by the progressive marginalisation of local breeds in benefit of high-output pigs worldwide. We used high-density SNP and re-sequencing data to assess genetic diversity of local pig breeds from Europe. In addition, we re-sequenced pigs from commercial breeds to identify potential candidate mutations responsible for phenotypic divergence among these groups of breeds.


Our results point out some local breeds with low genetic diversity, whose genome shows a high proportion of regions of homozygosis (>50%) and that harbour a large number of potentially damaging mutations. We also observed a high correlation between genetic diversity estimates using high-density SNP data and Next Generation Sequencing data (r = 0.96 at individual level). The study of non-synonymous SNPs that were fixed in commercial breeds and also in any local breed, but with different allele, revealed 99 non-synonymous SNPs affecting 65 genes. Candidate mutations that may underlie differences in the adaptation to the environment were exemplified by the genes AZGP1 and TAS2R40. We also observed that highly productive breeds may have lost advantageous genotypes within genes involve in immune response – e.g. IL12RB2 and STAB1–, probably as a result of strong artificial in the intensive production systems in pig.


The high correlation between genetic diversity computed with the 60K SNP and whole genome re-sequence data indicates that the Porcine 60K SNP Beadchip provides reliable estimates of genomic diversity in European pig populations despite the expected bias. Moreover, this analysis gave insights for strategies to the genetic characterization of local breeds. The comparison between re-sequenced local pigs and re-sequenced commercial pigs made it possible to report candidate mutations to be responsible for phenotypic divergence among those groups of breeds. This study highlights the importance of low input breeds as a valuable genetic reservoir for the pig production industry. However, the high levels of ROHs, inbreeding and potentially damaging mutations emphasize the importance of the genetic characterization of local breeds to preserve their genomic variability.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-601) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The effect of food deprivation on ova transport, hormonal profiles and metabolic changes was studied in 20 crossbred multiparous sows during their second oestrus after weaning. To determine the time of ovulation, transrectal ultrasonographic examination was performed. The sows were divided into 2 groups, one control group (C-group), which was fed according to Swedish standards, and one experimental group (E-group). The E-group sows were deprived of food from the first morning meal after ovulation until slaughter. Blood samples were collected every second hour from about 12 h before expected ovulation in the second oestrus after weaning until slaughter and were analysed for progesterone, prostaglandin F-metabolite, insulin, glucose, free fatty acids and triglycerides. All sows were slaughtered approximately 48 h after ovulation and the genital tract was recovered. The isthmic part of the oviduct was divided into 3 equally long segments and flushed separately with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Uterine horns were also flushed with PBS. A significantly greater number of ova were found in the first and second part of the isthmus in the E-group (p = 0.05) while in the C-group most of the ova were found in the third part of the isthmus or the uterus (p = 0.01). The level of prostaglandin F-metabolite was significantly higher in the E-group compared with the C-group. The concentration of progesterone increased in both groups after ovulation but there were no significant differences between the groups. The other blood parameters showed that the food-deprived sows were in a catabolic state. The 48 h period of fasting results, directly or indirectly in an delayed ova transport, which may be due to a delayed relaxation in the smooth circular muscle layer of the isthmus.  相似文献   
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