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Modulation of pathogenic egg-induced hepatic granuloma formation in chronically Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice is an immunoregulatory process. Adoptive transfer and in vitro studies have demonstrated that this suppression involves various T lymphocyte circuitries, and the participation of soluble suppressor factors has recently been noted in these systems. The present study has partially characterized a soluble suppressive activity extracted from the thymus glands of chronically infected mice (SmTsF) that modulates granuloma formation in acutely infected mice. The suppressive effect of SmTsF could be administered by multiple i.v. injections or by slow release from osmotic minipumps implanted i.p. Homologous and reciprocal transfers of SmTsF prepared from B10.A(3R) and B10.A(5R) donors indicated that SmTsF-induced suppression required homology between the donor and recipient at the I-J subregion of the major histocompatibility complex. Furthermore, the use of immunoabsorbents prepared with anti-I-Jk and anti-I-Jb sera demonstrated that CBA/J (H-2k) SmTsF was retained by, and could be recovered from, anti-I-Jk insoluble columns, but was unaffected by parallel treatment with anti-I-Jb sera. Subsequent immunoabsorbent studies showed that SmTsF did not bind to soluble egg antigenic (SEA) columns, and thus demonstrated a lack of idiotype, anti-antigen activity. However, columns prepared by using anti-SEA IgG from chronically infected syngeneic mice retained SmTsF suppressive activity, and it could be recovered by alkaline elution. These data are compatible with an interpretation that the suppressive activity expressed anti-idiotypic reactivity. Thus a thymus extract obtained from chronic, modulated, S. mansoni-infected mice can induce granuloma suppression in acutely infected mice. This activity is associated with an I-J determinant-bearing, possibly anti-idiotypic moiety or moieties. These observations further implicate some of the Ts cascades reported in other systems in the regulation of cell-mediated pathogenesis in chronic experimental schistosomiasis.  相似文献   
Stimulation of the exocrine pancreas is associated with marked changes in pancreatic phospholipid metabolism. It has been previously established that de novo synthesis of phospholipids constitutes part of this "phospholipid effect". This study has demonstrated that in vitro stimulation of the rat pancreas utilising bethanecol and pancreozymin results in increased incorporation of labelled glucose into phosphatidyl inositol and, to a lesser extent, other phospholipids, suggesting increased de novo synthesis of these compounds. However, secretin which is believed to act via a different intracellular pathway, did not exert such an effect. The relevance of this animal model is indicated by the demonstration of increased incorporation of labelled glucose into phospholipids of human pancreas stimulated in vitro by bethanecol or sincalide (the active carboxy terminal octapeptide of pancreozymin).  相似文献   
Gap junction structures: Analysis of the x-ray diffraction data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Models for the spatial distribution of protein, lipid and water in gap junction structures have been constructed from the results of the analysis of X-ray diffraction data described here and the electron microscope and chemical data presented in the preceding paper (Caspar, D. L. D., D. A. Goodenough, L. Makowski, and W.C. Phillips. 1977. 74:605-628). The continuous intensity distribution on the meridian of the X-ray diffraction pattern was measured, and corrected for the effects of the partially ordered stacking and partial orientation of the junctions in the X-ray specimens. The electron density distribution in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the junction was calculated from the meridional intensity data. Determination of the interference function for the stacking of the junctions improved the accuracy of the electron density profile. The pair-correlation function, which provides information about the packing of junctions in the specimen, was calculated from the interference function. The intensities of the hexagonal lattice reflections on the equator of the X-ray pattern were used in coordination with the electron microscope data to calculate to the two-dimensional electron density projection onto the plane of the membrane. Differences in the structure of the connexons as seen in the meridional profile and equatorial projections were shown to be correlated to changes in lattice constant. The parts of the junction structure which are variable have been distinguished from the invariant parts by comparison of the X-ray data from different specimens. The combination of these results with electron microscope and chemical data provides low resolution three- dimensional representations of the structures of gap junctions.  相似文献   
The destruction of isolated Schistosoma mansoni eggs in vitro by eosinophil-rich peritoneal exudative cells obtained from S. mansoni-infected mice is known to involve both specific anti-egg antibody and non-specific activation of the cells by lymphokine(s). The current study reports the effects of various metabolic inhibitors and other reagents known to alter cell function. The addition of inhibitors of glycolysis (Iodoacetate, 2 deoxy-d glucose) ablated the egg-destructive activity of eosinophils, but also resulted in considerable cell mortality during the 24 hr incubation period. Antimycin A, an inhibitor of aerobic respiration, also inhibited egg destruction. The presence of divalent cations, Ca2+ in particular, was found to be essential for eosinophil-mediated egg destruction to occur. Cytochalasin B also inhibited this eosinophil-dependent activity. Tosyl-lysine-chloromethyl ketone decreased the extent of egg destruction, but when used at non-cytotoxic concentrations this effect was marginal. The metabolic requirements for eosinophils, and other cell types, in this and other systems are compared.  相似文献   
A nuclear-polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, which forms an icosahedral inclusion body, was transmitted to larvae of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. Serial passages of Bombyx NPV in the alternate host by injecting the supernatant of diseased hemolymph produced inclusion bodies with cuboidal and other shapes that differed from the original shape formed in Bombyx. These different shapes increased with times of passages, and after the twelfth passage, only cuboidal inclusion bodies were formed. The icosahedral inclusion bodies in B. mori and the cuboidal inclusion bodies in C. suppressalis occluded singly enveloped virions of the same size (350 × 75 nm), but the cuboidal inclusion bodies contained only a few virions and a large number of membraneous spherical structures. The formation process of the cuboidal inclusion body differed from that of the icosahedral. At first, irregularly branched inclusion bodies containing “vacant” spaces appeared in the infected nuclei. The bodies grew larger with the deposition of protein in the spaces between the branches, and this was accompanied with the occlusion of a large number of membraneous structures formed in the vicinity of the inclusion bodies, which became cuboidal in shape.  相似文献   
Investigators in various laboratories have been studying the molecular biology of schistosome genetics for several years. A recent meeting at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, sponsored by the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, brought together 30 scientists from 16 laboratories to share what they have learned from their studies and debate strategies and techniques.  相似文献   


Active video games (AVGs) have gained interest as a way to increase physical activity in children and youth. The effect of AVGs on acute energy expenditure (EE) has previously been reported; however, the influence of AVGs on other health-related lifestyle indicators remains unclear.


This systematic review aimed to explain the relationship between AVGs and nine health and behavioural indicators in the pediatric population (aged 0–17 years).

Data sources

Online databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, psycINFO, SPORTDiscus and Cochrane Central Database) and personal libraries were searched and content experts were consulted for additional material.

Data selection

Included articles were required to have a measure of AVG and at least one relevant health or behaviour indicator: EE (both habitual and acute), adherence and appeal (i.e., participation and enjoyment), opportunity cost (both time and financial considerations, and adverse events), adiposity, cardiometabolic health, energy intake, adaptation (effects of continued play), learning and rehabilitation, and video game evolution (i.e., sustainability of AVG technology).


51 unique studies, represented in 52 articles were included in the review. Data were available from 1992 participants, aged 3–17 years, from 8 countries, and published from 2006–2012. Overall, AVGs are associated with acute increases in EE, but effects on habitual physical activity are not clear. Further, AVGs show promise when used for learning and rehabilitation within special populations. Evidence related to other indicators was limited and inconclusive.


Controlled studies show that AVGs acutely increase light- to moderate-intensity physical activity; however, the findings about if or how AVG lead to increases in habitual physical activity or decreases in sedentary behaviour are less clear. Although AVGs may elicit some health benefits in special populations, there is not sufficient evidence to recommend AVGs as a means of increasing daily physical activity.  相似文献   
A soluble lectin, the core-specific lectin (CSL), is synthesized and secreted by rat hepatocytes and the rat hepatoma cell line, H-4-II-E. This lectin binds mannose and N-acetylglucosamine residues in the "core" region of Asn-linked oligosaccharides. Secretion of the CSL was found to occur over an extended period of time, greater than 4 h being required for secretion of 50% of the lectin (Brownell, M. D., Colley, K. J., and Baenziger, J. U. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 3925-3932). We have determined that following synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum, the CSL is rapidly transported to the Golgi where it is retained for an extended period of time prior to secretion. The lectin undergoes two post-translational modifications within the Golgi: an increase from Mr 24,000 to 25,000 and a progressive decrease in pI with an accompanying increase in Mr to a final value of 26,000. The lectin is also assembled into high molecular weight complexes of 150-260 X 10(3) and acquires the ability to bind carbohydrate in the Golgi. In hepatoma cells, the 24,000-25,000 modification is completed 20 min after initiation of synthesis. Assembly of the CSL subunits into high molecular weight complexes, acquisition of carbohydrate binding activity, and the 25,000-26,000 modification occur between 20 and 80 min after initiation of synthesis. These events have slower kinetics in primary hepatocytes and this allowed us to determine that the sequence of these biosynthetic events is: the 24,000-25,000 modification, complex assembly, the 25,000-26,000 modification, and acquisition of carbohydrate binding activity. The 24,000-25,000 modification occurs prior to complex assembly. Complex assembly may occur prior to, or concomitant with, the 25,000-26,000 modification. Assembly into the oligomeric form and the 25,000-26,000 modification correlate with the attainment of carbohydrate binding activity. The kinetics of CSL modification and assembly cannot account for its retention within the Golgi. Interaction with Golgi components either through carbohydrate binding or another interaction, may act to selectively retain the lectin within the Golgi.  相似文献   
Immunoaffinity-purified antibodies against Schistosoma mansoni soluble egg Ag (SEA) from infected patients' sera differ idiotypically according to the donor's clinical form of the disease. The Id differ both by their ability to stimulate proliferation of anti-Id T cells and their recognition by anti-Id-specific sera. Also, mice infected with S. mansoni develop anti-Id T and B cell responses against mouse anti-SEA antibodies. We now show that anti-SEA antibodies from serum pools of chronic, but asymptomatic patients (AM1 and AM5) stimulate proliferation of spleen cells from mice infected with S. mansoni. However, AM8, anti-SEA antibodies from hepatosplenic patients, did not stimulate these spleen cells. The murine responses directly parallel patient studies where AM1 and AM5 Id-stimulated human PBMC, but AM8 Id did not. In competitive ELISA, using AM1 or AM-5-specific rabbit antisera or human anti-SEA mAb E5-specific rabbit antiserum, sera from mice infected for 8 and 16 wk (but not from uninfected mice) compete with AM1, AM5, or E5. These sera do not compete in the AM8/anti-AM8 competitive ELISA. Sera from 8-wk-infected mice inhibit more against AM1, AM5, and E5 than do sera from later infections, and anti-SEA immunoaffinity-purified antibodies from 8-wk-infected mice stimulate spleen cells from infected mice more than anti-SEA antibodies from sera of mice late in infection. However, spleen cells from more chronically infected mice are more responsive to either the murine or human anti-SEA antibody preparations than cells from mice with earlier infections. Both the ELISA data and lymphocyte responses indicate that anti-SEA antibodies from mice infected with S. mansoni for 8 wk bear Id cross-reactive with those expressed on anti-SEA antibodies from humans with chronic, asymptomatic schistosomiasis, but not those from hepatosplenic patients.  相似文献   
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