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Eleven male subjects were investigated to detect a possible circadian rhythm of the polymorphonuclear phagocytosis. Both cell activity and serum opsonins were studied for numerical detection of granulocytes having ingested at least one particle and for the mean number of ingested particles per cell. No significant temporal differences (ANOVA and cosinor) were found.  相似文献   
Recently, several authors evaluated the affinity between lipid bilayers or erythrocyte membranes by analyzing the deformation of cells or vesicles they brought into close contact using micromanipulators. In the present report, we extend this approach in a study of the adhesive properties of rough nucleated cells. Rat peritoneal macrophages were made to bind human red cells modified with glutaraldehyde or glutaraldehyde and polylysine. Conjugates were examined with electron microscopy, and photomicrographs were digitized for quantification of cell surface roughness in and out of adhesion areas. Also, macrophages were subjected to micropipette aspiration to find a relationship between apparent surface tension and area increase. Assuming that this increase was a direct consequence of a smoothing of the cell surface on the submicrometer scale, the actual affinity between macrophages and erythrocytes was estimated. The obtained values ranged between 8.4 X 10(-5) and 18.2 X 10(-5) J/m2. It is concluded that cell surface roughness may be an important parameter of cell adhesion and perhaps deformation. This is made amenable to experimental study by the present approach.  相似文献   
Fluorescent probes are widely used to study cell structure and function. However, few reports were devoted to a quantitative analysis of the intracellular distribution of fluorescent markers. In the present work, we describe the topographical changes of surface and cytoskeletal markers on individual cells subjected to adhesive or mechanical interaction. Conjugates were prepared with a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte clone and target cells. Specific antigens, membrane phospholipids, surface glycoconjugates, and polymerized actin were labeled with fluorescent antibodies or biochemical probes. The analysis of fluorescence distributions in conjugates demonstrated a selective reorganization of the plasma membrane with a gathering of some molecular species in the intercellular adhesion area. Furthermore, individual phagocytic cells were sucked into glass micropipets, then stained with fluorescent phallacidin to analyze the effect of mechanical efforts on the cytoskeleton organization. The concentration of polymerized actin was found to be similar in mechanicallyinduced protrusions and whole cells. It is concluded that adhesive interactions may result in marked cell polarization and formation of membrane zones with a particular biochemical composition. The submembranar cytoskeleton might play a role in this process.  相似文献   
The adhesive properties of the mouse P388D1 macrophage-like line were explored. Cells were deposited in glass capillary tubes, and the kinetics of adhesion and spreading were studied. Binding involved the cell metabolism since it was decreased by cold, azide, or a divalent cation chelator. Glass-adherent cells were subjected to calibrated laminar shear flows with a highly viscous dextran solution. A tangential force of about 5 X 10(-3) dyn/cell was required to achieve substantial detachment. The duration of application of the shearing force strongly influenced cell-substrate separation when this was varied from 1-10 s. Further, this treatment resulted in marked cell deformation, with the appearance of an elongated shape. Hence, cell-substrate separation is a progressive process, and binding strength is expected to be influenced by cell deformability. The minimum time required for adhesion was also investigated by making cells adhere under flow conditions. The maximum flow rate compatible with adhesion was about 1000-fold lower than that required to detach glass-bound cells. A simple model was devised to provide a quantitative interpretation for the experimental results of kinetic studies. It is concluded that cell-to-glass adhesion required a cell-substrate contact longer than a few seconds. This first step of adhesion was rapidly followed by a large (about 1000-fold) increase of adhesion strength. It is therefore emphasized that adhesion is heavily dependent on the duration of cell-to-cell encounter, as well as the force used to remove so-called unbound cells.  相似文献   
Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is caused by an LMNA mutation that results in the production of the abnormal progerin protein. Children with HGPS display phenotypes of premature aging and have an average lifespan of 13 years. We found earlier that the targeting of the transmembrane protein PLA2R1 overcomes senescence and improves phenotypes in a mouse model of progeria. PLA2R1 is regulating the JAK/STAT signaling, but we do not yet know whether targeting this pathway directly would influence cellular and in vivo progeria phenotypes. Here, we show that JAK1/2 inhibition with ruxolitinib rescues progerin‐induced cell cycle arrest, cellular senescence, and misshapen nuclei in human normal fibroblasts expressing progerin. Moreover, ruxolitinib administration reduces several premature aging phenotypes: bone fractures, bone mineral content, grip strength, and a trend to increase survival in a mouse model of progeria. Thus, we propose that ruxolitinib, an FDA‐approved drug, should be further evaluated as a drug candidate in HGPS therapy.  相似文献   
Cells release diverse types of extracellular vesicles (EVs), which transfer complex signals to surrounding cells. Specific markers to distinguish different EVs (e.g. exosomes, ectosomes, enveloped viruses like HIV) are still lacking. We have developed a proteomic profiling approach for characterizing EV subtype composition and applied it to human Jurkat T cells. We generated an interactive database to define groups of proteins with similar profiles, suggesting release in similar EVs. Biochemical validation confirmed the presence of preferred partners of commonly used exosome markers in EVs: CD81/ADAM10/ITGB1, and CD63/syntenin. We then compared EVs from control and HIV‐1‐infected cells. HIV infection altered EV profiles of several cellular proteins, including MOV10 and SPN, which became incorporated into HIV virions, and SERINC3, which was re‐routed to non‐viral EVs in a Nef‐dependent manner. Furthermore, we found that SERINC3 controls the surface composition of EVs. Our workflow provides an unbiased approach for identifying candidate markers and potential regulators of EV subtypes. It can be widely applied to in vitro experimental systems for investigating physiological or pathological modifications of EV release.  相似文献   
The main targets of hepatitis C virus (HCV) are hepatocytes, the highly polarized cells of the liver, and all the steps of its life cycle are tightly dependent on host lipid metabolism. The interplay between polarity and lipid metabolism in HCV infection has been poorly investigated. Signaling lipids, such as phosphoinositides (PIs), play a vital role in polarity, which depends on the distribution and expression of PI kinases and PI phosphatases. In this study, we report that HCV core protein, expressed in Huh7 and Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, disrupts apicobasal polarity. This is associated with decreased expression of the polarity protein Dlg1 and the PI phosphatase SHIP2, which converts phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate into phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4)P2). SHIP2 is mainly localized at the basolateral membrane of polarized MDCK cells. In addition, PtdIns(3,4)P2 is able to bind to Dlg1. SHIP2 small interfering RNA or its catalytically dead mutant disrupts apicobasal polarity, similar to HCV core. In core-expressing cells, RhoA activity is inhibited, whereas Rac1 is activated. Of interest, SHIP2 expression rescues polarity, RhoA activation, and restricted core level in MDCK cells. We conclude that SHIP2 is an important regulator of polarity, which is subverted by HCV in epithelial cells. It is suggested that SHIP2 could be a promising target for anti-HCV treatment.  相似文献   

A series of new 2,4-bis[(substituted-aminomethyl)phenyl]quinoline, 1,3-bis[(substituted-aminomethyl)phenyl]isoquinoline, and 2,4-bis[(substituted-aminomethyl)phenyl]quinazoline derivatives was designed, synthesised, and evaluated in?vitro against three protozoan parasites (Plasmodium falciparum, Leishmania donovani, and Trypanosoma brucei brucei). Biological results showed antiprotozoal activity with IC50 values in the µM range. In addition, the in?vitro cytotoxicity of these original molecules was assessed with human HepG2 cells. The quinoline 1c was identified as the most potent antimalarial candidate with a ratio of cytotoxic to antiparasitic activities of 97 against the P. falciparum CQ-sensitive strain 3D7. The quinazoline 3h was also identified as the most potent trypanosomal candidate with a selectivity index (SI) of 43 on T. brucei brucei strain. Moreover, as the telomeres of the parasites P. falciparum and Trypanosoma are possible targets of this kind of nitrogen heterocyclic compounds, we have also investigated stabilisation of the Plasmodium and Trypanosoma telomeric G-quadruplexes by our best compounds through FRET melting assays.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate food-grade liposomal delivery systems for the antifungal compound natamycin. Liposomes made of various soybean lecithins are prepared by solvent injection, leading to small unilamellar vesicles (<130?nm) with controlled polydispersity, able to encapsulate natamycin without significant modification of their size characteristics. Presence of charged phospholipids and reduced content of phosphatidylcholine in the lecithin mixture are found to be beneficial for natamycin encapsulation, indicating electrostatic interactions of the preservative with the polar head of the phospholipids. The chemical instability of natamycin upon storage in these formulations is however significant and proves that uncontrolled leakage out of the liposomes occurs. Efficient prevention of natamycin degradation is obtained by incorporation of sterols (cholesterol, ergosterol) in the lipid mixture and is linked to higher entrapment levels and reduced permeability of the phospholipid membrane provided by the ordering effect of sterols. Comparable action of ergosterol is observed at concentrations 2.5-fold lower than cholesterol and attributed to a preferential interaction of natamycin–ergosterol as well as a higher control of membrane permeability. Fine-tuning of sterol concentration allows preparation of liposomal suspensions presenting modulated in vitro release kinetics rates and enhanced antifungal activity against the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   
There is no effective chemotherapy against diseases caused by Phytomonas sp., a plant trypanosomatid responsible for economic losses in major crops. We tested three triazolo-pyrimidine complexes [two with Pt(II), and another with Ru(III)] against promastigotes of Phytomonas sp. isolated from Euphorbia characias. The incorporation of radiolabelled precursors, ultrastructural alterations and changes in the pattern of metabolite excretion were examined. Different degrees of toxicity were found for each complex: the platinum compound showed an inhibition effect on nucleic acid synthesis, provoking alterations on the levels of mitochondria, nucleus and glycosomes. These results, together with others reported previously in our laboratory about the activity of pyrimidine derivatives, reflect the potential of these compounds as agents in the treatment of Phytomonas sp.  相似文献   
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