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Oligonucleotide-directed, site-specific mutagenesis was used to convert phenylalanine-31 of human recombinant dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) to leucine. This substitution was of interest in view of earlier chemical modification studies (Kumar et al., 1981) and structural studies based on X-ray crystallographic data (Matthews et al., 1985a,b) which had implicated the corresponding residue in chicken liver DHFR, Tyr-31, in the binding of dihydrofolate. Furthermore, this particular substitution allowed testing of the significance of protein sequence differences between mammalian and bacterial reductases at this position with regard to the species selectivity of trimethoprim. Both wild-type (WT) and mutant (F31L) enzymes were expressed and purified by using a heterologous expression system previously described (Prendergast et al., 1988). Values of the inhibition constants (Ki values) for trimethoprim were 1.00 and 1.08 microM for WT and F31L, respectively. Thus, the presence of phenylalanine at position 31 in human dihydrofolate reductase does not contribute to the species selectivity of trimethoprim. The Km values for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced) (NADPH) and dihydrofolate were elevated 10.8-fold and 9.4-fold, respectively, for the mutant enzyme, whereas the Vmax increased only 1.8-fold. Equilibrium dissociation constants (KD values) were obtained for the binding of NADPH and dihydrofolate in binary complexes with each enzyme. The KD for NADPH is similar in both WT and F31L, whereas the KD for dihydrofolate is 43-fold lower in F31L. Values for dihydrofolate association rate constants (kon) with enzyme and enzyme-NADPH complexes were measured by stopped-flow techniques.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We used fluorescence energy transfer to examine the effects of solvent composition on the distribution of distances between the single tryptophan residue of melittin (residue 19) to the N-terminal alpha-amino group, which was labeled with a dansyl residue. The tryptophan intensity decays, with and without the dansyl acceptor, were measured by the frequency-domain method. The data were analyzed by a least-squares algorithm which accounts for correlation between the parameters. A wide distribution of tryptophan to dansyl distances was found for the random-coil state, with a Gaussian half-width of 25 A. Increasing concentrations of methanol, which were shown to induce and alpha-helical conformation, resulted in a progressive decrease in the width of the distribution, reaching a limiting half-width of 3 A at 80% (v/v) methanol. The distance from the indole moiety of Trp-19 to the dansyl group in 80% (v/v) methanol/water was found to be 25 A, as assessed from the center of the distance distribution. A distance of 24-25 A was recovered from the X-ray crystal structure of the tetramer, which is largely alpha-helical. At low ionic strength (less than 0.01) the CD spectra revealed a small fraction or amount of alpha-helix for melittin in water, which implies a small fraction of residual structure. This residual structure is apparently lost in guanidine hydrochloride as demonstrated by a further broadening in the distribution of distances. These results demonstrate the usefulness of frequency-domain measurements of resonance transfer for resolution of conformational distributions of proteins.  相似文献   
Aequorin, a Ca(II)-sensitive bioluminescent protein from jellyfish, emits light at 469 nm from an excited state of a substituted pyrazine (oxyluciferin) which results from the oxidation of a chromophore molecule that is noncovalently bound to the protein. The chromophore is oxidized when Ca(II) or other activating metal ions are bound by aequorin. In the absence of Ca(II), spontaneous emission of light, referred to as Ca(II)-independent light emission, occurs at a rate less than 10(-6) of that for Ca(II)-induced emission. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence were used to study structural changes of aequorin accompanying Ca(II)-independent light emission. Time course studies by 1H NMR and CD demonstrate that as a result of Ca(II)-independent light emission, aequorin progressively changes from a rigid, fully active form showing little segmental mobility to a practically unfolded, discharged (i.e., inactive) form in which a number of amino acid residues are significantly mobile. This slow discharged protein (SDP) is distinct in nature and conformation from aequorin which has been discharged by Ca(II), i.e., the blue fluorescent protein. The rate of Ca(II)-independent discharge of aequorin is substantially reduced in the presence of excess Mg(II); the time constant for inactivation at 5 degrees C is 30 days with no Mg(II) present and 70 days with Mg(II) present. The NMR spectra are nearly identical at a given stage of inactivation whether or not Mg(II) is present. Oxyluciferin remains bound to SDP. If it is removed, however, by column chromatography, the resulting apo-SDP partially refolds, and the segmental mobility acquired in the formation of SDP is significantly attenuated particularly for some of the aromatic amino acid residues.  相似文献   
In mammary tumors induced by the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), the int-1 gene is frequently activated by adjacent proviral insertions and is thereby strongly implicated in tumorigenesis. To seek a direct biological effect of int-1 that would validate its proposed role as an oncogene, we constructed a retrovirus vector containing the gene and examined its effects on tissue culture cells. Expression of int-1 in a mammary epithelial cell line caused striking morphological changes, unrestricted growth at high cell density, and focus formation on a monolayer, although the cells were not tumorigenic in vivo. This partial transformation induced by int-1 was not observed in cells infected by an otherwise identical virus bearing a frameshift mutation in the gene. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that int-1 plays a functional role in MMTV-induced mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
1-Sulfonato-8-(1')anilinonaphthalene (1,8-ANS) was employed as a fluorescent probe of the fatty acid binding site of recombinant rat intestinal fatty acid binding protein (1-FABP). The enhancement of fluorescence upon binding allowed direct determination of binding affinity by fluorescence titration experiments, and measurement of the effects on that affinity of temperature, pH, and ionic strength. Solvent isotope effects were also determined. These data were compared to results from isothermal titration calorimetry. We obtained values for the enthalpy and entropy of this interaction at a variety of temperatures, and hence determined the change in heat capacity of the system consequent upon binding. The ANS-1-FABP is enthalpically driven; above approximately 14 degrees C it is entropically opposed, but below this temperature the entropy makes a positive contribution to the binding. The changes we observe in both enthalpy and entropy of binding with temperature can be derived from the change in heat capacity upon binding by integration, which demonstrates the internal consistency of our results. Bound ANS is displaced by fatty acids and can itself displace fatty acids bound to I-FABP. The binding site for ANS appears to be inside the solvent-containing cavity observed in the x-ray crystal structure, the same cavity occupied by fatty acid. From the fluorescence spectrum and from an inversion of the Debye-Hueckel formula for the activity coefficients as a function of added salt, we inferred that this cavity is fairly polar in character, which is in keeping with inferences drawn from the x-ray structure. The binding affinity of ANS is considered to be a consequence of both electrostatic and conditional hydrophobic effects. We speculate that the observed change in heat capacity is produced mainly by the displacement of strongly hydrogen-bonded waters from the protein cavity.  相似文献   
The interaction of melittin with monolayers of 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine has been investigated with infrared external reflection-absorption spectroscopy. Improved instrumentation permits determination of acyl chain conformation and peptide secondary structure in situ at the air/water interface. The IR frequency of the 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine antisymmetric acyl chain CH2 stretching vibration decreases by 1.3 cm-1 upon melittin insertion, consistent with acyl chain ordering, whereas the same vibrational mode increases by 0.5 cm-1 upon peptide interaction with the 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine monolayer, indicative of chain disordering. Thus the peptide interacts quite differently with zwitterionic compared with negatively charged monolayer surfaces. Melittin in the monolayer adopted a secondary structure with an amide l(l') frequency (1635 cm-1) dramatically different from the alpha-helical motif (amide l frequency 1656 cm-1 in a dry or H2O hydrated environment, amide l' frequency 1645 cm-1 in an H-->D exchanged alpha-helix) assumed in bilayer or multibilayer environments. This work represents the first direct in situ spectroscopic indication that peptide secondary structure in lipid monolayers may differ from that in bilayers.  相似文献   
Mixed micelles of the 26-residue, lytic peptide melittin (MLT) and 1-myristoyl-2-hydroxyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (MMPC) in aqueous solution at 25 degrees C were investigated by (13)C- and (31)P-NMR spectroscopy. (13)C alpha chemical shifts of isotopically labeled synthetic MLT revealed that MLT in the micelle is predominantly alpha-helical and that the peptide secondary structure is stable from pH 4 to pH 11. Although the helical transformation of MLT as determined from NMR is evident at lipid:peptide molar ratios as low as 1:2, tryptophan fluorescence measurements demonstrate that well-defined micellar complexes do not predominate until lipid:peptide ratios exceed 30:1. (31)P linewidth measurements indicate that the interaction between phosphate ions in solution and cationic groups on MLT is pH dependent, and that the phosphoryl group of MMPC senses a constant charge, most likely +2, on MLT from pH 4 to pH 10. (13)C-NMR relaxation data, analyzed using the model-free formalism, show that the peptide backbone of MLT is partially, but not completely, immobilized in the mixed micelles. Specifically, order parameters (S(2)) of C alpha-H vectors averaged 0.7 and were somewhat larger for residues in the N-terminal half of the molecule. The amino terminal glycine had essentially the same range of motion as the backbone carbons. Likewise, order parameters for the trp side chain were similar to those found for the peptide C alpha moieties, as was verified by trp fluorescence anisotropy decay data. In contrast, the motion of the lysine side chains was less restricted, the average S(2) values for the C epsilon-H vectors being 0.19, 0.30, and 0.44 for lys-7, 21, and 23, respectively, for MLT in the mixed micelles. Values of the effective correlation time of the local motion tau e were in the motional narrowing limit and usually longer for side-chain atoms than for those in the backbone. The dynamics were independent of pH from pH 4 to pH 9, but at pH 11 the correlation time for the rotational motion of the mixed micelles as a whole increased from 10 ns to 16 ns, and S(2) for the lys side chains increased. Overall it appears that the MLT helix lies near the surface of the micelle at low to neutral pH, but at higher pH its orientation changes, accompanied by deeper penetration of the lysine side chains into the micelle interior. It is apparent, however, that the MLT-lipid interaction is not dependent on deprotonation of any of the titratable cationic groups in the peptide in the pH 4-10 range, and that there is substantial backbone and side-chain mobility in micelle-bound MLT.  相似文献   
The fluorescence anisotropy decay of the single tryptophan residue in phospholipase A2 was studied by use of differential polarized phase fluorometry and computer simulations of protein dynamics. The results enable the verification of a simulated dynamic event by direct experimental measurement on the same time scale. When all hydrogen atoms are modeled explicitly, the simulations agree well with the experimental measurements. However, the measurements contradict simulations in which nonpolar hydrogens are incorporated into "extended" or "united" atoms. These simulations predict an anisotropy decay in excess of measured values and appear to seriously underestimate the electrostatic interactions occurring between water and aromatic side chains. The results support the general validity of studying protein dynamics with the molecular-mechanics approach and illustrate a potentially serious deficiency of simulations which do not explicitly model all hydrogen atoms.  相似文献   
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