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Nucleotide sequencing of a rat carboxypeptidase B (CPB) cDNA and direct sequencing of the CPB mRNA via primer extension on pancreatic polyadenylated RNA has yielded the complete amino acid sequence of rat CPB. The rat enzyme is synthesized as a precursor species containing a large amino-terminal fragment (108 amino acids) that contributes a putative signal sequence and an activation peptide. The mature form of rat CPB is homologous to bovine CPB (77% identity); the amino acids in bovine CPB which have been previously implicated in catalysis or ligand binding are invariant in the rat orthologue. The rat CPB cDNA was used as a probe for the isolation of the rat CPB gene. Detailed characterization of three overlapping rat genomic clones demonstrated that the coding region for the rat CPB precursor is sequestered in 11 exons which are dispersed throughout 34 kilobase pairs of genomic DNA. The nucleotide sequence of a large part of the gene has been determined including that of the exons, the exon/intron boundaries, and the 5' flanking region. We also report the partial nucleotide sequence of the rat CPA1 gene. Comparative analysis of the structural organization of the rat CPB, rat CPA1, and rat CPA2 genes (Gardell, S. J., Craik, C. S., Clauser, E., Goldsmith, E. J., Stewart, C.-B., Graf, M., and Rutter, W. J. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 17828-17836) reveals that, with one exception, the number, position, and sequence composition of the exons in these three carboxypeptidase genes are conserved in spite of considerable divergence with respect to the lengths of their corresponding intervening sequences. Conserved sequences in the 5' flanking regions of the rat CPA1, CPA2, CPB, and other pancreas-specific genes have been identified.  相似文献   
The effects of chloroquine and vinblastine (10-100 microM) on insulin degradation and biological action were studied in cultured foetal rat hepatocytes. Insulin degradation, as measured by the release of trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity from 125I-insulin into the medium, was strictly cell-associated, saturable with respect to insulin concentrations and linearly related to the amount of cell-associated hormone. The maximal rate of insulin degradation was 4,700 molecules/min per cell, and its KM about 5 nM. Thus, insulin receptors (30,000 sites/cell; half-life close to 13 hr) must be reutilized 450-fold before being degraded with an average time of reutilization inferior to 10 min. In the presence of 70 microM chloroquine or 100 microM vinblastine, insulin degradation was inhibited by 80% and the amount of cell-associated hormone enhanced 2-3-fold. Nearly total inhibition of insulin-stimulated glycogenesis was obtained with 70 microM chloroquine and 45 microM vinblastine. When hepatocytes were preincubated with chloroquine or vinblastine, insulin binding remained high for up to 4 hr, then progressively decreased thereafter. The addition of 10 nM native insulin during preincubation with the drugs resulted in an earlier and more pronounced decrease in insulin binding, whereas native insulin alone did not induce any change. Both the inhibition of insulin degradation and onset of receptor down-regulation suggest a drug-induced impairment in the receptor reutilization. This defect is correlated to a loss of the glycogenic effect of insulin in cultured foetal rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   
A rat vascular AT1 receptor cDNA has been stably expressed into Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and the resulting recombinant AT1a receptor has been functionally characterized. This receptor binds 125I Sar1-angiotensin II with an affinity of 0.9 nM and the displacement of this ligand by a series of peptidic and nonpeptidic analogs is shown. Binding of angiotensin II to this receptor causes a rapid increase in inositol phosphate production, whereas this effect is not observed in nontransfected cells. Des-aspartyl1 angiotensin II and at a lesser extent angiotensin I are also able to produce an increase in inositol phosphates. More importantly, the actions of angiotensin II on cell division were clearly demonstrated in this model, since angiotensin II is able to stimulate DNA synthesis by 400% and double the cell population of the transfected cells in 36 hours in the absence of any other growth factor, whereas no effect is observed in nontransfected cells.  相似文献   
Animal cells initiate cytokinesis in parallel with anaphase onset, when an actomyosin ring assembles and constricts through localized activation of the small GTPase RhoA, giving rise to a cleavage furrow. Furrow formation relies on positional cues provided by anaphase spindle microtubules (MTs), but how such cues are generated remains unclear. Using chemical genetics to achieve both temporal and spatial control, we show that the self-organized delivery of Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) to the midzone and its local phosphorylation of a MT-bound substrate are critical for generating this furrow-inducing signal. When Plk1 was active but unable to target itself to this equatorial landmark, both cortical RhoA recruitment and furrow induction failed to occur, thus recapitulating the effects of anaphase-specific Plk1 inhibition. Using tandem mass spectrometry and phosphospecific antibodies, we found that Plk1 binds and directly phosphorylates the HsCYK-4 subunit of centralspindlin (also known as MgcRacGAP) at the midzone. At serine 157, this modification creates a major docking site for the tandem BRCT repeats of the Rho GTP exchange factor Ect2. Cells expressing only a nonphosphorylatable form of HsCYK-4 failed to localize Ect2 at the midzone and were severely impaired in cleavage furrow formation, implying that HsCYK-4 is Plk1's rate-limiting target upstream of RhoA. Conversely, tethering an inhibitor-resistant allele of Plk1 to HsCYK-4 allowed furrows to form despite global inhibition of all other Plk1 molecules in the cell. Our findings illuminate two key mechanisms governing the initiation of cytokinesis in human cells and illustrate the power of chemical genetics to probe such regulation both in time and space.  相似文献   
Insulin internalization and degradation, insulin receptor internalization and recycling, as well as long term receptor down-regulation were comparatively studied in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines, either parental or expressing the wild-type human insulin receptor (CHO.R) or a mutated receptor in which the tyrosine residues in positions 1162 and 1163 were replaced by phenylalanines (CHO.Y2). The two transfected cell lines presented very similar binding characteristics, and their pulse labeling with [35S]methionine revealed that the receptors were processed normally. As expected, the mutation of these twin tyrosines resulted in a defective insulin stimulation of both receptor kinase activity and glycogen synthesis. We now present evidence that compared to CHO.R cells, which efficiently internalized and degraded insulin, CHO.Y2 cells exhibited a marked defect in hormone internalization, leading to impaired insulin degradation. Moreover, the mutated receptors were found to be less effective than the wild-type receptors in transducing the hormone signal for receptor internalization, whereas the process of receptor recycling after internalization seemed not to be altered. In parental CHO cells, insulin induced long term receptor down-regulation, but was totally ineffective in both transfected cell lines. These results reveal that the tyrosines 1162 and 1163 in the kinase regulatory domain of the receptor beta-subunit play a pivotal role in insulin and receptor internalization.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of angiotensinogen containing cells was determined in the brain of rats using immunocytochemistry. Specific angiotensinogen immunoreactivity is demonstrated both in glial cells and neurons throughout the brain, except the neocortical and cerebellar territories. Positive neurons are easily and invariably detected in female brains, and haphazardly in male brain (sex hormone dependent). Angiotensinogen immunoreactivity in male brain neurons can be induced by water deprivation or binephrectomy in some areas and particularly in paraventricular nuclei. Finally, the highest concentrations of positive neurons are found in the anterior and lateral hypothalamus, preoptic area, amygdala and some well known nuclei of the mesencephalon and the brainstem.Our results confirm the wide distribution of angiotensinogen mRNA in the brain reported recently by Lynch et al. (1987). Thus the demonstration of angiotensinogen in neurons and glial cells allows a greater understanding of the biochemical and physiological data in accordance with multiple brain renin angiotensin systems.  相似文献   
The angiotensin II (Ang II) AT(1A) receptor was tagged at its C terminus with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and the corresponding chimeric cDNA was expressed in HEK-293 cells. This tagged receptor presents wild-type pharmacological and signaling properties and can be immunodetected by Western blotting and immunoprecipitation using EGFP antibodies. Therefore, this EGFP-tagged AT(1A) receptor is the perfect tool for analyzing in parallel the subcellular distributions of the receptor and its interacting G protein and their trafficking using confocal microscopy. Morphological observation of both the fluorescent receptor and its cognate Galphaq/11 protein, identified by indirect immunofluorescence, and the development of a specific software for digital image analysis together allow examination and quantification of the cellular distribution of these proteins before and after the binding of different agonist or antagonist ligands. These observations result in several conclusions: 1) Expression of increasing amounts of the AT(1A) receptor at the cell surface is associated with a progressive recruitment of the cytosolic Galphaq/11 protein at the membrane; 2) Internalization of the EGFP-tagged AT(1A) induced by peptide ligands but not nonpeptide ligands is accompanied by a Galphaq/11 protein intracellular translocation, which presents a similar kinetic pattern but occurs predominantly in a different compartment; and 3) This Galphaq/11 protein cellular translocation is dependent on receptor internalization process, but not G protein coupling and signal transduction mechanisms, as assessed by pharmacological data using agonists and antagonists and the characterization of AT(1A) receptor mutants (D(74)N and Delta329) for which the coupling and internalization functions are modified.  相似文献   
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