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Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) usually express a contractile phenotype in the healthy aorta. However, aortic SMCs have the ability to undergo profound changes in phenotype in response to changes in their extracellular environment, as occurs in ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms (ATAA). Accordingly, there is a pressing need to quantify the mechanobiological effects of these changes at single cell level. To address this need, we applied Traction Force Microscopy (TFM) on 759 cells coming from three primary healthy (AoPrim) human SMC lineages and three primary aneurysmal (AnevPrim) human SMC lineages, from age and gender matched donors. We measured the basal traction forces applied by each of these cells onto compliant hydrogels of different stiffness (4, 8, 12, 25 kPa). Although the range of force generation by SMCs suggested some heterogeneity, we observed that: 1. the traction forces were significantly larger on substrates of larger stiffness; 2. traction forces in AnevPrim were significantly higher than in AoPrim cells. We modelled computationally the dynamic force generation process in SMCs using the motor-clutch model and found that it accounts well for the stiffness-dependent traction forces. The existence of larger traction forces in the AnevPrim SMCs were related to the larger size of cells in these lineages. We conclude that phenotype changes occurring in ATAA, which were previously known to reduce the expression of elongated and contractile SMCs (rendering SMCs less responsive to vasoactive agents), tend also to induce stronger SMCs. Future work aims at understanding the causes of this alteration process in aortic aneurysms.

The contractile behavior of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the aorta is an important determinant of growth, remodeling, and homeostasis. However, quantitative values of SMC basal tone have never been characterized precisely on individual SMCs. Therefore, to address this lack, we developed an in vitro technique based on Traction Force Microscopy (TFM). Aortic SMCs from a human lineage at low passages (4-7) were cultured 2 days in conditions promoting the development of their contractile apparatus and seeded on hydrogels of varying elastic modulus (1, 4, 12 and 25 kPa) with embedded fluorescent microspheres. After complete adhesion, SMCs were artificially detached from the gel by trypsin treatment. The microbeads movement was tracked and the deformation fields were processed with a mechanical model, assuming linear elasticity, isotropic material, plane strain, to extract the traction forces formerly applied by individual SMCs on the gel. Two major interesting and original observations about SMC traction forces were deduced from the obtained results: 1. they are variable but driven by cell dynamics and show an exponential distribution, with 40% to 80% of traction forces in the range 0-10 μN. 2. They depend on the substrate stiffness: the fraction of adhesion forces below 10 μN tend to decrease when the substrate stiffness increases, whereas the fraction of higher adhesion forces increases. As these two aspects of cell adhesion (variability and stiffness dependence) and the distribution of their traction forces can be predicted by the probabilistic motor-clutch model, we conclude that this model could be applied to SMCs. Further studies will consider stimulated contractility and primary culture of cells extracted from aneurysmal human aortic tissue.  相似文献   
Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci are severe hemipteran pests of melon crops and breeding for resistance to both insects is required to reduce pesticide use. Resistance was evaluated for its effect on behaviour and biotic potential of both hemipterans in a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross Védrantais × PI 161375. Insect variability was considered using two A. gossypii clones and two B. tabaci populations. Two additive QTLs affected the whiteflies. Four additive QTLs and two couples of epistatic QTLs affected the aphids. Amongst them, a major QTL affects both behaviour and biotic potential of A. gossypii and therefore a same R gene induces both antixenosis and antibiosis. This major QTL colocalizes with the Vat gene belonging to the NBS-LRR gene family. No loci affected both aphids and whiteflies contrary to what was observed for the Mi1.2 gene, a NBS-LRR gene in tomato. Original populations with different allelic compositions at QTLs affecting A. gossypii were built by one inter-crossing of RILs used for the mapping process. The genetic background was shown homogeneous between these populations what allowed validating QTLs and investigating the effect of allelic combinations at QTLs. Effects of QTLs were stronger than expected and some QTLs had a wider spectrum than expected. This strategy of validation appeared rapid and low cost.  相似文献   
Intracellular enzymes or receptors are interesting targets for thepharmacomodulation of cellular metabolism. We have previously shown thatmodification of relatively long peptides by a palmitoyl-lysine residue couldfacilitate their delivery into the cytoplasm of living cells. Severalpeptides containing pseudosubstrate sequences of protein kinase C (PKC) havebeen evaluated for their ability to modulate phosphorylation of modelsubstrate, neuronal morphology or tumor necrosis factor secretion. In thiswork we have evaluated the effect of palmitoyl-modified PKC-pseudosubstratepeptides on induction of apoptosis. We have established that these peptidesare able to induce apoptosis in different human cell types (primaryfibroblasts, T- and B-lymphocyte cell lines) as assessed by (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labelling) and DNAfragmentation. In contrast, control peptides (non-lipidicPKC-pseudosubstrate peptides and irrelevant lipopeptides) had no or littleeffect on programmed cell death. This work highlights the pharmacologicalinterest of lipopeptides and argues in favor of the potential role of PKC(s)in the cell death machinery.  相似文献   
The purpose of the experiments described was to identify X chromosome genes functioning mainly or exclusively during oogenesis. Two mutagenesis experiments were carried out with ethyl methane sulfonate. Following treatment inducing 60% lethals, 9% of the treated X chromosomes carried a female sterility mutation which did not otherwise seriously affect viability. Among —95 isolated mutants, 19 were heat-sensitive and 5 cold-sensitive. The mutants have been classified as follows: I (16 mutants; 12 complementation groups): the females laid few or no eggs; the defect concerned either ovulation or oogenesis. II (37 mutants; 18 complementation groups): the female laid morphologically abnormal eggs, often with increased membrane permeability. III A (13 mutants; at least 8 complementation groups): the homozygous females were sterile if mated to mutant males; their progeny (homo- and hemizygous) died at a late embryonic stage (11 mutants), at the larval stage (1 mutant) or at the pupal stage (1 mutant). However fertility was partly restored by breeding to wild-type males as shown by survival of some heterozygous descendants. III B (29 mutants; 22 complementation groups): the fertility of the females was not restored by breeding to a wild-type male. Most of the eggs of 13 of the mutants died at a late stage of embryogenesis. The eggs of the others ceased development earlier or, perhaps, remained unfertilized. The distribution of the number of mutants per complementation group led to an estimation of a total of about 150 X-linked genes involved in female fertility. The females of three mutants, heat-sensitive and totally sterile at 29°, produced at a lower temperature descendants morphologically abnormal or deprived of germ cells. Three other mutants not described in detail showed a reduction in female fertility with many descendants lacking germ cells. A desirable mutant which was not recovered was one with normal fertile females producing descendants which, regardless of their genotype, bore specific morphological abnormalities. The value of the mutants isolated for analysis of the complex processes leading to egg formation and initiation of development is discussed.  相似文献   
B-esterases are serine hydrolases composed of cholinesterases, including acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and carboxylesterase (CbE). These esterases, found in blood plasma, are inhibited by organophosphorus (OP) and carbamate (CB) insecticides and can be used as nondestructive biomarkers of exposure to anticholinesterase insecticides. Furthermore, B-esterases are involved in detoxification of these insecticides. In order to establish the level of these enzymes and to have reference values for their normal activities, total plasma cholinesterase (ChE), AChE and BChE activities, and plasma CbE activity were determined in 729 European raptors representing 20 species, four families, and two orders. The diurnal families of the Falconiforme order were represented by Accipitridae and Falconidae and the nocturnal families of the Strigiforme order by Tytonidae and Strigidae. Intraspecies differences in cholinesterase activities according to sex and/or age were investigated in buzzards (Buteo buteo), sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus), kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), barn owls (Tyto alba), and tawny owls (Strix aluco). Sex-related differences affecting ChE and AChE activities were observed in young kestrels (2-3-mo-old) and age-related differences in kestrels (ChE and AChE), sparrowhawks (AChE), and tawny owls (ChE, AChE, and BChE). The interspecies analysis yielded a negative correlation between ChE activity and body mass taking into account the relative contribution of AChE and BChE to ChE activity, with the exception of the honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus). The lowest ChE activities were found in the two largest species, Bonelli's eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) and Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) belonging to the Accipitridae family. The highest ChE activities were found in the relatively small species belonging to the Tytonidae and Strigidae families and in honey buzzard of the Accipitridae family. Species of the Accipitridae, Tytonidae, and Strigidae families were characterized by a BChE contribution that dominated the total ChE activity, while in the species of the Falconidae family, AChE activity dominated. With the exception of the barn owl, CbE activity (eserine-insensitive alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase [alpha-NAE] activity) in all species was almost absent or very low. The values obtained in this study for ChE, AChE, and BChE activities and the AChE:BChE ratios for buzzard, kestrel, barn owl, and tawny owl provide a good estimate of the normal values in free-living individuals of these European species. They can be used as a baseline to evaluate the effect of anticholinesterase insecticides in the field.  相似文献   
The extracellular matrix (ECM) has long been viewed primarily as an organized network of solid-phase ligands for integrin receptors. During degenerative processes, such as osteoarthritis, the ECM undergoes deterioration, resulting in its remodeling and in the release of some of its components. Matrilin-3 (MATN3) is an almost cartilage specific, pericellular protein acting in the assembly of the ECM of chondrocytes. In the past, MATN3 was found required for cartilage homeostasis, but also involved in osteoarthritis-related pro-catabolic functions. Here, to better understand the pathological and physiological functions of MATN3, its concentration as a circulating protein in articular fluids of human osteoarthritic patients was determined and its functions as a recombinant protein produced in human cells were investigated with particular emphasis on the physical state under which it is presented to chondrocytes. MATN3 down-regulated cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis and up-regulated catabolism when administered as a soluble protein. When artificially immobilized, however, MATN3 induced chondrocyte adhesion via a α5β1 integrin-dependent mechanism, AKT activation and favored survival and ECM synthesis. Furthermore, MATN3 bound directly to isolated α5β1 integrin in vitro. TGFβ1 stimulation of chondrocytes allowed integration of exogenous MATN3 into their ECM and ECM-integrated MATN3 induced AKT phosphorylation and improved ECM synthesis and accumulation. In conclusion, the integration of MATN3 to the pericellular matrix of chondrocytes critically determines the direction toward which MATN3 regulates cartilage metabolism. These data explain how MATN3 plays either beneficial or detrimental functions in cartilage and highlight the important role played by the physical state of ECM molecules.  相似文献   
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