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A method for displaying mitochondria and proplastids in root tip sections of Tradescantia paludosa and cereals was modified from Altmann and Volkonsky. Root tips were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer, pH 7.1, or acetate buffer, pH 4.8, for 3 hr, rinsed and postchromed overnight in 3% potassium dichromate, all at room temperature (20 C), dehydrated through a tertiary butanol series and embedded in ester wax. Four-micrometer sections were stained in hot acid fuchsin in aniline water, rinsed, treated with 1% sodium phosphomolybdate for 30 sec, rinsed and stained progressively with azure B for 3-10 min before being made permanent. Mitochondria and proplastids were stained brilliant crimson against a light blue cytoplasm with deep blue chromosomes. Previously reported difficulties with Altmann staining techniques are attributed to the erratic action of the classical fixatives used.  相似文献   
The hypervirulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain A281 formed frequent tumors (31%) on Picea abies (Norway spruce), an economically important tree species in Swedish forests. Three-month-old seedlings were inoculated and tumors were established that grew hormone-independently in culture. Tumors contained agropine and mannopine/mannopinic acid as determined by acid pH paper electrophoresis. In addition, DNA hybridization studies showed that the DNA from these tumor lines contained sequences homologous to Ti plasmid T-DNA, whereas wild-type spruce seedling DNA did not. These results suggest that Agrobacterium vectors can be used for gene transfer into this important forest species.  相似文献   
Relatively little is understood concerning the mechanisms by which subtypes of receptors, G proteins and effector enzymes interact to transduce specific signals. Through expression of normal, hybrid and deletion mutant receptors in Xenopus oocytes, we determined the G protein coupling characteristics of the functionally distinct m2 and m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) subtypes and identified the critical receptor sequences responsible for G protein specificity. Activation of a pertussis toxin insensitive G protein pathway, leading to a rapid and transient release of intracellular Ca2+ characteristic of the m3 receptor, could be specified by the transfer of as few as nine amino acids from the m3 to the m2 receptor. In a reciprocal manner, transfer of no more than 21 residues from the m2 to the m3 receptor was sufficient to specify activation of a pertussis toxin sensitive G protein coupled to a slow and oscillatory Ca2+ release pathway typical of the m2 subtype. Notably, these critical residues occur within the same region of the third cytoplasmic domain of functionally distinct mAChR subtypes.  相似文献   
The patterns of association of juvenile male and female humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae , in the southern Gulf of Maine were studied for evidence of maturational changes. Both males and females became less solitary with age. In males, time spent alone changed from a mean of 55.8% of observations at age one to 26.8% at age six. Females were alone in a mean of 49.9% of observations at age one, but in only 20.5% by age six. However, females that produced calves at five, six or seven were associated with no whales but the calf in 73.8% of observations. Males exhibited a clear age-related trend of increasing associations with adults, notably with adult females which constituted approximately 80% of the associates of males aged six years or more. Females showed a similar trend of increasing associations with adults of both sexes. Tests of association data for whales of known age with similar data for adults of the same sex showed that the association patterns of young males and females became statistically indistinguishable from those of adults by the ages of five and four, respectively. The data suggest that the observed changes in social behaviour are closely linked to the attainment of sexual maturity and preparation for adult roles. The different patterns of males and females after maturity may reflect differing reproductive and life-history strategies.  相似文献   
During the period of COVID-19, the occurrences of mucormycosis in immunocompromised patients have increased significantly. Mucormycosis (black fungus) is a rare and rapidly progressing fungal infection associated with high mortality and morbidity in India as well as globally. The causative agents for this infection are collectively called mucoromycetes which are the members of the order Mucorales. The diagnosis of the infection needs to be performed as soon as the occurrence of clinical symptoms which differs with types of Mucorales infection. Imaging techniques magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan, culture testing, and microscopy are the approaches for the diagnosis. After the diagnosis of the infection is confirmed, rapid action is needed for the treatment in the form of antifungal therapy or surgery depending upon the severity of the infection. Delaying in treatment declines the chances of survival. In antifungal therapy, there are two approaches first-line therapy (monotherapy) and combination therapy. Amphotericin B ( 1 ) and isavuconazole ( 2 ) are the drugs of choice for first-line therapy in the treatment of mucormycosis. Salvage therapy with posaconazole ( 3 ) and deferasirox ( 4 ) is another approach for patients who are not responsible for any other therapy. Adjunctive therapy is also used in the treatment of mucormycosis along with first-line therapy, which involves hyperbaric oxygen and cytokine therapy. There are some drugs like VT-1161 ( 5 ) and APX001A ( 6 ), Colistin, SCH 42427, and PC1244 that are under clinical trials. Despite all these approaches, none can be 100% successful in giving results. Therefore, new medications with favorable or little side effects are required for the treatment of mucormycosis.  相似文献   
An effective method for isolating DNA from historical specimens of baleen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA was isolated from an early twentieth century museum specimen of northern right whale baleen. A system of stringent controls and a novel set of cetacean specific primers eliminated contamination from external sources and ensured the authenticity of the results. Sequence analysis revealed that there were informative nucleotide positions between the museum specimen and extant members of the population and closely related species. The results indicate that museum specimens of baleen can be used to assess historical genetic population structure of the great whales.  相似文献   
HIV and chemokines: ligands sharing cell-surface receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At the cell surface, chemokine receptors and CD4 act in concert to bind to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and trigger its entry into and infection of cells. Several different chemokine receptors can act as co-receptors for HIV entry, although either CCR5 or CXCR4 is used by all HIV-1 strains studied so far. The capacity of different HIV strains to exploit different chemokine receptors influences their cell tropism, cytopathicity and pathogenicity. Chemokines, the natural ligands for these receptors, can block HIV entry and are thus potential starting points for the design of novel therapeutic agents against HIV infection.  相似文献   
Thermosensitivity in Spring White Lupin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spring morphotypes of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) are veryresponsive to cool temperatures during seedling developmentas expressed in a number of subsequent developmental characters.Thermosensitivity was examined in a number of studies whereseedlings were incubated at various stages of development andat differing temperatures. Plants were scored for thermosensitivity,as expressed by the number of mainstem and first order lateralvegetative nodes, at flowering. The stages of radicle emergenceand split seed coat were observed to be the developmental stageswhen mainstem and first-order lateral meristems were most sensitiveto incubation temperature. These data show that the optimumwindow for cold treating spring lupin seed is very narrow andoccurs prior to seedling emergence. Seedlings at radicle emergencestage were incubated at temperatures ranging from 1 to 27 °Cfor 0 to 14 d in 2 d increments. For temperatures less than12 °C, mainstem node number decreased curvilinearly withduration of incubation. For temperatures between 12 and 17 °C,mainstem node number decreased linearly with duration of incubation.However, mainstem node number increased linearly with durationof incubation at temperatures greater than 17 °C. The datashow that 'warm' temperatures during early seedling developmenthave a profound influence on subsequent plant morphology. Responseto 'warm' temperatures is greater than to 'cool' temperaturesand it is suggested that the differential response to warm vs.cold incubation temperatures could account for morphologicaland phenological differences observed within genotypes in fieldstudies among sites and years. The lack of temperature responsein one genotype, 'Start' may indicate thermoneutrality in thisgenotype.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus albus L., lupin, vernalization, thermosensitivity, vegetative development  相似文献   
Hocking  T. J.  Clapham  Jennifer  Cattell  K. J. 《Planta》1978,138(3):303-304
A centrifugation binding assay has been used to demonstrate the binding of [3H] (±) abscisic acid to membrane-rich fractions prepared from leaves of Vicia faba L. Kinetic analysis of this binding shows evidence of saturation of binding sites with increasing concentration of ligand. Scatchard analysis of these data yields a biphasic plot possibly indicating the presence of two types of binding sites. The dissocation constant for the high affinity site has been calculated to be 3.5×10-8 mol 1-1.  相似文献   
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