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Sperm must undergo the acrosome reaction (AR) in order to fertilize the egg. In sea urchins, this reaction is triggered by the egg jelly (EJ) which, upon binding to its sperm receptor, induces increases in the ion permeability of the plasma membrane and changes in protein phosphorylation. Here, we demonstrated that the sperm expresses ROCK (∼135 kDa), which is a serine/threonine protein kinase. ROCK localized, as RhoGTPase (Rho), in the acrosomal region, midpiece and flagellum. H-1152, a ROCK antagonist, inhibited the two cellular processes defining the AR: the acrosomal exocytosis and the actin polymerization. The ionophores nigericin and A23187 reversed the AR inhibition induced by H-1152, suggesting that ROCK functions at the level of the EJ-induced ion fluxes. Accordingly, H-1152 blocked 70% the intracellular alkalinization induced by EJ. These results indicate that EJ activates a Na+-H+ exchanger (NHE) in the sperm through a Rho/ROCK-dependent signaling pathway that culminates in the AR.  相似文献   
Fgf and Wnt signalling have been shown to be required for formation of the otic placode in vertebrates. Whereas several Fgfs including Fgf3, Fgf8 and Fgf10 have been shown to participate during early placode induction, Wnt signalling is required for specification and maintenance of the otic placode, and dorsal patterning of the otic vesicle. However, the requirement for specific members of the Wnt gene family for otic placode and vesicle formation and their potential interaction with Fgf signalling has been poorly defined. Due to its spatiotemporal expression during placode formation in the hindbrain Wnt8a has been postulated as a potential candidate for its specification. Here we have examined the role of Wnt8a during formation of the otic placode and vesicle in mouse embryos. Wnt8a expression depends on the presence of Fgf3 indicating a serial regulation between Fgf and Wnt signalling during otic placode induction and specification. Wnt8a by itself however is neither essential for placode specification nor redundantly required together with Fgfs for otic placode and vesicle formation. Interestingly however, Wnt8a and Fgf3 are redundantly required for expression of Fgf15 in the hindbrain indicating additional reciprocal interactions between Fgf and Wnt signalling. Further reduction of Wnt signalling by the inactivation of Wnt1 in a Wnt8a mutant background revealed a redundant requirement for both genes during morphogenesis of the dorsal portion of the otic vesicle.  相似文献   
To unveil what controls mitochondrial ROS detoxification, the NADPH supply and GSH/GSSG recycling for oxidative stress management were analyzed in cancer and non-cancer mitochondria. Therefore, proteomic and kinetomic analyses were carried out of the mitochondrial (i) NADPH producing and (ii) GSH/GSSG recycling enzymes associated to oxidative stress management. The protein contents of the eight enzymes analyzed were similar or even higher in AS-30D rat hepatoma mitochondria (HepM) than in rat liver (RLM) and rat heart (RHM) mitochondria, suggesting that the NADPH/GSH/ROS pathway was fully functional in cancer mitochondria.The Vmax values of IDH-2 were much greater than those of GDH, TH and ME, suggesting that IDH-2 is the predominant NADPH producer in the three mitochondrial types; in fact, the GDH reverse reaction was favored. The Vmax values of GR and GPx were lower in HepM than in RLM, suggesting that the oxidative stress management is compromised in cancer mitochondria. The Km values of IDH-2, GR and GPx were all similar among the different mitochondrial types.Kinetic modeling revealed that the oxidative stress management was mainly controlled by GR, GPx and IDH. Modeling and experimentation also revealed that, due to their higher IDH-2 activity and lower GPx activity presumably by acetylation, HepM (i) showed higher steady-state NADPH levels; (ii) required greater peroxide concentrations to achieve reliable steady-state fluxes and metabolite concentration; and (iii) endured higher peroxide concentrations without collapsing their GSH/GSSG ratios. Then, to specifically prompt lower GSH/GSSG ratios under oxidative stress thus compromising cancer mitochondria functioning, GPx should be re-activated.  相似文献   
One of the most important physicochemical factors that affect cell growth and development is pH, and living organisms have developed specific mechanisms to adapt to media with variable pH values. Most fungi posses a specific mechanism for such adaptation: the Pal/Rim pathway. To analyze the different metabolic processes regulated by this pathway, and its possible relationships with other physiological regulatory mechanisms, we analyzed the phenotype of a mutant in the PALB/RIM13 gene of the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis. The mutant displayed important alterations in the synthesis and organization of the cell wall and was affected in its response to stress, revealing its relationship with the MAPKC pathway involved in maintaining the integrity of the cell wall, and the stress response pathway, but not with the HOG pathway. An important observation was that the mutant, in contrast to the wild-type strain, was unable to maintain a constant intracellular pH, suggesting that probably the main function of the Pal/Rim pathway, in collaboration with other regulatory mechanisms, is to maintain a constant intracellular pH, despite the changes occurring in the environment.  相似文献   
The myofibroblast has recently been identified as an important mediator of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-associated colitis and cancer, but the mechanism(s) involved remains incompletely understood. Recent evidence suggests that TNF-α is a central regulator of multiple inflammatory signaling cascades. One important target of TNF-α may be the signaling pathway downstream of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which has been associated with many human cancers. Here, we show that long-term exposure of 18Co cells, a model of human colonic myofibroblasts, with TNF-α led to a striking increase in cell surface EGFR expression, an effect that was completely inhibited by cycloheximide. Subsequent EGFR binding by EGF and heparin binding (HB)-EGF was associated with enhanced EGFR tyrosine kinase activity, prolonged ERK activation, and a significant increase in cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression compared with 18Co cells treated with EGF and HB-EGF alone. TNF-α also increased EGFR expression and signaling in primary myofibroblasts isolated from human colon tissue. TNF-α-induced upregulation of EGFR may be a plausible mechanism to explain the exaggerated cellular responsiveness that characterizes inflammatory bowel disease and that may contribute to a microenvironment that predisposes to colitis-associated cancer through enhanced COX-2 expression.  相似文献   
We analyzed the contribution of calcium (Ca2+)‐induced Ca2+ release to somatic secretion in serotonergic Retzius neurons of the leech. Somatic secretion was studied by the incorporation of fluorescent dye FM1‐43 upon electrical stimulation with trains of 10 impulses and by electron microscopy. Quantification of secretion with FM1‐43 was made in cultured neurons to improve optical resolution. Stimulation in the presence of FM1‐43 produced a frequency‐dependent number of fluorescent spots. While a 1‐Hz train produced 19.5 ± 5.0 spots/soma, a 10‐Hz train produced 146.7 ± 20.2 spots/soma. Incubation with caffeine (10 mM) to induce Ca2+ release from intracellular stores without electrical stimulation and external Ca2+, produced 168 ± 21.7 spots/soma. This staining was reduced by 49% if neurons were preincubated with the Ca2+‐ ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin (200 nM). Moreover, in neurons stimulated at 10 Hz in the presence of ryanodine (100 μM) to block Ca2+‐induced Ca2+ release, FM1‐43 staining was reduced by 42%. In electron micrographs of neurons at rest or stimulated at 1 Hz in the ganglion, endoplasmic reticulum lay between clusters of dense core vesicles and the plasma membrane. In contrast, in neurons stimulated at 20 Hz, the vesicle clusters were apposed to the plasma membrane and flanked by the endoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that Ca2+‐induced Ca2+ release produces vesicle mobilization and fusion in the soma of Retzius neurons, and supports the idea that neuronal somatic secretion shares common mechanisms with secretion by excitable endocrine cells. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2004  相似文献   
A frequent outcome in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments carried out with large proteins is the irreversibility of the observed endothermic effects. In these cases, DSC profiles are analyzed according to methods developed for temperature-induced denaturation transitions occurring under kinetic control. In the one-step irreversible model (native → denatured) the characteristics of the observed single-peaked endotherm depend on the denaturation enthalpy and the temperature dependence of the reaction rate constant, k. Several procedures have been devised to obtain the parameters that determine the variation of k with temperature. Here, we have elaborated on one of these procedures in order to analyze more complex DSC profiles. Synthetic data for a heat capacity curve were generated according to a model with two sequential reactions; the temperature dependence of each of the two rate constants involved was determined, according to the Eyring's equation, by two fixed parameters. It was then shown that our deconvolution procedure, by making use of heat capacity data alone, permits to extract the parameter values that were initially used. Finally, experimental DSC traces showing two and three maxima were analyzed and reproduced with relative success according to two- and four-step sequential models.  相似文献   
The scavenger receptor cysteine-rich superfamily (SRCR-SF) members are transmembrane and/or secreted receptors exhibiting one or several repeats of a cysteine-rich protein module of ~100 aa, named scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR). Two types of SRCR domains (A or B) have been reported, which differ in the number of coding exons and intradomain cysteines. Although no unifying function has been reported for SRCR-SF members, recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) was recently shown for some of them. In this article, we report the structural and functional characterization of mouse S5D-SRCRB, a new group B member of the SRCR-SF. The s5d-srcrb gene maps at mouse chromosome 7 and encompasses 14 exons extending over 15 kb. The longest cDNA sequence found is 4286 bp in length and encodes a mature protein of 1371 aa, with a predicted M(r) of 144.6 kDa. Using an episomal mammalian-expression system, a glycosylated soluble recombinant form >200 kDa was obtained and used as immunogen for the generation of specific rat mAbs. Subsequent immunohistochemical and real-time PCR analysis showed significant S5D-SRCRB expression in murine genitourinary and digestive tracts. S5D-SRCRB was shown to bind endogenous extracellular matrix proteins (laminin and galectin-1), as well as PAMPs present on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. PAMP binding by S5D-SRCRB induced microbial aggregation and subsequent inhibition of PAMP-induced cytokine release. These abilities suggest that S5D-SRCRB might play a role in the innate defense and homeostasis of certain specialized epithelial surfaces.  相似文献   
We analyzed the contribution of calcium (Ca2+)-induced Ca2+ release to somatic secretion in serotonergic Retzius neurons of the leech. Somatic secretion was studied by the incorporation of fluorescent dye FM1-43 upon electrical stimulation with trains of 10 impulses and by electron microscopy. Quantification of secretion with FM1-43 was made in cultured neurons to improve optical resolution. Stimulation in the presence of FM1-43 produced a frequency-dependent number of fluorescent spots. While a 1-Hz train produced 19.5+/-5.0 spots/soma, a 10-Hz train produced 146.7+/-20.2 spots/soma. Incubation with caffeine (10 mM) to induce Ca2+ release from intracellular stores without electrical stimulation and external Ca2+, produced 168+/-21.7 spots/soma. This staining was reduced by 49% if neurons were preincubated with the Ca2+- ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin (200 nM). Moreover, in neurons stimulated at 10 Hz in the presence of ryanodine (100 microM) to block Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, FM1-43 staining was reduced by 42%. In electron micrographs of neurons at rest or stimulated at 1 Hz in the ganglion, endoplasmic reticulum lay between clusters of dense core vesicles and the plasma membrane. In contrast, in neurons stimulated at 20 Hz, the vesicle clusters were apposed to the plasma membrane and flanked by the endoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release produces vesicle mobilization and fusion in the soma of Retzius neurons, and supports the idea that neuronal somatic secretion shares common mechanisms with secretion by excitable endocrine cells.  相似文献   
Serotonin is a major modulator of behavior in vertebrates and invertebrates and deficiencies in the serotonergic system account for several behavioral disorders in humans.The small numbers of serotonergic central neurons of vertebrates and invertebrates produce their effects by use of two modes of secretion: from synaptic terminals, acting locally in hard wired circuits, and from extrasynaptic axonal and somatodendritic release sites in the absence of postsynaptic targets, producing paracrine effects.In this paper, we review the evidence of synaptic and extrasynaptic release of serotonin and the mechanisms underlying each secretion mode by combining evidence from vertebrates and invertebrates. Particular emphasis is given to somatic secretion of serotonin by central neurons.Most of the mechanisms of serotonin release have been elucidated in cultured synapses made by Retzius neurons from the central nervous system of the leech. Serotonin release from synaptic terminals occurs from clear and dense core vesicles at active zones upon depolarization. In general, synaptic serotonin release is similar to release of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction.The soma of Retzius neurons releases serotonin from clusters of dense core vesicles in the absence of active zones. This type of secretion is dependent of the stimulation frequency, on L-type calcium channel activation and on calcium-induced calcium release.The characteristics of somatic secretion of serotonin in Retzius neurons are similar to those of somatic secretion of dopamine and peptides by other neuron types. In general, somatic secretion by neurons is different from transmitter release from clear vesicles at synapses and similar to secretion by excitable endocrine cells.  相似文献   
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