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Evidence that the intestinal microbiota is intrinsically linked with overall health, including cancer risk, is emerging. Moreover, its composition is not fixed but can be influenced by several dietary components. Dietary modifiers, including the consumption of live bacteria (probiotics) and indigestible or limited digestible food constituents such as oligosaccharides (prebiotics) and polyphenols or both (synbiotics), are recognized modifiers of the numbers and types of microbes and have been reported to reduce colon cancer risk experimentally. Microorganisms also have the ability to generate bioactive compounds from food components. Examples include equol from isoflavones, enterodiol and enterolactone from lignans and urolithins from ellagic acid, which have also been demonstrated to retard experimentally induced cancers. The gastrointestinal microbiota can also influence both sides of the energy balance equation, namely, as a factor influencing energy utilization from the diet and as a factor that influences host genes that regulate energy expenditure and storage. Because of the link between obesity and cancer incidence and mortality, this complex complexion deserves greater attention. Overall, a dynamic interrelationship exists between the intestinal microbiota and colon cancer risk, which can be modified by dietary components and eating behaviors.  相似文献   
The genome sequence analysis of a clinical Vibrio cholerae VC35 strain from an outbreak case in Malaysia indicates multiple genes involved in host adaptation and a novel Na+-driven multidrug efflux pump-coding gene in the genome of Vibrio cholerae with the highest similarity to VMA_001754 of Vibrio mimicus VMA223.  相似文献   
We analyzed data from Section 404 permits issued in California from January 1971 through November 1987 that involved impacts to wetlands and required compensatory mitigation (wetland creation, restoration, or preservation). The purpose of this study was to determine patterns and trends in permitting activity and to document cumulative effects of associated management decisions on the California wetland resource. The 324 permits examined documented that 387 compensatory wetlands (1255.9 ha) were required as mitigation for impacts to 368 wetlands (1176.3 ha). The utility of the data on wetland area was limited, however, since 38.0% of the impacted wetlands and 41.6% of the compensatory wetlands lacked acreage data. The wetland type most frequently impacted (37.8% of impacted wetlands) and used in compensation (38.2% of compensatory wetlands) was palustrine forested wetlands. Estuarine intertidal emergent wetlands had the most area impacted (52.3%) and compensated (62.5%). The majority of the wetlands were small (less than or equal to 4.0 ha in size). Wildlife habitat was the most frequently listed function of impacted wetlands (90.7% of the permits) and objective of compensatory wetlands (83.3%). Endangered species were listed as affected in 20.4% of impacted and 21.0% of compensatory projects. The number of permits requiring compensatory mitigation and the number of impacted and compensatory wetlands increased from 1971 to 1986.Documentation of the details of Section 404 permit decisions was inadequate for the permits we examined. Area information and specific locations of impacted and compensatory wetlands were lacking or of poor quality. Follow-up information was also inadequate. For example, project completion dates were specified in the permit for only 2.2% of compensatory wetlands. Furthermore, less than one-third (31.5%) of the permits required the compensatory wetland to be monitored by at least one site visit. We recommend improved documentation, regular reporting, and increased monitoring for better evaluation of the Section 404 permitting system.  相似文献   
1.  The actions of GABA on three classes of visual interneurons in crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, medulla externa are examined. The effect of GABA on the visual response is compared to GABA's action on agonist-elicited responses purported to mediate the visual response.
2.  GABA produces a shunting type of inhibition in medullary amacrine cells which is associated with a small depolarization (Figs. 2, 3), a large increase in input conductance (Gn) and a reversal potential close to rest (Fig. 4). GABA is a potent antagonist to the depolarizing action of acetylcholine (ACh) (Fig. 5).
3.  GABA depolarizes dimming fibers (Fig. 2), and the response is mediated by an increase in Gn (Fig. 6). GABA antagonizes the light-elicited IPSP and the hyperpolarizing action of ACh (Fig. 7).
4.  Sustaining fibers (SF) do not appear to have GABA receptors but GABA inhibits the excitatory visual input pathway to the SFs (Fig. 8). Conversely, the GABA antagonist, bicuculline, potentiates the SF light response (Fig. 9).
5.  GABA has at least three different modes of antagonist action in the medulla: i) Increased conductance and depolarization in dimming fibers and medullary amacrine neurons; ii) Decreased chloride conductance in tangential cells; and iii) An inhibitory action on the visual pathway which drives SFs.
Regulation of the goldfish neuronal intermediate filament proteins ON1 and ON2 was investigated in a retinal explant system. The synthesis of these proteins in explanted retina decreased with increasing time in culture, despite continuing neurite outgrowth. Thus, ON1/ON2 neurofilament expression is regulated independently from neurite outgrowth. During regeneration of the goldfish optic nerve in vivo, the expression of these proteins increased during the later phase of the process, when growing axons make contact with the optic tectum. The declining synthesis of ON1 and ON2 during neurite outgrowth in culture suggests that factors extrinsic to the retina are necessary to support synthesis of these proteins. Treating retinal explants with retinoic acid stimulated the synthesis of the ON1/ON2 proteins in a dose-dependent manner. This stimulation was effective during a period of declining synthesis of the ON1/ON2 proteins, restoring their synthesis towards initial levels of expression. These results show that retinoic acid serves as a modulator of neurofilament expression in this in vitro model of nerve regeneration.  相似文献   
The intrinsic chlorophyll-protein CP 47 is a component of photosystem II which functions in both light-harvesting and oxygen evolution. Using site-directed mutagenesis we have produced the mutant W167S which lies in loop C of CP 47. This strain exhibited a 75% loss in oxygen evolution activity and grew extremely slowly in the absence of glucose. Examination of normalized oxygen evolution traces indicated that the mutant was susceptible to photoinactivation. Analysis of the variable fluorescence yield indicated that the mutant accumulated very few functional PS II reaction centers. This was confirmed by immunoblotting experiments. Interestingly, when W167S was grown in the presence of 20 M DCMU, the mutant continued to exhibit these defects. These results indicate that tryptophan 167 in loop C of CP 47 is important for the assembly and stability of the PS II reaction center.  相似文献   
Variations in the number of spines on the left and right posterior dorsal and posterior margins of the prosome as well as the length of the prosome of Acartia tonsa from three estuaries, the upper western side of the Chesapeake Bay, Montauk Bay near the eastern end of Long Island Sound and the coast of Peru were determined. The length of the prosome and number of spines in each of the four locations were used as an indication of morphological similarity between the populations.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with using multivariate binary observations to estimate the probabilities of unobserved classes with scientific meanings. We focus on the setting where additional information about sample similarities is available and represented by a rooted weighted tree. Every leaf in the given tree contains multiple samples. Shorter distances over the tree between the leaves indicate a priori higher similarity in class probability vectors. We propose a novel data integrative extension to classical latent class models with tree-structured shrinkage. The proposed approach enables (1) borrowing of information across leaves, (2) estimating data-driven leaf groups with distinct vectors of class probabilities, and (3) individual-level probabilistic class assignment given the observed multivariate binary measurements. We derive and implement a scalable posterior inference algorithm in a variational Bayes framework. Extensive simulations show more accurate estimation of class probabilities than alternatives that suboptimally use the additional sample similarity information. A zoonotic infectious disease application is used to illustrate the proposed approach. The paper concludes by a brief discussion on model limitations and extensions.  相似文献   
Pectic (carbonate-soluble, covalently-bound pectin, CBP) material stimulated increased ethylene production when vacuum-infiltrated into whole, mature green tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rutgers) fruit. Activity was greatest if CBP was extracted from mature green tomatoes with jellied locules. CBP extracted from mature green tomatoes with immature seeds had no elicitor activity, while CBP from turning or red ripe tomatoes was only moderately active. Infiltration of CBP from normal mature green fruit into ripening inhibitor ( rin ) mutant tomato fruit stimulated ethylene production and attenuated red pigmentation in these fruits. Partial purification of the active material was accomplished using DEAE-Sephadex and BioGel P-100 chromatography. The most highly purified fraction is comprised of neutral carbohydrate (95%) with a relatively low content of amino acids (1%) and a uronic acid content of less than 5%. This material may be an endogenous trigger of ethylene production and ripening.  相似文献   
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