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A rapid RNA sequencing technique was used to partially sequence the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (srRNA) of four species of the amoeboid genus Naegleria. The extent of nucleotide sequence divergence between the two most divergent species was roughly similar to that found between mammals and frogs. However, the pattern of variation among the Naegleria species was quite different from that found for those species of tetrapods characterized to date. A phylogenetic analysis of the consensus Naegleria sequence showed that Naegleria was not monophyletic with either Acanthamoeba castellanii or Dictyostelium discoideum, two other amoebas for which sequences were available. It was shown that the semiconserved regions of the srRNA molecule evolve in a clocklike fashion and that the clock is time dependent rather than generation dependent.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide probes unique to the five major enterotoxin genes of Staphylococcus aureus were synthesized and used to detect DNA sequences homologous to these genes in 27 non-clinical isolates of Staph. aureus isolated from nasal swabs of 74 healthy human volunteers. Genomic DNA from all 27 isolates reacted with at least one of the probes. In a phenotypic assay for toxin production by a reverse passive latex agglutination test however, only 15 of the 27 isolates produced enterotoxin in culture. The results raise the possibility that a number of Staph. aureus isolates harbour DNA sequences that are apparently silent or mutant copies of the enterotoxin genes. This complicates the identification of enterotoxin producers by tests which depend on oligonucleotide or DNA hybridization.  相似文献   
The movement of 14C-photosynthate in morning glory (Ipomea nil Roth, cu. Scarlet O'Hara) vines 2 to 5 meters long was followed by labeling a lone mature leaf with 14CO2 and monitoring the arrival rate of tracer at expanding sink leaves on branches along the stem. To a first approximation, the kinetic behavior of the translocation profiles resembled that which would be expected from movement at a single velocity (“plug flow”) without tracer loss from the translocation stream. There was no consistent indication of a velocity gradient along the vine length. The profile moved along the vine as a distinct asymmetrical peak which changes shape only slowly. The spatial distribution of tracer along the vine reasonably matched that predicted on the basis of the arrival kinetics at a sink, assuming plug flow with no tracer loss. These observations are in marked contrast to the kinetic behavior of any mechanism describable by diffusion equations.

However, a progressive change in profile shape (a symmetrical widening) was observed, indicating a range of translocation velocities. A minimum of at least two factors must have contributed to the observed velocity gradient: the exchange of 14C between sieve elements and companion cells (demonstrated by microautoradiography) and the range of velocities in the several hundred sieve tubes which carried the translocation stream. Possible effects of these two factors on profile spreading were investigated by means of numerical models. The models are necessarily incomplete, due principally to uncertainties about the exchange rate between sieve elements and companion cells and the degree of functional connectivity between sieve tubes of different conductivities. However, most of the observed profile spreading may be reasonably attributed to the combined effects of those two factors.

The mass average velocity of translocation (calculated from the mean times of 14C arrival at successive sink leaves) was about 75% of the maximum velocity (calculated from the times of initial detection at the same sink leaves), which was usually between 0.6 and 1 cm min−1. Owing to tracer exchange between sieve elements and companion cells, the mass average velocity of tracer in the sieve tubes was probably closer to 86% of the maximum velocity, a figure which agreed with a predicted velocity distribution based on calculated sieve tube conductivities and the size distribution of functional sieve tubes.

Hybridization can drive the convergence of territorial and sexual signals. However, non-genetic processes such as competition, environment matching, or cultural transmission, also generate this pattern. We investigated the effect of hybridization on song convergence between two interspecifically territorial warblers in a moving hybrid zone. We confirmed song convergence in each species. Using an AFLP-based genetic index, we detected an effect of genetics on song convergence in Hippolais polyglotta, the expanding species. Evidence was weaker for H. icterina, the receding species. In moving zones, introgression is expected to be larger in the expanding species than in the receding. Thus, the asymmetric contribution of the genetic index to convergence was consistent with expectations for genetically determined traits in moving hybrid zones, and the observed introgression pattern of AFLP markers. However, the geographical location of individuals had an effect on song variation too when genetics was accounted for, suggesting that convergence also has non-genetic explanations. We examine the possible role of alternative processes to that of hybridization and discuss their conflicting effects on reinforcement and hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   
Multipotent stem cells have been shown to be extremely useful in the field of regenerative medicine. However, in order to use these cells effectively for tissue regeneration, a number of variables must be taken into account. These variables include: the total volume and surface area of the implantation site, the mechanical properties of the tissue and the tissue microenvironment, which includes the amount of vascularization and the components of the extracellular matrix. Therefore, the materials being used to deliver these cells must be biocompatible with a defined chemical composition while maintaining a mechanical strength that mimics the host tissue. These materials must also be permeable to oxygen and nutrients to provide a favorable microenvironment for cells to attach and proliferate. Chitosan, a cationic polysaccharide with excellent biocompatibility, can be easily chemically modified and has a high affinity to bind with in vivo macromolecules. Chitosan mimics the glycosaminoglycan portion of the extracellular matrix, enabling it to function as a substrate for cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. In this study we utilize chitosan in the form of microspheres to deliver adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) into a collagen based three-dimensional scaffold. An ideal cell-to-microsphere ratio was determined with respect to incubation time and cell density to achieve maximum number of cells that could be loaded. Once ASC are seeded onto the chitosan microspheres (CSM), they are embedded in a collagen scaffold and can be maintained in culture for extended periods. In summary, this study provides a method to precisely deliver stem cells within a three dimensional biomaterial scaffold.  相似文献   
Uncertainties about future conditions and the effects of chosen actions, as well as increasing resource scarcity, have been driving forces in the utilization of adaptive management strategies. However, many applications of adaptive management have been criticized for a number of shortcomings, including a limited ability to learn from actions and a lack of consideration of stakeholder objectives. To address these criticisms, we supplement existing adaptive management approaches with a decision-analytical approach that first informs the initial selection of management alternatives and then allows for periodic re-evaluation or phased implementation of management alternatives based on monitoring information and incorporation of stakeholder values. We describe the application of this enhanced adaptive management (EAM) framework to compare remedial alternatives for mercury in the South River, based on an understanding of the loading and behavior of mercury in the South River near Waynesboro, VA. The outcomes show that the ranking of remedial alternatives is influenced by uncertainty in the mercury loading model, by the relative importance placed on different criteria, and by cost estimates. The process itself demonstrates that a decision model can link project performance criteria, decision-maker preferences, environmental models, and short- and long-term monitoring information with management choices to help shape a remediation approach that provides useful information for adaptive, incremental implementation.  相似文献   
The complete DNA sequence (1369 bp) of an EcoRI-1.35-kb repeated element (ER-1) of the mouse BamHI family has been determined. Analysis of this sequence revealed that a portion of the 3' end (positions 1277-1369) of ER-1 was found to share 91% homology with the flanking cellular sequence between two adjacent intracisternal A-particle (IAP) genes, IAP-19A and IAP-19B.  相似文献   
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