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A Khoratpithecus piriyai lower jaw corresponds to a well-preserved Late Miocene hominoid fossil from northeastern Thailand. Its morphology and internal structure, using a microcomputed tomography scan, are described and compared to those of other known Miocene hominoids. It originated from fluviatile sand and gravel deposits of a large river, and was associated with many fossil tree trunks, wood fragments, and large vertebrate remains. A biochronological analysis by using associated mammal fauna gives an estimated geological age between 9-6 Ma. The flora indicates the occurrence of a riverine tropical forest and wide areas of grassland. K. piriyai displays many original characters, such as the great breadth of its anterior dentition, suggesting large incisors, large lower M3, a canine with a flat lingual wall, and symphysis structure. Several of its morphological derived characters are shared with the orangutan, indicating sister-group relationship with that extant ape. This relationship is additionally strongly supported by the absence of anterior digastric muscle scars. These shared derived characters are not present in Sivapithecus, Ankarapithecus, and Lufengpithecus, which are therefore considered more distant relatives to the orangutan than Khoratpithecus. The Middle Miocene K. chiangmuanensis is older, displays more primitive dental characters, and shares several dental characters with the Late Miocene form. It is therefore interpreted as its probable ancestor. But its less enlarged M3 and more wrinkled enamel may suggest an even closer phylogenetic position to orangutan ancestors, which cannot yet be supported because of the incomplete fossil record. Thus Khoratpithecus represents a new lineage of Southeast Asian hominoids, closely related to extant great ape ancestors.  相似文献   
Cynocephalid dermopterans (flying lemurs) are represented by only two living genera (Cynocephalus and Galeopterus), which inhabit tropical rainforests of South‐East Asia. Despite their very poor diversity and their limited distribution, dermopterans play a critical role in higher‐level eutherian phylogeny inasmuch as they represent together with Scandentia (tree‐shrew) the sister group of the Primates clade (Plesiadapiformes + Euprimates). However, unlike primates, for which the fossil record extends back to the early Palaeogene on all Holarctic continents and in Africa, the evolutionary history of the order Dermoptera sensu stricto (Cynocephalidae) has so far remained undocumented, with the exception of a badly preserved fragment of mandible from the late Eocene of Thailand (Dermotherium major). In this paper, we described newly discovered fossil dermopterans (essentially dental remains) from different regions of South Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, and Pakistan) ranging from the late middle Eocene to the late Oligocene. We performed microtomographic examinations at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France) to analyse different morphological aspects of the fossilized jaws. The abundant material from the late Oligocene of Thailand (Nong Ya Plong coal mine) allows us to emend the diagnosis of the genus Dermotherium and to describe a new species: Dermotherium chimaera sp. n. This species exhibits an interesting mosaic of plesiomorphic cynocephalid characters shared with Cynocephalus and Galeopterus, and as such, it probably documents a form close to the ancestral morphotype from which the two extant forms are derived (supported by cladistic assessment of the dental evidence). The discovery of Palaeogene cynocephalids is particularly significant since it attests to the great antiquity of the order Dermoptera in Asia, and besides, it provides the first spatio‐temporal glimpse into the evolutionary history of that enigmatic mammal group. In that respect, these fossils testify to a long history of endemism in South Asia for dermopterans, and demonstrate that their modern geographic restriction in south‐eastern Asia is clearly a relictual distribution. Cynocephalids had a more widespread distribution during the Palaeogene, which extended from the Indian subcontinent (the rafting Greater India) to South‐East Asia. Their subsequent extinction on the Indian subcontinent was probably mediated by the major palaeogeographic and geomorphologic events related to the India‐Eurasia collision (retreat of the Paratethys Sea, formation of orogenic highlands) that have strongly affected the climate of South Asia at the end of the Oligocene.  相似文献   
All major fragment ions of codeine and morphine were elucidated using LC-electrospray MS/MS and high resolution FT-ICR-MS combined with an IRMPD system. Nanogram quantities of labeled codeine were isolated and purified from Papaver somniferum seedlings, which were grown for up to 9 days in the presence of [ring-13C6]-l-tyrosine, [ring-13C6]-tyramine and [1,2-13C2], [6-O-methyl 13C]-(R,S)-coclaurine. The labeling degree of codeine up to 57% into morphinans was observed.  相似文献   
Conformationally restricted pyrrolidinyl PNAs with an α/β-dipeptide backbone consisting of a nucleobase-modified proline and a cyclic five-membered amino acid spacer such as (1S,2S)-2-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid (ACPC) (acpcPNA) can form very stable hybrids with DNA with high Watson-Crick base pairing specificity. This work aims to explore the effect of incorporating 3-aminopyrrolidine-4-carboxylic acid (APC), which is isosteric to the ACPC spacer, into the acpcPNA. It is expected that the modification should not negatively affect the DNA binding properties, and that the additional nitrogen atom in the APC should provide a handle for internal modification. Orthogonally-protected (N(3)-Fmoc/N(1)-Boc and N(3)-Fmoc/N(1)-Tfa) APC monomers have been successfully synthesized and incorporated into the acpcPNA by Fmoc-solid-phase peptide synthesis. T(m), UV and CD spectroscopy confirmed that the (3R,4S)-APC could substitute the (1S,2S)-ACPC spacer in the acpcPNA with only slightly decreasing the stability of the hybrids formed between the modified acpc/apcPNA and DNA. In contrast, the (3S,4R) enantiomer of APC caused substantial destabilization of the hybrids. Furthermore, a successful on-solid-support internal labeling of the acpc/apcPNA via amide bond formation between pyrene-1-carboxylic acid or 4-(pyrene-1-yl) butyric acid and the pyrrolidine nitrogen atom of the APC spacer has been demonstrated. Fluorescence properties of the pyrene-labeled acpc/apcPNAs are sensitive to their hybridization states and can readily distinguish between complementary and single-mismatched DNA targets.  相似文献   
Tarsius is an extant genus of primates endemic to the islands of Southeast Asia that is characterized by enormously enlarged orbits reflecting its nocturnal activity pattern. Tarsiers play a pivotal role in reconstructing primate phylogeny, because they appear to comprise, along with Anthropoidea, one of only two extant haplorhine clades. Their fossils are extremely rare. Here, we describe a new species of Tarsius from the Middle Miocene of Thailand. We reconstructed aspects of its orbital morphology using a geometric-morphometric method. The result shows that the new species of Tarsius had a very large orbit (falling within the range of variation of modern Tarsius) with a high degree of frontation and a low degree of convergence. Its relatively divergent lower premolar roots suggest a longer mesial tooth row and therefore a longer muzzle than in extant species. The new species documents a previous unknown Miocene group of Tarsius, indicating greater taxonomic diversity and morphological complexity during tarsier evolution. The current restriction of tarsiers to offshore islands in Southeast Asia appears to be a relatively recent phenomenon.  相似文献   
First middle Miocene sivaladapid primate from Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sivaladapids are a group of Asian adapiform primates that were previously documented from deposits dating to the middle Eocene through the late Miocene in Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Thailand, and China. The group is notable for the persistence of three genera, Sivaladapis, Indraloris and Sinoadapis, into the late Miocene. In Thailand, sivaladapids were previously documented only from late Eocene deposits of the Krabi mine. Here, we describe the first Southeast Asian Miocene sivaladapid, Siamoadapis maemohensis gen. et sp. nov. from a 13.3 to 13.1 Ma lignite layer from the Mae Moh coal mine, Thailand. It differs from other Miocene sivaladapids by its distinctly smaller size and in features of the dentition. This discovery enhances the paleoecological diversity of the middle Miocene primate fauna of Thailand, which now includes sivaladapids, a loris, tarsiids, and hominoids. In this respect, the fossil primate community from the middle Miocene of Thailand is similar in its composition to roughly contemporaneous assemblages from southern China, India, and Pakistan. However, the Thai fossils represent a distinct genus, suggesting a different biogeographic province with distinctive paleoenvironments.  相似文献   
Bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) are able to colonize the central nervous system (CNS) at sites of damage. This ability makes BMDCs an ideal cellular vehicle for transferring therapeutic genes/molecules to the CNS. However, conditioning is required for bone marrow-derived myeloid cells to engraft in the brain, which so far has been achieved by total body irradiation (TBI) and by chemotherapy (e.g. busulfan treatment). Unfortunately, both regimens massively disturb the host’s hematopoietic compartment. Here, we established a conditioning protocol to target myeloid cells to sites of brain damage in mice using non-myeloablative focal head irradiation (HI). This treatment was associated with comparatively low inflammatory responses in the CNS despite cranial radiation doses which are identical to TBI, as revealed by gene expression analysis of cytokines/chemokines such as CCL2, CXCL10, TNF-α and CCL5. HI prior to bone marrow transplantation resulted in much lower levels of blood chimerism defined as the percentage of donor-derived cells in peripheral blood (< 5%) compared with TBI (> 95%) or busulfan treatment (>50%). Nevertheless, HI effectively recruited myeloid cells to the area of motoneuron degeneration in the brainstem within 7 days after facial nerve axotomy. In contrast, no donor-derived cells were detected in the lesioned facial nucleus of busulfan-treated animals up to 2 weeks after transplantation. Our findings suggest that myeloid cells can be targeted to sites of brain damage even in the presence of very low levels of peripheral blood chimerism. We established a novel non-myeloablative conditioning protocol with minimal disturbance of the host’s hematopoietic system for targeting BMDCs specifically to areas of pathology in the brain.  相似文献   
G-protein activation by receptors is generally measured using (35)S-GTPgammaS binding assays in cell membranes and cannot be well assessed in intact cells. We have recently developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based approach to monitor G(i)-protein activation in living cells. Here we report that this technique can be used to determine structure-activity relationships of receptor agonists in intact cells. We have recently shown that morphine is biosynthesized de novo by mammals via a multistep pathway different from that in plants. However, the pharmacological properties of morphine precursors are poorly understood. Here, we directly monitored mu-opioid receptor (MOR)-mediated G(i)-protein activation in living cells by FRET and validated this method with classical GTPgammaS binding assays. Receptor binding studies and FRET measurements demonstrated that several (R)-configurated morphine precursors such as (R)-reticuline, salutaridine, salutaridinol, thebaine, and codeine were partial MOR agonists. Some closer precursors such as oripavine, codeinone, and morphinone activated G(i)-proteins as strongly as morphine, but with slightly lower potencies. The more distant the precursors were positioned in the pathway with respect to morphine, the less efficient and potent they were at MOR. Comparison of pharmacological properties of close morphine precursors and concentrations in which they occur in animal tissues suggests that they might activate MOR signaling under physiological conditions. Taken together, our data indicate that FRET-based assays of G-protein activation can serve to determine the abilities of compounds to activate G-protein signaling directly and in living cells.  相似文献   
Papaver alkaloids play a major role in medicine and pharmacy. In this study, [ring-(13)C(6)]-tyramine as a biogenetic precursor of these alkaloids was fed to Papaver somniferum seedlings. The alkaloid pattern was elucidated both by direct infusion high-resolution ESI-FT-ICR mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Thus, based on this procedure, the structure of about 20 alkaloids displaying an incorporation of the labeled tyramine could be elucidated. These alkaloids belong to different classes, e.g. morphinan, benzylisoquinoline, protoberberine, benzo[c]phenanthridine, phthalide isoquinoline and protopine. The valuable information gained from the alkaloid profile demonstrates that the combination of these two spectrometric methods represents a powerful tool for evaluating biochemical pathways and facilitates the study of the flux of distant precursors into these natural products.  相似文献   
A synthase which oxidizes (S)-reticuline to 1,2-dehydroreticuline has been found to occur in seedlings of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Due to its instability, this enzyme could only be partly purified (ca. 5-fold enrichment). Partial characterization at this stage of purification showed that it does not need a redox cofactor and accepts both (S)-reticuline and (S)-norreticuline as substrates. [1-(2)H, (13)C]-(R,S)-reticuline was enzymatically converted into [1-(13)C]-dehydroreticuline, which has been identified by mass spectrometry. Release of the hydrogen atom in position C-1 of the isoquinoline alkaloid during the oxidative conversion, was exploited as a sensitive assay system for this enzyme. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 8.75, a temperature optimum of 37 degrees C and the apparent K(M) value for the substrate reticuline was shown to be 117 microM. Moreover it could be demonstrated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation that the enzyme is located in vesicles of varying size. In combination with the previously discovered strictly stereoselective and NADPH dependent 1,2-dehydroreticuline reductase the detection of this enzyme, the 1,2-dehydroreticuline synthase, provides the necessary inversion of configuration and completes the pathway from two molecules of L-tyrosine via (S)-norcoclaurine to (R)-reticuline in opium poppy involving a total number of 11 enzymes.  相似文献   
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