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Human and nonhuman primates comprehend the actions of other individuals by detecting social cues, including others’ goal-directed motor actions and faces. However, little is known about how this information is integrated with action understanding. Here, we present the ontogenetic and evolutionary foundations of this capacity by comparing face-scanning patterns of chimpanzees and humans as they viewed goal-directed human actions within contexts that differ in whether or not the predicted goal is achieved. Human adults and children attend to the actor’s face during action sequences, and this tendency is particularly pronounced in adults when observing that the predicted goal is not achieved. Chimpanzees rarely attend to the actor’s face during the goal-directed action, regardless of whether the predicted action goal is achieved or not. These results suggest that in humans, but not chimpanzees, attention to actor’s faces conveying referential information toward the target object indicates the process of observers making inferences about the intentionality of an action. Furthermore, this remarkable predisposition to observe others’ actions by integrating the prediction of action goals and the actor’s intention is developmentally acquired.  相似文献   
This study aimed to examine whether walking in water produces age-related differences in muscle activity, stride frequency (SF), and heart rate (HR) response. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to evaluate muscle activities in six older and six young subjects while they walked in water immersed to the level of the xiphoid process. The trials in water utilized the Flowmill which consists of a treadmill at the base of a water flume. The measurement of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of each muscle was made prior to the gait analysis. The %MVCs, which refer to the surface EMG measures, from the gastrocnemius of the older subjects were significantly lower than those of the young subjects, in every experimental condition (P<0.05). In contrast, the %MVCs from the rectus femoris (P<0.05) and the biceps femoris (P<0.001) of older subjects were significantly greater than those of young subjects in every experimental condition. Moreover, the SFs of older subjects were also significantly greater than those of young subjects (P<0.05), while the HR responses of older and young subjects were similar. In conclusion, the older subjects had increased hip musculature activity and decreased ankle plantar flexor activity while walking in water, compared with the young subjects.  相似文献   
In this study, we have examined a DNA element specific to the centromere domain of human chromosomes. Purified HeLa chromosomes were digested with the restriction enzyme Sau3AI and fractionated by sedimentation through a sucrose gradient. Fractions showing antigenecity to anticentromere (kinetochore) serum obtained from a scleroderma CREST patient were used to construct a DNA library. From this library we found one clone which has specifically hybridized to the centromere domain of metaphase chromosomes using a biotinylated probe DNA and FITC-conjugated avidin. The clone contained a stretch of alphoid DNA dimer. To determine precisely the relative location of the alphoid DNA stretch and the centromere antigen, a method was developed to carry out in situ hybridization of DNA and indirect immunofluorescent staining of antigen on the same cell preparation. Using this method, we have found perfect overlapping of the alphoid DNA sites with the centromere antigen sites in both metaphase chromosomes and nuclei at various stages in the cell cycle. We have also observed this exact correlation at the attachment sites of artificially extended sister chromatids. These results suggest the possibility that alphoid DNA repeats are a key component of kinetochore structure.  相似文献   
The blood clamBarbatia virescens has a heterodimeric hemoglobin in erythrocytes. Interestingly, the congeneric clamsB. reeveana andB. lima contain quite different hemoglobins: tetramer and polymeric hemoglobin consisting of unusual didomain chain. The complete amino acid sequence of chain I ofB. virescens has been determined. The sequence was mainly determined from CNBr peptides and their subpeptides, and the alignment of the peptides was confirmed by sequencing of PCR-amplified cDNA forB. virescens chain I. The cDNA-derived amino acid sequence matched completely with the sequence proposed from protein sequencing.B. virescens chain I is composed of 156 amino acid residues, and the molecular mass was calculated to be 18,387 D, including a heme group. The sequence ofB. virescens chain I showed 35–42% sequence identity with those of the related clamAnadara trapezia and the congeneric clamB. reeveana. An evolutionary tree forAnadara andBarbatia chains clearly indicates that all of the chains are evolved from one ancestral globin gene, and that the divergence of chains has occurred in each clam after the speciation. The evolutionary rate for clam hemoglobins was estimated to be about four times faster than that of vertebrate hemoglobin. We suggest that blood clam hemoglobin is a physiologically less important molecule when compared with vertebrate hemoglobins, and so it evolved rapidly and resulted in a remarkable diversity in quaternary and subunit structure within a relatively short period.  相似文献   
Larvae of the rice stem borer utilize simple carbohydrates and protein in their food at rates as high as most other lepidopterous larvae. The larvae also utilize starch at an unexpectedly high rate, in view of early evidences that the starch-hydrolyzing enzyme of the larval digestive tract is very weak and that the nutritive value of starch in synthetic food is very low. The results indicate that starch contained in the rice stem may be significant in the nutrition of the larvae in the field.
Zusammenfassung Die Larven von Chilo suppressalis Walker verwerten einfache Kohlehydrate und Proteine ihrer Nahrung in ebenso hohem Ausmaße wie die meisten anderen phytophagen Lepidopteren-larven. Jedoch nutzen die Raupen auch Stärke in einem unerwartet hohen Maße aus; unerwartet in Anbetracht der früheren Befunde, wonach das stärkehydrolysierende Ferment des larvalen Verdauungskanals schwach und der Nährwert von Stärke bei synthetischer Ernährung sehr niedrig ist. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, daß die im Reisstengel enthaltene Stärke für die Ernährung der Larven bedeutsam sein kann.
Changes of intracellular free Mg2+ concentration ([Mg2+]i) in human amnion cells induced by superoxide anion were determined using a highly Mg(2+)-sensitive fluorescent dye Mg(2+)-fura2 or Mg(2+)-indol. Superoxide anion, produced by addition of xanthine oxidase to hypoxanthine, induced decrease of [Mg2+]i. The decrease was significantly inhibited by an anion channel blocker, 4,4'diisothiocyano-2,2' disulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS). Superoxide dismutase (SOD), injected into cells by cell fusion, also inhibited the change of [Mg2+]i, but catalase did not. Superoxide anion induced prompt increase of intracellular pH (pHi) as well as decrease of [Mg2+]i and subsequently activated the increase of intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) and the release of arachidonate. In contrast to superoxide anion, NH4Cl which induces increase of pHi in amnion cells increased [Mg2+]i. The elevation of basal level of [Mg2+]i by Mg(2+)-ionophore inhibited the change of [Ca2+]i and the release of arachidonate induced by superoxide anion. These results suggest that superoxide anion, transported through anion channels into cells, decreases [Mg2+]i directly, not due to a pH-effect and that the decrease of [Mg2+]i may regulate biological functions of the cells via increase of [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   
Minor satellite DNA, found at Mus musculus centromeres, is not present in the genome of the Asian mouse Mus caroli. This repetitive sequence family is speculated to have a role in centromere function by providing an array of binding sites for the centromere-associated protein CENP-B. The apparent absence of CENP-B binding sites in the M. caroli genome poses a major challenge to this hypothesis. Here we describe two abundant satellite DNA sequences present at M. caroli centromeres. These satellites are organized as tandem repeat arrays, over 1 Mb in size, of either 60- or 79-bp monomers. All autosomes carry both satellites and small amounts of a sequence related to the M. musculus major satellite. The Y chromosome contains small amounts of both major satellite and the 60-bp satellite, whereas the X chromosome carries only major satellite sequences. M. caroli chromosomes segregate in M. caroli x M. musculus interspecific hybrid cell lines, indicating that the two sets of chromosomes can interact with the same mitotic spindle. Using a polyclonal CENP-B antiserum, we demonstrate that M. caroli centromeres can bind murine CENP-B in such an interspecific cell line, despite the absence of canonical 17-bp CENP-B binding sites in the M. caroli genome. Sequence analysis of the 79-bp M. caroli satellite reveals a 17-bp motif that contains all nine bases previously shown to be necessary for in vitro binding of CENP-B. This M. caroli motif binds CENP-B from HeLa cell nuclear extract in vitro, as indicated by gel mobility shift analysis. We therefore suggest that this motif also causes CENP-B to associate with M. caroli centromeres in vivo. Despite the sequence differences, M. caroli presents a third, novel mammalian centromeric sequence producing an array of binding sites for CENP-B.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to ligate the xylanase gene A (xynA) isolated from Ruminococcus albus 7 into the promoter and signal-peptide region of the lichenase [β-(1,3-1,4)-glucanase] gene of Streptococcus bovis JB1. This fusion gene was inserted into the pSBE11 vector, and the resulting recombinant, plasmid pXA, was used to transform S. bovis 12-U-1 cells. The transformant, S. bovis 12UXA, secreted the xylanase, which was stable against freeze-thaw treatment and long-time incubation at 37°C. The introduction of pXA and production of xylanase did not affect cell growth, and the xylanase produced degraded xylan from oat-spelt and birchwood. Received: 24 June 2002 / Accepted: 7 October 2002  相似文献   
It has recently been reported that expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) plays a protective role against many diseases. Furthermore, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were shown to induce HO-1 expression in several cells in vitro, and in a few cases also in vivo. However, very few reports have demonstrated that n-3 PUFAs induce HO-1 in vivo.  相似文献   
Arabis gemmifera is a hyperaccumulator of Cd and Zn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hyperaccumulators are essential for phytoremediation of heavy metals. In Europe and North America, many studies have been conducted to find more effective plants for phytoremediation of various pollutants. In Japan, this field of research has just recently come more into focus. A type of fern in Japan, Athyrium yokoscense, is well known as a hyperaccumulator of Cd and Zn. However, it is not suitable for phytoremediation because it is a summer green and grows slowly. Therefore, in order to find hyperaccumulators other than from A. yokoscense, we surveyed plants growing at polluted sites in Japan. We found that the Brassicae Arabis gemmifera is a hyperaccumulator of Cd and Zn, with phytoextraction capacities almost equal to Thlaspi caerulescens.  相似文献   
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