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方三阳 《生态学报》1982,2(2):147-150
在小兴安岭原始林内和采伐迹地上,发现以下几种球蚜:落叶松球蚜(Adelges laricisVall.),落叶松绿球蚜(Sacchiphanles viridis Ratz.)、落叶松红瘿球蚜(S. rosegallis Liet Tsai)、冷杉球蚜(Aphrastasia pectinatae Chol.) 以及红松球蚜(Pineus cembraepinilcoreanus Zhang et Fang),它们在林内分布和大量发生,其原因除了针叶树种类和树木  相似文献   
BackgroundThe Gambia initiated a control programme for schistosomiasis in 2015. In light of this, recent and comprehensive data on schistosomiasis is required to effectively guide the control programme. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and associated risk factors of schistosomiasis among primary school children in The Gambia.MethodsWe utilised data from a previous study conducted in 2015 in 4 regions of The Gambia: North Bank Region (NBR), Lower River Region (LRR), Central River Region (CRR) and Upper River Region (URR). In the parent study, ten schools were selected randomly from each region. Urine and stool samples collected from 25 boys and 25 girls (7–14 years) in each school were examined for urinary schistosomiasis (Schistosoma haematobium infection) and intestinal schistosomiasis (Schistosoma mansoni infection) using urine filtration, dipstick and Kato-Katz methods.Principal findingsUrinary schistosomiasis had an overall prevalence of 10.2% while intestinal schistosomiasis had a prevalence of 0.3% among the sampled school children. Prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis was significantly different among regions (χ 2 = 279.958, df = 3, p < 0.001), with CRR (27.6%) being the most endemic region, followed by URR (12.0%), then LRR (0.6%), and NBR (0.0%). Prevalence of intestinal schistosomiasis was also significantly variable among regions, with 4 of the 5 positive cases detected in CRR and 1 case in URR. Every school sampled in CRR had at least one student infected with S. haematobium, 50% of schools in URR had S. haematobium infection, and just one school in LRR had S. haematobium infection. While S. haematobium infection was significantly higher in boys (χ 2 = 4.440, df = 1, p = 0.035), no significant difference in infection rate was observed among age groups (χ 2 = 0.882, df = 2, p = 0.643). Two of the 5 students infected with S. mansoni were boys and 3 were girls. Four of these 5 students were in the 10–12 years age group and 1 was in the 7–9 years age group. Macrohaematuria and microhaematuria were found to be statistically associated with presence of S. haematobium eggs in urine. Being a male was a risk factor of S. haematobium infection. Bathing, playing and swimming in water bodies were found to pose less risk for S. haematobium infection, indicating that the true water contact behaviour of children was possibly underrepresented.ConclusionThe findings of this study provide invaluable information on the prevalence of schistosomiasis in The Gambia. This was useful for the schistosomiasis control efforts of the country, as it guided mass drug administration campaigns in eligible districts in the study area. More studies on S. mansoni and its intermediate snail hosts are required to establish its true status in The Gambia. As children sometimes tend to provide responses that potentially please the research or their teacher, data collection frameworks and approaches that ensure true responses in studies involving children should be devised and used.  相似文献   
WP1是小麦种子中最主要的阳离子过氧化物酶,该酶不仅参与种子的发育过程,而且影响面粉的加工品质。首先构建了WP1基因原核表达载体pET28a-WP1,并将其转化到T7 Expression大肠杆菌菌株中诱导表达。His-tag融合的WP1主要以包涵体形式存在,使用Ni-NTA亲和层析柱在变性条件下进行纯化,获得纯度大于98%的重组蛋白。重组WP1经尿素梯度透析复性溶解后免疫新西兰大白兔,最终获得WP1多克隆抗体。ELISA分析结果显示制备的WP1兔抗血清的效价大于1∶625 000;Western blotting结果证明制备的多克隆抗体对WP1具有很好的专一性。  相似文献   
云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”与生物多样性保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所述的“神树林”是广泛意义上的概念,包括多种因文化信仰而保护的各种森林块.这些森林块不仅有多种的生态功能,也是村社水平生物多样性相对集中的地方.通过对云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”进行了广泛调查,取样比较了自然保护区、村社集体林和“神树林”3种不同管理模式下的森林群落的植物物种多样性,结果表明“神树林”群落的物种总数(67)、样方特有种(17)、Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(2.96)都显著高于自然保护区群落(分别为44、8、2.17)和集体林群落(分别为34、4、2.39),表明云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”在当地生物多样性保护和管理中有着不可低估的作用.  相似文献   
云南楚雄彝族的"神树林"与生物多样性保护   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
所述的“神树林”是广泛意义上的的概念,包括多种因文化信仰面保护的各种森林块,这些森林块不仅有多种的生态功能,也是村社水平生物多样性相对集中的地方,通过对云南楚雄彝族的“神树林”进行了广泛调查,取样比较了自然保护区,村社集体林和“神树林”3种不同管理模式下的森林群落的植物物种多样性,结果表明“神树林”群落的物种总数的植物物种多样性,结果表明“神树林”群落的物种总数(67)、样方特有种(17)、Sha  相似文献   
IntroductionParasitic infections, especially intestinal protozoan parasites (IPPs) remain a significant public health issue in Africa, where many conditions favour the transmission and children are the primary victims. This systematic review and meta-analysis was carried out with the objective of assessing the prevalence of IPPs among school children in Africa.MethodsRelevant studies published between January 2000 and December 2020 were identified by systematic online search on PubMed, Web of Science, Embase and Scopus databases without language restriction. Pooled prevalence was estimated using a random-effects model. Heterogeneity of studies were assessed using Cochrane Q test and I2 test, while publication bias was evaluated using Egger’s test.ResultsOf the 1,645 articles identified through our searches, 46 cross-sectional studies matched our inclusion criteria, reported data from 29,968 school children of Africa. The pooled prevalence of intestinal protozoan parasites amongst African school children was 25.8% (95% CI: 21.2%-30.3%) with E. histolytica/ dispar (13.3%; 95% CI: 10.9%-15.9%) and Giardia spp. (12%; 95% CI: 9.8%-14.3%) were the most predominant pathogenic parasites amongst the study participants. While E. coli was the most common non-pathogenic protozoa (17.1%; 95% CI: 10.9%-23.2%).ConclusionsThis study revealed a relatively high prevalence of IPPs in school children, especially in northern and western Africa. Thus, poverty reduction, improvement of sanitation and hygiene and attention to preventive control measures will be the key to reducing protozoan parasite transmission.  相似文献   
针对生物信息学中序列模体的显著性检验问题,提出了一种基于极大似然准则的贝叶斯假设检验方法.将模体的显著性检验转化为多项分布的拟合优度检验问题,选取Dirichlet分布作为多项分布的先验分布并采用Newton-Raphson算法估计Dirichlet分布的超参数,使得数据的预测分布达到最大.应用贝叶斯定理得到贝叶斯因子进行模型选择,用于评价模体检验的统计显著性,这种方法克服了传统多项分布检验中构造检验统计量并计算其在零假设下确切分布的困难.选择JASPAR数据库中107个转录因子结合位点和100组随机模拟数据进行实验,采用皮尔逊积矩相关系数作为评价检验质量的一个标准,发现实验结果好于传统的模体检验的一些方法.  相似文献   
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection often occurs in early childhood and is asymptomatic. However, if delayed until adolescence, primary infection may manifest as acute infectious mononucleosis (AIM), a febrile illness characterised by global CD8+ T-cell lymphocytosis, much of it reflecting a huge expansion of activated EBV-specific CD8+ T-cells. While the events of AIM have been intensely studied, little is known about how these relate to asymptomatic primary infection. Here Gambian children (14–18 months old, an age at which many acquire the virus) were followed for the ensuing six months, monitoring circulating EBV loads, antibody status against virus capsid antigen (VCA) and both total and virus-specific CD8+ T-cell numbers. Many children were IgG anti-VCA-positive and, though no longer IgM-positive, still retained high virus loads comparable to AIM patients and had detectable EBV-specific T-cells, some still expressing activation markers. Virus loads and the frequency/activation status of specific T-cells decreased over time, consistent with resolution of a relatively recent primary infection. Six children with similarly high EBV loads were IgM anti-VCA-positive, indicating very recent infection. In three of these donors with HLA types allowing MHC-tetramer analysis, highly activated EBV-specific T-cells were detectable in the blood with one individual epitope response reaching 15% of all CD8+ T-cells. That response was culled and the cells lost activation markers over time, just as seen in AIM. However, unlike AIM, these events occurred without marked expansion of total CD8+ numbers. Thus asymptomatic EBV infection in children elicits a virus-specific CD8+ T-cell response that can control the infection without over-expansion; conversely, in AIM it appears the CD8 over-expansion, rather than virus load per se, is the cause of disease symptoms.  相似文献   
Sphingosine kinase (SPHK) 1 is implicated in the regulation of cell proliferation and anti-apoptotic processes by catalyzing the formation of an important bioactive messenger, sphingosine 1-phosphate. Unlike the proliferative action of SPHK1, another isozyme, SPHK2, has been shown to possess anti-proliferative or pro-apoptotic action. Molecular mechanisms of SPHK2 action, however, are largely unknown. The present studies were undertaken to characterize the N-terminal-extended form of SPHK2 (SPHK2-L) by comparing it with the originally reported form, SPHK2-S. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis revealed that SPHK2-L mRNA is the major form in several human cell lines and tissues. From sequence analyses it was concluded that SPHK2-L is a species-specific isoform that is expressed in human but not in mouse. At the protein level it has been demonstrated by immunoprecipitation studies that SPHK2-L is the major isoform in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. SPHK2-L, when expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, did not show any inhibition of DNA synthesis in the presence of serum, whereas it showed marked inhibition in the absence of serum. Moreover, serum deprivation resulted in the translocation of SPHK2-L into the nuclei. In addition, serum deprivation induced SPHK2-L expression in HEK293 cells. Furthermore, suppression of SPHK2 by small interfering RNA treatment prevented serum deprivation- or drug-induced apoptosis in HEK293 cells. Taken together, these results indicate that a major form of SPHK2 splice variant, SPHK2-L, in human cells does not inhibit DNA synthesis under normal conditions and that SPHK2-L accumulation in the nucleus induced by serum deprivation may be involved in the cessation of cell proliferation or apoptosis depending on the cell type.  相似文献   
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