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Despite significant protection in preclinical studies, cellulose sulfate (CS) failed to protect women against HIV-1/2 and was associated with a trend toward increased HIV-1 acquisition in one of the clinical trials. These results highlight the need for preclinical tests more predictive of clinical outcomes. The objective of this study was to test coded vaginal gels, including CS, in murine models of safety and efficacy to determine the models'' utility for evaluating future products.


Four coded formulations, including 6% CS, 2% PRO 2000 and two placebo gels, were administered intravaginally to medroxyprogesterone-treated mice and their ability to prevent genital herpes (efficacy) or to alter the susceptibility to low dose HSV challenge (safety) was determined. Nonoyxnol-9 served as a positive toxicity control.


CS and PRO 2000 significantly protected mice from genital herpes following infection with a laboratory or clinical isolate of HSV-2 introduced in buffer (p<0.001). However, protection was reduced when virus was introduced in seminal plasma. Moreover, mice were significantly more susceptible to infection with low doses of HSV-2 when challenged 12 h after the 7th daily dose of CS or nonoxynol-9 (p<0.05). The increased susceptibility was associated with alterations in epithelial architecture.


CS prevented genital herpes when present at the time of viral challenge, but increased the rate of infection when gel was applied daily for 7 days with a vaginal wash prior to viral inoculation. The findings presumably reflect altered epithelial architecture, which may have contributed to the trend towards increased HIV observed clinically.  相似文献   
Viral entry may preferentially occur at the apical or the basolateral surfaces of polarized cells, and differences may impact pathogenesis, preventative strategies, and successful implementation of viral vectors for gene therapy. The objective of these studies was to examine the polarity of herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry using several different human epithelial cell lines. Human uterine (ECC-1), colonic (CaCo-2), and retinal pigment (ARPE-19) epithelial cells were grown on collagen-coated inserts, and the polarity was monitored by measuring the transepithelial cell resistance. Controls were CaSki cells, a human cervical cell line that does not polarize in vitro. The polarized cells, but not CaSki cells, were 16- to 50-fold more susceptible to HSV infection at the apical surface than at the basolateral surface. Disruption of the tight junctions by treatment with EGTA overcame the restriction on basolateral infection but had no impact on apical infection. No differences in binding at the two surfaces were observed. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that nectin-1, the major coreceptor for HSV entry, sorted preferentially to the apical surface, overlapping with adherens and tight junction proteins. Transfection with small interfering RNA specific for nectin-1 resulted in a significant reduction in susceptibility to HSV at the apical surface but had little impact on basolateral infection. Infection from the apical but not the basolateral surface triggered focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation and led to nuclear transport of viral capsids and viral gene expression. These studies indicate that access to nectin-1 contributes to preferential apical infection of these human epithelial cells by HSV.  相似文献   
The full-length gene for Marburg virus (MV) nucleoprotein (NP) was cloned in prokaryotic pQE32 under the control of the T5 promoter and in eukaryotic pTM1 under the control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. Recombinant NP was synthesized in Escherichia coliand in human kidney cell line 293 cotransfected with recombinant vaccinia virus vTF7-3 expressing T7 RNA polymerase. On evidence of electron microscopy with immune detection, recombinant NP formed tubules of two types in E. coliand of a single type in cell line 293. ELISA and immunoblotting with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies revealed common antigenic determinants in recombinant NP and natural MV NP.  相似文献   
Prevention of genital herpes and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) is a critical health priority because of the overwhelming impact on women and infants and the epidemiological association with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS. Small animal models are essential for evaluating strategies for prevention or treatment of STI. Neither the murine nor the guinea pig model of genital herpes fully recapitulates human disease. We demonstrate that herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) readily infects inbred cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus). Consistent infection does not require pretreatment with medroxyprogesterone, and primary disease resembles that observed in humans. The animals develop genital lesions and fully recover. During primary infection, viral DNA is also detected in liver, lungs, brain, and kidneys. Clinical self-limited recurrences occur spontaneously but may also be induced by dexamethasone. Pretreatment of cotton rats with PRO 2000 gel, a candidate vaginal microbicide being evaluated in clinical trials to prevent HSV and HIV, protects cotton rats from HSV. Together, these studies suggest that the cotton rat may provide an excellent model to study genital herpes and to evaluate preventive strategies.  相似文献   
Development of strategies to prevent herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection requires knowledge of cellular pathways harnessed by the virus for invasion. This study demonstrates that HSV induces rapid phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in several human target cells and that phosphorylation is important for entry post-binding. Nuclear transport of the viral tegument protein VP16, transport of viral capsids to the nuclear pore, and downstream events (including expression of immediate-early genes and viral plaque formation) were substantially reduced in cells transfected with dominant-negative mutants of FAK or small interfering RNA designed to inhibit FAK expression. These observations were substantiated using mouse embryonic fibroblast cells derived from embryonic FAK-deficient mice. Infection was reduced by >90% in knockout cells relative to control cells and was further reduced if the knockout cells were transfected with small interfering RNA targeting proline-rich tyrosine kinase-2, which was also phosphorylated in response to HSV. The knockout cells were permissive for viral binding, and virus triggered an intracellular calcium response, but nuclear transport was inhibited. Together, these results support a novel model for invasion that implicates FAK phosphorylation as important for delivery of viral capsids to the nuclear pore.  相似文献   
Presently marketed vaginal barrier methods are cytotoxic and damaging to the vaginal epithelium and natural vaginal flora when used frequently. Novel noncytotoxic agents are needed to protect men and women from sexually transmitted diseases. One novel candidate is a mandelic acid condensation polymer, designated SAMMA. The spectrum and mechanism of antiviral activity were explored using clinical isolates and laboratory-adapted strains of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV). SAMMA is highly effective against all CCR5 and CXCR4 isolates of HIV in primary human macrophages and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. SAMMA also inhibits infection of cervical epithelial cells by HSV. Moreover, it exhibits little or no cytotoxicity and has an excellent selectivity index. SAMMA, although not a sulfonated or sulfated polymer, blocks the binding of HIV and HSV to cells by targeting the envelope glycoproteins gp120 and gB-2, respectively, and also inhibits HSV entry postattachment. SAMMA is an excellent, structurally novel candidate microbicide that warrants further preclinical evaluation.  相似文献   
Vaccinia virus gene encoding 36K protein was cloned in pUR290 bacterial expressing vector and resulted in the synthesis of a chimeric protein in E. coli. The chimeric protein consists of beta-galactosidase and virus protein in C-termini. It has virus antigen specificity. By monospecific antibody 36K protein of vaccinia virus was determined to be non-virion. It is localized in the cytoplasm of infected cells.  相似文献   
The HindIII--J HindIII-F fragments of the vaccinia virus DNA strain Lister have been analysed by the technique of mRNA hybridization selection with the subsequent translation in cell-free protein synthesizing system from the rabbit reticulocytes. The viral mRNA hybridizable with the HindIII--J fragment was shown to direct the synthesis of 30 kDa polypeptide in the cell-free system. This polypeptide was demonstrated to react specifically with antiserum to plasma membrane protein p34. The viral mRNA hybridizable with the HindIII-F fragment was shown to direct the synthesis of 37 kDa polypeptide in the cell-free system. This polypeptide reacts specifically with antiserum to major membrane protein p40.  相似文献   
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