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In Australia, in the past, pasture legumes were rotated mainly with cereals, but increasingly these rotations now involve pasture legumes with a wider range of crops, including legumes. This increasing frequency of the leguminous host in the rotation system may be associated with increased root rots in legumes in the current pasture-crop rotations. The primary aim of this study was to see whether the pathogenicity on pasture legumes of strains of Rhizoctonia solani sourced from lupins and cereals (common crops in rotation with pastures) is associated with increased incidence of root rots in pasture legumes in the disease conducive sandy soils of the Mediterranean regions of southern Australia. The second aim was to determine sources of resistance among newly introduced pasture legumes to R. solani strains originating from rotational crops as this would reduce the impact of disease in the pasture phase. Fifteen pasture legume genotypes were assessed for their resistance/susceptibility to five different zymogram groups (ZG) of the root rot pathogen R. solani under glasshouse conditions. Of the R. solani groups tested, ZG1–5 and ZG1–4 (both known to be pathogenic on cereals and legumes) overall, caused the most severe root disease across the genotypes tested, significantly more than ZG6 (known to be pathogenic on legumes), in turn significantly >ZG4 (known to be pathogenic on legumes) which in turn was >ZG11 (known to be pathogenic on legumes including tropical species). Overall, Ornithopus sativus Brot. cvs Cadiz and Margurita, Trifolium michelianum Savi. cvs Paradana and Frontier and T. purpureum Loisel. cv. Electro showed a significant level of resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG11 (root disease scores ≤1.2 on a 1–3 scale where 3 = maximum disease severity) while O. sativus cvs Cadiz and Erica showed a significant level of resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG4 (scores ≤1.2). O. compressus L. cvs Charano and Frontier, O. sativus cv. Erica, and T. purpureum cv. Electro showed some useful resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG6 (scores ≤1.8). This is the first time that cvs Cadiz, Electro, Frontier, Margurita and Paradana have been recognised for their levels of resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG11; and similarly for cvs Cadiz and Erica against ZG4; and for cvs Charano, Erica, and Electro against ZG6. These genotypes with resistance may also serve as useful sources of resistance in pasture legume breeding programs and also could potentially be exploited directly into areas where other rotation crops are affected by these R. solani strains. None of the tested genotypes showed useful resistance to R. solani ZG1–4 (scores ≥2.0) or ZG1–5 (scores ≥2.5). This study demonstrates the relative potential of the various R. solani ZG strains, and particularly ZG1–4, ZG1–5, ZG4 and ZG6 to attack legume pastures and pose a significant threat to non-pasture crop species susceptible to these strains grown in rotation with these pasture legumes. Significantly, the cross-pathogenicity of these strains could result in the continuous build-up of inoculum of these strains that may seriously affect the productivity eventually of legumes in all rotations. In particular, when choosing pasture legumes as rotation crops, caution needs to be exercised so that the cultivars deployed are those with the best resistance to the R. solani ZGs most likely to be prevalent at the location.  相似文献   
Antikinetochore immunofluorescence staining has been used in several studies to determine whether a second kinetochore is present, active, or both, in multicentric chromosomes. All of these studies have used tissue culture cells, and contended with the problem of obtaining well spread, banded metaphase chromosomes without affecting the kinetochore staining. We have adapted hypotonic, centrifugation and chromosome staining techniques to obtain simultaneous Q-banding and bright kinetochore staining of chromosomes from human lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Summary An integrated system for the collection, treatment and utilisation of piggery wastewater has been developed in Singapore which uses the cultivation of microalgae in high rate ponds to achieve reduction of BOD5 and COD5 of the effluent as well as producing single cell protein. A wide range of algal flora occurs in the ponds;Oocystis, Micratinium, Scenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus, Chlorella andOscillatoria spp were identified. Total algal counts, recorded from 1979 to 1981, ranged up to 107 per ml of pond water. There were considerable variations in the algal population and in the predominating species. No discernible pattern was evident. Consequently pond operations were frequently disturbed by these fluctuations in population which in turn was attributed to the heterogeneous composition of the piggery waste, to variable weather conditions and to predation by larger organisms particularlyMoina. After passing through the ponds, the total suspended solids were removed by a novel dissolved air flotation method which gave a clear effluent showing an 87% reduction in BOD5 value.
Resumen En Singapur se ha desrrollado un sistema integrado para le recogida, tratamiento y utilización de aguas residuales de pocilgas. Este sistema usa el cultivo de microalgas en estanques, de caudal rápido afin de reducir las DBO5 y DCO5 del efluencte produciendo asimismo proteínas celulares. La flora de algas producida en estos estanques es amplia y variada, habiendose identificado:Oocystis, Micratinium, Scenesdemus, Ankistrodesmus, Chlorella y Oscillatoria. Los recuentos totales de algas tomados desde 1979 a 1981 llegaron a alcanzar 10;7 por ml de agua del estanque. Se observaron variaciones considerables tanto en la población total de algas como en las especies predominantes sin que se pudiese, determinar un patrón de variación característico. Estas fluctuaciones en la población, causantes de frecuentes alteraciones en el funcionamiento del estanque, se atribuyeron a la composición heterogenea de los resuduos, a las variaciones climáticas y la predación por otros organismos particularmenteMoina Después de su paso por los estanque los solidos suspendidos totales se eliminaron mediante un nuevo método de flotación con aire disuelto, obteniendose un efluente limpio con una reducción de la DBO5 del 87%.

Résumé Un système intégré pour la collecte, le traitement et l'utilisation d'eaux résiduaires de porcherie a été développé à Singapoure. Il utilise la culture de micro-algues tant pour la réduction accélérée en lagune de la DBO5 et de la DCO de l'effluent que pour la production de protéines uni-cellulaires. On trouve une large gamme de flore algale dans les lagunes; des espèces d'-Oocystis, deMicratinium, deScenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus, deChlorella etd'Oscillatoria out été identifiées. Les comptages totaux d'algues, enregistrées de 1979 à 1981, ont donné jusqu' à 107 cellules par ml d'eau de la lagune. On a observé des variations considérables de population algale tant quantitatives que qualitatives. On ne discernait pas de spectres évidents. En conséquence, les opérations lagunaires ont été fréquemment perturbées par ces fermentations en population, qui, à leur tour, ont été attribuées à la composition hétérogène de l'effluent de porcherie, aux conditions atmosphériques et climatiques variables et à la prédation par des organismes plus conséquents, plus particulièrement desMoina. Après passage par les lagunes, les solides totaux en suspension ont été enlevés par une méthode nouvelle de flottation à l'air dissous, qui a donné un effluent limpide, présentant une réduction de DBO5 de 87%.
L M Cherry  D E Merry 《Cytobios》1986,45(180):45-53
Antitubulin immunofluorescent staining was used to examine the relationship among crystal formation, mitotic arrest, and recovery potential in vinblastine-treated Chinese hamster cells. Although vinblastine caused a mitotic block at concentrations as low as 5 x 10(-9) M, it induced tubulin crystal formation only at concentrations higher than 10(-6) M. At these higher concentrations, cells took 48-72 h to recover after return to normal medium. This extended period of time was apparently needed for breakdown of the crystals and regeneration of normal cytoplasmic microtubules. At concentrations less than 10(-6) M, although the mitotic block was still effective, no crystals were present. Possibly because of this lack of crystal formation, the cells recovered rapidly, generating cytoplasmic microtubules within 30 min, and beginning to undergo mitosis within 60 min. These findings tend to support biochemical evidence that tubulin binds to vinblastine at two types of binding site: a high affinity, low capacity site, responsible for tubulin disaggregation; and a low affinity site, responsible for protofilament splaying.  相似文献   
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