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Dynamics of the mortality and the mortality radiation risks among male emergency workers of 1986-1987 years of entrance to the Chernobyl zone is analyzed. The average dose of external gamma-exposure for this cohort equals 128 mGy. The size of the cohort at the beginning of the follow-up in 1992 was 47820 persons. For the follow-up period 1992-2006 statistically significant radiation risks of death rates have been estimated: for the mortality from all causes, the excess relative risk per Gy (ERR/Gy) equals 0.42 with 95% confidence interval (95% CI) (0.14-0.72); for the mortality from solid cancers ERR/Gy = 0.74, 95% CI (0.03-1.76); and for the mortality from the circulatory system diseases ERR/Gy = 1.01, 95% CI (0.51-1.57). Based on these estimates the risk groups were ranked among all Russian emergency workers (160 thousand persons): the group of the potential radiation risk with doses more than 150 mGy (33488 persons) and the group of the high radiation risk with doses more than 240 mGy (6054 persons).  相似文献   
The work focuses on the results of the analysis of the cancer incidence among the Chernobyl emergency workers residing in Russia during 1991-2001. The analysis is based on the data for the cohort of male emergency workers from 6 regions of Russia including 55718 persons with documented external radiation doses in the range of 0.001-0.3 Gy who worked within the 30-km zone in 1986-1987. The mean age at exposure for these persons was 34.8 years old and the mean external radiation dose 0.13 Gy. In this cohort 1370 cases of solid cancer were diagnosed. Three follow-up periods were considered: 1991-1995, 1996-2001 and 1991-2001. The second follow-up period was chosen to allow for a minimum latency period of 10 years. Risk assessments were performed for two control groups: the first control group ("external") represented incidence rates for corresponding ages in Russia in general and the second control group ("internal") consisted of emergency workers. The estimated standardized incidence ratio (SIR) is in good agreement with that of the control within 95% CI. The values of the excess relative risk per unit dose 1 Gy (ERR/Gy) for solid malignant neoplasms have been estimated to be 0.33 (95% CI: -0.39, 1.22) (internal control) for the follow-up period 1991-2001 and 0.19 (95% CI: -0.66, 1.27) for 1996-2001. The analysis of cancer morbidity was carried out for the cohort of 29003 emergency workers who took part in liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident from 26 April 1986 to 25 April 1987. It was shown that the excess relative risk of cancer deaths per unit dose 1 Sv (ERR/Sv) is equal to 1.52 (95% CI: 0.20, 2.85).  相似文献   
In the period of 2001-2004, frequency of cells bearing mutations at T-cell receptor (TCR) locus was assessed in 553 inhabitants of radiation polluted regions of the Russian Federation and 154 unexposed control persons. The inhabitants were divided into three groups according to age at the moment of the Chernobyl disaster and 137Cs pollution density: 1) in utero, 37-555 kBq/m2; 2) 0-14 years old, 20-555 kBq/m2; 3) 18 and more years old, highest 137Cs density (185 more than 555 kBq/m2). The most intense changes of the TCR-mutant cell frequency were observed in the group of persons exposed to ionizing radiation in utero. The mean frequency of the mutant cells was higher in the first group than in age-matched control group by about 1.5-fold: 4.0 x 10(-4) vs 2.7 x 10(-4) accordingly (p < 0.0001). Elevation in the mean TCR-mutant cell frequency was less expressed in group of inhabitants aged 0-14 years at the moment of irradiation start: 1.3-fold increase in comparison to age-matched control (3.8 x 10(-4) vs 2.9 x 10(-4), p = 0.0002). It was not found significant differences in mutant cell frequencies between control group and adults consisting in the third group (18 and more years old at the moment of the Chernobyl accident). The changes of the TCR-mutant cell frequency in persons exposed in pre- and postnatal periods differ not only quantitatively, but qualitatively. In the fist case all persons react to irradiation by increasing number of the TCR-mutant cells in some degree. In the second case - only a part of population. Proportion of reacting persons depends on age at the start of irradiation and, perhaps, on dose absorbed. The TCR-mutant frequency was significantly higher in persons with benign tumors of different localizations and nodules in thyroid gland than in persons without this pathology.  相似文献   
Risk of thyroid cancer among Chernobyl emergency workers of Russia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The presented paper deals with the thyroid cancer incidence in selected cohorts of emergency workers of Russia. In 1986-2003, a total of 87 cases of thyroid cancer were observed. Based on these data, a statistically significant increase in thyroid cancer incidence was found above the reference level for the male population of Russia, corresponding to a standardized incidence rate (SIR) of SIR = 3.47 [95% confidence interval (CI): 2.80; 4.25]. The highest incidence rate (SIR = 6.62, 95% CI: 4.63; 9.09) was shown for those emergency workers who took part in the early recovery operations in April-July 1986. The estimated SIR value increases to 7.97 (95% CI: 5.24; 11.52) after allowing for a 10 years latent period of Chernobyl-related thyroid cancers. These results indicate that the exposure to incorporated (131)I was the major risk factor of thyroid cancer among Chernobyl emergency workers. No statistically significant relationship was found for the thyroid cancer incidence and external radiation dose.  相似文献   
Of all potentially radiogenic cancers, leukemia, a type of cancer of the blood, has the highest risk attributable to ionizing radiation. Despite this, the quantitative estimation of radiation risk of a leukemia demands studying very large exposed cohorts, because of the very low level of this disease in unexposed populations and because of the tendency for its radiation risk to decrease with time. At present, the Japanese cohort of atomic bomb survivors is still the primary source of data that allows analysis of radiation-induced leukemia and the underlying dose–response relationship. The second large cohort that would allow to study radiation-induced leukemia is comprised of individuals who were exposed due to the accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. The objective of the present study was to estimate radiation risks of leukemia incidence among the Russian cohort of Chernobyl emergency workers, for different time periods after the accident. Twenty-five years after the Chernobyl accident and based on the results of the present study, one can conclude that the radiation risk of leukemia incidence derived from the Russian cohort of Chernobyl emergency workers is similar to that derived from the cohort of atomic bomb survivors: The time-averaged excess relative risk per Gray (ERR Gy−1) equals 4.98 for the Russian cohort and 3.9 for the life span study (LSS) cohort; excess absolute risk decreases with time after exposure at an annual rate of 9% for the Russian cohort, and of 6.5% for the LSS cohort. Thus, the excess in risk of leukemia incidence in a population due to a single exposure is restricted in time after exposure by the period of about 15 years.  相似文献   
A vast amount of research articles devoted to the increase in childhood thyroid cancer incidence in the most contaminated by radionuclides territories of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine affected by the Chernobyl accident were published recent years. However, the amount of research studies of thyroid cancer incidence among the Chernobyl emergency workers (liquidators) is quite scanty. In the article results of the study of thyroid cancer incidence in the cohort of the Chernobyl liquidators (103427 persons) residing in 6 administrative regions of Russia (North-West, Volgo-Vyatsky, Central-Chernozemny, Povolzhsky, North-Caucasus and Urals) are described and discussed. For the period 1986-2003 eighty seven cases of thyroid cancer were detected in the cohort. Statistically significant excess of the incidence among liquidators over baseline incidence, SIR = 3.39 (95% CI: 2.73; 4.16), among men of Russia has been found. The highest thyroid cancer incidence (SIR = 6.49) was registered among liquidators who had been involved in mitigation works during April-July 1986. At the same time no statistically significant relationship between the incidence rate and external radiation dose, ERR = 1.68 (95% CI: -0.95; 6.46), was detected.  相似文献   
The work concerns the assessment of radiation risks for non-cancer diseases of circulatory system among the Chernobyl liquidators. The medical and dosimetric data from Russian National Medical and Dosimetric Registry were used. The cohort data from 1986 to 2000 years of 61017 liquidators are discussed. Radiation risks are established for the cerebrovascular diseases and for the essential hypertension the significant. ERR =0.45/Gy, with 95% CI = (0.11; 0.80) for the cerebrovascular diseases and ERR = 0.36/Gy, with 95% CI = (0.005; 0.71) for the essential hypertension. It approves the results which were established by authors for the similar cohort in 1986-1996. The cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are considered in greater details. The significant heterogeneity of the radiation risks by working time in Chernobyl zone is shown for the first time. ERR = 0.89/Gy for the working time less then 6 weeks, and ERR = 0.39/Gy in average for all periods of working in the zone. Among the liquidators entered Chernobyl zone during the first year after the accident (29003 liquidators), the CVD's risk group consists of persons accumulated more then 150 mGy from external sources in less, then 6 weeks (RR = 1.18 with 95% CI = (1.00; 1.40)). The significant CVD's risk from averaged dose rate was defined for external doses greater then 150 mGy (ERR for 100 mGy/day = 2.17, with 95% CI = (0.64; 3.69)).  相似文献   
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